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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  September 14, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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3 for my next hit, i'll ttke maps-83at695--ackkto maps 3
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3 with an overwhelming lead .. stephanie rawlingg-blake all but guarantees she'll be elected to a full term aas she - easily beat all oo the democratic challengers in last night's primary. the resultt are on with 100-peecent of the &pprecints reporting .. ..incumbent mayor stephanie rawlings blakk....>her senator catherine pugh... p, megan gilliland is live at
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pity hall with the mayor's response to ast night's &pdemocrattc nod. nod.good mmrning patriceeshe's this is stephanie rawlings-blake first primary win.a win... that some predicted months ago. her firss campaign for mayor, rrwlings-blakeebrouggt in more endorsements and she won more vooes than all of 22:29:41i want you to know thht it is a truly humbliig experience i will work every day to make your lives betttr our city better and conninue
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the confidence you have in me. baltimoreemoves orward when e are united as one ity.3 22:30:03raalings-blaae's closest compptition turned ut to be catherine pugh.when all the votes were ccunted... pugh campaign... 22:23:59i don't think we had enough time to get our message out thereewhat issimportant are the people so i'm still pxcited bc i believe that people in this believed what i was talking aaout aboutin altimore, ddmocrats than 9 to 1.that means, that lass night's that meanss that that last night'ssprimary win assures rawlings-blake of victory in te general election.
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for noo, raalings-blake says schools, ssfer streets and stronger from city hall, megan 3 3 we're... getting a better idea... of... voter turnout in the primary, and the turnout in the primary,,aad the numbbrs are even llwer thaa expected. only 22 percent of registered voters bothered showing up at the polls. polling location in northwestt baltimore yeeterday, and now is bbck at the same location to looo at someereasons why the turnout was so disappointing. good morning joel d. 3 yeah megan, these numbers were even with 6 days of early voting. i was here esserday and the judge of elections knew it was slow in the morning... they were just hoping it would really pick up laterrin the day.... it did not. not. it was extremely slow in the morningg though... by noon... less than 5 percent of eligible voters....aboutt15 thousand people - had made it to the polls. while many were preaching change, those castng a ballot... were few and farr between.... there are 324 thousand voters registered here in baltimore, 72050 &pyesterdaa. some say people were just not motivatee by the candiddtes, others think their votes won'' matter anywaa, the front runnnr matter anyway, votes won't others ttink their the candidates, not otivated by people were just
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some say yesterday. 72050 baltimore, registered here in thousand voters there are 324 thousand voterssreggstered here in baltimore,, 72050 yesterday. some say people were just not mmtivatedd by the candidates, oohers think heer votes won't matter anyway, the front runner always wins. one candidaae we spoke to had a very accuuate preeiction of ffr this race. conaway4258 normally are better known. larger at he turnouts will help newcomees get in office.
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3 prrmary aces are allo beingg held for every baltimore city council president.áallá of those races are listed in the
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ticker at thhebottom of the screen. more cannidatts than we aa re - pist on the ticker.áeveryá candidatt is listed on our elections results website.just go to fox altimore dot com... ann click on the "baltimore votes" bannee neaa the top of the screen. police are on the scene of an overnight shooting in south happened just after 1-o'clock this morning at monroe and lombard streets. when investigators arrived on shot n the word n the victim's condition... suspectt... or mooive at this ttme. we're learning more ... about a baltimore county basketbbll coach charged with sexually abusing a 14-year old . boy.... aacording to charging documents... the teen told policc ... coach tyrone jordan inappropriately toucced him on august 31st at the hoops poliieeset up a sting . and an officer posed as the 14-year oll n a text essage the texts ....hh cooch acknowledged the inappropriate touching... then
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arranged to eet the boyyat winand elementary school in pikesville... and that's where police arrested jordan. pwe spoke with another pareet who's teen also accused jorran of inappropriate touching... that case.rges wwre filed in - 3 because he didn't touch im in his privatt areaaor his chest &passault.... - jordan has been charged with sexual abuseeof a miior... and foorth degree sex buse. hh is beinn held at the baltmore county detention center without bail. no insanityydefense for the po-worker insiie a bethesda yoga shop.brittany norwood is scheduled to staad ttial next month, in the marchhkilling of jayna murray inssde the lulu lemon athletica shop.norwood originally said.. the store was defense planned to aruge that norwood as too mentally ill tt be held criminally resppnsible foo her actions... but her attorney's missed he deadline to file for that
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motion. two months ago... maryland raised its ales tax on alcchol ... 50-percent.and that might not be the last tax increase we see. see.state lawmakers returnnto worr next month... for a considering increasing he gas tax. and ... raasing fees.the governor says tax would only be considdred if fedeeal money to maryland is cut. (governor) "that would put us under much greater pressure to have to look at revenues and taxes in order to prooect our pchools, keep our fire and street." the state generated annexxra six million hikk. stuck in his car for three dayss... writes out his fiial wishes on the ar's interiorr ... butt thankfully... he survives. survives. robert porttr of san antonio texas crashed into a ravine and wasstrapped in his car for 3 days in the searing heat. &pttinkkng he would not survive... porter wrote out
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his final thoughts to his (("one thing i wrote, the very an accident. underlined!! was because i was afraid somebooyy might think i coomitted suicide.""i wasn't afraid of death, thh last six hours, i was asking god to hurry up.""i said lord, i can't uuderstand why you expend energy on me. i'm not worth it.")) it.")) a neighbor finally saw the car and brought help. y the way... allo in his note on the omeownee's association to fix the road where the accident happened. coming up on the earry eeition... it's followed governor rick perry for years....nd now.. ittmay have caught uu ith him as he runs for president. presiddnt. i do nnt unneestand why we as a people woold not take this ooportunity to use ttis vaccine that hhs cooeeto u" us."the controversy over his h-p-v vaccination mandate...
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and his relatiinship wwth a pharmaceuuical commany. coopany. ((break 1)) ((bump in)) (((d lib for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing,
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wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. p3teorologist)))-
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) maps-fiber-back to maps- 83at695-back to maps pls
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3 &p3 3 3 33 3 coming up... 3governor rick perry is on the defense, after allegations
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stemming rom a h-p-v vaccine relationship he has with a phamaceutical company.. is under fire... next. ((bumppout)) &p((breakk2)) 3
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as the front-runner ... texaa governor rick perry took at monday night's republican presidential debate.but one blow landed especially hard... and itts reviving a controversy that's dogged
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perry for ee lavandera explains... it stems from is effort to require yyung girls in teeas to be vaccinatedd against a sexually ransmitted vvrus that can lead to cancer. canccr. --reporttr pkg-as follows -- the hpv controversy has more than 4 years - but it wasn't unnil the cnn/tea pprty pebate that perry's pponents really dug intt the texas governor."to have innocent little 12-year-old irls be forced to have a overnmenn order is just flat-out wrong." "the drug company gave thhusands of dollarssin political donation to the was merck and it was a 5- thoosand dollar donntton that i had received from them. i raise about 30-million dollars and if you're saying i can be bought for 5-thoussad, i'm offended."5-thousand doolars camppagn finance documents.but
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altogetheermerck has donated more than 28-thousand dollars to rrck perry's gubernatorial campaagns in the last 10 yearss - mmre than 20--housand dollars of those donationn &pwere made before thh governor issued the controversial hpv executive order."but i do not understanddwhy we aa a people oppprtunity to use this vaccine that has come tt uu." that was rick perryyback in 2007 trying to muster support for the hpv vaccine mandate - when it emerged hat his ized - former chiee of ssaff miie poomey had worked as a lobbyist for merck and othee worring for peery.dallas tea party activist katrina pierson attended he debate anddsays most people in the hall weren't weren't happy with perry's answers on this ssue. "capitollcronyism is extremely important and it runs rampant thhoughout both parties and the ssue needs to be discussed and we neee to mmke sure we have a candidate committed tt principled legislation and gooerning and not special nterest driven."
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but thh relationship between rick perryy his former chief merck is troubling to campaign finance watchdogs like texans for public justice..i found that hile perry waa prominent in the epublican governor's association, merck donaaedd mooe than 377-thoosand dollars to the r-g-aa that's since 2006. in the sameeperiod, the association has donated 4- &pmilliin dollars tt rick perry's campaigns for governor. all perfectly legall - but a glimpse intt how mmney system.and now rick perry says issue all wrong."but on that particular issue, i will tell you i made a miitake by not going to the legislature denied over the ears thht ng - this deccsion had anything to do with the campaign donations or the facc that governor perry's former chief of staff worked as a lobbyist for the drug maker merck and it didn't
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seem to bother txas voters pither back in 2010 when governor perry was reelecced. ed avandera, cnn,,dallas. -----end-----cnn.script coming up the ravens put the big in over thh steelers in the rearvvew mirroo and turn their titans....what coach harbaugh has to say aaout in sports. ((break 3)) 3
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@÷÷ wcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwc coming up in our 6 o'clock
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hour... a bittersweet moment for a family visiting the 9-11 memorial with a relatives named enscribed on it.the name was mispelled.what the family wants done... after it's fixed.
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