tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX December 13, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EST
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a retty and pretty clear shot of the haabor this morning. unfortunateey some paats of our a wintery mix headdd to some parts. welcome to fox 45 earry edition. on thii monday morning, december 133h. off. we''e going to check innwith meteorologist steve fertig and see what we have in storr as far as the wintery mix. we had rain yesterday and -t's changed overrto some cooler snow in spots. i tell yoo wwat, the one thinn we do want to e awwre of is black ice out there. that is somethhng yyu want toú take note, no matter where youú you see that we ave rainshower3 %-temmeratures arr.he warmer cooler air circulating in behind. ú%aa ii why you sse the change over. you see the pink area between baltimorr and d.c.
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that coulddbe sleee and freezzng expect some rain. the rest f us quarter offan inch and upwardd of an inch of the further west you goothe better chance we will see more. we have a winter weather the chesapeake baa. and out in garrett county,,a foot or 3 feettexpected there. 32 deggees the temmeraaure in balltmore. surrounding areas in the 30s buu ccillier in the 30s. throughout the day. you see the winds at 15-20 miles per hour gusting to 30. ú%potential slick roadways.n the here is candace dold with ndú%e black ice. >> reporter: i didn't ind any and we didn't have major repprts of any innidents but be cautiouses au head out this morning, it could creep uu on
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%-as far as tteewhat the roadst, it's getting busyyin the outer loop irection. people are taking it a bit slow because of the slippery conditions. thwelll.he outer looo lanes. at 53 miles per hour on the southbound 95 from tte fort mcheery tunnel toward the bellway. tuunel down to 95. a 5-minute trii. that's a looo at the roads, megan, back over to you. now t's not winter ust yet, but mothhr nature sure did not get that memo. a fierce winner torm thatú %-weekend will continueeto blasú parts of our egion today.3 a massive part offthe country got slammed ffom illinois to pennsylvania and s ffr souuh as %-we report on he hardest hit
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a brutal stoom blowing in -happing winds and bitter cold, while leaving behinddsignificanú winds in someeareas. sunday minnesota vikings and new %-tonight and relocated to forrl ffeld n detroit where residents are beginning their digging out. up the snowwblower. when it gets to proper depth. %-i will wait untii ii gets up a bit. >> i don'ttlike driving innit butti liken joying wwat it looks like it.3ú >> reporter: traveeers tt3 and in ashville, drivers faced ice coated roads.
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and people in cleveland are looking at more snow and wintee doesn't officially begin until a lew of aarports from chick do tt atlanta reported niggt. hard freeze arnings extended aú far south as florida with wwather officials forecastinn tallahassee tonight.ú anneeanna run county policee look for suspects after a stabbing in edge ater. it happened at 1:00 at salissury a fiiht broke out at the party and three peoppeeended up with sttb wounds. one man went to shook trauma, a second man and a juvenile wwre treeteddii a local hossptal and two others weree't aa lucky. emergency crews werr responded to a caal aaout a c leak at this home on colbey road in
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pikesville on suuday morning. eight people were ivin! livinge including two young children. when officials arrived two of the men were already dead..3 the other reesdennsswent home along with the officers got sick upon entering the home..3 -p>> thh furnaaes is the main burning apppiance in this home. ú%at's something that ii a possibillty but we can't confirm that that is exactly what the problem was. >> everybody wws still dealing -ith it, whether it's truu or not. >> policc are waiting to identify the ictims untillallú ú%f he relatiies are identified. >the carbonnmonoxide levels timmssthan a co begins to %-liff and eath.nce between hae >> reporterr more than 500
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uninttntional car don carbbn moe exxosed. >> you begin to develop sympttms of flu oo aviraa syndrome or o3 a ozee other things. >> reporter: trait jed ttagedn linked heating ssstems. purchased for just a few dollars and thhyyre desiggee to let you know there's a probbem in time to take action. >> at 35 parts per million yyu wouldn't see a lot of symptoms and thaa's he point. the point is to lert you that there's a problem before you become ssck. the number one lesson that ppoppe ssouud take away from a tragedy like this is ttht every home should be equipped wwthú carron monoxidd aaarms. home park at he i cecil claims e
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lives of four people tww of hem chiidren. two aaults, an 8 years old and a baby just 4 months old were all killed in that fire. one man waa able tt escape with i look at my frrnt ddor and i saw the bright light and the propertt. ú% thee we heard -- ssowinn up. >> it took 40 firefighters an hour to conttol that fire. aa a youth storage self storage. this one happened near the m an3 - bank stadiummearly esttrday ú%rningg ú%tsideeof that bonging. -oficials say -- belongings3 officials say no neewws hurt n -hat fire. ú%healtt benefit system for stae workkrs is everely under
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officials are consiiering ppoposals incluuing a 5-year ú%eeze on cost livinggincreases for retirees. healthcarr costs bu up to 10%. ccmmiitee members hope to have ú%eliminnry reports, the repprts of the govern are and the state legiilator neet month. accordinggto oneeof president's obama's too advisor, congress will aaprove a passage the move is angering any in th3 president's own party. showdown n the democraa party >> reporter: preventing a tax january fiist. ú% the nature of commrooise is3 ú%at you have to accept hingss3 that you on't like. liberals still aagry at the preeident's commromise. they're annry at a provision to
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eetend tax cuts or ndividuuls making more han $200,000 a year, and $250,000 per couple. ⌞> therees some house demoorats wwo will refuse to go allng wit3 any deal. most of us understand that we >> repooter: republican whoo3 says that it's demmcrats wwo are try to pass it, the newwgop priority will make its passagg, ú%iority numberrone. >> no we're not interested in -hanninn thissdeal. we're iiterested in passing this deal through. >> reporter: one thing isú ttey are innerested in if the tax cuts are llowed ttoexpire,ú it will mean the average -meriian will see their taxes go uu by roughly $3,000. in new york, adam ssapiro. on ove over rabbits, they are not necessarily forrkids annmore. according to a new study, kids
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are ditching the ugary cereals3 marketed to them for some with llss sugar. children who eat ceeeals wiih lesser aaounts of suuar can eat3 healthier portions and3 researchers hope ttht the -indings lead to morr aaswerssof how to preveet obesity..3ú tsa troubleefor american boston promoter don king. ú%s carry on luggage.n hio during a search tsa officials founn tww firearms in his bag. %-no worr yet about if e receid p>> police in florida are fighting to help man's best officers ay they wantttheir %-health benefits and reeirement plann they do for their years of hard ork. retired police dogs in tampa arr taaennin full-time by their ffr the aaimaas medical biils.
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billssthat could be thousands a dolllr a year. one officer says hh wants ttat changgd. he started a non-profit to help pay bills for retirrd dogs. >> they work just as hard as we %-work, they still wwnt to go t3 work. he would go to ork today f hh could. >> tte officer says he came uu with the idea affer co-worker speet $33000 on ne dog's >take a look at this, santaa3 arriving early for one anadian city, buu not in the way you expect to see ssnta. ú%ke a look! take a lookkat that, there's a lot ess clottes ttan i'm usee to sseing stan with. these are dozens offpeopll dress as santa jogging through downtown for santa's speedo run. all for a good cause though, th3 ú%occeds go tooard the childden's hospital in toronto. santa beingga little morris ay,
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morning..3 sooe of you ould be wakinn up3 -o snow flakes. here is steve fertig to let us knowwhow much and when and why.3 christmas is ore thannaú week away. we do have evidence offwinter hhre before it's even supposed buttoo course the kind of thing3 a couple of areas where you see a little shade f whitt falling and light amounts in the centraa part of the state.ú ú%the west.t amountt will be to %-to piik up a foot.z to pic sts
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we have a little bit offfto the west here and show you sometime snow that issmmving in from the great lakee, again with moreú over the mountains and the rest of us are seeing the eefect of meannhile we ee the air ahead of it nnw the cooler air is behind it.ú we see a wintee weather advisory to be prepareddfor that through 9:00 a.m. this morniig. the winter wwrning through ú%e rest of us are look to .10 -f an inch of snow. nearly an inch of snow at most, ú%ooably on the utside, not3 will be a quarter to a haaf inch probably.ú we are concerned about black ice to be prepared for that.
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ú% sit between low pressure and highhpressure building in. ú%'re goong to get the snow flurriis and again, thein cooler air that will allow temperatures ttoonny climbbto 30 degrees toddy aad tomorrow. upperr22s ffr tomoorow's hhgh. weearr talkiin about another chhnce of ssow showers by he %-d..., 30 deerees in hagerstow. ú%th you factor in he winds nd ú%r hour out f the west nd teeperatures to realll feelor cool, cold,,1 18 degrees in hhgerssownn feeling like 29 in baltimore. decline through the dayygin to3 %-temperattre of 36 ddgrees and drop through the afternoon. %-todaa's ffrecast as will be te -ays.
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15-20-mmle-an-hhur winds gusting we may see a few chances but later in the daa as well. 29 ddgrees for western part ofú maryland, where we have a best3 ccance as i ssid, and snow and winds gusting up to 25 mills per hour. 22 degrees, overnight low, so it gets chillier tonight. another windy and colder night with coller aii to ollow. 20 degrees or tomorroo's high and maybe, we may not get out of the 20s, and 22 other 22 -- on ú%dnesddy..3 40 on friday, and near 40 or uppee 30s for satuuday nd a little bit miider for the weekend, but not much. let's see what isshappening on the roadways now with candace -old who is backkwith the caadacee well, good morning, steve we are of course, talking about the slippery onditions so far we don't have anyymajor incidents be cautious as you head out this on you pretty quicklyy as far as the actual speeds on
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through catonsville, 59 oving near security boolevard and 623 moving through pikesville. in aberdeen n fact, it's a crash at old philadelphia road, police are on the scene directing that traffic theree but as for 95, scooting throuuh ú%%-look at route 543 and dls n3 %-the northbbunddorrsouthbound continues. 95 moving at fountain road3 you. -here it is,,it's going to be a breeze in bothhdirections. ú%ne you finally do approach the eetirr streech. providence oad lookinn through trrveling up to speed. again, make sure that you're usinggcaution ttis morning asú you do head out. that's a looo at theetravels this morning. back to you. welcomwelcoming back the hoy cheer. howwto makeesure you enter he
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> a surppising delivery on the %altimore-washinggon parkway. a new bundll of joy and a great story to teel around the table ddring thh holiddys. -p tami, washington anndeeavir know the story they're goingg o3 %-ceetimeters ddlattd.ughter. doctors sent her hhmeeto rest, homee tamia knew her babb was coming so she and herrboyfriended gott3 highway. the hospital right up 295, a quick trii, but the baby didn't3 want to wait. >> we didnnt even make it. we were still n thh ramp. she was i feel her head. i feel her head. >> i feel hhr head and all of a3
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her up and put her right here.ú >> i was immediately, oh my god! oh my god stoppú hhzard. heat, window. %-three of us. sweetiigg all >> he was like, oh, my god! oh my god! >> it idn't feel real at all. i all i could do was just look at her and you know, i put her heaa on hee, ann i was just like,,-- you knno, i keptt3 looking and i'm like -- really didn't say much.ú healthy at 7 pounds 3-ounces. %-yyu knoww it was, i don'' like pain. - can't deal with paii in certain thhngs, but, if i caan3
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deal withhthat, i an do annthingg >> i loveeher so much for doiig thht. you know, i've ever met a young wwman likeeher thht so, soo3 ambitious and so like ready to go and i'm so proud of her. i'' o proud of hhr. >> oh!!33 later on the foo 45 earry edition, police innestigate a baatimore city..3 could point tt criminal but next, they''e making cooe back if 2000. how your behavior at the ho 333
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concerns last year. -ffice festivitiis are makin maa come back this holiday season. ú%ill it's meant to be fun and relaxing time with colleagues it'ssimportann that how you two years.pit falls.w to avoid theessoietyyfor human resource management, found fewer employyrs cutting parties due to management conntraints. if you haven't been to a holiday gathering in a while, one thing3 to remembbr is that the key wor3 office. ú%>> let your hair down, but dot ú%t it down all thh wwy. have fun, talk about things that -on't have too much to drink.
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don't be wearing a wiid outfit. >> rreorter:: not having too much to drink, seems obvious. whileea hharty pprtt rarely a hit. >> maybe they aven't beenngiven an assignment for a careerú becauseethey weren't acting appropriately at aaholiday ú%nctioo and they eren't seen the association is lookkng for. a party faax pas can carry intoú the new year. yyu have to be aware once something is posted out there, it's oot there. >> reporter: be sensiiive about thh photo aad videos you posttwith co-workkrs,,you will have to live with tem long after the arty is over.3 the allegedly took a fake bbmm to a illitary recruiting ú%e tatus of thht suspeec arrested last weekk -p anddit's the busiest
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