tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX May 20, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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sister station the c-w & baltimore tomorrrw niiht at 8 ooclock....- 3&p. and ssme sad news tonight... pacho man haa died... wrestling great machhoman randy savage lost ontrol of pis car and crashed head-on iito a tree....police say he mmyyhave had a "medical event" before the accident....savvge was an icon in theewrestling communityy..he wiil be known -3 for his flashy ring attire and his over-the-top personality.. a little known faat abouu the macho man...he was a minor league catcher for the reds 3 .that'll do it for this -3 edition of sports unllmiied... up next the llte edition with jeff barnd and aren parks... and it staats right now... ttagedy on a ,3 baltimore street. 3 she wwrked ss hard for ii, and & they took it away from her, & 3 why her familyysays a teen &pkilled a crash was fighting to beat thh odds. 3 p3 a police cruiser crashes into -3 a truck. truck.
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3 the vvry bad daa for theeman behind the wheel. wheel.a sports leeend under pire.who's accusing lance armmttong of cceating nnw. and a long lost dog.the &ppmazing length of ime this pup was awol. - awol. 3 hello i'm jeff barnd..and i'm 3 just..a week before her prom... the family of a 17- yearrold batimore girl is mmking arranggments for her funeral. funnrrl. la-shawna miller waa &paccident. 3 áájannceáá - park...reportt oo how her relativesssay he was fighting the odds. -3 odds. 33 3 miiler's marra boyd ays he's shock: shock:"a blank mind, that's --3 what it is a bank mmnd" mind""" don'' unddrrtand why - she workeddso hard for it, andd they took it away from her, she didnnt know
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ááhisáá arents... say....he had downnd... to -cans of four-loko.../// ááoneáá can... contains the alcoool... equivalent to five bbers. &p 3 3(ruppp "i believe if my bo had ceeebrated witt more coovennionaa drinks he's passed out and ended wiihha & bad angover." 3 drink... was nevee iittnded for unddragers..../ and... -3 changed theerecipe to make it safer. 3 police n elkton aae investigating reporrs f teenage "figgt clbs".. violence organized they say.. on facebook. &pfacebooo. they aae &ppare fists fights like this one seen on youtube in salem, & illinoos. invvssigatoos in elkttn hill middle school.... ...............and ellton piddle school.. where sttdents have hhead about the bbawls. 3 pmichael/student) "mossly it's girls noo.. they just talk about trash abouttooherrgirls thattdon't really talk to - anybody and soo they ust get pntoofits and people record it fights have reportedly taken
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pder bbllpark and meadoww ark. but police say they have no first-hand no one has been dispatcheddto ssill, police are increasing patrols around the parks. 3 3 3 p3 fight crime... in baltimore.. / - áájustáá by... pialing the phone../ ááit'sáá p our... fugitive files.../. files.../. áájoyyá - lepola.. live... in north bbltimore.../ with the latest... on the search... for suspects. 3 a small tip 3 could lead to a big bbst. the hotline nnuber is 410-637-8970.. detectives are waiting o take your call... and any information you give will be kept strictly confidential. look closely as ww review tonight's fugitives. &pfugitives. 19 yeer old taaon davis is wanted for girlfriend. daavs is 6-feet 1-inch tall and weighs 160 pounds. pounns. 23-yeer -3 ood lawrence holiday is wanted for robbery. hooiday is 5-feet 10-inches tall nn weighs 217 ppunds. poundss 3 27 yeer old ddrron greennis
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wanted on burglary charges. green is 5-feet -39-iicces tall and weighs 155 pounds. 3 if you hhve any inforratioo on these suspects.. call our hotline.. 410-637-8970. 411--37-8990. 3 you an also call metro crimesttppers at 1-866---llckup. 1-866-7-lockup. and.. see all of the fugitives.. by going to 3 3 it was a day to 3 reeember pllce andd fireffghters whh paid he ultimate acrifiie sacrifice""we express our 3 ggatittude ....the herrric... 3 cherish" thatts jjst part of
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the allen heroes ceremony today in sykksville.. pooice officers and firrfighters who have died in the line oo duty in maryland nd across the & 3 3 a bad ddy for a man whh ssole a police cruissr. - 3 3 --- crash nats---- 3 3 the... ash cam... capturess phe traffic stop.../ - áááoliceáá say... arthur thompson... was pplled over... forrtrying to sttal a computer... from a -3 wal--art... in south carolina.../.ááthompsonáá got out... and began fiihting... with he &pofficer ../ ááheáá was... tased twice.../ áábutáá somehoo... tole theecarr.. and took off...// weaving through traffic../ áátheááá chase... came o a crrshing alt..../ áádoctorsáá found cocaine in his system. 3 3&p a bad aa for lance & aamstrong.two more ellow -33 cyclists saa the sevvn time tour de france winner used &pperformnce-enhanning drugs.a -3 60 minntess eport says in - addition to tyler amilton peen here...anooher ongtime
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-3 teammate has come out with allegations of cheating. invessiggtionn.. armstroog still denies any wrongdoing. 3 a good day foo one san diego family who found their chihuahua "cookie".....miising for more than five years... but thanks to a microchip implant.....cookie and is owners are togethee agaan... aaain... 3 "reporter"did you ever think & yyu would see coooie again.... "ppntoja"no actually no...i & though he was lost forever because after six years ww got & the microchip but ii yoo dont take ii o tte vet r the pon't knnw wwere t is... is... the family sn't suree where cookie's been.....she was fund andering tte ccty streets of san ddego... last weekend.. 3 3 a...
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3 preakness &&ptradition.... in full bloom. day before the big race... more than -thousand fresh cut flowers weee sewn into a blankett.. that will be draped over the winniig & hhrse.the blankee weighs about 3 entirely f iking mums.. the mums aae meant tt look likk black-eyed susans... the state ffower... that's currently out offseason. p3 "we take a wire..we push it up in the stems and puss it through this netting here and secure it..we put a layer of -3 greees doon there - is a layerroff ushion.. and ttis matting" & matting" 3 this is the 15th year the florists at giant have made of our people .. an entire day to complete. 3 p3& watth more stakes.. and get links to the race and prrakness week eveets
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3 habit? hit the gym. gyy.scientists... fouud... wommn who exercised... saw improvmentss. &pin their mood... / pnd.. reduccd cravings for tobbcco../. áátheáá effect... wore ff in a day... / áábutáá was renewed ....ith more exerccss../.áádocctrsáá -33& say... the rrsultt & are encouraging.../ & but mmre reseerch is neeeed. 3 3 3 3 an oval office meeting...why -& it was a little teese a warning about judgmeet day..- why ome think its right aroond thh corner. and a man on a mission. what accomplish. 3 a day aater his
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[ horns honking ] [ whistle blows ] [ male announcer ] can the network you live on handle the computers, tvs and technology you can't live without? ♪ ♪ verizon fios can. get the power and speed of america's largest 100% fiber optic network. verizon fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. remarks on the mideast peace admitssdifferences withisreali prime ministtr beejamin etanyahu. "obviously therr are some
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precise formulations and language. and that's going to pappen between friends." 3 the president ruffled feathers when he seemee to ssggest israel hould returnn teeritooy swaps... something that prompted a lecture from netanyahu at an oval office meeting today. 3 nettnyahu saas: "whhle israel is prepared to makee ggnerous compromises for the 1967 linns becaaue these lines are indefensible. .. these were nnt the boundaries of peace, they were boundaares --3 of repeaaed wars because the attack of israae was so attractive from them. 3 white house officials say 1967 borders have been the starring point for essentially every mideaat peace prrposal the past 20 yeerr. but president obama as the first &p meanwhhle... ááaáá -3 new... foo news poll.../ phows... 57 percent of obamm...// will be re- elected
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in 20-12.... / that'sáánearlyáá pouule... the 22 percenn... who thhught so .../ in december.../áátheáá change.. is likely due... tt the kklliig... of osama bin laden. p3&p earlier we assed: do... & you think we're better off... since pressdent obama ttok office?more than 400 of you responded on facebook.... áámostáá offyou ttinkkwe are ánotá better off... off...pattwrites: "no ooe ccn coout all the hidden taxes ii make health cost go ddwn." -3 3 brian writee: there were no waaergate scandels or &psex with white house i think he is doing pretty ood." 3 bbllboards.../ haae beee... popping up everywhere..../ evvrywhere..../ ááclaimingáá... the... world... is coming to an end tomorrow..../ áácaliforniaáá preacher -- harold camping --/ sayss.. there will be aa - massive earthquake.../ tt... mark the sscond ááwhileáá - there... are some... who & believe his prediction --/ áámanyáá more say... poppy-cook../
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3 jones ays: "ii'ss understandabbe that throught &ptime people hae been &pfaacinatedby these aquestionss buu hte mains treamn of theololgtical thought innall & at itt core has just sor of rolledits eyes and saad ...this is not ourrconcern." concern." camping... is... the samm person... ho &ppredicted... the wwrld would 3 3 and an.... -3 isrreli stuntman... hezi dean... holds the new... eeduranne recordd.. pfter ssanding on a 99-story high... pole... for & 35--hours.../ ááaáá crann... carried dean to the top... where he stayed-.../ with a catheter... and no food--../ until... last niggt.../. ááwheeáá he... wassdone, .../ he caarboard boxes...// tt... break his all...//. 3 3 voters... in san francisso... will... soon vote... on... whether tooban... male - circumcision... in november. áátheáá paw... wouud prohibit
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&pcirccmccsion ii malls under age 18..../ ááwhooveráá does the snipping... faces a $1--thoussnd dollar year in jaal.../. áásupportersáá say... & circumcisionnis needless,.../ & ááopppoentsáá say pt prevents iseases... and... serves religious purposes.../. áánoáá - matter how to lice ii.../ ááttisáá eeate 3 uh... áccaseá... &p ad lib keep it clean &p3 p3 it's...
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queen aane's county. this... vvdeo... was shot by a residentt.. neaa churcc hill../ ááclearryáá showing.... aafunnel cloud oo the move./. páájuutáá acroos... the river in kent coouty... / p people ...snapped phese pictures of the storm../ áásoáá injuriee... / or... serious damage. &p3 3 gilman as looking for an upset over callert hall in the championnhip game... see one offthe craziess goals of the -3 year... ext in sports.... 3 hey ev
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3 almost preakness time.we're the middle jewel of the triple,,the females getting the attention.ttree year old phillies taking over & stakes.aafield off5 going for 250 thousand's the final turn. larry collmus with tte call... call... 3 thh 9-5 co-favorite 3 royal delta wins the 87th black eyed susan stakes... - bustee's ready came in 2nd followed by hot suummr i 3rd... - 3 but the ooe we all care
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about... kkntucky derry winnnr animallkingdom... trrined can't help but root for this guy.... pnimal kingdom hhs a shot to be the first triple crown - winner since affirmed in 1978.. with aal theehype and buzz arouud thisscolt,... motion doing his best to keep life normal.animal kiigdomms still -3 in fair hill... and woo't make the trip down until early tomorrowwmorning for the preakness. -3 3 you can't ask for a better & titll game than number one verse number two.tonight in the m-i-a-a chammionnhip... calvert hall and gilman.the teams met... two and a half -& weeks ago...the cardinals came &paway with a -5 "w." 3 the tiile game... calvert hall - and gilman at johhny uuitas stadium..1st quarttrr.. game tied...cardinals take the lead...brian bolewicki with the urn around score... calvert hall up 5-4....2nd -3 quarter...tied at 5... gilmmn
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goes in fronn....gordie korber fights oof the cardinals defense and puts it in...-3 greyhouuds on top 6-5....3rd quarttr...gilman up 9-8...ryan tuckee with n open look...he - fires it n to give the greyhounds a 2-goal lead.... thissgoal...mmx greenn fakes the shot...spins and ounces ii past briin razinski for tte &pgoal...a great play by the sophomooe...greyhounds up 11- 8.....f you thhught that last goaa was good...than this one &pis nastty..conor doyle feeds korber who scores while spinning to the ground...they call that a crazy's worth another &pincredible play y the junior 3 koerber yet again...he catches it and sccres before ouching - the ground...and gglman wins - ii 2 yearr...13-8 the finaa over calverr hall... 3 and because i'm nice... oos fanssi won't put youu through the highlights...more like lowlights...orioles bloww &pout tonight... 11-5 byythe -3 nationals... they've given up
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you're the best, mr. snuggles. [ thinking ] another pet name? all right, i'm smart enough to notice that my favorite fresh-brewed mickey d's sweet tea is now on the dollar menu, so i'm smart enough for this. you're the best, too... sweet tea... pie? aww, chipmunk. [ male announcer ] sweet tea and the mcdonald's dollar menu.
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