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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 20, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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map fiber map the occupy bbltimore protessers say hey don't have a definee message yet... they are still formulating that but some say they are still sendinggout the áwrongá message when it comes to reporting crimes like rape within the group. joel d. smithhis live at the proteets thhs morning, tooexpllin. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, ttere re aboot 50 &ppeopleewho stay here and slee every night, and for the most here, a pregnant woman was punched in the face and takenn was a fight here, a morning man three bbt yesterday peaceful here.been very part thingg have nd for the most sleep every night,,who ssay here and abouu 50 people patriie, there arr good morning joel d. good morninn patrice, there
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33 happened, thh fookk here ay, they handled it first by separating the nurse treated phe woman... .but then ambblanceeas well. pamphlet.... t the same thing. tell us first, then we support you in victims groups the wrong order.joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news.
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poliie are investigating a possible homicide... in baltimore happened pust before 11 o'clock last night... neaa the interrectiin pf salt ake driie and twin lakes court... in windsor mill. when poliie arrived... they found a man sluuped ver in a ccr.he was pronouncedddead at the scene. in baltimore county...police arr on the lookout this morning for moreevictims of a man they arrested foo having sexxwith least two minors. old bbandon sukeffrth... teenage boys through the o internet..... at least one &pof them thrrugh facebooo. sexual contact this month by - the mother of one victim.. . whoobecame suspicious aftee finding ooe iiappropriate messages exhanged between her ssn and the suspect.their investigation led them to tte second victim. but detectives believe sukeforth mmy have had sexual contact with other minors too. &p
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could be additional victims in this case,. polcie are aaking anyone with informatton,,, pllase contact us."> us.">police say ukeforth lied to the teens about his own age... claiming to be a teenager himself. he is now charged with several sex offenses... including sexual solicitation, and perrerttd practice. the man accused of killing his estranged wife... and her son.. may ádieá ffr his crimms. primes.prosecutors announced penalty for curtis llpez.he's charged wiih murderrng jane mcquain.. in her germantoww remains were found tuesday in mcquains's teaamates gathered rememberrtteir friend.o "i'm broken, broken. this is breaking my heart, it's breaking my kids, my kids have ttem outtof school early today." today.""william was, he was just a free spirit, he wouldd do "wwlliam wws, he was justta free spirii, he would do anythiig. he was juss happy, -"
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happy."police haae video froo october firstt.. showing william with lopez...not far from where the bbdy was foond. a man convicted of having will spend the next 10 years in prison.47 year old vincenn cornnr ....was previously connicted inn19-99 of a sex &pa sex offfese for abusiig a - child.more than a thousand porn ffles were found on his compuuer. a plan to re-draw maayland's congrrssional districtt... could become law... today. today.the house of delegates gave fiial approval to the govenor's map.buttopponents say tte map is designed to bartlett... who represents &pwestern maryland. (jjnes) ""ttwas done very carrfully, not willy illy, it waa done iihin the letter of carroll county have in common with ocecan city? and they're going to beerepresented bb the same person." person." tte senate still needs to approve ssme minor changes in the map.the
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redistricting bill is expected to be signed nto law.. today. goveenor 'malley wants state lawmakers to review optionn to createemooe jobs.but one &plawmaker plans to intrrduce measures requiring all workers state... to be legal citizenss times, we have people ough - unemployed, ww need these jjbs, maryland citizens need these jobs, not illegaa aliens." aliens."tte bill requires job applicants be reviewed bb the "e-verify" make sure their legal stttus. hoose racing in maryyand... is and trrak ownerr areenow at odds... on the number of live racing days next year. pimliio races make up 40-days p year... while laurel park races more than owners argue they need at peass 146 races a year... for a viable industry. but there's aaproblem.laurel park hasslost at least 10-million and it's puuling profits frrm to shut down laurel park or ts
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trackk... creating a bleak future....for prreknees. &p(35:32)will the maryland rrcing commission grant s a license for only 40 days...that'' suspect at best my inclination is right now the commission wouldn't approve us for a license... license...the maayland jockey club says if an agreement is not reached soon... it could pean the end of preaknees. vice president joe biden... has a ttsty exchange of wordss.. with a reporttr. reporter.the arggment was over aaspeech he vice resident pave.he said ccime wwuld rise if congress doesn't pass the president's jobs bill... aimed at eeping police officers employed. reporter: do you regret using a rape referencc toodescribe republican opposition to the president's jobs bill? biden: i didn't useeit. no no no. what i said. let's get it around with e. let's get it straight. reporttr: you didn't use a rrpe refeeence? biden: let me, listennto me. reportee: i'm listening. biden: i said rape was up three times in flintt they are phe numbers. go look at the numberr. murder is up, rape is up and bbrglary is up. that's
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exactly whaa i said. theereporter was jason mattera.he's the editor of the magazine, human events. true meaning of "til death do uu part." norma and gordon yeaggr were married sevvnty-two years..uut last week they were in a car accident... both were takkn to the hospital and kept in the pame intensiveecare room.aad pt was in that room ... that they held hands s first gordon passed.... followed by normaaone hour later. ((it was realll strange, they were holding hands, ann dad couldn't figure out what wass going on because the heart monitor was still going, but we were llke, "he isn't breathing, howwdoes he still have a heart beat?" and she &pchecked and everythhng and hooding hands and it's going - still getting hhr heartbeat through him.)) norma and ordon even hell
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hands in their casket. norma was 99, and gordon was 94. coming up on the early rocker..he's trying to be a - problem solver. soller.this is ameriia- we can fix theseeprobbems." problems.""he way jon bon jovi... is ffghting hunger in our country. country. 3
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3 ((trrffic reporter ad libs))map old court mmp
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coming up...he's a rooker nd an actorr..butthe's a whole lot more... thii is america- we can fix these problems.""-&problems."ho is aking a sttnd agginst hungerrin our country.and the otherr... a home cookeddmeal. ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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3 jon bonnjovi ants you to boo appetite! the
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&pnew jersey rocker has opened up a newwrestaurant... it's called the "soul kitchhn." as chriitine persichhtte reports.. it's serving up food for people in need. persichette says (stand up): &p"ii ou're livin' onna praaer &pwithout aapaycheck- jon bon jovi wants to make sure yoo eat. but his "soul kitchen" is no soup kitchen."bon jovi &psays: "this is monmouth county, new jersey- his is anyttwn, usa.. his is america- we can fix these problems." and new jjrsey's wn jon bon jovi wants to fix the problem of hunger- by opening a restaurant. but no one eats for free here at the soul kitchen. either- you pay cash- or you paa by jooi says: "the soul kitchen is meant to serve eople in need who then donate theirr time.. in our community in exchange foo a nutritious meal." ss you gain a little work experiencc- and a voucherrfor dinner at this stylish cafe- wiih menu items including garden state gumbo for the past 2 years-
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&pwhileerockiig out on stage- bon jovi has been cookinn up this idea. and it's a family affair for the monmmuth county resident.bon jovi says: "my fatherrs in the kitchen- myy wife is the one who's made all of this happen, my daughter's been a hostees nd i'm the dishwasher." now the table is set- and ready those who can pay- the suggeeted donation is attbon jovi says: "llave a 20 in the envelope--that's helping with our overhead or taking care ou." "the soul kitchen" will be open on thursdays, fridays and saturdays from 5 to 77o clock in the evening.. and reservations are encouraged. rapper 50-cent is using &pfacebook... to fight hunger. the rapper has created a plan... where he will donate a meal to a hungry chill... every time hhs "street king" energy shots get a "like""on's part of an inntiative... witt the united nations world food programmthe promotiin runs through sunday. he also plans to donate a meal for evvry street king energyy phht ásoldd... in the next five years. coming up ... ...the ravens ggt an eetra dayy to prepare forrthee details next in sports. 3((break 3)) bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning s
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together.
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perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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ñ> coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... he was sick of his he qqit. quit.marching band nats
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this guy brought a band to but find out how his áformerá employer we were so blessed when we had triplets. if by blessed you mean freaked out about money. well, we suddenly noticed that everything was getting more expensive, so we switched to the bargain detergent, but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to
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and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. [ laughs ] thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at


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