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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  October 13, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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still in pllce......a suspect is charged with murder........sttll no word on the whereaboots f the child.... police say.....jane mcquainnwas found dead in her bedroom.... inside her germantown home wednesday night with signn of trauma to her body.... witnessess with mcquain... but stopped by frequently.....and was seenn &premoving property ttis week from her home.... wednesday.....mcquainn missing car was found at an econolodge in charlotte north carolina......thht's where the suspect curtis lopez was arrested... her son was last seennat school sept 30th......neighbors say.....mcquain had just program....and was jjst n --3 getting back on her feet..... 3 "i don't believe this happened to her this is very everytime i saw her at giant...she was aaways happy."
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11 yyar old william mcquain is described as a biracial child.....approximatelyyfive feet taal weighing about 85 information....yyu are asked to call police immediately.... karen parks fox45 news late edition. we have breaking news out man was shot in the back.... on the 6tt floor of the parking garage here at the interssction of greene and redwood streets. it is acrosssfrom thh unnversity of maryland medical center and near the law schooo. police are actively searching for the shooter. police believe the shooting happennd in was an armed roobery attempt. attempt.the victim was being treated at the hospital ahhad of a surgery that was supposed to happen tomorroo. he was leaving the hospital via the underground parkkng garage
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when an armed robber approached him. he was shot thrre times in the bacc and crumpled to the ground. when police found him, they pushed him tt the hospital and iito surgery tonight, he hhnt is on for tte hhoter. (det. brown) "dettctives are processing tte scene forensicalll. we're reerieving surveillance cameras in he area and whatever forrnsic evidencc may be at the scene."((r. seitchik/hospital visitor) "i &pdon't think people value othe peeples' lives attall. it's juut youuknow, what an i get.. maybe for drug money, you know.. hoo mcuh can i get from the guy.. owever i just think it's horrible." horrible.. police saa they are looking for a 0 yeaa old 3 man wearing a white t-shirt, they are going through crime shooter. the victim ii in e critical condition tonight. loved-ones...// of... a man .../ killed... 8 yeaas ago...// on... hii birthday.../áástilláá hope... his killer...// caa... thomas.../ settle... was killed... oo this day.../ in... 2003...////ááheáá p on... his way.../ to... pick up.../ his parrnts.../ returning... from a bus.../ trip...// áápoliceáá... found him... shot to death.../ in... he parking lot.../ of... an apartment
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&p.../ complex...//// áá8áá... years... laterr../// áástilláá no,., suspects questions tonight in annapolis about a possiblee flash rob... as kathleen cairns reports... one arrest has bben made but more... may follow... 3 nestled on the middle of main street in annapolis... sits the trendy and popular apparel shop helly hanson: still, when a dozen teenagers entered the store tuesday.... management took notice.: at a time came in and they ups walked straight to back of the store nd grabbing stuff off these raccss" the initial police report labeled itta flash mob robbery:(walking and showing)"they would come behiid this section either try on the item again.. alot left wearing our clothing"but from calling it a 'flash ob' (det amy miguez)"it doesn't appear this group was prganized in any way." aaready been made.. group of kids in the store er were not relatee to them in any way.. and theres no
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indication now that they were.. "(mgr)"they were definitelyyall togeeher.. one was keeping a lookouttthe other was grabbing stuff.. surveillance video from inside the stooe is now part of the police investigation... n edition. no one was hhrt durinn the a...// chink... in the armor...// of... one of...philadelphiaas...// greatest traditions...//. traditions...//. mos says: "prostitution in a mummers clubhouse they probbbly renttit out to make money on the side." 27 27 blackburn says: "they can't justify by ssying there's a recession ann it's hard &praising funds. that's an excuse that's not an acceptable excuse.. "the downtowners"... in philadelphia,.../// áámummersáá... who... are part... of.../ &p ppilly's...// ááareáá...// in... big mummer's....are....áá accused of.../ hangout'' .../ as... a... sex club...//// ááundercoveráá officers... found about.. 30... naked women ...// performing... sex accs... for money.../// on... the 2nd tuesday... off.. each month....//// 3
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a perry hall man has been tolddto taae down .../ his... american ffag... flying the flag.../ . from ...the balcony ..of his... perry hall.../ recentty, ...// the... - homeowners... association.../ called it... a... "safety hazardd...// and... ordered it.../ removed...//. áátheáá p community's .../ flag.../ to... be.../ draped over... the... porch ailing.../// áábutáá... it... withouu... áspeeialá... approval. (11:23:22) "i served this country fort that reason, freedom and by just puttinggit over tte raaling its not free. waving is free." the... association.../ says.../ it... doesn't oppose flying the flag.../// áábutáá was... concerned.../ about ...the way .../ lamar... wws flying it. the... city... bottle tax.../ is... under fire... again. again. baltimore .../ held... a hearing... today...// on a... bill.../ árepealingá.../ tax.../ on... beverages ...sold in the city.../. áátheáá ax... hasn't... brought.../ as... much revenne .../ as ... expected....// ááandáá business... owners... want...// this... tax.../ buried...///
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"we on't come down here to because ttere is nothiig elss to o. i have peas to selll i &phave apples to sell that's what i want to be doing i hhvee a business to run. i don't have ime to spending in chambers, but this is very importanttto uu" us" business owners.../ testified todayy../// átheiráá... beverage sales...// are... down.../ as... much as ...5 percent .../ since... the tax... was enacted. thoussads of runners will ttke to the streets this weekend... for the baltimore marathon.the race is saturday... but organnzers kickkd off the festivities this morning.. at the under armour campus in &plocust point.25-thousand runners have registered ... nnarly half of them from out of state... which could mean a bii boost to the ocal economy. there's alot of excitment each year when thhs comes bbck. we''e doing a better job every year and that's attracting attention. we have an al - incceased number of shows that baltimore is really shining." the baltimore marathon is the biggest race of the year, and
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there are some changes to the route this year......and we're going to use our smart-board to show you what's new new onn of the things that is staying the ásameá is the starting line. yards...runners go up paca street...onto mccullogh street.. street...but here're one of the changes this yearrunners will go through the maryland zoo in baltimore betweennmiles 4,the turn around poiit is also a little different this yearrrunners wwll go bbck down to the inner haabor.but instead of turning around at fort mc-henry.... mc-henry....runners will turn arounddat under armouu headquarters... just short of the fort at mile 11. 11.the rest of the course should be familiar. familiar.the race goee past lakk montebelo at mile 21... - 21......and then runners head toward the finish line... line......and cross ittat camden yards at mile 26 point 2. want more information on the baltimore marathon. places to watch? head tt fox baltimore dot com and click on the newwlinks tab for extended coverrge. 3 hank williams junior .../ keeps.../ making....a bad day.../
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worse...///. áátodayáá he... released a song .../ after... e-s-p-n fired him....//.áá foráá comparing... president obamm... and speaker golf.../ with laying - come on, cooe on, that'd be netanyahu. so fox and friendswanna put me downaskk for my opinionsthen twist it all around 3 friends and espn outta your - homes too & &p that's.../ and... his reply... to all theecontroversy..../ good day.../ for... a... would be.../ superhheo...//. áátheáá man... you see.../ in... thh... black and gold suit.../ goes... by thee name ...// phoenix jones.../. ááaáá vigilante... in seattle.../// áábutáá e... got... a little confused.../ this weekend...//// áámacingáá several peoppe... hee believed.../ were ááturnsáá out... they were.../ dancing...///. áátonnghtáá...// police... say...// they áábutáá they... asked his... vvgilante.../ ways .../ and... just call 911.../ if he sees
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trouble. bad day... for one pot smok/ smoker..../ this is miles, .../ áááhoáá ddopped his stash ...outside this pittsburgh.../ convenience storee../. ááheáá returned .. ffr it.../ and... saw... police../ picking... his baggy up...///. ááinsteadáá... of... rrnning away,.../ ááheáá asked... the cop... if he gould have his weed bbck..../ áá theáá &pofficer... was stunned. "nah, nah, nah that's not even cool you can say what you to be cool though.""be cooo - aaout it? sir, wwen i walk up here i find marijuanaaon thee ggound and you say excuse me sir like that's my marrjuaaa" marijuana" i think marijuana ssould be legal, that's all i say but, it isn.'t..../// a rainy day with tornadoes. is it going to
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change over he next few hours? hours? chief meteorologist vytas reid nowwwith your skywatch forecast. 3
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secret services responss was... they were not responsible for payment paymeet the president owes them ttns of thousands of dollars. why springfield a grrndma goes off on a bus bully. the reason she started throwing punches and biting a 12 yeer old boy. -3 [ female announcer ] at,
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because there's never been a better time springfield ---// 2008...///. ááwhenáá./.. "then" senator.../ barack obama.//. announced... joe runninn mate..../// s áá3áá... years later...// áá springfieldáá is... still waiting.../ ffr... reembursement .../ event....// ááhowáá much... is owwd? ááandááá--/ what's... going on? ááannrewáá hansen ...went looking.. for answers. answees. (su) the biden announcement took placc riiht here at the old state capitol. but the city is still owed 55- thousand dollars from that event... and they continue to get the run arouud. it put the
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national... and international spotlight on springfield in 2008. then senator barack obama... aanouncing joeebiden as his runnnng mate... for thh presidential election. "we can take this country in a new direction... we an overcome the adversity of the last 8 years... we won't just win this eleetion in november... we will restore thattfair shot at your dreams." the historic pvvnt also meant the city of springfield haa to provide security... and plenty of manpowerr total bill? 68-thousand dollars. but soo far... the city has only receeved 13-ttousand. so who is esponsible for the rest? the city contaated the obama campaign... but thhy said it was the secret service. "secret services response was... they were noo responsibleefor paymeet &pbecause he was not a sitting pressdent. thereeorr, the campaignn or the dnc, the democratic national committee... was esponsible for the covvrage of pplice told springfield... it was the secret service who was
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is paying up. to add insult to injury... the city of chicago has been paii 1.7-million dollars for hosting thhn president elect obama's rally on election night. so hoo confident is springgiell mayor,,mike ouston, about interested in collecting it if what the legitimate prospects dollars." that's why houston says... an agreement shoull writing in 2008. aldermaa frank edwards id send a people earlier this yeaa, when he was mayor for a shhrt time,... but that didn't aaount to anythhng. "you were the first guy ever to have a campaign of a billion dollars... and e are talking 55 thousand dollars and you can't ay it." (su) weedid office... in chicago... and the white house press officc... for comment on this story. andrew hansen reportingfield,
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a florida grandmother is now facing child abuse charges....for hands during a school bus fight. fight.70-year- old bus monitor hattie yvvnne branchhusing her teeth, wrestling mooes and all her might to take on a &pfourteen year old student. surveillance video catching the entire incident on the started when the boy tossed a five-year-old ovvr a bus seat. the boy's feet hit branch.then she turns to grab and hit him.branch &pre knows her behavior was inappropriate, but he says she didn't break the law. .../ family because ...they are totally los. lost... in ...a corn maze....//// ááitáá haapened... to a family... in danvers, massachhsetts...///. áátheááá.. couplee... and their 2-kids...// were trapped...// in... a sea of ccrr...// ááafteráá aadering for hours .../ gettiig nowheree ../ áámomáá called... 911...///. found... the family.../ and... led them out.....// áátheáá farm's
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manager .../ offered the free tickets... to... try thh maze... gaii.,.../// ááthat'sáá... just cruel..../ &p we've been tracking the tornado thrrat for you for the past seven hours. pours. what's the latest oo these stor? storms? chief meteorologist with yyur skywatch orecast.l 3 3 forecast.skywatch forecast. 3
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3 3 what did you thiik was
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going to happen? the impressive journey.... that sent this woman into labor. i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary.
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congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. hi! hon, we still on for dinner? oh, i can't. you know i've got the bar exam... well, good luck. thank you. ok, one more time: this bar means... the coors light is cold. and this bar... ...the coors light is super cold! congrats. you just passed the bar exam! whoo! [ male announcer ] introducing new super cold activation from coors light.
11:21 pm
with two stages, you'll know when your beer goes from cold to super cold! so you're a lawyer? huh? nooo. [ male announcer ] frost brewed coors light. the world's most refreshing beer.
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[ male announcer ] frost brewed coors light. missing old manunty police are 3 man 73-year-oll steve sshulmeyer wander off frommhis home at 5600 columbia road this afternoon.. thee believe he s on oot. he was last wearng a dark blue jacket, dark green shoots, and a beigg carnival cruuse lines baseball cap. anyone who spots him is asked to call 911. 3 common sense says go ahead and watch it on t.v. t.v. a mooher ho was 9 decided to run the chicagoo - right, the chicago, 26 point mile marathon.. sii hours and 25 minutesslater she was at the finnsh line oing into labor. 3 "i was havinn a conversation pith my parents the night before, saturday night. i said to them i have no plans pf finishing. i have run a mmrathon pregnant, but not at 38 weeks. i had no plans of
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finishing, we were pretty flexible. i was planning on running half and then walking and skipping across the finish line." her new baby giil is in excellent health, she weighed in at 7 poundss13 ounces and has already run farther thannany other baby in the hospptal. 3 just put it on vibrate. the new milestone that is wireless era.
11:24 pm
>> male announcer: western civilization is in a decline no one could have predicted. are we headed toward the end of our society? in i never thought i'd see the day,new york times best-selling author dr. david jeremiah examines current events once considered unthinkable, including iran's increasing power, the threat against the institution of marriage, and the decay of our culture's morals, plus how we can change course before it's too late. i never thought i'd see the day: culture at the crossroads, by dr. david jeremiah, wherever books are sold. a... new milestooe &am.
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11:26 pm
hhstory. for the first time ever, wireless devvies outnumber american citizens. odds are you're contibutiig tt thaa number, a are 315 million people living in thh u.s. and its territories. t this moment there are 328 million wireless devices in operation. child with 13 million left over in case we need extras. we've spent 1 pointt2 trilllon minutes onnwirelesss trillion texts.t moreethan a - is it going... to clear up...// for... the weekend? weekend? chief meteorologist extended skywatth forrcast.ur forecast.
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3 ravens linebacker jameel mccllin is this week'' ccors light silver spotliggt...why his first touchdown didn't feel as good as e imagined it in sportss unlimitedd.. verizon 4g lte.
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america's fastest and most reliable 4g network in over 140 cities. verizon. built so you can rule the air. layoff baseball,.../
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the ravens ...flying are...good times..áá... kicks off sports unlimited with an exclusive interview with one of the ravens top defensive players. 33
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desppte the bye week, the ravens are not entirely pealthy headingginto sunday's game with the houston texans... evans,,corner chris carr and e safety tom zzikowski aal missed practice...all currently listed as tiie for our regular thursday feature... 3feature... 3 3 3 3
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with football still n full swing, basketball is about to graa thh spotlight ddwn in college park..maryland beginning to the ssason is this friday night, and this week, they held meeia day for terps... new head coach mark turgeon put his team n display for the first time since taking &pover from garyywilliams...his new team is going to bb short some big guys,,but there is aa lot of talent on the roster...and turgeon likes what he sees so far.... 3 .it'ssnow time to announce the winner in our
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high schhol game of the week contest...brought to by varsity sports network dot com.. com... with 3 quarters of the votes...yyu picked atholton t hammond in ffotball...tune in tomorrow nightton sportss unlimited for the highlights... that'll do it for this edition of spprts unlimited...i'm to tune in to fox455morning news tomorrow --
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