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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  November 24, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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common sense. >> and a wintery mess in the midwest. what that same storm system >> live in high definition, from wbff tv baltimore, this is fox >> good evening, i am jennifer gilbert. >> and i am jefffbarnd. as family get ready for the holiday baltimore area malls are preparing for friday shoppers. >> and noo just stockinn shelves but beefing up security. karen parks haa a look at tte new addition to the mall patrol. >> last tting ou would expect to see inside of a mall is a canine on patrol. let me ntroduce you to bruno. and his handler, dan. making sure that shoppers are safe inside ann outside of whitemarsh mall. to keep criminaas from coming in. bruno has been in malls round the couutry for four years. and he arrived here in baltimmre on monday. now each canine goes through a
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minimum of 300 hours in training and certification. and shoppers are encouraged to approach and pet them. >> we were concerned that customers may be hesittnt or wonder about the implications. but we found that overwhelmingly they embrace it. feel safe and secure. and positive response overall. >> the german shepherds will monitor activity here at whitemarsh, harbor place, gallerr, towson towne centtr, columbia mall and mondoman. karen parks, fox 45 nnws late edition. >> traffic wise, major concern tonight holiday travel plans. hhee is a live look at 95 northbound. smooth sailing right now. >> and there could be problems tomorroo. construction on 95 will be making it hard for drivers to %-workers at the toll plls is causing delays at delaware. back up could be 20 miles long. some travelers, tried to get
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through it early. >> trying times with kids. you hear it all. >> rest before i got on the and now get ccffee, and breakfast and keep it going. >> pretty smmoth at bwi thurgood marshall airportt@ travelers went thhough nnw scanning machines, some randomly selected to stand in the x-ray @%vice. travelers were leery. >> i was afraid to go because i have heard about the stuff in the news. i was scared. but fortunately i didn't have to most flights at bwi thurgood marshall airport were onntime. >> enn statioo meantime, very busy today with holiday travelers. getting to their thanksgiving day destinations. amtrak said today will be the busiest day of the year for them. ac track is using every available car in theefleet. >> to hhlp make your thanksgiving ravels less painful. download the smart phone app. get yourrupdates through the
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trii. phone. >> new tonight. baltimore city police made an arrest in an overnight murder happened this morning on plaan field avenue and bowl lee lane. pplice found the man hit in the head in an apartment. police are looking for this blaak lexis. %-belonned to the victim. the police believe robbery was the motive for the home invasion. >> online sexting catches a aide. 40-year-old robert duchenne arrested with 11 others in an undercover sting operation. by gaithersburg police. duchenne was chief of staff for a new jersey congressman. he llft work on capitol hill to meet the undercover cop posing as a 15-year-ood girl. >> they would make very derogatory comments oo explicit for.ific what they are looking it could be anywweee from a sexual act to just observation
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of two other people involved in a sexual act. they definitely were creative >> duchenne that is married could face up to a decade behind %->> more tax dollars are headig to ccsa de maryland. organization came under fire for support f immigrants, whether legal or not. and in the past decade, casa as received more than 2 and a half million dollars in tax paii funding. and today altimore's board of $150,000 for casa de maryland. >> they provide to people in need, job training, education, legal and health support. >> aiding and aabetting illegal immigrants. under the federal immigration act you cannot do that. >> well this new round of funding actually comes from the federal government, but it is distributed by the city. >>well, we asked you, should taxpayer money be used to fund cass. 4% say yes.
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96% say no. trip writes on facebook. absolutely not. this is rewarding people that entered our country illegally. and mike writes. how about investing our tax dollars in something we forgot about. american working families. >> bad day for snowden, current director of state riggts at the -ttorney general office. he got probation before judgment for d.uui. but he got the same thing just seven years go. and state law recently ncreased to 10 years the period when a driver cannottbe graned a second pbj for d.u.i. so his second may be eviewed asap and changed omg. bad day for axppyers. taxpayer could buy a home for each and very hour air force one is in the skies. $182,000 an hour. here is the best part. president obama has spent more -ays aboard f the aircraft in@
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his first two years than any other president..3 @% now, for theerecord, let me say that it feels pretty good to stop, at least, one shellacking this november. >> great news tonight for apple and cider. president pardoned both turkeys from california. they will retire for george washington's mount vvrnon estate in virginia where they will be eaten by the staff there..3 just kidding. a joke. hopefully the turkeys were not ferried in from california aboard of air force one. >> boy, that's for sure. at $182,000 an hour. >> an hour. >> emily gracey has a good question about the turkeys. -here is spike? >> gooo point. pardonnspike.3 >> i agree. we should. talking about wintery weather. we do not want to hear about it. but for thanksgivinggsleet in the forecast. for some. western counties of maryland could see some of that wintery weather overnight tonight and tooorrow morning. in fact, we are seeing the slop3
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low pressure syytem getting closer and closer. warm front ushes through right now. and on the radar rain is falling ii baltimore.@ lots of it not making it to the ground. @%ound is dryy so it will take awhile for the air to become saturatee and rain to begin. but we will seeeit overnight. and few locations, especially west of baltimore. may ee he sleet and frrezinn rain mixxng in. winter weather advisory on for frederick and western counties of maryland. dropping down to the mid 30s overnight tonight. and we will see temperatures reaching mid 40s for tomorrow. and a big cool down on the way. let you knnw about that coming up in the fulllforecast. >> thank you emily. >> remember his. what the city of baltimore looked like lasttfebruary, when if it happens this winter.l. @%e city said that it is ready.3 city workees got the snow removal out of storage at the salt dome on haven treet. mmyor stephanie rawlings-blake said the cityyhas $3.5 million innthis season's snow buddet.
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>> the snow removal operation includes over 300 essential peesonnel.@ 254 pieces of equipment. as well as 15,200 tons of salt. >> well for informmtion and updates throughout the snow season. city residents can call the snow line at 410396 snow. >> another recall from johnson 3 drug manufacturer is recalling 9,000,000 bbttles of liquid tylenol. boxes do not proper warn some ingredients and some contain alcohol. drug maker said no ide effects have been repprted. >> when looking for snacks, vegetable snacks, doctors say grab onee that are orange or dark green. ddctors followed people for 14 years and they were busy. those eating green and orange vegetables had a certain compounn in their blood ttaa @%wered the risk for any
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diseases. >> and reaching for an apple help to prevent broken bones later in life. sciennists found that women eating lots of fruits and vegetables were less likelyyto suffer bone fractures in their golden years. >> still ahhad. why drug enforcement is making moves to ban synthetic marijuana. >> terror warning system. gets an overhaul. the biggest issues with the color coded alert. >> and still ahead. a ban on "black this friday only, buy one of these smartphones
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and get a great jawbone icon hero headset free. only at verizon.
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>> no surprise here. pressdent obama could be facing a tough reelectiin bi. two polls now have shown almost half of registered voters do not want him reelected. a poll foun that 48% would vote against him. only 6% supported the second term. however, those polls were done with an undetermined opponent. >> once one of the mmst powerful reppblicans in washington now tom delay faces the possibility of life in prison. a texas jury found the former house majority leader guilty on3 two counts of money laundering. he is planning to appeal. >> i praise the lord for what is going on here. number one. and number two, i am not going to blame anybody. this is an abuse of power. a miscarriage of justice. and i still maintain that i am innocentt we will appeal.
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i am very, very disappointed. this will never stand up on appeal. >> delay ould be sentenced @%ywhere from two years to 20 years in prison. on the conspiraay count. and five years to life for the money laundering count. >> dee said that it will temporarily ban five chemicals used to makk synthhtic mariiuana making it illegal or possess in the united states. this after many young people embrace thin set tick pot like k-2 or spice, sold legally. the ban takes affect within the month and will last a year. >> fivetaryed color coded system employed after 9/11 could be replaced. threat level stuck on orange for four years. home lan security is consideeing cutting it back to two levels. maybe two colorss we're not sure yett no word when the change will be made. >> carroll county man had a lapse of common senne.
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he has been charged for shinning a green laser at a medevac helicopter. %-paramedic aboard.ot and lasers can temporarily causs blindness and disorientation for the pilot. this happened last night. and police apparently caught david hop wood red-handed. he is 35, he should know better. >>the town of peramis new jersey held a ground on "black friday." not allowing stores to open before seven a.m. well this year some council members tried to change it. they wanted to allow stores to open two hours earlier at 5 a.m. to help them compete. >> why should they have to go out to anywhere shop. they should come here to do all of theeshopping. >> but the whole idea turns into a big fight among city leaders and last night the issue was tabled. and stores are told tonight, ddn't even think about opening %-or -- "black friday"" not good
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friday. or you will be fined. i don't understand the common sense that anybody would want to get up stand in linn any time before the sun comes up any day of the week. ever.@ >> amen to that. >> i don't get t. >> me either. but it was fun to hear about. >> i was worried about peramis. >> yes. >> got it. >> okay. >> all rrght. what'ss the weather like foo tomorrow anddthe big day? >> colder, or sleet? emily gracey? >> we do not want to hear abbut it. but leet in the forecast.@ especially for weetern counties3 of maryland overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. looking at the radar already. we are seeing wet weather moving in. not all aking it to the ground right now. a lot of the wee weather causing problems in the midwest. snow up in northern michigan. and some of that is moving in %-and at leaat the warm front pushing through tonight that will bring us light rain.
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and possibly even some sleet in a few locations. most likely in those western counties of maryland. and as we head inno overnight tonight and early tomorrow morning. so temperatures today did get up to 50 for the afternoon highs. 50 here in baltimore. 54 in d.c. and hagerstown. cooler air on the way for tomorrow. we're dropping down to the low 40s now in baltimore. and 40 degrees in hagerstown. cooler out to the west. those are the areas that aae in danger of seeinggmixed precipitation overnight and tomorrow mooning as they will stay below freezing. for that reason, the national weather service has wonder issued a advisory, frrderick county, western counties of maryland, and those are the counties thaa have to worry @%out accumulating sleet tonight. carroll county, howard county possible counties that may see sleet. and freezing rain late tonight and early tomorrow morning. but no accumulation is expecced. for the most part we will see overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. as the cold front starts to push
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through the area. %-there. is the warm front right as it pushes through. tonight. we will see sooe light rain. and by tomorrow morning, a break %-and tomorrow afternoon, actuay dry. but then again, on freeway day morning, we start to see another round of precipitation. so there is the cold front that brings the nexx round of precipitation, probably impactinggthe shoppees early on friday morning. once that pushes through friday afternoon, the only thing we wiil deal with is cool weather behind the front. arctic blast of air comes in..3 with that windy ccnnitiins as well. so a winter-like weekend in overnight tonight.3 drop down to the mid 30ss.3 those locations to the west thht get down to bout freezing. they are the ones that have to worry about the mixed precipitationn by tomorrow morning, warm p quickly above freezing. getting into the mid 40s. so some morning showers giving way to afternoon, just cloudy conditions. so kind of a dreary thanksgiving in store for us. we will see a slight increase in the temperatures for friday.
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and once that front pushes thhough, we will start to dry out friday afternoon. chilly. windy and very cool out thhre. 46 degrees for the afternoon high. and then ww staat to see a@ slight increase in our temperatures by monddy. another chancc in the forecast comes next week. and tell you about that coming up in the seven-day forecast. >> dessgner tequila how much this bottle of booze would coot3 you. >> next in sports. the bucks are one of the biggest surprrses in the national
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>> tis the season for fiber optic christmas trees from china. >> world largest fiber oppic tree lit up inna mall in hong kong. has 44000,000 fiber optic lights. so chaales ccw was aa the lighting ceremony. it is beautiffl. he won the nobel prize for physics and suffers from alzheimers. all the proceees from the chhistmas mall event go to his foundation for alzheimers disease. >> get this very pricy tequila.
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this bottle could be yours for only the low, low price of 3 and a half million dollars..3 a bottle for 3 and a half million dollars. the bottle is made with 41 hyundai monday. anddcast in pure platinuu. inside is tequilas as old as nine years. >> if you were watching on tv last sunday you missed it. no video exiits that we know of. second half of a routine victory by the raven over carolina -frica cuss ccurred on the side line between mason and joe flacco. thhown to him. and things got animated. today mason said relax. it is all in the past. >> whatever transpired transpired. you know, joe and i that is still my guy, my quarterback. i am still one of my gooo friends on the team. i don't know, i move on. >> if you heard about a husband and wife fighttng, would you say
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something to them? >> sometimes whatever happens man it happens. move on, and keep going. >> me and joe are okay. we're fine. >> sunday's match up is an@ interesting one. to say the least. buccaneers are one of the biggest surrrises in the nfl. and playing in the mighty nfc south jumped out to a 7-3 record. like the ravens. but they have yet tt beat a team with a record of better than 500. all losses came to winning teams. ravens heard about it but are not putting much stock innit. >> this is the nfl. and wins are hard to come by. and at the end of the day they are 7-3. we are 7-3 too. so, you know, we have to win. and they will try to win one >> where we are at right now, 7-33 with the games we have lost and learned from and took from them. we are sitting in a position where we can make a great season push if we continue to do our@ job. >> and as we know, very well here in baltimore.
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ray lewis has become a legend in the nfl over 15 years. he is respected all over the league. not just here. and ttnight we offer proof of that. espn rise, a website that coverr high school sports. asked 3792 high school players from around the country, and they were asked who is your favorite player. you might imagine ray would do well in the poll. but i bet you did not know this. ray lewis number one. by second highest raven was ed reed that finished 15th. >> ou can see the ravens take@ on the buccaneers at 4:15 sunday. both teams 7-3 with playoff implication is on the line. bucks and ravens,,sunday only on fox 45. >> ravenssgo in 9 and a %->> late showers overnight.
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and cool temperatures tomorrow for thanksgiving. 46 degrees for the afternoon %-another round of showers fridy morning with a hiih of 53. and after that, cold front passes though, cold temperaaures in the forecast. highs in the mid 40s with windy conditions for both saturday and sunday. before we slowly start to warm back to normal by monday and tuessay. next chance of precipitation comes into play tuesday and wednesday. back to you. >> thank you emily.
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>> sleet, jeenifer. sleet. >> that is not a good wood. >> that will do it ffr the "late edition." thhnk you for joining us. i am jeff barnd. >> i am jennifer gilbert. tune ii to fox 45 neww morning news at 5 a.m. have a happy thanksgiving everybody. real time closed captioning provided by u.s. captioning ♪
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daddy! ♪


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