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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  October 13, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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months trapped underground. >> create last miner surfaced two hours ago..3 two rescuers are still down below. we understand they have pulled there is one perssn remaining, and we understand he is a medical person. that is the last person to be hauled up. the 2300 ffet. from below ground level. and unbelievable story out of >> good evening everybody, i am jeff barnd. >> and i am jennifer gilbert. it is a story is that captured the world's attention. 33 miners reunited with loved the rescue was a flawless success. >> unbelievable of in and of3 itself. miner aftee miner hauled up through a cage, through 2300 feet of rock. said the ordeaa, however, is not completely over. >> rescue chilean miners show joy and relief as pulled out of
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the mine. initially no one knew whether the men were dead or alive. now millions around the world are watchiig their every move. >> the tears they ssed after so own relief, nottonny their own joy but the joy of people everywhere. >> the wheel and cable system continues to churn. lifting the men from the dark depths inside of a slender capsule. -resh air, sunlight, cheers greed greet ach as they reunite -ith family and loved ones. >> the president of chile, ffrst lady and mining officials say these men are national heroes. fewer words from relativesú overcome with emotion. new challeeges await. the threat of post-trauumtic stress aad health problems made %-miners goes to tree and thise then the hospital onne out of
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the miie. >> i think hh is a bit nervous. yes, a bit nervous. because he has been down there 70 days, and all of this is going to be something new for him. >> then there is the major readjustment to life on the outside. >> you can rely on your brethren, down there, to support you. now you come back, and there s this expecttd dispersion. bbt it may be that thhy want theer solitude and be with their fammiies. >> each miner will be in theú hospital for two days of observation. then the government has pledged3 to support them for, at least the next six months. in chile, fox news. >> again, one rescue worker is still below, we're told that he is a mediccl worker. and will be on the way to the surface, shortly. ,3 >> we have breaking newssnow. a man shot inside of this home. in west baltimore. it happened just before 10:00 tonight on north bright street. police say he was shot in the head ann hest. and now at shock trauma.
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homicide detectives are on the scene. >> there is alsooyou late word tonight that regulators have suspended a new jersey doctor's medical license for moving patients to a clinic here in maryland for late term abortions. the new jersey board of medical examiners temporarily suspended dr. stephen brigham's only remaining medical iiense today. they call him manipulative and deceptive in transporting the patients from 74 lightning new jersey to elkton to take advantage of differences in state abortion laws. >> developing news in howard counny. 7-year-old girl said she was theealleged assault occurred in apartment complex on basket ring road. home when four men suddenly grabbed her and forced her toward some bushes. but the girl managed to get very frustrated to hear that
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someone tried to take addantage of my daughtee. >> you want to turn yourself in. turn youuself in. but, you know, somebody will find you though. you will be fouud. >> the girl was taken to the hospital. but police say tonight she has no physical injuries and they have yet to have anyyleads. if you have any information, %-thhs number.unty poliie at 410-313-stop. >> baltimore city police are awarded $300,000 federal grant to help fight gun violence. smart policing grant is given to six departments in the country. strategies ann data collected from baltimore's gun suppression efforts will act as a national model for policing practices. >> this year ity pplice arrested more than 700 people almost 1800 illegal guns from city streets. the gun offender registry has been successful also. >> 0% of all the people thaa we charge with homicide each year ú% baltimore, and nearly 50% of
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all the people that we charge with non-fatal shootings in common. prior gun arrests in the background. >> tell us whaa you are oing in your community. to try to help clean up the streets. call (410)662-1456. >> jurors listening to phone conversations betwwen dennis and tracy tetso as prosecutors try to prove dennis murdered her. this iissurveillance video captured at a pparmacy the day she was supposed to go to a motley crue concert with a lover. and chris boyfriend died this year in a drug overdose. and in one conveesation, she reacts when she tells friends and coworkers about their affair. >> i have really seen the kind of person that you are. you know, and you remind me of that little * bleep* .
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>> okay. >> so that means i guess i %->> oh, okay.ou either..3 >> you both are sneaky nasty. i would like to beat him to a pulp. >> witnesses say tracy tried to distance fliers the boyfriend at the time that she disappeared. >> new questions about how pennion systems are doing city taxpayers just spent $2300 for three members of the pension board, including joan pratt, comptroller to travel to miami for client conference with a financial adviser. that adviser is based in philadelphia. but where pratt stayed and what -he did while she was in miami remaans a shrouded secret..3 that's because the director of the pension system, rosalind sppncer will not comment. and comptroller pratt chose not to answer our questions.
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travel? ú%sallnd will give you the information, okay? >> also, a state pension employee earned almost $80,000 in year in bonuses, even though the pension system lost billons. >> that brings us to the question of the day. should governmenttinvestment officers get wall street like bonuses? 10% say yes. 90% say no. charles writes. no, if it is youu job to invest and do you it well, you get promoted. if not you get ppid. it is our duty to hold our3 government accountable. help us by joining the waste watch. if you see government waste call our hotllne at 44106622456. and go to and click on waste watch.., >> new tonight. %--pset over the company's plano raise rates. marylaad's public service hearing tonight over bge's
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requust to raise the distribution rates. -he hike would add $22 a year to the average electricity bill and $32 for gas. bge said they are necessary to the timing coull not be worse. -> conditions could not be worse, for working people and poor peeple, and senior citizens. and we demand a moratooium. >> the psccwill hold two hearings over the matter and expected to make a decision at the eed of the yearr >> we understand ssme moisture innthe form of rain is on thee3 way? >> yeah, and how much can we expect? here is vytas reid with a llok at the weather forecast. vytass >> looks like you ill trade in the sunglasses for umbrellas. you will need them tomorrro. because it will come down good over theearea. system from the est. lookkng at h.d. radar. we have an area of low pressure that is over parts of kentucky and then a coastal low out over ú%e atlantic. these two systems will be working togetter, s this one low moves off to the east.
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and convergee with this secondary low thht will continue to push up to the north. and as it does so, it wiil ssrengthen over new england, and become a coastal storm that is very strong. nor'eastee type of storm. so we will have to watch this through the next 24 hours. as this storm continues to %-definitely the storm will3 continue to get stronger as weú are out there. assit moves our direction. and comes closer and drops heavy amounts of rainfall over the regioo. here is what is going on right now. temperature wise. 58 in baltimore. 53 in hagerstown. 54 in dover. then it looks like for the overnight. clouds gather. tomorrow, rain hrough the mid--orning and afternoon. picking up in the afternoon. %-the cool side of things.s on things get better toward the weekend. show you that coming up in the seven-day forecast. >> credit card offers, are packing mailboxes again. why the surge and what to look out for. >> still ahead.
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the man that made a career out of being mean and trash talking stars, has a change of heart? why perez hilton said he ddesn't want to be a fully any more. >> and then there was one. you are looking liveeat the scene in ccile tonight. one remaining rescue worker is still underground. about to be brought to the surface. ending the incredible story, after 66 days of hope, and can a smartphone be its own guardian angel ?
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can it keep an eye out for itself, literally show and tell you where it is when you don't even know yourself ? droid can with lookout mobile security, one of thousands of free apps for the droid x and droid 2 by motorola. available on the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. bob ehrlich says
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he wants to fix maryland. but he increased state spending by record amounts. ehrlich raised $3 billion in taxes and fees... including property taxes... and a 40% increase in college tuition. and now he's made over $1 billion in new promises... with no plans to pay for them... except for cutting education. cuts that will lay off teachers and increase class sizes. that's not a budget. and bob ehrlich's not the kind of leader... we can trust. >> both candiiates for maryland ú%vernor spent the day campaigning on the trail. governor o'malley spent the afternoon talking about his plans to boost spending on early childhood education. meantime, republican bob ehrlich stopped at the thermoform plant in baltimore whereehe talked about the lagging economy, and
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the candidates hold a second debate tomorrow in the dc area at the washington post. >> maryland's election 19 days away. in an effort to find out what issues people say will sway -otes. fox 45 created baltimore whaling wall at lexington market. here are some of the top prioritiee for voters. >> that's crazy. >> need to lower them a bit. juss so people can survive. >> because you have a lot of people out here,,don't ave health care. >> i am going to say replace all %-representatives.hington with >> i believe it would be less crime in baltimore. >> see where the candidates stand and the latest information on the november elections at 2010. >> if you are headed to starbucks for a coffee break, you coold wait little bit longer. as of tonight, customers
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complain that the coffee chain was more like an assembly line, -o bbristas, r the folks that give you the coffee, were told they can make two drinks at a time. and they must steam milk for one ddink at a time. your personality impacts how much youuwant to exercise. australian scientists found a link between personality and metabolism. foun those with high metabolic rates are more active. research done oo animaas. whether the same holds true for humans needs to be studied. >> credit card offers are packing mailboxes again, more than 1 billion sent out from april to june this year. and even with the credit card reform act, now in effect. consumers still should read the ú%ne print before they sign up. cheek for annual fees. if you are thinking about a card with a rewards program, take a good look at the interest rate. >> if you don't carry a balance, if you 58 your credit card every mmnth and get n a good rewards
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program they are a good deal. otherwise, you willlpay more in interest, sometimes much more, than you get back in rewards. >> remember that the teaser transfers, for a limit time only. keep track of when the introductory period ends. >> well, weedo have rain on the way. >> when will it get here? and hen when is it out of here? >> vytas reid has the latest forecast. >> not here yet. but arrives tomorrow. -ake the umbrellas with you.ú looking at 8. cool night.ú comes in to play, cool start to tomorrow morning. and moms and dads make sure you the rainbows coats and umbrellas to head off to school. clouds are starting to move in3 slowlyy winds calm. it looks like we will see the winds uild up behind the storm almanac is explaining what we. saw today. 68 foo the high. normal temperatures should be this time of year. about, but that will change by tomorrow.
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around the state. you can ee temperatuues in the mid 40s. remaining. 59 in cockeysville. 58 in baltimore. 50 in chestertown. down in annapolis, 54 degrres. back in frederick, right around 45 for the temperaaure.ú now looking at our future scan. this is the predicted rainfall. computer model running numbers. saying that ww could get anywhere from abbut three quarters of an inch of rain down southwest offus. to about half an inch r more across parts of central maryland. so along the 955corridor, it will come down good. as yoo get into northern virginia there is an area that cculd get as much as an inch. so looking at decent rainfall as the low puuhes in from the west. coolerrspots north, bosson 41. 60 in richmond. and we will continue to stay on the cooler side of things for the next few days. but it looks like we do have a system cutting ith a double low. mmdwest, converges with the coastal low.
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strengthen and become like a nor'easter. reaaly compact itself over off the coast of the cape here, in near boston..3 so really going to strengthen and pick up the winds and drop heavy rainfall and hhad up toward mainee for us we will probably see the heavy rain and then also some breezy conditions, on the back edge of this toward the weekend. so tomorrow, seeing the rain pick up. conversion with that next low. as it moves up toward boston, heavier rain. and wraparound from this. maybe residual showers on friday afternoon. and widely scatteredd but for the most part the storm make way for clearing for us for the week. 51 with clouds gazing tonight. cool conditions. forrtomorrow, only temperatures at 61 degrees. and looking at rain picking up through the afternoon. at times maybe even heavy. and then it looks like we will see the showers coming to an end by friday. 65 degreee. looking at sunshine for saturday. 64. and breezy conditions picking up friday night to aturday.3 then 69 on sunday. back to you.
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>> a hunter is attaaked and chased up a tree by three black bears. away. >> and fter the ravens play the patriots on sundaa. they stand poised to get back %-players. most accomplished the latest on ed reed, coming up in sports. >> you are looking at the last person, 2300 feet below ground level, in that mine in chile. he is a medical assistant waiting for the phoenix, thaa vehicle to take him up. and after that, it is all over ú%lks. everyoneewill have arrived at ground level sa
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i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. his past attacks have been called deceptive, his new attack, false. harris voted for deregulation increasing our electric bills by 72% it's not surprising, harris always sides with the big guys. he opposes cracking down on wall street and supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. harris even opposed making big insurance cover cancer screenings. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us.
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-> check his out. this is real time. getting in what they have called "theephoennx." it is a 2-foot in diameter oblong veeicle ready to trrnsport the very last person from that mine, 2300 feet to ground level. >> this is the very last man at the bottom of the mine. as you said. %-earlier, the last of the 33
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trapped miners, were brought to safety. just around 9:00 tonight. from 9:00 to now. 11:21. workers up. >> amaziig too. ú%u know, once this is all over, -hat phoenix vehicle will be in a museum somewhhre. we there ii a sign in the mine that said "mission accomplished chile" we got this just in. one oo the miners saved is a huge elvis fan. and when the folks at graceland in tennessee heard about it. he has been nvited for an all expense paid trip,,with him, and his family, to graceland..3 so the last medical worker is oo the way up now. it will probablyytake, maybe, 10 minutes for the ride jennifer? >> few more minutes and that will be the final chapter in ú%is amazing rescue effort. >> incredible story.
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the patriots as three-pointalled favorites over the ravens sunday. patriots are at home. and they ave wonneight in a row off a bye week. this week. ravens have a tough task ahead. buu sunday could also mark the end of the life without ed reed this season. he was placed on unable to perform list at the end of training camp. so he haa to sit ut six wweks. and he will be eligible to return after sunday.ú john harbaugh said it is up to him. >> he is working hard. ú%d, you know, he looks good. but you don't know. that's going to be up to ed. and the doctors. traaners. to see how it goes. i think he will push himself as hard as he can. and then it is his call. because he will know whether he can -- he has been in the league forever. he knows whatthe can do and what he cannot do. >> and a couple oo former ravens have new gigs, frank walker that madd a clear out of getting3 burnt here.
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signs with the vikings. they have a great need at the position after griffin and cook had knee injuries. and linebacker barnes signed with the chargers. traded to the eagles at the end of training camp. barnes was released last week. forth round pick back in 2007 out of florida. >> and a bit of levity in owevins mills, as you probably know john harbaugh's brother jim coach at stanforr. and stanford played orrgon alma mater of haloti ngata and dixon. so wagers made, they bit bid with straight cash, and john harbaugh had to wear a t-shirt if the ducks won. and today john harbaugh paid off the bet. >> well, i want you to know, there are rammfications for losses, that ring across from coast to coast. but if i have to give the duckk their do, won fair and square. heck of a club. couple of whistles. blowing the whistle is not part
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of the bet. impressive. congratulations ed. nice vic re, probably see you i3 the national championship game. >> john harbaugh truly a man of his word. >> gee this. a man that makes a living insulting starr and outing gay celebrities is turning over a new leaf. >> perez hilttn told helen deyes genres he would stop being a bully and raise awareness of gay teen bullying and said it is okay if he loses readers. >> iowa police say this car climbed up a utility pole, afte3 the driver fell asleep. guess what, heeprobbbly woke up abruptty. it knocked out power to about 300 homes. hurt. >> and get this. a hunter attacked by four black beaas and survived. he climbed up into history stand, but was trapped for hour3
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as the bears tried to [ male announcer ] martin o'malley sworn in. inherits a billion-dollar surplus, low unemployment. o'malley signs the biggest tax hike in maryland history. raids chesapeake bay fund to cover spending. gives raises to top aides. business climate ranks 45th worst in the nation. now 200,000 jobs lost. o'malley covers up jobs report that proved maryland's economy stalled. if re-elected, o'malley will raise taxes again. whether he does, is up to you.
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>> that will do it for the "late -dition". thank you for joining us tonight. i am jeff barnd. ú%ave you with one last look as final person in that mine. is being brought to the surface. in chi can a smartphone be its own guardian angel ?
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can it keep an eye out for itself, literally show and tell you where it is when you don't even know yourself ? droid can with lookout mobile security, one of thousands of free apps for the droid x and droid 2 by motorola. available on the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does.


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