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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  August 2, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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and jeff barnd are up next with the late edition 3 a criminal who made it easy for the cops.what this guy was doing right in front of police headquarters. counterfeiting.(4:18:25) unttr- (rooensteii) " they mmde profits" why prosscutors say pr" the est customers of the men accused were llegal immigrants. trouble with turrey.the potentiaaly deadly ppoblem you . for. and a puppy in trouble. how he got trapped under a car while tryinn to beat the heat. hello,... i'm jeff barnd barnd and i'm jennifer gilbert. they're accused of providing fake id's to illegaal.
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immigrants. but now, federal authorities believe they've broken up a ring of alleged counterfeiters. counterfeiiers. jeff abell upper fells point witt the n story, jeff.... jeff.... prosecutoos saa the ring operated here in the if you had no y.. was no problem... 3 tonight, eight men are accused of producing and sslling fake sociallsecurity cards. o they're all named in an indictment that was unsealed today. prosecutors estimate they made 1-point-6 million doolars from the ale of phony i-d's.... "the documents once produced represent a national security risk and also are often used &pin other ffaud i-d fraud in particular..." all eight are in federrl custody tonight and could face 15-years in prison, if convicted.. jeef abell, fox 45, news ate edition. 3 3 first n fox...../. a...
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baltimore city... community college.../worker is thousands of dollars.../ worth of computers... from camp/ campus...../ police arrested.../ james facility employee... at the - ááaccordingáá to... 3 charging documenns, ...// seaas ...stole at least... 60 computers.. / nearly... 80-thousann dollars (w. jones/student) "it's ... - look around you see people u - everyyday, but you never reallyy yyu now would suspect that somebody would be stealing the same thing that re mean. so, i'm shocked." shocked." police. say... seals... admitted stealing the ccmputers...// to... pay for medication... to treat.../ an... injurr. baltimore pplicee.. investigating... a shooting.../ nvolving... ne &pof their own.../. áátheáá officee... fired his weapon .../ early this morring a possible.... robbery suspect northwest ballimore. it happened right fter midnightt officcals sayytwo copssonn patrol spotted a man who matcheddthe description of a robbery suspect they wwre on &ptte lookout for. but when they approached the man, they
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soon realized he had a gun. chest."> police say the suspect never fired his weapon and theyyhave not been abbe to connirm his identity... or for robbery.the whole incident meanwhile, the officers administrative leave. the man 3 police arr invvstigaaing a second shooting in east shot innthe stomach and latee died. it happeneedon darley avvnue around 11 ast pight. the victims name is not being releesed. 3 communities all over baltimooe decided to stand up and fiiht back against the &pviolence tonight. tooight. national night
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throughout the citt......itt - heighten crime prevention, and awareness... and strengghhn police and 3&its saying to our community...we're taking ouu &pstreettsback at night.... night....we're proud of the its people..... peoppe..... the mayor and lieutenant &pgovernor anthony brown came rolley..... against crime in your ht bacc - for our spot crime ppogram. we'll notify you of any major crimes in your area so you can &pkeep yourself and your faaily safe by staying ahead of the criminals. 3 the... debt risis... is over.../ for now..../ ááhoursáá ago,.../ the... president... signed thh &pbill... that keeps... america's credit.../ good. good. the measuue... will raise....the nation's debt limit... 2.4... trillion more than... 2 trillion... &pin spending cuts..../ áácongressáá.../ estaalished... a commiitee... to identiiy.../ where ... cuts will be maae...//.
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"this is, however, just tte first step. this compromise requires that both parties pork tooether on a larger plan to ut the deficit which is important for the long-term health of ur economyy &peconomy. ááifáá compromiss... y november.... áádefenseáá.../ spending... and mmdiiare funds...// ill... see..... p nearlyy.. a trillion pollar decrease.../ in funding. it... was... nothing to applaud..../ geeting done,.../ áátheáá markets... took a nose . dive. the dow... jones lost... a massive... 266- points...///. ááclosingáá at... 11,866...// áámarkingáá... 8--ssraight... dayy.../ of... oss...// áádismaláá ppending.../ and... business growth ...// fueled... theesell-off. we asked:do yoo think thhs plan goes far enough in reducing the natton's debt?all that bickering... nddyou don't think it's done much... of anytting... annyhing...diane rites on faceeook:"as usual, no solutiins - only band-aiis." band-aids."nathan writes: "you can't solve a robllm
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juut a few years." inally,...// nature... put a stamp... on thh debt debate...//. ááshortlyáá... pfter ...last night's vote,.../ p hose storms ...that olled thru.../ liihtting..../ just... behinn the capitol.../. ááwwáá leave it....o yoo.../ to... interpret it's meaning ...// ordered her to be back in -or orlando by thursday morning. jjil ast month she hought she was a free wwman. but it tuunn ouu the judge is forcing ccsey anthony to stay in orlando for oneeyear to serve prooation. theeruling is from an earlier case where she stooe her friend's checkbook to gooshopping. now, she's going to have to livv in the mmidle of all the &ppeople who were enraged when she was found not guilty of her daughter's murrer. it's a bad day for d-c drrnkerss the nation's capitol is nuuber one when it comes to alcohol abuse among
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adults. in he district, eight percent of people over tte age of 26 struggle with alcoholism. 33 percent higher than theenntional pverage. the experts blame the high stress of jobs and the report says half of all americans over the age of 12 drink alcoool. and it's a good day for brrtain's version of dirty harry. this offfcer gets slaamed by a suspect running look,the impact throws him up in the air.. but get this, the officer gets up and runn though e just go smacked, he actually catches the guy. the drivee ttat hit him got two years. & after the hottesttjuly
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maryland has ever seen,.../ august wants to continue... with... temppeatur. temppratures. but the worst oo it may finally be over. ovee. chiee meteorologist vytas reid has the lastest with your skywatchhforecast. 3 one person is dead and 77 aae very sick
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after a salmonella outbreak hits 22 states. is to blame. they still y source offthe contamination. - infection start wittin eight include fever and sever and - abdominnl problems. our cat could also be pprina is recallinggcat food that could have been contaminatee with a strainn f salmonella. they're reealling one vibbant maturity seven plus dry cct food. you can get more inffrmatton and a refund by visitinn 3& it's a tour bus every of. the 9/11 patch project &pbus was in balttmore today. patches, decals, pins and flags. the ppoceedd go to the families of the first responders ho ggve theirr
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3& 3 ""t'' another washinggonn pnnficted wound on america, america, another casualty of the debt crisis. how the washington gridlocc ppu thousands of obs in limbo and put your tax money straight into the airllnes' ppckets. it seemed like a good idea plaae to get high at the time. why pooice had a rrally easy smoker. a puppy in neee of rescue. how this dog ended up strapped undee a pickup truck. shhuld be about 60 dollars
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cheaper. but, thanks to the greed of the airlines, theyyhiked their priccs to make sure you paid the saae while they raked in profits. doug mckelwaa shows us how close that loophole and save thousands of jbs. jobs. grounned, congress fails to reach a deal to funn aaministration... &pputting off further debatee
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until after their summer vacation. president obama -- speaking after the debt ceiiing vote -- urging lawmakers to get a deal done beforeethe daa was ver.obama says: "it's another washiigton inflicted wound on america, and congress needs to breakk that impass noww...opefully before the senate adjourns." transportation secretary ray llhood urging congress to take action earlier n tuesday... saying this is thh middle of the construction seasonnand nnt the time to allow project &pacross the country to be stopped.llhood says::"i've heard alot of speeches round &pthis town about creatiig jobs the way to create jobs is to pass the bill that will allow 70-thousand construction workees to go back to work at and four-thousand faacountry employees to ooback to their bill passed by the house was stalled by republicans... hen they tried to add a provision making ii more difficult forrairline workers to form a uuion... a short term extension as drawn up, but that was stalled at the gate when republicans added a separate proviiion stripping more than sixteen million dollars n subsidies for rural airlines service. gop lawmakers ssy they were worried abbut the labor issue,
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because it would overturn a decision by the ational mediationnboard... emmloyees to form a union by a republicans, ho have long 3 pntimidation i these vooes, wanted to keep the former vote as a no-vote. (on cam --- has been doing short-term funding extensions for the f-a-a -- twenty of them in all funding deal expired back in mckelwaa, fox news." 3 missourr's...// governor.../ signed a new law.../ relationssips..../ between... teachhers and students.../ on facebook./ ffcebook...// ááit'sáá called... "the amy hestee act"...// áánamedáá for.. the girl.../ who was molested.... y a ago...// áálawmakersáá an... anti-facebook.../ move...// áthey'reáá ustt.. doing everything they can.../ too.. protect students. sometimes cops.../ don't have to ccasee.. law- bbeakers..../ &páásometimesáá... law-breakers... just come to the ffont door...//. ááináá houston, texas....// charles powell.../ got busttd.../ smoking pot...
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áoutsideá... pooice headquarters....// ááoneáá p cop... confronted poweel ..... ááallegedlyáá found... the blunt... near his car.../// áápowelláá says... he wws just smokkng a cigar...// ááhe'sáá charged... with drug possessionn..// áandáá y thhre's a rumor going around that his heat wave is finallyygging to break. break. how llng &p...will it be.../ until... weecan finally... enjoy some re? relief? chief meteorologiit vytas reid... is here ...with your skywatch forecast. &p3 3&pcooing up next in sports unlimited...the nnwest
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member offthe ravens run game find out why he sayy he doesnnt plan to carry theeball on sundays. 3 a scared puppy is trapped underneath a truck. what it pook to get him out and how he's doing tonight. 3
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(double vanilla please, if i were a customer, i'd like nonstop travel because it's quicker. because it's convenient. it's just the best way to go. keeps the cost down. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has added new nonstop flights from bwi airport to south carolina. it means more time doing the things i want to do. it's easy. it's hassle-free. there's no headaches. [ male announcer ] fly southwest airlines' new nonstops from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg and charleston, south carolina. i like nonstop travel because... you don't got any more stuff. [ laughter ] [ ding ]
11:19 pm
♪ [ rock ] [ chattering ] [ man on tv ] 96309. [ man ] ♪ she got it, you got it ♪ i got it, we got it [ groans ] ♪ who's got it see you later. ♪ yeah! ♪ come on, she got it you got it, we got it who's got it ♪ we're all different. that's why there are five new civics. the next-generation civic. only from honda. what if sweet mocha wha fell from the sky?olate? or imagine catching icy caramel flakes as they drift down -- melting just as they touch your tongue or sliding down mounds of whipped cream
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right into a pile of rich chocolaty goodness. [ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, coffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba double vanilla? es. these neighborhood anymore so this is new, this is new
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hey everyone, welcome to sports unlimited i'm morgan adsit..he ravens getting a little treat after today'ss practice, tte ice creaa man.. poming on offense... the ravens could head back to ood school football....thanks to the landdng of theii neweet fullback... vontay leach. leach.leach is in owings mills...but not allowed to practice until thursday thanks to new c-bba rules..he's a true fullback... he doesn't care about carries... unlike leron mcclain.... he cares abouu blocking ownffeld for will be ray rice.fullbacks like llach pretty muuh chhnge in thh college game and means... the ravens can now blow the playbook wide open. and add more of a run game with leach leading the way. in high school i did run the ball for 5,000 yardss i was aa running back but in college &pand my whole career i've been a fullback. i am a fullback, iidon't want to run the ball. whee you talk about yoo talk about super bowls you talk about a top knotch organization. around the league and team that haa juss happy to be here the ravens bringing back a famillar face at ccnter.... casey ray-bock.he's returning for a two year's a move to provide depth.... chrii chester left foo washiigton... and ccrrent center matt birk is a risk missed practice yesterday and
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today got a m-r-i..the ravenn ddafted ray-bock in the third round of tte 2001 n-f-l draft. he was a fuul time starter three seasons later.and has spent the past 6 years with the redskins. 33 peereally hadn'tthad a center besiies these rookie ffee agents so i'm sure that had something to do with it. know casey. he had a heck of a careerrhere, went to washington and hhd a heck of a career, wow thaa'ssjust exciting. when it rainssit pourr....the orioles ffeling that right now. business.he has a maas on his elbow that will get checked out ugust 10th.right now he's just missing one start.but it'' sounding like he'll need it''urgery....hich would end hi neess.. the o's claimee lefty jo-jo reyessfrom the blue jays off aiierssand released pukeecher-er. er.o's in kansas city..... in some trouble in the royalss- first... behind in the count to eric kosmer with runners at 2nd and 3rd...kosmer bringinn one in.... his 47th r-b-i.... into enter and off the pall.... 1-0 off3....
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bases juiced for mark reynolds... two outs... he takes bruce chen for the ride.... into left... near the warninn track and fair.... j.j. hardy sccres, nick markkkis scores... reynolds r-b-i doublee.. rioles get the lead 2-11reynoods also hit o'sswin 8-2.jaak in the 9th... tiger woodssmaking his return akron, ohio forrthe w---c pridgestone invite which starts'' been a rough few months....woods hasn't won in nearly 2 years. he's ranked 8thhe ddmped long time caddie stevie williams.. buu he says this week it all phangess.. he feels 100 percent after coming off leg 3 3 &pwoods willlget plenty of goll...there's no he'lllplay all four 3
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this littll guy is scared and alooe.. how the puppy ended up trapped underneath 3 ,3 hi, umm this other store has these for 20 cents less. what?! -match it! -match it! -match it!
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-match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -[ horn honks ] -match it! thank you, got it. i'll match that price right here. cool. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day on everything. backed by our ad match guarantee. and the savings are even hotter with the walmart sizzling summer clearance. get cool clearance prices on clothes, toys, outdoor gear, and more. now through august 15th. save money. live better. walmart. now through august 15th. call for one miaai puppy.
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the little guy was curious, or trying to beaa the heet and crawled under the truck. while under there, he got his ccllar stuck on the engine. neeghbors heard tte little guy whiipering from under the engine. they called firr the puppy. he's recovering ttnight aa a shelter while they look for his owners. owners.well we may bb one beating the heat beccuse cooler air is in our future. future. chief meteorologist vytas reid has a final llok at your skywatch fooecast. you can be in charge of your own personalized forecast.
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i-radar ii now aailable at foxbaltimore ot com. use the interactive tools to track coming storms doon to your street. go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on i-radar that's all for the late edition...thanks for joining uu.i'm jeff barnd... and i'm jennifer gilbert.and be sure to tune in o fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at p-am.goodnight. 3 ñóooooo#o#ooooo
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