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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 21, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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3 3libbrry mapp-&p3 3 libbrty map 3 3 pap haaford maaliberty map
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an armed rrbbbr hitt áagganá in north baltimooeepolice say the suspect hhs robbed aa least four onvenient stores -3 ii recent weekssthis morning, & police need yoor elp finding &&ptteeguy.megan gilliland is 7-eleven right now with more 3 suspect.workers heee say they're one of the lucky stores that hasn't beee hht yett.. but ttey'r watching and waiting...policc say this roober has great timing... he & wwits for the parking lot o clear out... goes inside... pretends to buy something then & he takes thhm off guard. guard.take a good look at this guyyhe's a blacc mmn with a dark ccmmlexxon... a mustache andda short hhir cut.we're told he's arrunn 25-30 years olddaround 5- 11 to six feee
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3 eaah time he strikke... he wears sunglasses, jeans and a baseball ccp.during thee put a black semi automatic... -3 ann steals not justtthe register.he's beee auuht on survvillance camera severaa -3 tiies, but till hasn't been caught. &p"sooner oo later, somebody is going to grab him, whetherr he's in he wrong placc at the -&pwrong timee r the wrong person & is round""don't do ttii mm neighboohhod" neighhorhood"if you haveeany police'ssrobbery unnt at 410- 3366-6341. 3 if yoo encounter this guy, don't fight him....police they give him what he wantssand liveein north baltimore, megan
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gglliland, foo45 morniig news. 3 a fire in mmllersviile leaves five people without a home this morningg happened lass night -3 arrund 9--o'clock on obrecht road... nnar severr officials sayythe ire appears tt have started inntte garage area..o one was hurt ... but more than 500-thoosand done.the caase of tte ffre is under investigation. 3 poliie have identtfied thh victim... killed in a shooting... hattleft six people hurt... inncudinn a man.his nammeii charles --3 passane... whoowas 55 at the ttme. the victims weee sitting on the porcc at a hooe on denison street last thursday... whennsomeone -3 opened fire.police say they need the public's heep finding the killerr and residdnts are calllng on their neighbors o come forward. -3 (mr. toy) "if you doo't know there's nothing you can really you don't knowwwhat happened pan't reallyysay nothing. but if you know something, tell & the police."
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pooicc say they do - shooting.. meanwhile....they're looking for more eeidence.. includiig possible videoofrom surveiilance camerrs in the arra. 3 baltiiore mourns the death of long time deleggte ruth m. kirk.the baltimmre democrat p983... to january off his year.deleggte kirr... wwo was -33&&pteacher's aide and community ooganizzr... effre gettiig elected intt offiie. "reaaly, delegate ruth kirk was one of the ssrongest wwmen in our delegation two - things you didn't do tt her, -3 you didn't lie to her n d you that you couldnnt deliver pbccuse the consequence would be awesomm" 3 lawmakers have passedda bill.. aimeedat cracking down on predatory towwng. it was passed last aaloos tte city's towing board to --3& suspend or revoke a company's -3 license.... if ttey get too
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many comppainttsabouttunfair practiccs. the bill only applies to towinn in private parking lots.... noo on city streett.but ssme councill members sayythe majority of -3 constituents whoo re towed from a lot... where they parked for ust a short time. 3"it's the towing compann that's jumping onnthe opportunity to charge ttat person 300- 400 dollars pecause they parkkd for five &pminutes beccuse there was no mettr available."04:23:13 "people are always make comppaints when they get their wrong."the city towing board 3 pomplaints are valid. 33if you ssop cculd be shelling out more money sson. soon. state lawmakers are looking tt tax you more .. if you o ssop on the internet.. internet reeailers are requiree to collect sales tax áonlyá when they sel to custtmers who live ii a state where the pompany has a storr or plantt 3 state comptrollerrto see what 3 recapturr 1600 illions dolllrs
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a year in lost revenue. 3 (jonessroodell) "i would like us to come up with sooe strategg thha we collecc some of those dollars whereethh physicaa preseese n maryland,, -& p'd like to see ssme way of collecttng that oney and bringing it ack to the state." staae."opponeets ay congress ... ááotá individuaa states & should considee a biil like this. &pp3 the suspect ... accused oo prrmptinn a securiiyysccre at - thh ppnttgon last weee.. will 3 yonathan melaku was in court monddy... foo unrelated charges.he's charged with grand larceny... forrthefts that police say happened last month.the 22-year-old... who is a marrne reservistt.. was & ound by authorities friday... inside arliigton national cemetery... and takee into cuutody.he is currennly being &pheld withoott ond and will be 3 p the federal ccmmunncations commission will - coosider a proposal... that - woull prevvnt phone companies from adding unauthorized fees
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33 practtce is oftennreferred to aa ""raaming..just last - week... the f-c-c fined more thann11 million dollars. thh group was accused of - adding nauthorized long-distance fees tt &p3 &p summer arrivess oday... and for parents that means piis will be arriving at your - feet looking for someehing to do. do. but have no fear, &pjoel d. smith aas there are &pitems arounddyour house right now thattcan offer relief and fun in just a fewwminutes. good morning jool. 33 pood morring patrice, (ad lli)
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3 e áis notá the commander in escort...)) 3 this happened at the republlcan leadeeship 3 ápreeidentá obama impprsonator reggii rown took he stage.. told someejokes.. and t 3pgames. 3 sottbrown: "ww'rr more han half way thhough june already. my favoriie mooth is february - black history month. see michelll, she celebrates the pclebrate half (prolonged laugger)." paugher)."sot- broww: "you gott your frontrunnnr mitt romney.. & pdon't get me wrong, hh mmght make a great president, along with is firrt lady, e-
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-3 ph....ecood lady, e-hh.. third lady (laaghter and boos)." boos)." a llttle laaer organizers felt brown's hummr got out of hand.. so they yankkddhim off 33 coming up on the early editionn.. its the kind off - tting that can maae youugo bankrupt... i go to the doctor i haae tt get a shot anndthis shottcosts a thousand dollars or my prostate." prrstate."how some patients find financiallrelief... relief... 3 ((break 1)) 3
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fibee map harford
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3 map rovidence map liberty 3 3 33
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p,3 3 3 3- 3 coming up... medical bills adding up... up...10:00:211 each timm i go to he dootorri have to getta thoosann dollars for my ppostate.. prostate."how some patients find financial relief... 3& ((break 2))
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,3 3 itts estimated one and a half mmllionnamericans will fill for bankruptcy this year.andd more than half of them will blame medical costs... ffr &pcausing their fiiancial & our cover story, melinda roedee takes a closer look at... 3 ..."medical bankrrptcy"... and phow some patienns aae finddnn 3 3 10:12:19 "hello"for leverne fordd.. 10:12:43 "waitta minute, $429 dollars? my
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deductible? that's not right." the calls from bill collectors... never seem to stop.10:00:36-47 "it's like &p400 heer, 500 herr, 7000 here,... now they want all this big monee and i don't -3 have it."medical bills... he says, have consumed most of his monthly budget... for the last ten years.10:00:21 "eaah time i go to the doctor i hhve to get a hot and this shot costs a ttousand dollars for my prootate."he waa first &'s now ii remmssionn but he's also survived luug cancer... and frequent & hospital visits for paacreatitts.he has insurance.. but it only covers so much. & 10000:500"and i pay good & money. i pay 405 dollars a bankruptcy.16::7700 "we get a lot of calll everyddy from people who can't afford to pay their bills."david rubbn issan attorney who ssecializes in mmjority
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of his clientt... are peeple like levernn who &pstruggle with medical osts. -3 16:47:17 "they cannt aaforddto &pafter a couple mooths now he meeical providdr is suing them and ttey get a judgment against them and thee see their pay garnishhd and that's whhn they call in an emergency situation."according to the american journal oo medicine, 60 percenn of all bankruptcy can be blamed on medical bills. ... which often lead to other kiidd of debt.16::8:44 "ttey just can't afford their copays and have o get theer medicine so they buy... run-up their credit ards."bb the time clientt come to ruben... & poor. bankrrptcy can lower that score evennmore. because it stays on your file... for up to ten years.but.... 16:50:300""eeppe think that 33& buy new cars riggt away." pankruptcy isn't for eveeyone, -3 bbt for ssme... it's thh only not gginn any highhr. mooey's
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staying where it's at, but thee pills have started climbing and it's like ladder and i'm nevee ggnna get to the topp aad it's reel stressful for me."clients who are sick... often see imprrvement to their 3 the bills... anddphone calls... cease.16:44:03 "that's what bankruptcyys for... frrsh start... get you back on your eet."for levvrne... juss alking aboot -itt.. i a relieff09:59:000 "i'll take full responsibility for it, but i just wantta second chance."melinda oedee, fox 45 news at ten. 3&pcominn up in oorr6 o'clock hour... you've seen the commerrials... commercials..."i'm tonnng myy muucles, strengghening my core a&" realll work?we test hem out in consumer reporrs. reports.and the war of worrds cootinue between the ravvns -3 and steelers... derrick mason's response to lamarr woodley... next in sports.... ((break 3))
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3 comiig up ii our 6 o'clock houu... -p3 thh latest on sean kinggttn's condition.what the siigerrhas & to say to faas onntwitter.
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