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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 16, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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p ppbbii viewing will be held ooay for theenephhw oo congressmannelijah cummings.... chriitopher cummmngs. pumminns. chhistooherrwas --3 apartmmnt innnorfolkkvirgiiia. his roommate was aaso severly injured.cummings as a stuuent - at old dominion university... studying criminal justice.ass - offnow.... o suspeets haae peen arrestee inn teecrime... whiih ppllce elieve was home invasioo. 3 phrisstpphr's funeral is paaurdayyat thee vvctory -33 prayer" chapel on reisttrstoon - road here in bbltimore.eeijah ccummngs is expectee to
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peliver the ulogy. 3 pollcc are still drrver that killed two young 3 at the same time ... family &pturneedout in nuubers ... last viggl.(crring etc) the tearful vigil attthe crrme -3 scene.. groupsspeoplee rowded the corner and into thh streee po honoo courtney angeles and emerald smiih.. tte girlss were crosssng mmk boullvard downtown after a wwll alonn 3 3 3 a bbltmore paaking ooficial iss & aacusee of presssrinn garage operators toohhieea seccrity 3&phusband..ettyy oodberry was - suspenddd roo hee job wiih the parriig authority. ballimore's inspector general alllgesswoodbbrry abussd herr - position by "miccr managing" city owned garages and denies. & 33 3&p(woodberry) ""ou now who has
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the documentttion to show that i ssid you have to use thii &&pparricular company because not been done, itt' just not true." prue."the... parking uthority 33 behindtheeinvestigatton of poodberrr. -3 p33ttee tadium authooity wants balttmore to ay oo a bii pprt of thee110 houssnd -3 ddllar fee... ... and see if billionndollar harbor overraul. thh plan calls for pnocking downnthe sheraton....&pputting in a new hotel andd conventtoo center and a new phows.tteefunding for most off the defeese presenns it'' casee today in the casey anthony murder trial.theeprosecutioo -3&prested yysterday.ttey''e spent tte last past ttree weekss &ptryinn to provv anthony 3pcylee withhduct tape in 2008. &pthe defense is arguing... &pcaylle accidentaaly drowwed
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pome good news for abriellee congresswoomn as reetrned hhme... afttr beinn rrleased giffords haa been recoverinng &pin the hossital ffr months... aftte beiig hottin the headd as aa outpatientt...her intense recoveey proggrm will not hange. 3pongressmmn anthony weiier - spotlight. a former porn star is now speeaing oot... &pabouttaalegeddconversations -33she had with wwener nlinn. ginger lee held aannws &pccnferenne wednesday... sayynn pte ongressman tolddher tt lie aboot their onliin chatss lee read a statemeet to preorters..- -33 lee sayss "hh askkd e to lie abbuutour communicatton. iiputt & out a tree-sentence &pcommunication thaathe told mee to ay, i didn't want toosayy anythiig furthee, i refuseddto - lii so i wwnt silent and went intt hiding. 3 lee also says she blievee weinnr should rrsign bbcause -3 peelied to the pubbic for ver aaweek. 3 threeebaltimore businesses aae -& in trouble... ffr slling
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toxic ead eweery o kidd.the mall ssld a pinkk rhnestone max n easttmonument street soll aastrawberryychhrmm bbrcclet.aan k-g eauty on frederick aveeue sold a p3-piece pparl set.if yyu have thhse... ou aae urged to take &pthee away from idd immediately. the heallh deparrment has issued pitations to alllthree puuinesses. & 3 for tte fiist ime inn 9 years, thh boston bruins are theestanley cuu ccampions. & thhy defeateddthe annouverr -canucks last night ... & wwnnnng tte best-of-seven 33 greg bback reports... canuccs lightly... riotinggin te & streets of vancouuvr. & 33 celebrated their staaley cupp& victory... thousands of canuccs ffns ooo to the & riotingg.. flipping ccrs andd & petting fires.. "aavery sad morr arssthht have been overturned as well."peopll
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bbrakingg)vancoover policee tried to contain tte unruly crowd that continually taunted and hrew ttingg at offfiers. ((expllsiin, cheering))some fans wwre wrestlld to the ground byypolice.((nats -3 screaming))one an said he foond the riots to be an -&pembarrassment to vannouvee. this isn't the reputttiin we pann."the caaucks have bben to - theefinals three times in thhii 41 seasons in thh n-h-l, but haav never won the staaley -33cup..'mmgreggblack reporttig. -3& the canncks were seekkng o become thee irst canaaiaa team to wwn theen-h-l title since -3 the mootteal canadiens in 1999. p3 we're number 6!!!! that's not a ccanttyou hear baltimore bbinn named tte 6th 3 joee d. smith is ive at theeinner haabor with a breakkown as to hw a ravvl conclusioo. & good morninn joee d. good
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3 3 ust ast weekkwe learnnd
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3 be leaving harbbrplace in thee - like a box of cocolates... -& poo neverrknow what yoo'rr - going to get. ggt.we're ffnding out ... that "bbbba gump ssrimm coopany" -3 will filllthe space .. left by phillipp bubba gump is a - seafood chain ased o the movie "forest gump".the ayor - 3 i don't ttink hereewill e -&&pmany stomach complaining that bubba gump shrimppcominn to ressauraat. and, i'm ery optimistic that phillips will remain in downtown balttmmre. 3&pbubba gump shrimp should be oppn in harrorplacee.. nextt & 3&ccming up n the early edition... shh wassevicted from er home... buttby missakk! miitake!shhna) "i was walling pup the steps and my door was open... open.."that's not he end off 3áelseá was takennffrm err her!
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-3&p3p(break 1)) (((ump in))
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3 ((2-shot toss to eather)) 3 & 3&((ad lii meteorooogiss)) 3
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3&p((traffic reporter ad llbs))
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,3& pap ffber map wilkkns map liberty 3 p3 3 3
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3&pstiil o come... johnnon aad jjhnson is uttinn 3 peason beeinddthe losses. lossss.(shana) i've never, offdolllrssworrh of items shh was aacidentallyyevicted! find out ow this aallccold phve happeeed. 3 ((bump out)) beth! hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios.
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33 a woman evicctd rrmmher home.. by missaae. now... she's fighting to gee the aaartment is callinn itt all a biggmistake .. butt 3 now the woman and her pttorney believe shh was not 3 pobbed oookeith annels has on foxx fox. &pp shana maaor s lookingg for a new place to live.... afttr a stuuninggdevellpmeet at her ld apartment. .... hearr of anything likk his ever happpning..." hhappeee about two weeks ago at the ggrden ppandallstown..... shana had arrrveddhomee rom & was walking up thh steps ann -............she walked intoo her apartmenn.. her belongings, once stacced
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neetly anndpacked away aater mooiig in 33months arliie.... were oo scattered ann hhown about.... theeapprtmentt ransacked..... & ............shana ttought she'' been robbed..(shana) ""y 3 in my itchen was ooe, yy food was one,,my ccottes were taken oof thh hanner...." &p.............but t was no rrobery.. shana had been evicted... by mistake. sse caaled the propertyy managee.(shana) "she said, oh, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry hee & connractto asked for thh wrong -3 kee...................shaaa trash for victions wenttinto the wrong aaarrment. - eviction nooice on aparmtmentt 302... ssaana lves neet ddor in 301. we trred petting answers frrom - the leasing office iis commeeting. the regionaa & manager referred us to corporrte, greestar office as returneddour calls." & ................the contractor
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& hasn't returned calls either. return ome f her & they kept what was of value.. inccding jewelly and variouss -3 electronics.((hhaa) "these peee things that eople gave -&&pto me for varioussthings, & holldaas, birthdays.. hingss -3 over time peoollehave given to & me, anddthey're gone! llke, you've ook me, really, that's me, thaa ii me. now, have 3 shana says managment did offer her anotterrapartmeet. the contractor oofered 15 pundred dollaar and 2-days free atta hottl. bbt sse claais more than 0-thousand - dollars of her property iss &pstill missing. & 33straiggt head... trouble inngrreceecould sppead to ooher countries.theerresso --3 peeind the vioolnce overrtheer. thhre.and yyu might rock out to pandora... buu find out why it's nottperrorming wwll in -3 the stook market... exx..-& ((break 3))
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p3 p3 nnrgy coots ropping...-3 p pandora falls flatt.. aad aa elizabbeh macdonald repprts... johnson nd thht's aal in your fox means business report. report. 3 violenne ooerrtteee... sending - stoccs tumbling right here.. majjr protests erupping in - greece over the latest round oo budget ccts.fears mounting 3&pcountries..hat haddiivestors in america rnnnng for covvr with a majjrrstock selloff. meentiie our ppying mmreeat the stooeeso-caaled core inflation hichh xcllues -3 ppices foo food ann energy... & rissnn laat month by the & biggest amount in early three 3 costs last mmnth dropping for tte firss - ttme n nearly a year.another -3 big cooing out party on wall street.shhrrs of online raaio 60 percent early on its first
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company actually osing mmney -33&ppaat quarterrand johnson and johnsonnsayinggit will top mmking drug-coated eertt ptents ue to ssowinn alessj & andd also cutting up to a ttousand oos as it &ppcnsolidates ann shuts down planns. that's bbuiness. i'm &pplizabeth macconald. 3&p coming up... foo ll the wrong rresoos.the storr behind johnnedwards' smilinggmug shot...
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3 burninggthh candle on booh pake-up for lost sleep...on fox 3 -3 33 &


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