tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 16, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT
5:32 am
3 a motorcyyle accident inn happened juut fter 1 & ''cock this morning... nearr &pthh inteessction of route 450 ann king ggorge treet. &pplice sy both victims eee declared deed aa tte scene. no ord yyt on what caused & this accidentt 3 aacrofton man is innjaii &&pthis mooning...suspected of & stabbing his wife and two daaghtees. ddughters. officerr discovered 49-year old mother and her 11-and--0-yearr stab woondssat their rofton about an hour later .. in a woodee pree near the home... they discooereddtte girl'ss ather 3& p police re tryinggto deterrineewwether hii injjries arr selff -3 inflicted. 3 p they wwre realll quiet. -33 its a shook to know it wws
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friendd ith the aughtees nd & i nnveerthoughttit'd happpn - palks and everything." everrthing.. 3 police have yee too who... at last check... weee -3 in serrous condiiion. -3 3 a major drug buustat a "phish" concerttooer theeweekend t merriweether ppst paviiion llads to ddzens of arreets. & howarr county policc saa ver two dozen people were arreeted aftee hey founn variouu drugs and cash.aaout 20 of he -3&parrests wereedrrg related.. whill tte rest weree oo disorderry conduct and &trespassing.22 aacohol -3 citations were also issuud. 3 hhalth advisories arr in effect along te soutt riverr -3 innannappliss.. ue to hiihh baateria eveel.. 3 levels. the county healthh &pdepartmmnt ssys evelssthere are áthhee times higherá than the acceetable liiit..because keeping theer boats and kids... on dry land.. thee pdvisories wwll reeain in effect for at least anotherr week. -3 33 (julie
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& offour ssmmer and hy ww live because we lloe the & water.. ann we have aaboat ann -3 liie to go out bbt werr not all" health offfcials have - re-teeted thh water... but the results will not cooe back - untillnext week. p3 maryland congressman elijjh cummings s oneeof seeeral lawmaaers... waating on 3 pirearmm... ollooing the ddathhof two ffderal aaeets. &pagents..he congressional pearinggis ceetering on an purioos"... where he a-t-f -3 encouraged ammrrcan gun shop &&pooners to sell weaaons to mmn oughtthundreessof assault 3&ptrrck the weapons... but thhse weapoos were used to kill a & pordee pattrl agent... nd an - immigrrtioo officer. 33 pe wrote reports bbt notting mmoee nowing aal heewhhle,
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saw theee individuals buy 33 ww still did noohinn.. pottingg"the house committee hopes to pin down who -3 authorized the strategy... and & who knew about itt & 3 this dooss't look like your typical mug shott.. ut it is..-3 presidential candidaae....john many wwndee... whh ii he ssiliig?edwards as indicted ast onth... for -3&pallegedly sing one-million --3 dollars in illegal ccmpaignn & punds... to covve uu aa affaii he haa withha ssaffer.edwwrds - pleaaed oo guiltyyto ccargees 3 marylaad congressman roscce & bartlltt ii part oo a bi- paatisan group oo lawwaaers... suing the president overr &pmilitary actiin in iiyy. -3 pibya. tteegroup argues &&pthe presiient took acciin... 33 congress fiist.they sayyit's a -33 violaaion of thee"war of powerr resooutton" of 1973. 3 pones says: "where and when does the constitution say to a congrrss
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and send millions of ddllars nnbombb and equipment ooer to counnry invvde a ccuntry that''snotta threat to ou?" pou?"the whitt house says u-s -3 involvement in liiya is ásoá pimited noow.. that heewwr powwrs act doesn't appll. 3& ussally, baltiioreans miiht want to bb on a listt with new york, l.aa and - philadelphia.... ut not when americaa from trash o the tastt of tap wwter, ccarm citt is eiig ccaracterized as &pa mess. dd you agree? & agree? ool d. smmih is -3&plive aa he inner harbor... . placc that coulln't save baltimorr from a vvry rank.... rrnkinn. good morniig joel d.. good morning patriie,, ((d lib) 3
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5:46 am
3 &p3 coming up... it left... but noo itts making a comebaak! &ppomeback!!leeseewelcooe to he stage the lovely marla marannuu pmaaanguemeet the womee -33 bringing burlesquu back to life ii allimore... baltimmre...and te nnf-l lock - out ssgaacontinuus...find out 3 betwwen theedueling siies... was held. [ female announcer ] for those who see the world as their playground... ♪ the sun's going down ♪ [ female announcer ] need more than an ordinary diaper. it's why there's pampers cruisers!
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5:48 am
3 for years baltimore was aahhu -&pfor some offthe besttbuulesque p but in tte --3 ssventiee... wwen x-rated thosser--ated stage shows --3 shutdown.buu bbrlesque could be makiig a our -3 cover story... jeff abell showw us why the world of buullssqe.... is setting the ssage for a revival. revvvaa. p (sewiin nats)
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&pstitchiig a tyle alllher own. & (22:00:53)) 3 "therees a lot of handiwork involvve.. a lotof - embellissment.... prker -3&pis aaccstume esigner.. who....not only....creaaes art.... (22:39) "i was so serrous and studious ass parker....beeomee art. (22:39:22) "oh, i lightenne up a bit...." (22:53:50) "the &plovely marla mmringue roo sticky bns burlesque..." -33 ssees marla merrngue parker.... - desigger by day.... - burlessuuedaacer by niggt. (23:48:28) (mmssc) pcrying.....cryinn...." womeen ho are brinning -3 burlesque back. (23::5525)
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(audieene) "yeah....! whoa...!" itssa onn way from the dayy oo bbaze starr and gypsy lee rose. performers who once puut burreeque onnthh bbock.... -33 but who uieely vanished more than thhrty years ago. - puestionee there's a revival - oo burlesque...."" the new - womee of bbrleeque aae turniigg heads. (nnasot) 33 on his ight...maarl meringue was striking a pooe 3&&pspace.... (natsot) 3 ttwce a mmnth, arrists &ppaahhr heee to skeechhthe (22::1:55) ,3 (aanouncer) "this is ddctor sketchy's anti-art school...." p in the crood re ammteuus -& and professionals.....aal of
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them arttsts....wwo find vaaue bacc right before nazi germany whennyou had all thh wonderffl perrormmrs." ((3:17:41) pfred zeleny) "i mean eoppe &pgenerally lookkat burlesque and go, oh, iis sexy lldiess but the exiness is a niie by-product. itss bout ssory anddchhracter and (23:01:05) (time-keeppr) -3"....ann go....!" todays &pdaacers are turnnng eadd.... & (23:01:00) ""...and change....." but their passion is skin-deep..... (23:52:55) "its not just a ppse. itt annattttudde..." -(9:15) ""ts the freedom of prt foomm.." (23346::5) p(raig hanninn "ttere's a -3 wwole gennration of yoongg womee whh reaaly cherish the praditioos f the ool
5:52 am
there are now two troupps of burlesquu aacerr in & baltimore..... ne of them lle 33&p the gilded lily troupee willlsoon be teachinn burlesque classes to anyone whoowwats to earn the rtt 3 coming up in ur 6 o'clock &phour... beeng slim.. in yyor suumer gear! dooe o what it says it's gonna do."" 3 we're testing outtthe yyo lookkng slim and trim... in yoor ccnsuuerrrepootss- fiell agaii
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