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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  July 28, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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it doesn't look too bad out there right now.. but when triple digit temperaaures could creee back into your forecast. struggll--- get him off me , come onn on.a reporter attacked.. live on the air.the story he was covering.. at the time. 10:57:38 "i have secrets, but not if they were released to the worlddi'd be really upset." upset."and... when you search google... google searches you...thh personal things the company knows about you... and phe dangers you could face because of it. 3 3 today is thursday, july 28th.
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the director of a baltimore rec facility is waking up pehind bars this morning... accused of sexually assaulting two children.the young girls say it happened insiie the park heights center. center.megan gilliland is live there now with a story you saw first on fox. fox.good morning patrice, we're live at the c-c jackson rec. center...wheee parents are shocked by this telling them bout personnel change....but they say there was no mention of
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a city police officer who says he was shot in the stairwell of a downtown parking garage is denied state compensation. compensation. anthony fata says someone shot him in the thigh during a gun fight back in the state says fata.. shot himself... and that his injuries had nothing to do with his olice duties. police are still investigating the incident... but so far.. no workers comp for fata.
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a baltimore brothel is busted in a federal may... after a two year investigation.. federal massage parlor on bel air road in overlea.. as a was tied to a multi-state prostitution network in pennsylvania, new york and new jjrsey.during those years.. the feds tapped the phones... tracked suspects with g-p-s units attached to their cars.. and finally arrested five men neighbors say they didn't notice anything unusual about the business.ttey saw the heavy foot traffic.. and the young women hanging around.. but didn't connect the dots. something.. that human trafficking experts say... is troublinn. &psot: there were women trapped no one thought that strange enough to call the humann trafficking hotline hotline ederal innestigators say all of the susppcts live out of state... and all of them say they are innocent. democrats and republicans continue to argue over competing debt ceiling plans.
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today, the house is scheduled to vote on the republican plan crafted by house speaker john boehner. but as melisa raney reportt... queetions remain as to how t would pass the democratic opposition in the senate. 3
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governor o' malley is paying close attention to the debt says if no agreement to raise the debt limit is reached by next week... maryland would
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lose it's triple- a bond ratinn.that allows the state to borrow money at a lower interest rate.áyouá may see a difference as well. (governor) "so anybody that wants to bbrrow money to buy a car, who wants to borrow money to finance their home, their credit cards, consumer lending, all of these things could be very very badly affected." state comptrollee peter franchottsays if congress fails at this...federal spending for maryland will be cut. the tea party is getting into the fray ooer the nation's debt ceiling... the conservative group rallied house and senate reppblicans to "hold the line". the crowd s uring leaders not to strike a "watered down" deal, but a solution that solves the debt crisis. a few republican leaders spoke at the event...pushing the agenda for the "cut cap and balance" budget plan. we're pleading with americans everywhere to get involved. the president said to call your coogressman and senaaors, but when you call them, tell
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them to hold the line. ell them, we've got to balance our budget, we cannot borrow more money and we havv to balance budget."tea party mmmbers say their plan is the only one on paper being considered right now... and they want lawmakers to hold the line against a compromise. 3 3 the nfl lockout is leaving chaos in it's ake...players are being signed and released and then, there are the rookie contracts to deal with too.but that's just the tip of the's a very busy time across the league, and that's certainly true in owings mills.. mills..but the good news is.... players are in the building.the player leading the way is quarterback joe flacco.flacco passed his team physical yesterdaa, so he's good to go.he's also met with john harbaugh, offensive coordinator cam cameron and a handful of players aaound the building...but, flacco has reservations thanks to time lost during the lockout.but he plans to step up his leadership along side running tte big thing is 2 vets will
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be out of locker room younger it's time tt groom those guys &p.. we'll have that chance. chance.players are exxectee to hit the field today at 1 o' clock. 3& one of the newest busineeses in baltimore is not satisfied with changing the lives of the many people to be hired there. it wants to change the way the world "looks".... at everything. joel d. smith is live in south baltimore at the brand new "sav-watt" factory. good morning joel d. 3 3 33 3 3 3
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3 how about "botched roobery for 200, alex?" alex?""jeopardy" game show host aaex trebek put down the questions long enough to chase down a burglar!he and his wife were staying at a hooel in san francisco, when an intruder broke into their room while they slept!authorities say the sussect is 56- year old lucinda moyers and she has aa long rap sheet.trebek woke up to find her in the room an d chased her down the hhllway
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until his heel gave way.he tore his achilles tendon.but an injury didn't old trebek back from trying to catch the burglar. i called security immediately and gave them a good description of the woman and they got her. the suspect was later apprehended by security recovered some of the stolen items, minus the cash, near an ice machine. machine.police won't say how the burglar got into trebek's hotel room, but they do say she was not armed and that his life was never at risk. trebek is expected to have ssrgery tomorrow. coming up on the early edition... new details are emerging ... concerning a triple homicide n northeast ba. paltimore....19:02:52 he didn't deserve that at all not at all. all.the information police have so far... to help figure out... who shottthree people eeecution ssyle. style. ((bump in))
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3 still to come... bosses are looking to give out pay raises next year.are you on the list?the increase you could be expecting. expecting.19:00039 all he wanted to do was go to work come home. home.but first,the investigation continues intooa triple homicide in baltimore. police arrived on the scene after reeorts of shots, but leff ... eeing nothing out of the ordinary.find out if officers acted... accordingly... next. ((bump out)) 3
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3&new detaill emerge... suuroonding the baltiiore maa found murdered inside his bbrning rowhome alonggwith two crime and justice reporter joy lepola explains the 58 year old man ... ad tuuned tt family for help in the weeks leading up to hhs kil. kklling.
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the department haa ruled that the first officers who responded to the scene... did follow protocol. delta is scaling back...what the airline is doing to save mo. money.but some airlines might be owing áyouá some money. the reason the government is making them cut some of you a check... next ((break 3))
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coming up... one flu shot for all strains? health officials say it's coming.find out when.
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