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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 8, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

5:00 am
3 today is wednesday jjnee8th. - today aan omoorow are code & red ays- videe of people tryinn to stty cool- tempsson tteir
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way back up for the reet - ... aaf day scheeule- no ppm pre-k. pre--.- baltimore countyy pceremonies for higg schools pill be hhed aa ssheddled. 3 find out about schoollcloosngs &pthroogh our ttxt messagee to fox--altimore dot com... and click on text alerrss at the top offthe screen. 3&p- teaa coveeagg of the hheawwve heatwavve- egan live at ome & in the city... wiih tips on steve in kywwtch weather center 3 p,
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3 &p3 -3
5:03 am
3 providence map as the teeperattre rises,, - hiiher ann higher... so doos our b-g-e bill.ii'' expensive & po keeppthe house cool... like he one we're hading into today.but... there are a few things you can do right - nowá to ave money. mooeyymeean gilliland is llve -3& ffom her home nnbaltimoree -3 pity to showwus how ii's done..-&3
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good mooning patricc &
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3 3 extreme tempeeatures over the --3 pass couple of eeks areebeing maayland.both were eniir citizens.tte man was frrmm &ppboh had uuderlyyig mediial ccnditionss -3 3 tte d-c police officer ...chhrged ii the deathhof is & girlfriendd.. wiil now ffcc addiiional chargge in the
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with manslaaghtee for thh 3 body was found in a park... anndher one year ld dauuhtee... aylln was ound -33 in her car. 3 "i think for everybody in our & communniyywe share this ffmily's pain. we absolluell -3 case..wriggt's famiiyysays &pphilliissis jjylin's father. -33&pd---a testing was scheduledd -3 for the same daa the viccim's - wwre found. p3the body of a missing swimmer & in tte triddlphia reservoir... yansennwassfouud tuesday mmrning in montgommey county. yansen waa ne of three peoppe &pswimmmng in the reservviir... - couldd' autopss iss expected and his eath s 33&&pp3 thh walllw ireeii arizonn has forced ttousands to flee their homes. as gree bback eepllins... he fire hhs burnnd 389-ttousand acres so
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far... and now.... the flames p 3 thhewallow firr iisnow -3 officcally the second largest wildfire nn rizona's history..- it'' forced the evaccation of at least 5-ttoouand peopll. ---sott--ww packee up everythinggww coull. memooies starttover again oo nott ---track---the fireestarted winds ave hampered firefighters efforts.. grounding pllaeesthatt otheewiseewould be used to - douse flaame rrm the air. puueday windssdied own.... -3&p---sot---so we could fly our aircraft all our aircraft were up here puttinn reeardant nnaad dropping & tth flames aae aaso threateninggtt cross iito neww mexico. iiefighters andd homeewners ii lunaaare -3 ---sot----eesweeppback all the pine needlls. e take back a lot offflammable materials, lumbbr, whatevvr is next to the hooue.----ot--- i have mm pictures ann my quilts and myy
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sewing machine (butt sot) what -& will be, willlbe..---rrck--- aastate of emerggnccyearly phis week....releasing 200- aid iinresponne and recovvry. i'm grrg llck reporting. 3 no one as been seeiously - aftee tearfully admitttig hee & sent lewd phooos to arious wooen... ee yorkkcoogressman - anthoon wwiner is onnthh - weiner lied about he 3 acccunn as hhaked.but after a week... the -term coogreesman &pfinnlly connesseddtt to everyyne. weinee sayss he'sssorry for his actions.... - but assno plans tt resignn & 3 rrpresentaaiie weiner is now par of a long lineeof politiciaass aught in iess after first trying to deny any fee days foo this admmisson, - but some xpertt ay they knew he wasslyyng all alonn. &&p oel d..smiih is here thhy look for in iars.... andd someeoffthemm yyu might e
5:10 am
able to spot n thhse people around you. good porning joel d. good morning -& patricce in hinnsight t & eeeed bvious soomehiig was wwong ith hii deniill... - saying he was hhcced, but not ii was hhm or nnt ii the ppctuues. hhse & wwre hhs woors... but hhs non-verbal communicaaion maa have een evenn mre telling.. - 3 3 33 taking a cueefrrm tth foxx things called miiro- exxpessions... thhy miggt last less thaa a half ii you caa poo any of these picroexppessions sppt any f &pmiiroexpressiinssheee, hile & repreeentative weener was still in denial mmde. 3 "dii yyu send thht picturr tt &pthat collegg student in -&pdoesn'' knowwme nd certainly don't know her. itt make fun oo myynnmee when you'rr ameddweener that - somm
5:11 am
oddtwwtter ollowers, 3 this seems likk a prank that's 3&pattentioo. 3 &p and thee this is froomhis news ccnference fter comingg cleen... lip coomreesion is one of hhebody languaae & pignals hat we all use when &pwe are orced to isccss pomeehing or are rying to -&phold somethinggback. 3 p 3 a ittle llter we wwillshhw -3you thha weiner i far from alone when it omes to giving away theseenon verbal -3cluee.... and t doesnnt mattte wwaa side f the pplitical aisle ou re on eithhr. - 3 -3 p,
5:12 am
3 3 police n texas are 3& grave at a rural teeas farrhouse.after searcciiggthee area... police turneedup & woman laiminggto be a psyyhic. -3 pfficials took the informmtion serrously because the woman had sppcific details about the home.. ttat onlyyaaperson who - hhssseen it... could havee pnoww. 3 pveryooe needs tt rellxx. andd aaparently thht's eeactly whht - pablack bear had in mind in -3 flooidaait decideddto gg for a swii... in a famiiy's hot tub. ventured out from a state & pway... and enjoyed a little relaxattonn 3coming uppon he early -3 makknn it's caae in the murder ttiil of a baltimorr poliie offfcer. you thhnk shamba acted in self defensee defense?ffnd out who theyysay
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is. 3 ((breaa 1)) 3 ((bump in)) &
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((ad libbmeteorologistt) p3 -3&
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3 ((traffic reporrer ad libs)) & (((raffic rrporter 33 meteorolooist))((addlib 3 3& ((traafic reppottrrad libb)) mmp fiberr ap prrviddncc map wilkens 3 map fiber map
5:18 am
providencc mmp wilkens &p ,3 - p3 3 3
5:19 am
3 &&p3 3 3 we're looking or the best add in altimmre! &pteel s hy youurdad is palttmooe's best... and he could win a trip for two to -3& pan franccsco... courtesy of air- trann irways.yooucan mail youu eenry tt 20000w. 44ss ssreee in baltimore 22211... or g to ffobaltimore dottcom. com.if yoor entrr is chosen.. ppize.. a trippfoo woott san frrncisco.. incllding three
5:20 am
3&pwinner also gets the titll of -33 pallimooe'ssbest dad. -3 3 still to come... -3 pxppcted..find outtwwere hee -& puts hh blame.& blamm.channay... do you haae any omment reggrding yyuu ttstiiony? no. no.tte defeese preesnts it's &baltimore oofiier.hear frrm &the woman.. sid to have -3 partied with theeofficer .. 3 ((bummp ut)) 3 (((reek 2)) &p3 &p
5:21 am
can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating whole grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lower our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. ñ>ñ1ññño/÷/ññlúeo
5:22 am
the deeense now presents áátt" rrporter joyy epola was attthh courthouse downtown... where the defenndnt.. as tte vvctim. 3 3 ((pkg)) famiiyymembers of ooficer gahiji tshambaablocked cameras as heyyenteree court. -3 nat pop from hand..droid) aaong those the 33& defense called tootestiff... -3 phis woman kia atkinson. nat pop (iphone))dooyou ttink tshamba acttd innself defense? attinnon was partyinn with officer tshhmbb he niiht he --33& shot foomer mmrineetyrooee bbown 12 times. shh testiffed... brown was --3 advancing toward tshamba.. -(pettit) 10:422:6
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i thouuht & deeeased the agggessor pl broow ann i don't think that - happened.(joy ann chantayy &p10:44438 chantaa... do you hhve any cooment regarding your estimony? no.(rhodes) 10047:38 she testified that t -3 waa her brrther whh -3 consistaatlyymoved foowwrd & phhlee y ccienn asstte onee moving backward the nttre pimee but kangalee expllaied -33 thatther brother was rying -3& tt calm ddwn the off duty & officer.buu the defeese p0:48:28 there cooess ttme when common ense mmst preeaill 3 phii case... wheehee tshamba identifiee himssef as a police -3 officer. stateewitnesses ay he didnt... crystal ramsey the night of the ssooting. telling the uuge... shamba indentified himself aa a cop grounn. wittnessss say & grrbbeedher rear end.. -3&10:43:02 peetit i hink tte aggressorrwas tssambaaandd 3 otter testtmooy.ramsey slapped
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-&plooked as if his wws going o hht herrbut other witnesses - block her swiig. it was a later... a weapon was drawn & and gunshotssrang out. joy p3& testimony resuues thii moonnng. 3 straighttahead... 3ford wants to ncrrase it's to get the oo one. &pddne.ann find what's stoppingg tte economy frrm rrwing - faster?what thh presidentthass to say.. neett -33((break 3))&
5:25 am
[ female announcer ] keurig brews more than just hot coffee. now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
5:26 am
3&p--repprter pkg-as ffllows -- &pgainn on waal street dissppeared tuessdy, followwngg commmnts from federrl eserve &peconomic growth as been pxpected.. but e saidd he paae of rowth shoold ppck uu &pinnthe secood halffof tte 33to close at 12070. its fifth
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the sand p 500 alls finished lower.president obama says &phh's ot conceened abouu a pointtprees conffrrncc withh germannchannellor angelaa merkel..iiam concerned bout thaa we're on is not producing pobbsas quickly as i want it &pa major faator is gas prices, which are takingga oll on conssmer confidence. but he &pon a path towwrr growth. ford &pincrrase iis global saaes byy years.c-e-o laa muually ssys the automaker plans to arget 3 china, and foous on smallee, morr fuel-effiiieet vvhicles. "withhour scale noo we can 3&ptte maakets around the worll &pand o t mmst affordablyyfor 3 exxeets onee-hird of its sales -3to come from emerging countries. ffr business -----end-----cnn.script
5:28 am
cooing up... 3 abra cadaara cculdn't save & thhs hoodinn!find out how thiss - magiciinnsstrick weet horrrbby wrongg
5:29 am
this sensor will show why my living room gets too hot and too cold! for a limited time get up to five-thousand five-hundred and fifty dollars in rebates to make your home more energy efficient. visit bge smart energy dot com.


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