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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  November 17, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EST

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welcome back to fox 45 early eeition. 5:30 is the time. yoo're taking a live look at an area of baltimore that was hit hard by the weather overnight. roofs just blown off of homes, partially collapsed homes, we're %-megan gillllann who is oot at the scene in just a few minutes. a busy and angerous night for many people ii that area. good morring, i'm patrice harris. steve fertig to get more on the weather that moved through. boy, it either didn't happen all p> it did ovv all over. throouh we had storms mmve through as the line pushed through. it hhapened at the worst time thaa it could happen, during the overnight when people are going
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right now we have improving 80-mile-an-hour windd we had last niggt. showers moving off to the east, we're seeing a couppe of light showers push through the wester3 part of frederick county and thaa is about it. ú%st a couple oo light showwrs this morning, otherwise windd ú%ill up around 15 tt 20 miles per hour but gusting upwards of 40 miles per hour. you can see tte low ppessuree3 center spinning up through new frontal boundary. %-effect until 4:00.ll be in the northern part of the maryland, and winds will be a factor also at the bussstop so be prepared for that. ssuth winns at 10-20 miles per hour gusting to 30. mild start with postally cloudy -kies -- mostly cloudd skies. temperatures are in the mid-50s throughhut the state with ne exception out in he western part of garrett county oakland.bout 36 degrees in 58 by noon is where we will head clear skies later in the day getting by 62, by 1 to 3:00 this
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-fternoon, and backing to 56 at 6:00 p.m. a windy day throughout and we will be recovering in some areas. right now ccndace dold has a look at the traffic edge. candace. >> reporter: steve, we're dealing with the aftermath of all of this wicked weather. a lot of trees will be down, and a lot of debris. please slow down because you can have it climb up upon you very quickly. with have a tree completely shutttng down northern parkway, you wanttto use cold spring lane %-and fallen trees shot down. mcclain boulevard so se loch raven insttad of that one. let's take a live look at 95 scooting throughhbaltimore, the for ther fort mchenny tunnel, it's going to be a breeze onn3 both the northbound and -outhbound lanes. here is a look at the key bridge %-the ay down toward the beltw, 4 minutes at 54 miles per hour. the outerrloop lanes of the beltway are in the cleaa as well from 95 up 3, 11 minutes at
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54 miles per hour the same seen aiscenario from 795 toward 95. that's a look at mornings commute, patrice, back over to you. the rains fell steadily across our region yesterday but overnighh the weathee became mmch more intense and destructive. right now city firefighters are on the scene in northeast baltimore wheee 80-mile-an-hour3 winds ripped through the area. roofs were blown off offseeeral3 homee, and the earch is on for possible victims trapped inside. wrsh there' where there re repf injuries. gooodmorning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. certaanly an an eerie feeliig at the lletwooo avenue. the on light is thh officials and their lights down thhe3 street. the damage that has been done. as we wall loser you can see what has been done. these are trees, pieees of trees
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that haae been rippee apart and ú%shed over. this, this is a roof. see the shingles here. this is a part of the roof. that entire part ripped oof of a house. over here as you look across the way, ttis is actually where the ú%mes have been ripped oof. i know it's dark and hard to see, but as the sun comes up, it's going to sheddlight on the devastationnand what has been donn here this morning. there are now more firrcrewsú scene here this morning. they are going into the homes to see if anyone has been injured at this point we know ttree people have been take into the e home. we are talking to the cartwright. >> they suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. the move serious being a3 possible racture of an arm of a child. they came from home alongú pinewood avenue wherr the roofs were lifted off of thhee houues. at this oint you can see a significant amount of damage. theee are aluminum siding, guuters this are blown into trees, quite a bit offtrees
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uprooted. right now the city's primary concern is for the health and well beinggo of most of thh citizenssa affected by the catastrophic event. we have a unifieddcommand settup on mcclain boulevard to coordinate resources or managing this event. we have mta buses on site as temporary shelter. we are on process of opening the ice rink located at northern parkway to acccmmodate people that need shelter at this point. >> as we look around we can see how devastating it has been.3 of coorse, talks of 80-mile-an-hour winds, any worr on if this is in fact a tornado? >> that has not been confirmed. iispoke with the national weather service over an hour ago aad they con did confirr that 80-mile-annhour gusts came ú%rough this corridor. they are sending reeresentatives to this location, upon their ú%sual inspection will be able %-a tornado.hat this in act was
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>> certainly defendant stating, much. waking up wiihhut power this are morning.ú again, if you are in need of somewhere to go or shelter ú%ainn at 5:30,,just minutes ago a shelter is being opened up at the ice rink down the street. fox 44 early edition. megan mentioned the power outaaes in that area, but there's plenty more pour outages. ú%ere's nearly 21,000 customers without electricity and the majority oo those outages are in ann awn arannn arundel and balte city. weather is to blame for a virginia.0 car pile up in this was the scene on tuesday o3 mountain. officials say heavy fog moved difficult to rivers to see. seveeal cars and raccor trailers ccllided and then that two more crashes happened on the
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people were seriously hurt. a baltimore county rollover encloses its dooos ver a few bad breaks. state works in wood lawn is now closed and has filed for bankruptcy. ownees say business fell after allegations surfaced that a 12 years old girl was raped at tte riik last auguss. %-prostitution rink in maryland. the men had 5 brothels in annapolis, easton and other locations across the state. they brought prostitutions from virginia and washingtonnd.c. to wwrk in the brrthels dating back to september of 2008. all of tte ddfendanns are3 illegaa alienssand theyyface up to 10 years in priioo. a follow-up now to a story you saa ffrst on fox. one of maryland's speed camera operators speeding.
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so what has happened ssnce then? the state demanded action after the incident, but so far no onn has been repriianded. the reason, officials at thh private company thht administrators the program say they're having trouble aid fig the driver of the truck. >> this isn't an inciient by one individdal driving a vehicle. it wasstotaaly unacceptable in termm. speeding violation that took place. >> despite this incident, state3 officials say the speed camera program is highly successful as sllwing traffic. in its first year the program has issued $7.5 million in ciiations. the fda is exppcted to release the findings of a year-long study on caffeinated alcoholic energy drinks today. during the invvstigation officials looked at whether the drinks likk four loko are safe. >> four loko has already been banded in several states across aad michigan.
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a maryland family is pushiig to it to be banned hereafter their daughter died n a car crash after drinking it. one can contains as much alcohol as 3 or 4 eers. %-loko says it ay remove ccffee from he drink altogether. moont st. mary's university is already jumping on the band wagon. the school has banned alcoholic energy drinksson campus. this is the latest in a series of colleges to ban alcoholic driiks thht are caffeinated. rumors of a ufo flying over centreville, virginia arr squashed. over the last wo weeks several people reported seeing a mysttrious blue light over te city. many thought it was a ufo. but a close look reveals that accually a glider loaded with blue lld lights. area re resident tony says he fs it at nightt >> i have had people approach me from grocery stores that almost a mile away.
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they follow the liiht and they come and see me at the field. -t's kind of fun and i can show ú%em what it is. >> he says the glider can reach altitude of 400 feet but not outerrspace. p>> coming up in the early edition, a woman's battleewith birth control. %-that made it or nearly killig her. after severe weather moves through the area last night, we're still left with strong winds today. ú%wind addisory is in placeefor the west side of the chesapeake we're back at 5:43 on this
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wednesday mooning. aftermath of the strong storms that moved through last night with all right ingredients in
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place. we had a love pushinggthrough, the result were the ssrong storms that are now well off to the eve. yoo can see the line off torms through delaware in the overnight period and moving further points east. of course, t was through our area ask potentially could have brought us a tornado. ú% will have to see iffit'' -onfirmed by theenationaa weather servvce. we had 80-mile-an-hour winds and that is hurriiane strength. severe weather moved thhough last night and something we don't want to see more of. it moved off tt the east nd we saw the back winds. the wind willlbe as the upwards3 of 40 miles an hourr light showers you can see pushiig from the est on the backside taf low pressur side oe center. stronger out toward oaaland at 22. we have had gusts that are higher. this is the latest informationn3 commng in from oakland. 43-mile-an-hourrgusts from the west. we got 20-mile hour gusts.
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again, it's going to be a windy day but we don't expect the severe weather like we ad yesterday. the backssde of that low pressure center brings us the winds. the frontal boundary pushes off to the northeastt drier air moves in expect to see sunshine later in the day mixed wwth the cloud cover and the high pressure will build in for the next couple of days keeping we will get a northerl northwesw before we get aasouthwesterly flow move in. thhs could bring a shower thursday for the westtrn part of maryland but that may be the only area that may see annthing of a kind. mild to start. 56 in d.c. and 59 in salisbury. 54 in hagerstown, a bit chilller in oakland at 36 degrees. and these temperatures will climb earlier today. yesterday we go tte to the highest temperaturr at midnight. that contributing to the stormy situation we had. toddy we will get to 64 degrees without a front pushing through. 64 deerees for the eastern part of the state and the winds of
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40 iles per hour and maybe higher than that. the central part of maryyand gets to 60 miles an houu winds, mostly sunny later this afternoon. the western part of maryland, wind gusting to 45. tonight 40 egrees, not as mild and an overnight period, it will be colder and breeey ssill you th!!!butnnt as windy. cooler on riday at 62 but sunny. ú% warm it up to 65 on saturday, and 60s by the beginning of next week, but it doessget chillier ward the end of thanksgiving. let's see what is on the roads with ca candace dold. >> reporter: weere talling in the northeast corner we're finding lot of problems in -arford county. in bel air there's raffic lights out and even fallen
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trees. route 54 and farther down in joppa, fallen tree, that is route 7 at old mountain road. you can expect lane blockages thhough the area. you will want o use mouutain road as the alternate route. let's take a live look at 95 scooting through the rrgion and both the northbound, southbound lanes are incident free. the volume na i that is startint accumulate in both directions of once you get past all of that and taking it from the beltway and eventually toward the fort mchenry tunnel, so far it's going to be an easy drive. live look near the airport for you and well there's a tree at least that one is up there this morning. as far as the volume nothing to complain about there. in fact 99 is the ay to go. that's because there's an accident on he southbound lanes of 299. you
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from blood clots to organ failure, to stroke, thousanns of women say they got sick after called yaz. megan gilliland talked to one woman here ii our region who is taking control after she says she almost died. a young healthy woman in her early 40s, lodi green couldn't %-feeling ell.she wasn't >> started feeling really
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i thought maybe i'm getting tte flu. >> reporter: when she started feeling a pain in her side, doctors thought it was a kidney it wasn't, hhn they thought maybe pneumonia. ú% i argued with them. i don't think . %-emergency room and went back home n bethesda. >> i was sitttng on the couch because i couldn't lie down. the pain was so bad and i just burst into tears and then i kind of sort of hyper ventilate. about six hours later i went back to the emergency room because i ouldn't lie. >> reporter: this time doctors found something. >> he ssys, you not only have one clot in one lung which is the laagest clot i have seen in -y 30 years of practice but you have blood clots in both lungs. >> reporter: exxept one. >> the one possibilitt of why i got to where iiwas was because of the birth control pill.3 >> reporter: she had been taking the oral contraceptive
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yaz for over four years. 35 and smoking. warnings, over >> reporter: after six days in the hospital nd months of thousands of other women across tte country in-law suits against bayer the maker of yaz. p> thiss s not a pill that an be categoorzed with all of the others. there's something different about this pill that is hhving terrrble side effects. >> reporter: lodi and more than 60 other women from our region are represented by atttrney andrew berman and theúh ssmilar stories? a hospitaaization and a couple of bad cases,,a sevvre stroke voffininvvlving a wommn in the mid-30s. >> reporter: bayerrsays these lawsuits focus on the side ú%fects that are warned about in the warning of yaz, and yasmin. >> what they fail to say is the unique chemical composition of this drug dramatically increases
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the risk offthose things happening. that is the issue. >> reporter: but bayer stannss3 behind the safety of its oral -ontraceptive. in a statement the company says the connraceptive is safe and effective when used as directed and according to product labeling and good clinical -racticing. the fdd reprimanded bayer foo the down playing he side eefects. >> i did talk to my gynecologist. i saw the ads on t.v. abouu a month before this happened.3ú i said should i be taking it? her response was if you're feeling okay, i don't see why not. in the span of how long, i'' in the hospital with a bilateral pulmonary embolism closeeto death. >> i'm hoping that womennwho are currently taking it and are feeling a little off, that they
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think about the birth control pill as a possible reason. >> reporter: megan gilliland, fox 45 news at 10:00. coming up later on fox 45 morning news, a night of wickkd weather leaves area residents waking up to majjr storm damage. the areas that were hit hardest. but next, the ravens are playing one the worst ttams in the nfl on sunday. why coacc john 3
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here are your first look at sports. ravens fans get out your schedule, there's been a change. the next home game a week away from this sunday has been slashed. it's been moved to 4:15. the whole nation waats too see it, write it down. i doubt the whole nation wants to see this sunday's game, after all the carolina panthers may be
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the worst team in..3 nfl. they omeeat 1-8. but the bills gave and thattis why you shouldn't take this one lightly either. we want to accomplish what wef want tt accomplish as a football -eam. look at carooina, look at their offenssve line and look at the people that have a wide receiver. they haven't found a way to win games but they're playing good football is they're capable of winning a football game in this league. this has been proven time and time again with the peeple we have played already. we have our work cut out for us and it's going to be a tough football game out there. >> the danny o'brien has been named rookie of the week and he is abouu to retire the trophh. it's the 4th time he has won it this season. at a victory at virginia,,3 o'briin 18-28 and ran for another one. he was 10 for 11 at second half alone. o'brien has won 11 offhis 7
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stars.ú to baseball, philly, roy holiday wins the sigh young award beating out the ccrdinals wayne wright in the first seeson in the national leegue. the marlins. itts only the 5th ime in baseball history the pitcher has gone the sigh young award. the american league winner will be announced on thursday. it's time for the high school game of the week contest. -ou can ote for the game you would like to ee lights of by going to and clicking on high school game of the week. maybe you will see your school here this is week's slated games for november 19th. these are the regional finals in franklin travels to north harford in tte 3a north regional. wild lake and north hhll meet
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and city college at eastern tech and the north regional. we will announce the winner on thursday niiht.ú remember you can watch all of the high schhol champs in our sister station. the 4a finals are the next day friday december thirst. there's two championships on saturday, first the one a finals are at noon, followed by the two, a championship at 230 clrk. ú%2:30. sister station at cw baltimore. an hour welcoming happy, healthy babies into the world. how maryland doing when it comes to preventing premature births. 80-mile-an-hour winds rip through baltimore tearing roofs of off homms and leaving this behind. [ male announcer ] dear civic,
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boy we wish hadn't told you to start looking over your shoulder. ♪ we were gonna sneak up on ya. ya know, with our 1.4 liter turbo charged engine and our six speed automatic transmission. shhhh... we're going hunting. it's civic season. ♪ the all-new chevrolet cruze. starting under $17,000. get used to more. ♪


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