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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  September 7, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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new developmetns in the ressraining order against the last person to see herralive. a special needs school. the shocking amount of time ii took for him to get to the right class. baaket nats and.. sinking this shot once can be haad enoogh!why thii kid did 3t.. 17- thhusand times in a - 3 today is wednesday, september 7th.
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pap fiber map new developments in tte case of phylicia barnes.she's the 16 year old froo north carolina whhse body waa found in april on the shores of thh susquehanna river.megan gilliland is here with more informatioo on the last person to see her alive..t's a story you saw first on fox. good morning patrice,phylicci bbrrns was in town visiting her sisterrdeena... who lived at the reiserstown square was deeea's then was the last person to see who phylicia alive ast december. &pdecember.but six weeks, befor investigators ound her... we've learned that deena applied for a estraining order gainst michael, the man again... who is reporteely the last person to seeephylicia
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strongly encouuaged that orrer. we spoke with him by phone &pabout this... listen n... restraining order was necessary in my opinion because iiwaa always worried those lst couple of ays pnowing he was breaking up with deena anddjust know men ust don't get uuset 3&a temporary order wws issued, but the judge deniee extending barnes says he is waiting forr the state to finish ii's so far no arrests have been made.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 33 a man issdead... after being annapolis. it's the city's first homicidd of the year. year.detectivesssay the &pvictim... 19-year-old teon wallace... was shot in his torso aroond 10-30 tuesday mmrning.the shooting happened on monroe street near thee harbor house recreation center. wallace was rushed to the hospital... wherr he died from his injuries. police say
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thhy are lose to charging a suspect. a man iss acing murder charges... in the death of 24- year old david mclaughlin. policeecharged terrance &pfitzhugh ith first degree &pmuuder... assauut... nd weapons charges. mclaughlin was founddstabbed to death... on amberley avenuu in baltimoreelast march. an east baltimore mother is hoping for a very different commute to school this moonnng ffr her special needs son. tuesday.. it took 3 school, and much of he time, she had no idea where he was. d. smmth is liveein east baltimore at the place he was suppooed to arrive in just minutes. good mornnng joel d. good morningg patriie.... school officials ttld thii mother that a ccbb not a bus wwuld be picking up him here yesterday. but that driier, the nighhmare for frederekk henderson began. it ssoull have just taken 11 mintues
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9-yeer-old ustin is a special neees ssudent with an emotional disordee and mild autism. his mother tells us that school officials gave he driver of the cab her cell number and he arrived at the home on northwickkroad just after 6 o'clock yesterday morning. an hour llter, her son had still not sse called the man, and y. he said they went to the wrong sshool at first. after another hour, .........henderson called juutin's school... someone there called school headquarters, the transportation deeartment.. lookknn for the ddrier..... finally, the cab arriveddat justin's school.. more than 3 hours after picking the boy up pt home. justin was pnharmed, issmother, relieved, buu still furious. (henderson) "i didn't know who thhs guy is and they donnt know who this uy is. they just know he works for his cab companyy he can go and just be gone nd bbfore we even find out whoohe ii, he's gone aaready and so is my son.
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so, yea, i was cared." &pscared." it may have been just a pix up.... but justin says hh &pdrove arouud and arounddfor the 3 hours. school officials saa they 600 students, but this incident is under review. live in east baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 33 3
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hurricane irene may be long &go the storm is still lingeriig. some b-g-e customers are grooing angry....after finding themselves in the dark áagainá this week. week. for one neighborrood in glen burnie... the lights went out again tueeday afternoonnccews spent the day removiig fallen preessfrom ower lines. were already weakened by hurricane irene... for the recent outages. 3 (25:42) (gould) "if the theewrong way and a gust of wind comes along those trees will come doww and we will haveemore outages." outages."on tuesddy... b-g-e had upwards of 2-ttousand customers without power. today... that number has fallen to about 6-hundred. the countdown begins.there's baltimmre's primary election.- election.tuesday, several of the candidates were out trring to get last minute votes.state senator catherine pugh and former city counnilman , jody landers squared off at a
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political forum at organ, comedian bill cosby returns to baltimorr o &pdirector and mayoral ccndidat otis rolley.meenwhile, mayor stephanii rawlings-blake is (mayorr "i've demonstrated my &pforward...signifiiann budget challenges." 3 challenges."next tuesday is election.. but early voting is oppn aaain today and tomorrow. lawyers for johnnedwards are fighting tooget charges against the former u-s senator... dismissed.edwards has pleaded not guilty to charges... including conspiracy and iolattng campaign contribution laws.his attorneys argue the prosecutor in the case waa mmtivated by po convicted on all counts aaainst him... he ould face up to 30 years ehiin bars... and up to one-point-5 million dollars in fines. 3 tropical storm lee washes the past ashore in parts of thh
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gulf.tar balls from thh big b-p oil spill from ver a year ago... are washing up oo alabama beaches.the mayor says so far.. they've been small. they've een washing up sincc the spill .. but lee stirred them up more.crews havv been cleening up that area since the incident. families who fleddtheir homes in texas are returning to find nothing but ashes left. than 700 homes since tommy andres reports.. ithh firefighters still struggling to rein in the flames, there'ss no relief in sight. sight. --reporter pkk-as follows -- "my house is probably burning up right now."all across texas, hhndreds of people are reallzing almost eveeything ground.more thann100-thousand 3 pcres scorched.ffur livvs lost. and thousands forced to flee. "it's a horrible feeling. and everythhng you touch is somethiin you ant to take. but you can't take it.""it's hard. it hurts, becaass this
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all has historyyhere. my dad passed away a little over a year ago. this is our home is all we got."thh largest of the fires, burning outside of aassin, has now spread to 30-thousand acres..he winds fanning the ffames haae calmed down, but firefighters are still having trruble gettiig struggling agginst the flames pnd fatigue."ww've had eeery state has come in and l helped s."one of the problems has been too little rain.the hot, dry summer has turned the state's dried-out grass into pome by home through neighhorhoods where the fire number on the losses.i'm tommy andres, reporting. the texas forest service says it has reepondeddto 181 fires just over the last week. in missouri... a susppcted car-jacker ends up whhre he there... was unorrhodox.the
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driver of this ar... told police man jumpee onto the hood, with a gun.. and told her to that's hat headquarters.witnesses say she rammed the door with the crook still on the hood of her car. the man took off, but policc paught up to him. coming up on the arly edition... a ccll ttoaction by the president. presideet."the time for washingttn games is over. the time for action is now." now.""he president is expected to tackle more than just jobs in hhs address, thursday night. the other pressing issue that directll affects thh country's eeployement sittation. situation. 3 ((break 1)) ((bump ii))
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((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib mettorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libb)) ((traafic reporter ((traffic repooter ad libs)) map ffber map bel air 3&pmap liberty
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still to come... we're only 7 ddys into september and it's alreadyy lookkng bad on wall the market performed. innovation to produce jobs in america and not overseas -- thee we also have to wwn the rrce to educate our kkds." expeeted to be hugg part of the presidents address tomorrow night.. concerning jobs growth in the country.why ssme say.. that'sssimply nott ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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3 we're learning tte president will talkkabout more than just jobs in his address to pongress thursday night. jessica yellin explains how president obaaa's speech. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- though his ppan is still under wraps, president obama is already pressing congress to pass it."the time for washington games is over. the time for action is now."policy makers expect one of his
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themes will be education - whiih should sound familiar "if we want innovation to produce jobs in america and nnt verseas -- then we also have to win the race to eddcate our kids."teachers have not fared well in the august 2007, the uuemployment rate ammng educatoos was 4.9 last monnh it had skyrocketed pt 9.4 percent.policy makers believe the president's jobs plan will propose new funding to put some laid-off educators &pback to work.democrats say it's winna for teachers and for students..ut this the idda that stimulus moneys are going tt hire a bunch of teachers and fix the economy is a crazy ne. whht we need to do instead is to come up with a way to get the prrvate throwing monne at schools democratic policy makers aaso expect the plan to propose funding tt renovate
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dilapidated schools which democrats see as a quick way while cleaning up makes our schools safe and puts people to work relatively quickly so not only arr we putting construction workerr back to work, we're increasing factory orders for construction aterials and those rr made in america.but no buy-in here - there's o way an idea likeethis will have any impact on long-terr growth. standup -- policy makers tell me another group that could benefit from the president's jobs plan are first responners. now democrats see a substantive political one to including both teechers and first responders in the package. on the politics, it could be teachers and ffrrt responders, 3 but in this polittcal envirrnment, maybe not. jessica yellin, cnn, the white straight ahead... -cnn.script theecountry that's getting a
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caffeine fix. ((break 3)) i recognized my business, we've been lucky, and i wanted to go from luck to truly strategy. ♪ hurry up, let's go, don't want to miss a thing ♪ what was good about the strayer experience was i did some online and some in the classroom. thank you so much. by helping me to look at some of the financial decisions that i was making, it paid for itself almost in the first class.
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i am dr. nathaniel williams, and i earned my mba from strayer university. september, turning into one to
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forget for stocks.back ffom the labor daa weekend...mmrkets still falling... but well off the lowssof the day. and it's the same worries-- eurooe's debt crisis and americc's weakening economy.but america's service sector showing a little more streegthh expanding at a faster-than-expected pace ast month.the important service sector employing 90 percent oo u-s workers.meantime sunoco is still pumping gas... but &pdumping it's oil refineries.. sunoco hopinggto raise 2 billion bucks from the sale.... as it focuses on its pipeline and retaal gas businesses.get ready for a ssarbucks caffeine rush... in china. .the world's largest java retailer planning to triple its coffeeeshops in that country.and the n-f-- kicking off a new season this wwek...and 10 more years of
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businees with pepsico.the sponsorship deal reeorteddy worth two-point-three billion players will be drinking gator-aad on the sideliies foo the next decaae. that's a look at business. i'm elizabeth macdonald. coming up... pnthing but net! how this virginia boy sinking thouuands of baskets... benefits the families of navy seals... killed n llss months helicopter crash. crash.i'm megan gillillad, we have new developments this morning in the phylicia bbrnes case.find out, why her family wanted a restraining order against the last person to see her alive.
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