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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  November 19, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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@%od luck sunday. >> appreciate it. >> "late edition" is next and it starts right now. >> tense moments in the skies. why it was a really bad day for some air travelers. >> a big surprise under the how a 9-foot boa constrictor may have ended up wrapped around a car's car engine. >> stream fire eating. the world record this guy was going for. >> and it is not horseplay, or maybe it is. the artistic areer of the thoroughbred. >> live in high definition, from wbff tv in baltimore, this is %->> hello, i am jeff barnd. %-we have two breaking news stories. first a double shooting in southwest baltimore.
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>> yeah, two men shot. one on presstman street, one on popular grove. homicide investigators are called to the scene. >> nd we have breaking news out of howard county. police are looking for a driver involved in a hit-and-run. just a few hours ago. >> t happened about 5:45 tonight. a man was walking in the eastbound lanes of road 216 near pilgrim avenue in laurel. when an suv struck the man and kept on going. the mannwas rushed to shock trauma. he is in critical condition at this hour. police say the suv is dark gray, or charcoal in color. with possible front end damage. anyone with any information whatsoever is asked to call police, aa this number on your @%reen. (410)313-2200. >> baltimoreecity police rescue six abused dogs from a baltimor3 house. >> myranda stephens said that they are believed to be part of >> well, the dogs are now recovering here at barks, and it say they came from.
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5-year-old charlly is one of six abused dogs that were removed wednesday night froo this home on north payson streee in west baltimore. police got a call aaouttpossible -ogfighting going on there. when they went in they ound the dogs tied up on different floors. standing in their own feces and urine. they also found a seventh dog, dead inside of a garbage bag. animal rescue workers say the abuse must end. >> we really want to save these animals. we want to get them out of the situations they are in. we really want to prosecute the people doing this to the animals and show everybody this is not acceptable. >> the owners of the home, have nottyet been charged. as for the dogs, ttey will stay here at barks, until the and then be put up for adoption. in south baatimore, myranda stephens, ox 45 news "late edition." >> a federal officer is found guilty after shooting a dog in a park innsevern. but he will not have a crimmnal
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record. keith shepherd found guilty of animal cruelty after prosecutors argued that he used exxessive force when he pulled out a handgun and shot bear-bear.@@%se was about to be mauled along with his wife and their dog. and that the young man with the dog did not intervene. >> led to a series of events wheee things were out of control. >> it was a very unfortunate and tragic situation. i am happy that he was held responsible for the@ overreaction. which s what the court found it to be. >> even thouuh shepperd was found guilty, he received probation before judgment. and in doing so, he avoids a criminal record. >> a morgan state football player s accused of assault tonight. happened ear the student center at morgan state wednesday. the suspect has been arrested. police say a young woman was spit on, aad hit in the stomach. first the victim ddd not wish to cooperate with authorities. >> 24 hours later she then decided that she would press
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charges. and did cooperate. identified her assailant, and that's when police were able to make an arrest. >> and tonight, campus police are investigating. >> baltimore man and woman accused of abusing a young girl to produce child porn. the names, jesse davison, is 27 and tiffany bolner, 21. according to thh federal indictment. the sexual abuse happened between january and may of 2010. and investigators say the couple began to abuse the 11-year-old girl inside of their home. including videotaping sex acts. the mother, who we are not identifying to protect the child's identity. said that bolner was like a big sister to the girl. but tonight the mother wants bolner and her boyfriend punished. >> i want them to die. i want them to dii. they took my ddughter's -- turned my little girl into a young woman. she is o baby no more. i want them to pay. every day. >> both are in jail tonight.
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if convicted, davison faces a maximum sentence of life in years in prison. >> all right. lets start with the bad first. bad day for lynn mun pew, computer crime. he allegedly hack into the u.s. bbnks, innludinn the federal research bank of cleveland. and stole more than 400,000 credit and debit card numbers. all of this, he did, ith the laptop from malaysia. he was arrested in new york city. according to prosecutors, will never see freedom again. no word on how much damage he has caused. >> come anddlook at what e are dealing with. no air leaking. no glass breaking or anything like that. we cannot contiiue on. as you can imagine. >> bad day for mike phlegming and all the other flyers aboard of that plane that caught this pilot's announcement on the smart phone. delta flight from georgia to
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california making great time at 44,000 feet. then the cockpit window cracked. and the crack gets larger. and pilot immediately dawned a mask and face shield. >> and the pilot came on, and said ladies and ggntlemen, i just want to let you know we have a roblem up here in the cockpit. we will descend rapidly. he said we need to get down below 10,000 feet. we have a crack in the wiidshield. >> yikes. plane safely made an emergency landing in dallas. no injuries reported. and as far as we know, tonight, no one soiled themselves. >> great day for humanity. those chilean miners that survived 69 days in the mine in sunset boulevard inwood and double-decker buses thursday. receiving cheers from everybody in the streets. the scene was better than any hollywood movie. they also visited hollywood stars along hollywood boulevard.
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including the king himself, elvis presley. >> back at home, people are still finding things that were lost in the tornado on wednesday >> my animals are in there. >> on day three of the clean up effort, people scanned the debrrs looking for sentimental items. and even pets. hundreds of workers are trying to remove debris, displaced residents hope that some things are salvaged. before noon, there is good news. two missing caas are recovered. >> this is muffin. and that is mocc. >> we are walking people in and letting them search and then, you know, maybe -- there was a @%t of miracles. >> makes me feel great they have the kids. i know they are all right. >> crews will be working there for several weeks. have much better weather thisl @%ekend. >> yes, great. meteorologist emily gracee has your first look at the sky watch forecast.
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great news for all of us here. >> great news. i cannot believe that two days ago we were talking about a tornado.@ and today, we're looking at 30-degree temperatures. temperatures are cool this evening. just not something that you wil@ see in the same week here. in fact, looking out right now. temperatures are dropping down to the mid 300 already. we're at 35 in baltimore. 41 in hagerstown. and 42 in washinnton. %-the eastern shore they are- on dropping down to the low 30s. 31 reported n salisbury right now. expecting temperatures to stay in the low 30s overnight tonight. and only get into the low 50s for tomorrow. plenty of sunshine though. and we have warmer temperatures @% the way. and even some rain in thh forecast. i will have the details on when that will arrrve, coming up in a few. >> all right. emily thank you. u.s. senator seems to think that america better. senator jay rockefeller said that he wants to see fox news and msnbc shut down in this democracy. retransmission agreements. he took the opportunity to
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blast, surprise, hope you are sitting down, the media. >> there is a little bug inside of me, that wants to get the fcc to say to fox and to msnbc. out, off, end, goodbye. be a big favor to political discourse, our ability to do our work here in congress. >> these are statements that are threatening to the media. and it is absolutely outrageous that a senator should make such remarks, simply because he doesn't like the way the nees is portrayed. >> aad we second that. we asked if rockefeller's comments arr an assault on free speech. 94% of you say yes. 6% say no. bill wrote. it is called freedom of the press. senator. mike said, it is an assault on the americaa way of life. >> recall on snowmobiles hat could very well explode. >> abouu 1000 of these skidoo
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snowmobiles recalled. static eeectricity can spark inside of the fuel tank while the engineeis idling. there were three expposions so far. one person was injured. >> for more information on the recall you can go to links. @% well karen you will need to change your schedule. if you want to watch american idol next year. >> i wonder why. >> yeah. >> ryan seacrest announced that the show moves to wednesday and thursday. when it returns. >> no more tuesday. >> watch the two nights, four hour premiere january 19 and thursday january 20. right here on fox 45. >> look at this guy go. coming up on the "late edition." tell why you he is eating fire. >> just like any othee. and they have no place. >> but next. common sense dictates some animals just don't make good pets. the tragic attackkone family had
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to endure. >> every single day, the men and women of tsa and our intelligence community and dds are trying to find the right balance. -> and security scans facing
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>> those security scans at airports and pat downs that secondhand look now.3 jennifer davis tellssus about one group that will see immediate change and theeaction onn awmaker wants airports to take now. >> screening rocedures will change immediately for the according to the transportation security administrrtion.
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after complaining about the @%layssit was causing them. and raising health concerns about undergoing multiple scans a week. thhy will now be allowed to skip some physical security checks at airports. >> every single day, the men and women of ts and our intelligence community and dhs are trying to find the right balance. >> florida congressman john mikeka sent a etter to the head of tsa asking for the procedures to be reviewed for everyone else too. especially the more intrusive pat downs that he says are being done as a primary measure rather than secondary one as intended. >> it should be done on three limited basis. not a random basis, a targeted basis to those that pose threats. >> the head of the tta told congress this week that the security measures are not perfect but are necessary to keep the skies safe. many agree. >> tsa and government agencies have to make sure that those flying are not terrorists carrying explosives, and in their gar and congressman mikeka
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said to be head of the house transportation committee in january, has sent letters to 100 of the nntion's busiest airports, asking them to give %-security. boot and privatize in washington, gender davis, fox news. georgia man is facing misdemeanor charges after his@ pet rack coon attacked his infant daughter in her criticism the nine onth old suffered bites on her arms and legs and head. couple of weeks ago, pplice say the rack coons attacked his other daughter while he slept in her crib. apparently they were the family pets. bottle fed inside of the house, after they were kicked out they3 @%naged to find their way inside. >> it is very concerning, and very common practice. animals are raceed to a certain size and then they are aggressive because they are wild animals. and family will urn them loose. >> common sense would teel the family find out how the raacoons are getting in unless they are still feeding them.
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michael cannon is charged with bringing the danger into his home. >> some experts are accusing china of hijacking the internet. reports indicate back in april of this year, 15% of the world's internet roots were diverted through a state owned internet company in china, including traffic from u.s. government computers. security officials are not sure if it was accidental. china meantime is slamming the report saying that it is full of cold war thinking. >> the plan to ban four loko may have back fired, at least temporarily. several astates and universities ban the caffeinated alcoholic beverage but people are going,,3 apparently to stores that still sell it and buuing it up before3 it disappearr altogether. college students are still chugging it despiteeits dangers. just around the corner.rse is >> i cannot elieve tee time is flying. >> less than a wwek way. >> speaking of flying. what does the weather look like for those traveling. emily gracey is back with the
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sky watch forecast. %-rain showers in store four wednesday and thursday. tough travel days of the year. but outside ight now. no showers. in fact, it is a clear and cool evening. 35 degrees is where we are right now at the inner harbour. %-and calm now while the emperatures have dropped drastically from where afternoon, we're not going to continue this trent we will start to see a shift in the wind direction and we will be seeing thh winds shifting from the southwest later tonight. that keeps us in the low 30s. so still a chilly night out there. especially considering we were @% the low to mid 50s today. 53 was the afternoon high in baltimore. 49 in hagerstown. 54 in d.c.. and then mid 50s pretty much all across the ath here. that's the case tomorrow. few degreee warmer. and then cool temperatures in -tore for sunday. but clear skies. it is all due to the high skies over the past couple of days. and now this high will slowly push off the coast. and we have a cold front to talk about over the next 24 to 48
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hours. and ttat will bring us a few but no rain in the immediate forecast. the long-term forecast, a different story. we have showers to talk about. soothere is the high pressure, it will slowly move off the coast tonight into tomorrow. allowing a cold front to push thrrugh. and behind that there is a change in the wind direction. so fewwclouds tomorrow night. and sunday, sunny again. and northwest flow, will bring us slightly cooler temperatures. so highs only in the low 50s. on sunday. as opposed to the mid 50s that we will be feeling for tomorrow. also watching a low pressure back to the west. it will start to develop andain. move across the country. and expect the rain some time on tuesday night. and staying with us thrrugh thanksgiving. 32 tonight. down tt 36 downtown. notice a warmer temperatures and for tomorrow. nice day of 57. and for the afternoon high. light winds out of the west at five to 15. and slow warming trend monday to tuesday. and some rain showers coming in
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tuessay night. @%anksgiving forecast coming up in a few. >> maryland and illlnois decided in the final minutes. see if the terps had better luck tonight against the 13th best school in thh land. coming up next in sports. >> that means you are lieing. >> watch this guy attempt ♪ have a better day... [ male announcer ] with new breakfast melts. try the sunrise subway melt®, or the melt-tastic breakfast b.m.t. on flatbread. they're melted goodness made irresistibly delicious,
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get yours starting at 7am. subway. build your better breakfast.
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>> this is really strange. a couple in california, go to a grocery store. and, you know, shop for food. come back. and they find a really weird uninvited guest in their car. get this. the couple found a 9-foot long boa constrictor wrapped around the car's engine. animal control officersshad trouble untangling it until they coated it with cooking oil. it is nottclear where the snake came from. but animal control workers say it is likely slithered away from the owner. >> the couple were shopping for foot and they kept it and it tasted like which i canen. >> who needs spicy food when you can eat fire. this is brook. he gets a lot of dates folks.
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trying to doose 34 flaming torch with his mouth in 30 seconds. world record. he put out 37. and his tongue tonight now looks like a charcoal brickket. >> and next, you're in the market for fine art. maybe you will consider thii. this horse paints. 10--ear-old masaba lived in poland. started her painting career about a year ago. in that time she has trotted out about 30 paintings. >> maryland's terrapins back in taking on illinois, for 3rd place in the 2 k sports classic benefiting coaches versus cancer. pick it up late second. illinois up seven. they get it ahead to paul. that goes up for the layup. and gets the foul. he made the free throw. to give them the nine-poont lead. but back come the terps. freshman howard, in trouule underneath. gets it out to rookie stock land
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that buries the hree. maryland down seven. and under tto minutes. they get it to the big man. williams with a nice scoop shot. finishes wwth a double double. 15 points and 12 boards. maryland heads to five. under 40 seconds. terps down seven. mosley drives, misses, and williams is there for the put back. turtles are not giving up. down by five. and with 10 picks left, ssock land stops, pops from beyond the arc, back of the rim and it goes in. he led the terps with 17 off the bench. they trail by just two. and six seconds, terps down four. stock land throws up the three. it is off the mark and illinois holds on to beat the terps 80-76 the final. >> the terps fall to 3-2 following two tough losses to two ranked teams. williams played sparingly in the first half because of foul trouble but final wished 15 and 12. which is one positive from the game. -nd theeterpssdrastically improved the free throw shooting
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from last night's game against pitt. they missed 16 from the strike for a dismal 42%. tonight they shot 72% from the line. maryland comes back home tuesday to face delaware state. >> coming off the pup list three weeks ago, ravens have slowly worked stallworth back into the offense. in the loss to tlanta they took advantage of his speed. stallworth had two carries for 33 yards. thh ravens' offense s loaded with targets and the addition of one more means less touches per player. but despitt the limited use, stallworth is excited to be back on the field. and hopes to contribute more in >> it was fun and exciting. and you know, as the week goes @%, hopefully, to get my roll expanded more in this offense. as i can go oot and help more regardless of what it is. just enjoy being out there and helping the teammates out. >> the ravens and panthers kickoff is set for 1:00 on sunday.
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>> fall like and sunny this week. and slow warm up monday and tuesday. rain showers tuesday evening and we have rain in the forecast fo@ both wednesday and thursday. so tough travel days there. and then by friday we start to cool down. a high of only 47. back to you jeff. >> that is a caffeinated turkey.
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