tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX October 22, 2010 4:30am-5:00am EST
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37 in salisbury and 32 in oakland and then we are looking way up in new york state and in3 that will be affecting thhir area. -or us ittcould mean a little frost for us tonight t will remain and i will tell you about later. get to 53 at noonn we wwll top out at 51 between 3 and 6:00. we will get back to 61. a lot of sunshine. let's see what is happening on the roadways, here is candace dold with he traffic edge. %-steve.ter: thank you, there's not too much to complain about. we have a few accidents scattered here and there, thoss are peeks of sunshine if you're. ú% do have a crash to talk about at route 140. no lane or rood closures to ú%u can only still get by. as far as 795, lee'sstake a live ú%ok and see how that is shaping at cockeysville nd it's going to be an easy drive, very light activityyon the northbound and southbbund lane. that's the deaa all the way down
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toward the beltway. once you finally approach the beltway, outer loop lane ffom 795 toward 95, an 11-mmnute ride, 50 miles per hour.ú the ssme speed with an 8 minute clip onnsouthbound 95, from the fort mc mchenry tunnel toward the beltway and not easy reasonably well from the harbor tunnel tooard 95. a 9-minute drivv, at 55 miles %-that''sa look at the orning commute. patrice, back over to you. for the first timeein a general election, early voting is available at select locations throughout the state. the pplls open in just a few hours, but some wonder if it'ss3 worth the millions it costs to %-joel d smith is livv at north baltimore with a look at the results of the primary elections early voting and it waan't too3 good. >> reporter: good morring, we're at edmmndson high school and we are offering early voting of the you can see the political
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signs behind me. this is one of the sites whereú across the state where the early voting will happen again. the mayor of baltimore will be here to dooearly voting..3 the question is how many will join her this time? from the looks of the result wwsn't impressive. that is out of 3.2 miilion voters. only 77,000 out of 3.2, about chose to do it.he voting public it wws open for 6 days prior to the primary election. many say the low turn out was expected since this is first time that peopll were trying the early voting. at a cost of $3.44million to offer the days. some are wondering if it's worth it. both candidates chose to se the early voting be but former governor bob ehrlich said heú might not support it next imeú because of the cost. here is how some voters viewwd the early option outside of the polls. >> it'ssjust usiness.
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ú%mean no real reason. >> i was a little disappointed -poppe as i saw back in 2008. >> people are being lazy andú don't want to get up and off the couch and are sitting there. >> i'm here because a lot of things need to be changed. >> reporter: good sampling. overall turn out for the prrmary was the worst ever 24%. -tarting at 10:00 a.m. throughay october 28th, skipping out on sunday so every day in between. even though these numbers are %-marriage or candidates forhe governor were selected it was kknd of a formality. maybe people were waiting for the general election to see whaú has been a hotly contested raceú for governor. maybe thaa will change starting penn national gaming says it will would sell the newwood casino in perryville if it meant getting the chance to put slots
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at laurel ark. it ould take a lot for that. no at the election to bring slots to the anne arrndel mall. even then the cordiih ompany would keep the license. to bring slots to a diiferentty area. it's expected to be a close call when the votes on slots are finally tallied. a poll shows that local %-16% of those polled say they'e still undecided. another poll released on wednesday showed voters sliihtly favoring putting slotssat the mall. >> fox 45 will aii two specials issues. for the record looks at race for governor, the irst congrrssional district and slots in anne arunddl county. -t airssat 2:30 and 5:00 on saturday..3 theegovernor's race takes a
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ú%oser look for the two men running on the top office and how they differ on issues. that airs at 10:00 a.m. onú sunday here n fox 45. a new poll shows president obama's approval rating has reached a new ow. sefgh7th quarter of his termm te president has an pproval rating of 44%% thht is low according to several president. askingly enough it's higher than carter or reaggn in the same presidencies. president bill clinton is. polls show he is more likely to persuade independence to vote for a candidate than president obaaa. 20% say that clinton would make them vote for his candidate. the majority of independence nearly half oo them say neither president would really make a
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difference in their votes. you can get ore on the local nd nationna raccs by going to our website, fox ú,/vote 2010. a rescue operation in baltimore ccunty affer a man falls down a hole. fire officials say the man wasú walking home from work around 2:00 yesterray afternoon. he reportedly decided to take a shortcut off of a deserted piece of and in rosedale when hh fell intooa hole just two feet wide. the man was able to grrb his cell phone and call 911. after about 40 minutes, crews managed to get him out. he was taken to shock trauma with noolife-threatening injuries. there's new concerns about hazing, this time over students football players. this after two freshmen playersú in bel air were allegedly sexually humiliated by a ggoup offsophomore players. police have not received any requests to investigaae. parentt say that they were told that the hazing students were
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suspended for several games. but some parents worry that punishment isn't tough enough. an aparrment complex known as murderrmall license has been suspeeded. now several people have to find -ee homee. the owners of the madison north apartments shoulddhave known that the premisss was known for drug trafficking. they failed to prevent the criminal activity. the section 8 complex is home to hundreds of residents, all of whom will now have to move. >> it could have been more controlled than what it was. and now ww have to suffer, you know for what is going on aroun3 here. >> i'm ctually pleased with the decision that they made to close it down. >> the residents we spoke to would not appear on camera for fear of retaliation,,because the license was revoked, re residens will be able to keep their subsidy foo section 8 housing, but there's no worddoo who will picc up the tab or their
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relocation. no verdict yet in the case of dennis tetso. theeman accused of killing his estrrnged wife. yesterday completed the seeond full day of deliberations. his attorney admits the waiting game waid weighs heaaily on his cllenn. ú% he is ery tense, and stressed. now he is just trying to calm him down and tell them that things will take thhii course. -he jury is taking theii ttme. i was telling him that he should be happy that the jury is so conscientious.ú >> before dismissing the panel, the judge praised them for their effoot. stay tuned for fox 45 morning news for continuingú coverage of this story. we will talk with an attorney about the all of the evideece that an attorney has to consider. that is coming up in the 7:00 hour. the jury begins deliberating in the case of a frostburg university stawdenuniversity stf
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kill a student. when hall took the stand, he %-of his mind when he opened fie at an off campus apartment back in april. he says that two menncame to his place looking for a fight and he started shooting when they ú%nged at him. the second man survived the incident. timothy norris plead guilty3 to the allegations tuesday in washingtonncounty ccurt. came forward in february aad told authorities that a man he called time touched him inappropriately. norris was convicted of a 3rd degree sex offfnse in 1995. a judge has ordered a mental on the early edition, assessing the recovery six months after the gulf oil spill. >> really now, thhs is a test of patience. >> the hotsppts that can sttll be found all this time later.ú
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break the rake! fall is the best time to feed your lawn. and leaves are good food. rich, organic nutrition. so mulch those leaves right in. then use scotts winterguard. it provides a fall feeding while helping those mulched leaves break down faster. for an extra nutritional boost. and a stronger, thicker lawn next spring. ♪ you got it! so break the rake, mulch leaves and use scotts winterguard. save $5 at and use scotts winterguard. >>5:41 on fox 45 early3 edition. it's time to get a check of our
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forecast. meteorologist tee steve fertig s here. >> and i didn't use hear the s word, did i. >> which one is that. >> here ii what we have right ú%w..3 sky hd radaa, it is ppetty dry right now. as we put things in mooion and ú% further toward the north. we will see some of that white it's coming into the pennsylvania and in ew york so that is pretty much where it stays it looks like this mmrning as you get a closer look. i know someeof you your heart just skipped probably. it's not coming our way so much. there will be a chance of anú overnight frost tonight t will %-tonight especially. day and it warms p a little bit for the weekend. 51 in baltimore, 53 in d.c. 37 in salisbury and 322out in oakland. there's ccilly spots..3 %-the cool air will be with us s we get more northwest winds and
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it will be breezy sitting between the high and low still. then we will see the high pressure sit overhead and further points east. sunny conditions or the weekend and it's goiig to bring a moree3 southwesterly flow of air.3 we are talking abouu somethingl. going on south of us down the caribbean. that is tropicallstorm richard headed toward the yucatan we are not too concerned about because we do expect it turn to back to thh east and stay south, because while the steering winds keep it again moving toward the eaas and out of our way. that that's the good parr of that but itts a reminder that we're still in tropical storm season until november 30th, technically. 55 deerees for the it should be a pretty day with a lot of sunshine. definitely cool, but withhthe winds it will feel chillier. central part of the state, should climb to about 61 degrees, so that will be cool and that will come between 1 anú 3:00 this afternoon. 10 to fin-mile-an-hour wind, --3
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15-mile-an-hour wind, gusting higher will mean it's higher. 58 degrees forrthe western part of maryland, mostly clear skies, 10-15 miles per hour and gusting to 25. then tonight, 39 degrees under skies and the winds diminishing it does alloo for the chilly conditions. it will be the coldest air we have seen here this season overnight nd it could be aú little bit of frost in some the tomorrow we warm up a little bit more. 69 degrees and it looks like a really nice saturday and sunnay, too, not bad, partly cloud skies, more clouds later in the ddy and showers hold off on tuesday, monday and wednesday. we remain n the 70s all he way through thursday. now for a look at what is happening on the roadways. here is ccndace ddld with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. the temperatures are higher tha3 the speeds out there. we're still liking the numbers. right now on 95 traveling through whitemarsh at 50 miles per hour. 67 ss just a little bit over the attharford road and at 62
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traveling on the jfx. if you want to talk about fire activity in oak ridge right now. you wwll find the flashing lights oo rrute 103. rouue 95 scooting through the region, it's going to be a breeze northbound and southbound lanes. both directions. up to speeddin 95 moving through baltimore, we don't have any problems to report. %-mt and t stadium, near thethe ravens stadium and here it is the volume na is starting to ú%cumulate on the southbound direction but again traffic is flowiig freely. -nside of baltimore we do have an accideet at bitle street att3 homewood avenue. we have a watermain break at garrison avenue at eisterstown road. that section is completely shutdown, so you will want to use the belvedere as an alternate route. that's a look aa the morning commute. patrice, back to you. the ravens blew a 10 point lead in the 3rd quartee to
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this week marks six months rig exploded leading o the nation's worst oil spill in history. 11 men decide anddaa estimated 2 million gallons of crude flowed into the gulf of mexico. %-there's still plenty of oil to be found ann thousands of people are working every day to clean up the catastrophe. theyyarrived with the coast guard. the aerial tour and we're getting out of the boat.3 >> i strapp n along with newly appointed unified area commander admiral paal who has work has schun!!workforcehas shrunk from. >> [ inaudible ].
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>> reporter: with surprising is howwmany hotspots there still are six ontts in. even mississippi barrier island remained littered with oil. the beach response is much like florida and alabamaa3 men and machines still scrambling to clean the sand. louisiana, in total, our forevee hundred miles of shoreline still have some oil. examining the wetlands requires - different mode of transport. as we motor west, there's signs of encouragement. we cruise past clean water, clean grass and even fishing boats. >> nice to notice a fishing vessel with ffshing equipment on it, ersus booming equipment. ú% reporter: 40 minutes into the marsh we riffe at one of louisiana's hardest hit areas. bay jimmy. here compression gunss ur position to scare off birds that might try to land on this very oily wetland.
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>> the last time i was up here was a month ago. back hen ww had 600 workers and they wwre in the shallll airs trying -- shallow areas trying ú% vacuum up parts of oil. >> reporter: cleaning the marsh is not easy. >> we have actually cut the grass. we are clushe!! flushed it in af occasions and tried cheeiccls to remove stuff. >> these areas are experimenting hoping that something will yield, clean, healthy grass. >> the areas are sttrting to come in. it's grass trying to grow. >> it's temping to go in and do something aggressive.3 the worst thing ii tread heavily on this white grass. right now this is a test of patience..3 talk about patience. we all want ii. the people that live here may be out of it. >> weel, we're not done yet. coming up later on fox 45 morning news, maryland native edward norton is taking on
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another gritty wall. >> to be free, i do. >> 'cause you did the time, that is it you're ready and now yyu have a clean slate? >> i'm as clean as you. >> how he prepared to play the part of a convicted arsonist. but next, todd heat returns to practtce for the ravens after to practtce for the ravens after find vicious heat on sunday. cooked numbers, false attacks. the truth? frank kratovil is ranked one of the 10 most independent members of congress. frank kratovil does not follow anybody's party line he looks at his district, his family, the community, and that's the important thing to him. endorsed by the chamber of commerce, the nra, veterans, and police officers. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics, in washington i've tried to do the same. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. break the rake! fall is the best time to feed your lawn. and leaves are good food.
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rich, organic nutrition. so mulch those leaves right in. then use scotts winterguard. it provides a fall feeding while helping those mulched leaves break down faster. for an extra nutritional boost. and a stronger, thicker lawn next spring. ♪ you got it! so break the rake, mulch leaves and use scotts winterguard. save $5 at
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afternoon. wide receiver, duante ssallworth was back ffr the first time since breaking his foot in. harrison rejoined the steelers one day after he said he was conteeplating retirementtdue on the nfl enforcement of helmet to helmet hit. he was fined $75,000. harrison was defensive mvp of the eague in 2008. 7 seconds into the 94th quarter, the ravens took a 10 point lead over the new england ú%triots only to watch that slip away in overtime. cam cameron has been criticized for whaa some are calling, conservative play calling. ú%acco's 11 asses during that time period, only two oo them went down field. the rest wereedumped off to ray rice for a short route or for
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short routes ffr boldin and mason. yesterday cam ran spoke to the media about his calls. >> handing the ball to ray rice was not a call -- it's a little bit of mind-set. i kind of understand thht passing and aggressive and running is conservative, but in reality, gending o depending on, that's not the case. we don't want to be conservative, but we want to be smart aggressive. we want to be aggressive but smart and execute at the ame time. >> across town the orioles aae getting readyyfor next year. and with buuk showalter entering his first off season with the team coaching changes are likely starting with the offensive3 side. cruelly is discussing a position change with the club. he is talking with the o's about an advisory role. crowley has been the bird's
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hitting coach for the last 12 years. however, the paat season the o's struggled to put runs on the board finishing, 13 out of 14 teams. -p it's ime to announce the winner in the high school of tte week contest to allow you to choose which hiihlights we show the winner is harford at franklin at football. fraaklin is undefeated. while arford only hhs one loss. be ssre to tune in to sports unlimited for the highlights. thanks to everyone who voted this week. i'm kristen berset, fox 44 morning news james from owings milll is still celebrating the james beat of the steelers a few weeks back. he decided to mark the occasion by burying the squealers as he calls hem in his backyard. >> nice! >> no matttr where you're from, we're lacking for all of you
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ravens fans to send us your purple pride. go to and click on the community features section. coming up in the 6:00 hour, getting rii oo the millittry don't ask don't tell policy. our d.c. insider wwighs in how it would affect the u.s. troops. now you're ready tt vote. i'm not talking about november second. i'm talking about today. $sv
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ggt ready to hit the polls if you want to beat the rush. >> a lot of things need to be ú%anged. for early voting. i don't think i was -- on the tracks. >> and a history i historic resn train. and twitter is offering some early christmas gifts. how the social networking site is helping you land a job in holiday season. good morninn. it's friday, october 22nd. i'm patrice harris. we're headed into the weekend and we need to see
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