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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 4, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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"i just wann to get er home. i wwnt amanda home with her fam" family."amaada knox.. set free. the emotional veedict ffr the former college student accused of murder... and when she could arrive back in the u-s. &p 3 (4:45)) (mta viddo) "you can't record my voice or my pictures without my prior consent or approvvl...." approval...." and.. fightiig for the right to record. the policc... nd the extreme measures officers have used to turn off thh ccmeras. 3
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3 ttday is tuesday, october 4th. p3 map fibbr map 3
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3 are we going to be paying more to b-g-e because of hurricane renn? that important being addressed in - today's hearings with the public ssevice commission. joel d. smith is liveein medfield, one of the places left in the dark for days after the hurricane. good orning joel d. 3 good morning megan... the lights are on around here oo, bbt we are onnaround megan... the lights areeon around here now, but we were in the dark here about a month ago. hurricane irene leftt p50-thousand bge customers without power.... wwile within 48 hours,,,, bge's criticism. (( natt)) no one doubts t
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was aahistoric task... 11,000 reportt of wires down and 348 poles had to be replaced. more then 64-hundred peopllewerr involved in the power restoration effort.. includinggelectric company workers from as far away as texas. but in yesterday's hearing, public servvce commissioners fired a barrage of quessions at b.g.e's top administrators:asking whh promisee weren't kept... customers were promised one time for service to come back, but in many cases it was 24 hours or more later than that. 3 (rob gould)"in our effort to try nd give our best information possible we invariably let some customers down.. but its important to note.. 3/4s of the customers only had an outage of abouu two days" days" b.g.e. estimates the repairs after hurricane irene cost theeutility more than 80 million dollars. gould says that amount will be made uppby shareholders.. 3 3 phe earliest time they caa ask
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the ppc hat customers help pay mooe, is next yyar. so ouu rates, are afe for now. in medfield, joel d. 3 3 a brazen robbery at a popular restaurant in anne arundel county...llaves three customers injured. happened around 8:45 sunday eeening... at thh friendly's... on crain highway. police ay...two men robbed the restaurant and then began taaing their cash and other valuables. during the robbeey.... ne customer was stabbed.two others suffered (fee) "and unfortunately i think it's a part of the economy that's going on nd i wasn't here to witness anytting aad it's an unfortunate situation and i
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wish it had never haapenedd" stabbed is exppcted to survive.- so far, pplice have not made any arrests. the search is on for the man who trred to rape a johns hopkins uniiersity hhapened saturday morning around 1:30... near lovegrove street.police say the woman was wwlking to her apartment whhnnshe was atttcked bb a maa in a parking lot.the victim says the mmn told her... he had a gun...then rannaway information is asked tt call police. 3 in this morning's waste watch report...the city owned convention center hhtel may have trouble paying off 330 million dollars in bonds used to finance its construction. 3&that's according to a ew report issued by the credit week... the firm downgraded the hotel's bonds... saying the facility has fallen short on revenue projeetions and was not generating as much cash as anticipaaed.monday, mayor stephanie rawlings-blake sayy
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she still has confidence the project will succeed in the longgrun. 13:11: 04"the hooel in another uufortunateevictim of the economy. the being said they will be bale to meet their obligations, and any increased risk due to the downgrade ii borne by the bondholders not the cit>""3:16:19 13:16:19the report was not all ad news. moodyys says the all city property is performing better than other downtown hotels. the mayor also commented on a senate investigation... intoo spending by thh city housing republican enator charles grassley sent a letter asking for information from the hoosing department. the seeator ssys he wants details on how the city agency spent 67 million dollars in stimulus money... aaong other ccncerns. the city agency has been under fire for not paying legal judgments rrlated tt lead poisining lawsuits ffled by public housing residents. 13:16:25"anytime there is an inquury,a request for
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inffrmation from the federaa get the information so we can get he issueddresslvvd"13:17:03 13:17:03the mmyorrsays despite phe senator's conceens she still has confidence in the city's current housing chief it's our duty to old elected officials can do that by joining ouu ox45 waste watch.if you have a story abouu government waste... call our hotline... can also log onto our website fox baltimore dot com and click on waste watch. the pain at the pumm doesn't hurt as much... as prices ink to a six montt low. triple-a reports the national averaae for a gallon of gas has dropped to three-dollars and 41-cents. here in marylann... it's a little cheaper than that... at three dollars aad 35 ents. while &pddivers say it's an improvement... many were hopinn for an even bigger dip. 33 dip.for an even bigger ip.
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"pricessaae lower, but only slightly, but i'd like to see it back where ii used to be 2 years ago." while we are seeinggsome relief at thh pump... this time last ear... gas prices were still 85 cents cheaper. we can help you find the best gas prices in your neighborhood.go to fox- baltimore dot com slash pump patrol. aaanda knox is expected to fly home to seattle ttmmy andres reports... an italian jury leared her of murder charges yesterday.... four pocked up. up. --reporttr pkg-as follows --"i just want to get her home. i want amanda home with her family."tears were shed from seattle to ittll as family and friends learned amanda knox is finally a free woman. the 24-year-old wore determined face as she &pappealed for her freedom in court.but broke down once she got it."we have ordered the immediate reeease from prison
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pvercome with emotion as guards lld her out of the courtroom.the jury cleared her and foomer boyyriend raffaele sollleito of her roommate's murder."we are satisfied with the ddcisionnoo the court. we rectification of this mistake.. ammnda is released and she &pwants to go back home."knox that had been her home or n four years.her sister callss the acquittal justice long delayed."we are thankful to thh couut for having the courage o look for the truth and to overturn this conviction."after getting her now has something else to look forward too -- setttng foot on american soil for the first ttme in years.i'mmtoomy andres, reporting. the court upheld a charge off defamatiin against knox... but sentenccd er to time served and orrered her to pay compensation. testimony continuus today... in thh rial of conrrd murrayy murray.he's the doctor charged manslaughter... in michael jackson's death.prosscutors
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argue that murray failed to tell paramedicc and doctors trying to resuscitate jackson... bout the drugs in the ssnger's ody. n monday... the jury heard from an emergency room doctor... wwooworkeddto revvve the singer... the day he died. in your discussions with conrad murray did evee mention any other narcotics to you &pother than the apaahen or the lorazepam?no. i specifically asked ann his reply was negative. and he nnver mentioned propofol to yyu? not.the trial is expected to last at least four more weeks. ssend up to four yyars in prison nd lose his medical license. an update now on a lettuce recalll true leaf parms initially announced a recall of ninety cartons of romaine lettuce because of concerrs of lisseria cootamination. ut twenty five hundred cartons. most of the lettucee
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went to restaurants and cafeterias... which were notified already.but, the warning is also out now... to 19 states including maryland. so far... here are no reports offanyone gettinn sick. 3& monday night ooobbll... is about to sound a little bit different.e-s-p-n... which normalll kicks off game night with the song "all my rowdy friends"... by hank williams junnor... hhs decided to pull the ssng.ttis... aftee he made some ccntroversial remarkk obaaa'ssgolf summmt with house summer... was like adolf hitler playing golf with the israeli prime minister. explaining the nalogg... are "the enemy."e-s---n says it's extremely disappointed with the commentss coming up on he early edition... aa amish girl is killed in llonardtow ... after &phhr horse and buggy is hit by a pick up truck. truck.aaytiie you hear of any loss of life it's very heartbreakiig, but especially
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when it's a child phildwhy authorities ssy... it appears... á no one á is at fault in the tragic accident. accident. [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪
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you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. because there's never been a better time bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style.
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learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. a car takes a nose dive into a pool in arizona!take a look. the driver lost ontroolann went through the hit a gas line on it's way into the can see debbis &pfloating ffghters say.. no one was hurt. ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3
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((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 (((raffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map old ourt map
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3 3 3 still to come... positive signs for our economy... economy... the job industry that's seeing growth right now. from the buggy. l was ejected but irst... a young amish girl is illld when her
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family's horse and buggyyare hit by a truckk how the amish community is handling authorrties say... charges against the truck driver probably won't be filed. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) hey! you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat ♪ whoa! do you know what our favorite part of shooting hoops is? 3...2...1... overtime! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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new fiber one 80 calories... ...with its sweet honey taste, 40% daily value of fiber... ...and 80 calories per serving... may want to tell a few friends. ♪ or all of them. ♪ i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast. ♪ a 12-yyar-old amish girl was
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pickup truck.autria godfrey e 3 tells us why it seems no onn was aa fault. fault. --rrporter pkg-as follows --i nd i couud see a buggyjessica walls recalls the aftermath of &pthe accident n satuuday that left a 12 year old girl dead. anytime you hear of any loss oo life it's very heartbreaking, but childsaloma stoltzfusswas in her family's buugy..tryinggto cross rrutt 5 in leonardtown saturdayynight with her father and sister...but beeore they could get through the busy intersection...the oncoming traffic light ttuned green. a pruck rolling through lammed into the buggy throwing the three from the carriagee the horse rollld over but then got back up and the little girl had flown out. she was ejected from the buggy. the preteen just an orrinary chiidthe entire amish community ttiis to come to terms wiih the trrgedy. in our way of life someehing likk thaa happens we
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just forgive and forget. police say their innestigation is ssilllongoing but at thiss point it doesn't appeaa either is at faalt. the truck had a green light, as did the bbggy...theebuggy just didn't make it throuuh thh intersection in time. buggies are nothing new aloog the streets of sttmarys county...with the large amiih pooulation...but residents say are to blame...rather the cars that an't seem to slow down. this intersection is a bad no amish, therees lots of innersection.. ii doesn't appear that alcohol, drugs, or speed were a factor. the two other people in the buggy are now out of the hospital. straight ahead... your cup-of-joe.. could be a job for someone coffee giant, starbucks... is tryiig to kick start te jjb market in our country. country.and speaking of jobs... the industry that's adding more people to the payroll... coming up next. &p((break 3))
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v [ male announcer ] at green giant we know nature gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why we pick vegetables at their peak. ...and freeze them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant being sent to the back of a freezer. and it's all because someone said "tacos." old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. we're on the move. ♪ and we don't want anything, ever, to slow us down. so it's surprising that most women aren't getting enough calcium. but thankfully, with over 25 great flavors, like strawberry cheesecake and blackberry harvest,
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only yoplait original gives you 50% of the daily value of calcium and vitamin d in every cup. yoplait. it is so good. ♪ ...there are no sick days. ♪ vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snoring ] [ indistinct talking on tv ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ american car sales
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rise... your morning coffee giving you more than payne reports... there's hope for our struggling economy. payne says (on cam intro):"a struggling economy." manuffctuuing pickkng up its pace last month... with factories turning out more goods and adding new workerss but growth ii that sector still remaining weak. construccion spending alsoo gaining. builders shelling out moreeoo omes and otter projects in august...but still less than what's considered "healthy." none of ttat stopping stockss from selling off. more worries about greece sending investors running for cover. running to buy american cars. chrysler leading .s.. automakers with a strong month &pbailed--ut company getting a 277 boost in september...fueled by strong demand for its jeeps and suvs. also eeing higher sales. aad ess pain at the pump gas prices continuinn ..
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their decline, down for the your coffee a job uld market fix? starbucks announcing it will collect donations of 5 dollars or more to timulate job growwh through its "jobs for u.s.a." program. collections will begin november first. payne saas ((n-cam ag)"that's business. i'm charles payne." coming up... a whopping 16 hundred pound pumpkin makes it'' new home in virginia!find out the special ingredient.. that helped it get áthisá massive. massivee 3 3 what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best.
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and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. why a red face might mean
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you're mmre trustwwrthy.... 3 3


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