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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 5, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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"what's important for me to say is just thank you to veryone who's believed in me, who's defended me, who's supported my family. family.amanda knox... is back home.the chance... she could... have to go back to italy. 3& &p and.. "blackout in a can" is back.the new labee that's makiig fouu loko leggl. 3 3 &p3
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today is wednesday, october 5th. 3
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3 map fiber map 3 -
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3 first n fox... a nnrthwest baltimore gas station... hands over 50-thouuand dollaas in a racial discrimination lawsuit. joel .. smith is live at the station now, where the viccimmsays, air in her tires. good morning joel d. ... so this confrontation was caughh on camera? camera? that's right mmgan, tte owner of this bp stationnis phone video evidencee and the 50 grand being awarded to the viitim says alot. 3 (ááánats up full: "yea, yea i a fellow customer records a - worker spitting on the glass at erica barber and elling the n-word. why? eriia says she still doesn't know. she says ii march of on harford road at 25th
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air in a flat tire, but needed change for dollar to do it. when sheeasked the refused, and shooed her awwy. barber said she would buy gas first, but stilllthe worker refused, and shouted morr obscennties at her. recording... and after filing spot.... barber went for a - lawyer. 3 3 withhit. that was my main ay - thing. iifelt like if i didn't say nothing, then no one would know this is still going on. that certain peeple feel like african americans are no one!"spit on the window, see that spit on the wi. window. sheesays she went because the police could not arrest the man because e pit never touched her. now, settled the lawsuit for 50 as thousaad ollars. the attendent is not here anymore. after learring about the incident, the owner did not fire the attendant.... but he eventually quit. live in northwest baltimore, joel d. we now know he identityyof the man shot and killed by
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police on sunday night. 52-year-old steve machhwas carrying a 45... repllca... pellet gun when he was shot by policc say they were called to . the scene and tried tooend the situation peacefully but mach wouldn't cooperate... forcing officers to fire. baltimore police are iivasion involving men posing as city police officers. happened near the gough street n southhast baltimore... jjst before 10:30 monday night.three men knocked &pon the door claiming to be baltimore cops.they stolee18 hundred dollars, but didn't hurt anyone.this is the most primes goinn baak to june. the criminals stalking your - neighborhood... ssgn uppfor crime website... with over 300- thousand's spot crime and it's only available from fox45 at foxbaltimore dot com.
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a team of cadaver doos arrived in arrba to search for the body of rooyn gardner.the frederick native was reported missing by her travel companion two months ago.gary since august fifth.he's a perssn of interest in the disapearance.giordano denies any wrong doing and says gardner was swept away while snorkling. "occuuy wall street" protests continue around the country. the movemeet has been going 177 days stroog now.thousands streets of lowwr manhattan ... demanding change duringgthis financial crisis in our country.police have tear &pgassed and arrested hundreds of protestors. only a few people turned out at praat and light ssreets yesterday.. here n baltimore. baltimore" is protesting corporate greed... the nation's biggest banks and president obamasome say there's been no leadership in washington tt address the problem.
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power grab on the parr of the super rich, the too one percent that's been ddiving power,,then grabbing wealth pnd really has verwhelming control in our political system and our economic system." no demonstration permit... police allowed them to stay. sentenciig hearing for councilwoman leslie johnson has been delayed. johnson pleaded guiity in june to destroyinn evidence in a federal corruption probe that also ensnared her husband, former county executive jackk johnson. she as scheduled to be ssntenced october 13th but a judge granted a delay on been see. newwdate has not et for the first timeein more thhn four years... amanda knox is waking up onnu-s soil this morning.she stepped off a plane last night in hhr seattle hometown.tommy andres moments afttr landiig about - her overtuned murder conviction. conviction. "thank you for being there for me."amanda nox seemed almost as overcome witt
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eeotion on her arrivvl home to italian jury cleared her of - her roommates murder."what's important for me to say is just thank you to everyone who's bblieved in me, who's defended me, who's supported my family."knoo's parents joined hhr in thanking their supporters."it's becauue off the letters and the calls, just the amazing support that we've received from people all over the world, especially here in seattle that we've been ableeto endure."knox and forrer boyfriend raffaele sollecito bott walked out of an italian courtroom monday, acquitted of the 2007 murder of british exchange student mereddth kercher.kercher's family is now left waiting for answers."one of the things how the decision that was so s - adammnt first time around has been so emphattcally overturned."knox's legal nightmare may not be over. prosecutors in italy say hey plan to appeal her acquittal. i'm tommy andres, reporting.. 3 the jury that cleared knox of
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the jury that the jury that cleared nox of rullng to submit aawritten explanation.after that... the decision can legal experts say the chances of knox being extradited from the uus bbckkto italy are slim. citibank is now he latest company... to slap customers with fees.starting in december... the minimum &paccounts... will go from 6-thousand... to 15-thousann dollars.anyone who doesn't maintain that... will have to pay 20--ucks a month.the company previously announced thaa t's hiking fees oo basic banking accounts... from 8 to ten dollars a month.the move &pfollows similar announccments from companies like bank of aaerica... wells fargo... andd j-p morgan. helicopter she was riding the in... plunged into a river. river. it happened tuesday afternoon... in new york city.
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fourrothers were on board.... whhn the chopper went can see passengees in the water... clingiig on for dear helicopter begin toosink. - dozens of emergency responders pushed o the scenee.. to puul phem out.the national transpootation safety board says it may take some time to find out what caused the crash. "a lot of these questions are things that we will be collecting over time. this take seconds to happen, it will take months for us to figure out what actually caused it." the ffmall victim was tteeonly passenger unable to escaae from the helicopter as it sank.three survivors areein the hospital. the fourth was treated at the scene. a pennsylvania family is recovering after a bear attacked ttem... in theii own living room.'s the damage left behhnd... at the moyer families home in marysville. they say they heard a noose outside... and then suddenly a bear ran into thhir house chassng the family dog.the famiiy attacked the bear and
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tried to drive it outside... wounds during the struggle. 3 "the bear hit her going out...dragged her outside i went outside to see the beaa on ttp of her nd i dove onto the bear." bear.""and that's whennthe bear started tearrng the back of my head open." rangers are still hunting for the bear. a surprise delivery.... or a baatimore ity school teacher, allows her to keep some money is her pocket. max dropped off 1-thousand dollars innschool supplies to johanna flurry.. a teacher at bentalou elementary in west baltimore.her principal nomintated her for the award... which aims to end teacher-funddd lassrooms. thousand dollars out of pocket on essential school supplies. "you know every teachhr wantss to do a good job, anddto be ablt to do that you needd certain ressurces, and some things just aren'' there for you, so you have to go out get something that we do." do."flurry was among
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thousand teachers... nationwide... who recieved a surprise delivery. coming up on the early edition... the search continues for the person ho tried to rape a johns hopkins 22:06 it's defintely a constant threat you just have to be careffl what theeschool is doing... to make sure students are safe... &pcampus.ampus..- ((break 1))
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3q lysol invites you to take the dual action wipes challenge. try lysol dual action wipes and see the cleaning difference. because unlike ordinary wipes, lysol dual action wipes have two sides. a scrubbing side that cleans tough stains better than clorox, and a smooth side for everyday touchups. all while killing 99.9% of germs.
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now you can take the lysol dual action wipes challenge for free. check for coupons in this sunday's paper. bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at &pa dust storm in arizona leads to some major pile-ups on least one person is dead and several otherr you see video of the crashess.. aad traffic that was backed up for miles tuesday.drivers there are being urged to take alternate routes and use caution.
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((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib meteorolooist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map old court
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3 3 3 still to come... lookkng for a holiday job?the latest retailer addinggtt it's season.) i was pretty
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surprised it was so close to ccmpus but first... a johns hopkins student is attacked walking tt her apartment...and the suspeet ... is still on the looss.what the school is doingg at all times. 3((bump out)) ((breaa 2)) [ mom ] can a little bowl of cereal change your life?
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i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being gluten-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor, and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell your kids "no" all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free. a man who said he was armed
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and tried to rape a johns hopkins student. as crime and justice reporter joy lepola tells us... students are being warned to watch out out ((pkg)) in the shadows of student housing not far from he campuu of johns hopkins universityy.. ... a student is almost raped.22:06 it's defintely a constann threat you just have to be morning in this alley that students frequently use as a cut through?? a angerous decision in the minds of some students.(nisha) 27:21 carelessness leads to that. (kevinn sot - 20:28 were in inner city baltimore i think that's just kind of the nature of living in a city like this. siiilar to other students kevvn keenahan rrceived an email from the university. a warning that went out wiihin 19:26 they said there are no major injuries ust bruises and they were going to heighten security in the area. that's all i heard.(o-shea) 12:38:27 ww've had some inccdents ver the years we've invested a lot in security on
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campus and inntte charles villlge area we've got a lot we've added over the years. p still, crimes are committed. this map epicts the past four months of burglaay'' theffs aad assaults reported by police with johns hopkins university. (kevin) 20:00:21 everyone wwo chooses to live in a rowhome accepts the responsiblity of lockinn your doors there are always break- in's everyyyearr we've had a neighbor who's been broken into twice this year and there are just burglaries very daa 20:12 the univeesity has 2-hundred cameras scattered days. signs show the close s promixity of cameras to this rrcent assault. 22:58 (nisha) i was pretty surprised t was so close to campus but i think it would have been better had she been walking with other people i don't think thaa would haae happened had she been walking witt other people or walking on the main roadd pather than a street that no one kkows exist you know :14 pooice say the ictim was taken to unioo memorial
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hospital for treatment. so far,,no one hassbeen arrested. in northern lepola ox 45 nnws straight aheed... apple unveils it's latest feature it has... that sets it apart from all the rest. you started your holiday shopping yet?the retailer that's hiring more workers... to help you out this season. ((break 3)) 3 hey! you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat
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sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat ♪ whoa! do you know what our favorite part of shooting hoops is? 3...2...1... overtime! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh the best place for a vacation is mississippi. you mean louisiana. florida's where folk's want to be. alabama's got you all beat. no matter which state you choose, everyone agrees the gulf is vacation at it's best. mississippi outdoors, louisiana seafood, florida beaches, alabama shoreline. so come on down to mississippi, louisiana, florida, alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. could a bear market
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return to wall street? optimistic news about the recovery effort. and as ashley websterrreports... apple unveils their latest i-ph. i-phone. fears of a bear returning to wall street.the s and p 500 falling 20 percent from its high of tte year earlier today...then clawing its way out of bearrterritory on a late ddy rally.we'll see f theerally can last... after the market closed... moody's rating agency downgrading
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italy's debt. meantime is big ben... ready for a big move? fed chairran ben bernanke saying the eeonomic recovery is "close to faltering"... and to boosttamerica' striking a tentative deal with the u-a-w....theeautooaker adding more than 57- hundred new jobs in america... nd offering a ix thoussnn dollar signing bonus to most workers. kohl's the latest retailer going on a hirrng spree... adding more ttaa 40 thousand workers for the holiday shopping season.that's a 5 percent boost from laat year's holiday hiring. and just in time for the holidays... apple's i-phone four-s.the slleker, faster model featuring newwvoice technnlogy to send emails... by speaking into the phone.but appll shares down on the news...investors pparently hoping for even more new ssuff. that's business. i'm ashley webster coming up... four loko is back with a brand new look!how much liquor is
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actually in the drink... and why it was pulled before. pefore. 3 3 you disgust me. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out.
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fiber one. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh, try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah, this is pretty good. are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] half a days worth of fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. the maayland contestant taking a shot at fame.. on ffx45 news at 5:30.3
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