tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX March 1, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST
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3 the battle over same sex marriage in maryland movee to the house of delegates. a house committe is expected to vote on the controversial issue today. more on this next hurdle. good morning patrice,12 members of the house committee are actually co-sponsors of the biil.áávirtuallyáá guaranteeing passage in committee... after that, this heads to the full house... where the vote seems evenly spl. split.this comes after the senate approved the measure same sex ccuppes full marriage rights here in maryland.they did it after two days of what appeared like respectful discussion.but some delagates predict the house will be much more volatile.they're already speeking out. 3 3 "many of the legislators,
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african &pamericans.................d on'' see how they can vote for it." if theehouse does approve the measure, the governor says he'll sign it into law.. it's likely though, that opponents would petition for a referenddm... giving maryland voters... the final say.megan gilliiand, fox45 morning news. 3 with a government shutdown looming... the house could act today on a republican plan to extend the government's spending authority for two weeks. they have until friday to pass a bill to fund the government. if they don't, the government will shut down.democrats agree on the need or cuts...but say the rrpublican-leddhouse is threatening an already fragile economy. garamendi says: "i would urge caution for all of us. the unintended consequences ever those budget cuts will come back in many, many ways to harm this nation." nation." lee says: "what we do want is
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for congress to start acting rrsponsibly and for congress to stop kicking this can down the road every single time the question comes up." up."the white house says funding the government in two week increments creates uncertainty, and right now, there is no committment to sigg it if it passes. wisconsin's governor imposing a deadline on the wayward democratic lawmakers as protests over his budget plan and cutting collective bbrgaining continues. this was the capitollin madison yesterday.police wont' let any more protestors in unitl current ones eave.the governor says thooe a-w-o-l have 24 hours to - the non-partisan legislative fiscal bureau has pointed out that the state stands to lose the opportunity to achieve 165-million dollars of savings to this budget repair bill if the work's not completed by the end of the day on tuusday." tuesday."walker also said up to 12 thousand state...local.. and chool jobs could be eliminated.
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governor o'malley took time at the national governors associaaion's winter meeeing with the president.. to weigh in on the ongoing struggle in the dairy state. we're asking for many in md than in wisconsin but we're not using this crisis to charpen an idelogical axe and go after the rights of workers to organize. organiie.o'malley and governors from across the country are using their time at the meeting to discuss financial issuessimpacting their constituents at home.. and are pleading ith lawmakers to avoid doing anything that would hamper economic recovery in their home staaes.they're also asking lawmakers to prevent a government shutdown by any means necessary. what kinddof benefits do public sector workers get? the heritage foundation found oo average public workers makk 22 percent more than thier private counterparts. counterparts.raises are based on seniority not productivity. productivity.the presidents affect those raises.doesn't -
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raises.federal workers can retire at 56.a worker with 3 years on the joo gets all 10 federal holidays... 20 paid vacation days. and 11 sick days per year. police identify theeman found found murdered in his southwest baltimore home. home. a relative found 61 year old edgar wilson's body sunday afternoon at a house on clifton avenue.he had been stabbed to arrests have been made at this time. the family of missing teen phylicia barnes tries to keep her case from going cold.. with a prayer vigil. vigil.02:04:16 "we won't stop searching... we won't stopping hoping that she will be returne" returned."she vanished without a trace 2 monthssago while visiting family in baltimore. now.. her family... and police are making a new plea for information that may help them find her.the police department has dedicated an entire squad of seven investigators to this case....and they're still working with thh f-b-i. so far .. none of the leads has
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panned out.... but police and her family remain hopeful. 00:03:17-33 "it's een a whole two months. a long two months waiting. we've been hoping and praying that somebody has seen something that's very important... that they would just say something." something."police are still possible abduction. they've inteeviewed everyone who had access to the barnes' apartment.they've also thoroughly searched thh complex... and the nearby shopping center where barnes was believed to be headed.but nevvr turned up there. a johns hopkins student remains in a oma after he was saturday. 20-year-old naahan krasnopoler was riding in a marked bicycle lane when an 83-year-old woman struck him with her car --- trapping him underneath happened near 39th and university parkway. he was taken to johns hopkins hospital and is in critical condition.the driver is ot expected to face charges.
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authorities arr going high tech when it comes to finding a possible serial rapist along the east coast. coast.police ay this man attackee at least 17 women and girls.the attacks began in forrestville maryland in 1997. the mosttrecent attack was in woodbridge virginia in 2009. "he was armed with a handgun and mask. he led them into a wooded rea where he exual assaulted the girls." a new website with more information about the assualts is up. go to fox balitmore dot com slash newslinks to read more. more than two dozen city cops suspended....accused of taking kickbacks from a rosedale towing company... now one city councilman wants answers about the city's towing program. program.councilman james kraft called for an investigative hearing to learn more about the city's medallion towing program.tenndifferent towing companies licensed by the city split more than 4-point-4 million dollars in revenue for towing vehicles during fiscal year 20-10.that adds up to
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just last year..and of the 130- dollar charge for a tow.. the city gets just seven dollars.. andd50 cents. 22:56: kraft: "there are questions to be raiied about the way the program is being adminnstered. at this point, i think that is the best way o see it."sot18:18: young: " i think the city should be taking a little more of that money so when we have the investigative hearing all that ptuff will get flushed out. out.several of the tooing companies that have medallions... have also made thousands of dollars in campaign ccntributions to city leaders. the cost of two things most of us need to get through the week.. is skyrocketing.a gallon of gas has shot up 21 cents in the past week. week.right now, a gallon oo gas costs an average of 3- dollars 33 cents in maryland... last week it cost 3-12.this time last year, it was 2-67. ... ann coffee is now at a 14
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ááyearáá fact.. some of the most popular coffee brands have ooe up 10- percent in just the last month. the reason for the surge?there have been several low harvests in one of the biggest coffee producing nations in the world... colombia. these signs of the bad economy... are itting small busineeses hardest. thh latest casualty in baltimore county issaacoffee joel d. smith is live at "java mamma's" now, only days before they close the doors for good. 3 3
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charlie sheen has had his moments over the years... from reeab... to domestic assault charges. last week... c-b-s halted production of the mega-hit comedy show 'two and the season... shortly after sseen blasted his boss on a radio show.and on monday... his long-time publicist announced his anny rose tells us... it's all led up to sseen's outrageous prime-time interview with c-n-n. c-n-n. so, i don't thinn i i'm still alive, whichhis pretty cool.hollywood's quintessential bad-boy, charlie heen, says he's cleaned up his act.he says he's ready to go back to work on the c-b-s show 'two and a halted last week after sheen lashed-out at the show's co- creator.i have a vision of us getting back on thh air for season nine and then doing
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seasoo ten and then cleaning up all this mess a live interview monday night, c-n-n's piers morgannasked the actor about his struggle with addiction.i don't believe myself to be an addict. i don't. i think i ignore or smash or finally dismiss a model that i think is rooted in vintage balderdash, you know? sheen seemed to have a special distaste for for psychologists and addiction speccalists...i'm a winner and their lives look like they're ruled by losers. just to put it in black and white terms. i don't want their lives and they want mine. but they want to criticize he hell out of it. he's manic, i don't even know what that means. i guess thaa would imply there's going when that's coming, but maybe sheen says he plans to sue c-b-s for halting thh shoo.i'm andy rose reporting. coming up on the early edition... you saw the tape.. that became a youtube sensation. sensation.sit down...sit down
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map 195 map benfield still to come... it's not exactty traditional fathhr- son bonding. bonding."ride horses, go fishing. that's ggod bonding father-son activities, cooking methamphetamines is really not." the lesson this dad should've himsell. gas prices rise 20 ccnts in the past week... much it will cost you to fill up.
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my shrink said i need to channel my hostility towards checking fees into something 'beautiful.' touch the ball. get rid of checking fees. get electric orange checking, from ing direct. no "you're not rich enough fees." no "fee of the month fees." because we don't like fees. beautiful. you saw the video...the one with the city officer yelling at a kid on a skateboard in the inner harbor....then pushing him on the went viral on youtube. youtube. crime and justice reporter joy lepola lets us know whether that cop back on the job? 3 ((pkg)) sit down...sit down i'm not a dude. a baltimore cityy police officer... captured berating a skateboarder... puttiig him in a headlock even
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pushing him to the ground. (bush) he asked me if i heard hi and i told him i had my ipod in and he said don't get an attitude with me.. then that's hen he went off.." (video) when i'm talking you shut your mouth. this video has been viewee more than 1.5 miilion . for the teen's mother ... she's seen enough. (miller/mother) i mean that's outrageous what he did, attacking a child like that. when this run-in occured... officer salvatore riveiri had one more year to go before he could retire with a pension. a dream dashed.... after a court hearing in downtown baltimore this morning. 10:29:54 i think people don't underssand generally that taking action as a police officer can be very physical michael marshall defended riverie's actions in court. 10:30:02 the force that was used officer riverie in the that physical. while a as not &privieri should be suspended.. the police commissioner fired him. after hearing the
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firing a judge ruled the ccmmissioner's actions were justified.stand up11:53:13 there were about a dozen officers from the department attending todays hearing. following the judges ruling disappointed. they feel as if the police commissioner caved under public pressure// they said the officers actions certianly didn't warrant him being fired :30 (atty marshall) 10:29:39 i have a lot of respect for him but i think he overreacted. an overaction in the eyes of some...justice in the eyes others.... in downtown baltimore joy lepola fox 5 news at ten. straight ahead... some tax changes probably meant more money in your pocket.what most americans didn't do end up doing withh the extra cash. cash... and gas prices jump more than 20 cenns in just a week!the reason behind the spike. ((break 3))
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a strong closing kick for stocks in february the dow picking up 95 points to end the month. the dow, nasdaq and s and p postinn solid gainssin february. all of 'em up for three straight months. americans not spending the extra cash from lower taxes... personal incomes rising in january by phe biggest amount in almost two years...thanks to that social security payroll tax cut. but consumer spending only piccing up fractionally. rising gas prices could be keeping shoppers on the sideeines. the national average for regular unleaded gas now at 3-37 a gallon. up 20 cents in just one week. another sign those for home sale signs might be staying up a bit longer. fewer americans signing contracts to buy previously owned homes in jaauary. and groo-pon- going global. the poplar coupon website teaming up with a chinese internet company to tap into that country's growing consumer class in beijing and shanghai. that's
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business, i'm shibani joshi. cooing up... gone.. and forgotten.... a baltimore cemetary in ruins. was broken in many peices... there was a human skull thht surfaced surfacee the fight to it.and thh battle over same sex marriage heads to the house.i'm megan gilliland how a judiciary committee is expected to vote tooay. today. 3
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