tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX May 26, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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to maps please 3the worst coulb be over in the midwest....ut yesterdda... moreetornadoes touchee down... one eam ccassd this tornaaoo in okkahoma that wiped out a runn=6you're watching a 3 trailer park being wiped off the map!the tornado rips across tte road... into the -3& ccn actuallyy see one home flying in the
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debris cloud. 3 pa news helicopter aught this & innoklahhmm- twister touched truck ripped apart.- the driver okay- 8 peeple killed in 3okllhoma. 3 right now rescue ccews n the &pmidwwst are digging through rubble looking for survivors... after thhs weeks massivv can be overwhelming. but new rescue vehicle rrght here in our regiin could ggve those first resppnders the confideece o handle annthing. anything. joel d. smith is pive in anne arundel ountyyto explain ow thee"mega" 3 good morning joel d. good mmrning megan, ((d lib) 3 p live in illersville, joel p. smith fox 45 morning news. &p
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3& nee informmtion on a story you saw first on fox...the city'' board of estimates is giving a baltimore fireffghter more -3 than 22- thousand dollars in &pback pay.he was uspeeded in junee... charged with assault and robbery involvingga transvestite.those charged are dropped...but noo everyone iss & happy aaoutttheedeeision. 3 23:17:36-49: jack younn: "the message i'm sendiig....all these lawsuits." lawsuits."the city says the 3 paymentt s for lost ages .... &pwhile the firefighter was
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suupended. 33 also firss on fox... a baltimore county man is behind pornography... inside is - parkville was then... & policce ound a vvdeo of 3 police ssy chesnut was living - wwth his wife and ddsablee ssy they''e sttnned by tte news. 3 "oc: he just doesn't seem likk 33 3&pchesnut is nnw haaggd with - abuseeof avulneerbleeadult. 500-thousand dollars baal. chesnnttis also suspended from his job... pendinn an administrrtivv review.
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3 downtown baltimorr... ccull get aamajor faceliftt plans call for a nnw sporrs arenn... - an expanded convention center and new hotel. rash & field is also scheduled to get &pa makeover.ww could even see a - huge night time waaer and liigt show at tte innerrharboo. tourism officials say the - to stay competitive with other'll cost almost a 3& done. 3 arnold schwarzenngger is having ight not only lose his wifee.. but he mmy lose a title e won. since news & roke oo hhs afffir and fathering a child... he national fitnessshall of fame pfftness spokespprson of the &pcentury award" he got ...just two months ago. 3 former pressdential caadidate, john edwards could ace some pegal troubll.he coulddbe indicted or misusing campaiin - funds to hide an affair and love child he athered.the north carolina democrrt used
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3 hide his miitress and thier daughter frrm public iew. 3 disney has deccded o withdraw its application... to 3 that's the nofffcial name of the navy seals group that took &pdown osamm bin laden..isney requested the right o use the namm on several proddcts... -3 innludiiggggmes and t-v shows. changee its mind.. out of - respect ffr thh navy. -3 3 he's your new 3 american idol. 3 nats- scotty mccreery3 - record- setting 122 million -3 votes ...
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3 - beat lauren alaina- what did - she whhsper in hii ear righh -3 after hh won? 3 she was just telling e you &pknow congratulations, we're &pstill tight can't wait to get -3on our with hee and all he -3 rest of theeidols and just - have a blast." 33áááchatááá áááchatááá 3 later this morning candace will be live in hollywood.... win.that's oming up in our 88 - p3 cominggup on tte early edition... ...what shh wants... is a credit caad... &pgivee to state workerr... workers...soo9:25:19: mos::"on &pmm goohh...give me one." one."the things hose orkers bought...that is raising a lot offquestions... questions....,3 3a>b> ÷
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33 aafox 45 aste 3 watch investtgation reveals -3 thh questionable way some state employees are spending pillions of yoor tax dollaas. this sttry makes yoo wwndee 33 this morning's covee &psttry... ww iivessigate .... whoss "paying with plastic." plastic." wwht do a swankyyd-c boutiquee hotel, est bby and the home depott hve in common?it'ss thousands of your ax dollars... using state issued credit cards.sot9:25:19: mos: "onnmy gosh... give me one."a waste watch investigation... into ssate spenning in the department of natural
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reeourcess. turneddup almmst 900 credit cardssin a employees.. that means more than half of the departtent's employees have sttte issued creddt cardd... with a 100- thousand dollar pending limit...and thh ooly apprrval nneded is a supervisor's signaaure.sot12:42:15: dee. mcdonoughh "one agency with & 900 credit cards and people -&prunning around llke donald trrmp."sot12:23:18: del tarrant: "the nuuber does sound extremely high and you reelly don't waat that many peeple walking around with the benefit of oveespending staae dollars."joseph gill is the depptyysecretary of the maryland epartment offnatuual resoorces.sot22::9:54: joseph: "the main thing is to be in a position where our employessif theyyneed to purrhhse -3 someehing to help them do theer job, we'll be abll to doo & that."credit card records -3 obtained through a freedom of information rrquest reveal -&pthat ast december... d-n-r - employeee... tte ame peoplee charged with preserving aad protecting our environmenn... raag-up a nine million dollar
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tab at dozens of retailers & using staae issued plasticc last year..76 other state 3 agencies spent orr thha 250- million dollars oo the cards -3 last year... sot13:48:15: marta::"most peopleein the 3 their own cceeit cards.. they have to use theirrown, then & get reimbursed."sot22:35:51: gill: "we're sing your monny in the most fficient, effective way."d-n-r employees ssent 700-dollars at best buy.. 800-dollars for ccble and 9-hundred dollars atta d-c- hotel or a conference.. &p4-thhusand dollars at grocery feed empllyees at work shopssand meetings...aad -3 p8-thousand dolllrs at home improvemmnt storess.for renovvtions.sot22:34:43: joee "it's an easy thing to go to -3 lowes and purchase lumber, nails anddwhat not."the cards amaaon doo-com.. the apple i- tunes ssore.. and dozees of other rettalers...gill efends &ppurchases above board and legiiimate... he says theyyre necessary in an agency which oversses 133 facilities... and
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11-million visitors each year. sot22:35:59: gill: "the local econnmy benefits by us being able to go into these storess needdwhen we need them."sot 12:05:44: tom: "because theee aae some many people involved with thiis there's so many different points wwere something can go wrong."in pactt.. a report released just 3 audittrs found fraud on aa -33 p-n-r card...auditors uncovered more than -3 71-thousand dollars in questionable urchases.. including computer games, pclothinngand gift cards...many of the purchases were home address...sot11:58:14: tom: "the controls over the ccrds are really basee at a low level.. so if the pndividual responsibbe for reviewing card activity doess not do a thrrugh job.. then you're risking a problem." -3 mmryland's deputyylegislative auditor... showed us 11 different sttteeagencces.. where auditors uncovered questionable purchaaes on ptate ccedittcards uring the last two yeers...tomm barniikel's ccedit card connern... is loose oversight over purchases at all ssate pgennies.12200:26: tom: "have 3 reviewing, or n most cases doo they overlook a loo of these 3 of a case where it's a priority at he agencies." "meaning?" "that usually there look fter credit card that "it sure can." sot22:35:37: joee "we have controls in placc..we reinforce those controls as requested byy -3 aaditors.. we're omplying with what he state asked us - to dooand we're taking thii
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coming uppinnour o'clock hour... get your tastt buds ready... & ready..."the sauce is what really brings out the flavorr that's rrally the kee ingredient to barbequiig anything." 3&pfind out the beet sauces to glazeeyour bbrbeque with for the holiday weekend... in your consumer reportt. matt stover is retiring...
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