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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 21, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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he was killed in cold blood the man - convicted of killing johns hopkins researcher... stephen pitcairn will learn his fate. people involved in the distribution of these picttres..or sendinn them to their friends could be guilty of federal felonys felonysand shocking videe of two teenagers involved n sex acts is caught on tape.. and gone viral!where it happened....and what school about the whole incident. "i remembbr as a teenager making up a story about a girlfriind and they say fake until you make it.the new website that girlfriend. 3 3
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3 today is friday, octoberr21st. 3 3&p
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theemurderer of johns hopkinn researcher, stephen pitcairn, will learn his faae today. joel d. smith is liveeat he courthouse in downtown baltimore, where john wagner was found guilty ii aagust. good orning joel d. good morning took a juuy lesss &pthan 3 hours o convict wagne of this senseless crime. and lattr this morning he will find out how muchhof his life it willlcost him... for taking . anothers. wagner was convicted of murder augustt 17th... and it did not take long for the jury, after thee hearr the dettils about pitcairn's death july 25th, 2010. pptcairn, a cancer researcher at joons hopkins was simply walking home from penn station, when he was targeted for a rrbbery.wagner merritt stopped im, demanded him to die, all while his mother listened on the other
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enn of pitcairn's phonee merritt testified for the prosecution, and gave explicit ddtails aboutttte murder. &pcourt observers were hoping 3 if the evidence shows him guilty then i want toosee him put away because the last thing i want is him on the street doing this to someone ee. else. wagner is a repeat crrminal offender and is facing as much as life plls 40 years. his sentencing is scheduled for 9:30 this courthouse, joel d. smith , fox 45 morning news. the man accused of killinnga lansdowne teen s wakinggup behind bars this morning... in . alabamaaauthorities ave arrested larry horton.he'' jaal.they say horton killed 18- year old ryan ackson with firsttreported missing n ffiday..the next ay.. his body was fouun in a city dumping ground. aacording to &ptheepolice report, they found the bloody hhtchet in a
5:05 am also says... horton called his mother to tt clean uu the blood all over his house.jackson's pregnant fiance says.. ..he believes horton killed jackson... over money. "that's the hard part with liiing with itt you took someone's life that didn't deserveeit one bit" bit" jasmine mills... the victims fiancee... says she s not angry just saddened she will hhve to raise their child alone. ryan ackson s funeral is today in pasedena. her body was nevee found, but a baltimorr county jury year old girl.rochelle battle left for a shoppinggtrip 22 &pyears ago and never rettrred. phere's no body.this is the pecond "nn body" murder case last twooyears.last year, ddnnis tetso was found guilty bood was never found. the end of one of the world's longest servvng
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dictators signals a new beginning for libya.moammar gadhafi was killed thursday... pfter being captured by revolutionary orces.rick vincent has more on what'' next for he country.but first we want to warn you... some of phe video you're about to see... is very ggaphic. 3 celebratiins over the demise oo libyan dictator moammar gadhafi stretched from tripoli...(nats cheering) ....all the wayyto the gates of the white house.(nats cheering)gaddafi's death marks the final blow to his 42-year rrign."we are so happy. it's a great -- ggeatest momeet in all my life."this ii hoo itt pll ended for gadhafi. video shows he was caatured alive, but bloodied.libyan revolutionnry forces say they found him hiding ii this draiiage pipe."when i saw gadhafi's face coverrd with blood... i saw a mmn who covered libya foo four decades with blood. so in his last moments, hisslast day he was covered with the blood that he
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covered libya with."the official word is gadhafi died after being caught ii the crossfiie of a shootout followingghis capture.libya's transitiinal government says it's now focusee on stabilizing the country.that includes tracking down and securing the stockpiles of weapons spread across libya. "we want also some expert to kind of armor, issiles, which gadhafi took them nywhere. we don't know where they are.. gadhafi's death also means nnto's seven-month-long campaiin in the country will come to an end..and the focus now movee to nation-building. i'm rick vincent, reporting. amnesty inttrnational is calling for an independent investigation into gadhafi's death.the group also says his inner circle and family shoold be "treated humanely" and given "fair trials" when state rrpresentttive dutch ruppersberger speaks out about the deeth of ghadafi.he is a member of the house intelligence ommittee and spoke with us .. about the demise of theedictator. dictator." we the united
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states did no have boots on the ground we work as a team its a very positive things es - because we can not afford to be theesheriff of thh whole worrd." ruppersberger says he found him to be very arrogant. presiient obama's jobs bill... fails to make it through the senate.late last deadlock vote... on whether a the biil could be brought on the least 60 votes were needee to bringga proposaa uu for debate.this is the seccnd time in two weeks... the senate has killed a version of the president's job creation plan. today... the nuclear regulatory commission will &pmeet to discuss whetherrto restart two nuclear reactors in virggnia.the reactors were shut down in august... following the east coast earthquake.they've stayed offline... aftee experts determined the ground level movement was twice the amount the structures are designed o's meeting will be held at the commission's headduartees in maryland. it's a new websiie... aimed at helping men pretend theyy ave g. girlfriends. it's called
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"fake girlfrrend ddt c-o."men number... then assignnng your later... she have used the site.for psychologist, chad johnson.... phat number doesnt' come as a surprise. "mootlyyit's about avoiding being stigmatized nd ffeling ashamed that you're not with as a teenager making up a story about a irlfriend from summer camp or someehing, you just because my friend wass with somebbdy and i was left ou" out." s of now... there is no "fake boyfriend""site... but the developer says hh's working n it. it's riday and that meanss it's youu turn to sound off on our facebook page about anythiig you wwnt. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook ffedback" segment. segment.just go to facebookk
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dot com slash foxbaltimore to &pconversation. coming up on the arly edition... all exotic animmls accounted for. for.15 seconds later it roared, got up, and headed towards me. the special response teem had to ssoot it." ii."but now... many are questioninggwhy tte ohio legislation ii place concerning exotic nimals in domestic situations.why he says the law pprposed... wouldnnt work. ((break 1)) ((2-shot toss to weather))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad llbs)) map fiber map old courr 3&pmap 3
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3 3 3 still to come... the housing market is continuing it's downward slump. the latest numbers... making it the worst in 13 years. years.911 operator: s-o we got one of those lions thaa are missing out of muskingum county. caller: it was heading west in a hurry.
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hurry.but first...more details are being reeeased concerning the rrlease of several exotii animals in a small ohio town. now... the state government is under scrutiny over legislation concerning the animals.the ggvernoo's wild -3 response the criticiss. ((bump out)) 3 there are no more exotic
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and most of the 6 animals thattwere set free by their ooner had to be killed.but as jason carroll reports... now thattthe ordeal is over... many are wonderrnn why there wasn't stronger legislation.... banning exoticc pnimals in private homes. homes. --reporter pkg-as follows -- outragg and anger innrural zanesville, ohio- after 44 lions, tigers, and ther wild animals were killed afttr being freee from a farm by its suicidal owner.newly releasee 9-1-1 tapes give us a glimpse into just how seriius the thrrat was.911 operator: 911, where's yyur emergency?callee: yeah there'' a lioo on mount perry road in gratiot. there's a bii horse farm on the right. i just drove by nd it walked out in front of me and it was
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street light.911 operaaorr s-o areemissing out of muskingum t ccunty. caller: it wass hhading west in hurry. dispatcher: we'll get somebody down to that area. if youusee it again don't approach it okay.the sheriff here... &pshedding liiht on why it was so ifficult to round up these animals... and why they were operating unner orders to "shoot to kill"."if his had been a 9:00 or 10:00 inciddnt in the middle of tte day, odds &paae high that e may have bee able to surround the rea and keep everything contained but our biggest problem that we had was nightfall. we had about an hour, hour and a hhlf of good light. and we had ssveral aniials roaming free onnthis property going into parkness ann we just couldn't take the chance."we're also learning more about the farm owner terry thompson.he was convictee of aaimal ruelty in from prison last month after serving time on an illegal firearms conviction.the police had been to his home severrl animal issuua& but they were ohio governor - now own.the there weren't laws in effect regulattng he sale and there..whaa had been proposed was frankly, not very workable. you don't want to just put somethinn oot and not have the infrastructure or have all the complications that are connected to this. as working group." //flash// "obviously going to move
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the day, there will be legislation." in all, aa least 49 animals were killed--- shottdead by the pollce. thee and animal experts say they had no choice. "i did shoot it wwth he tranqqilizer dart - but about 155 econds later it roared, got up, and headed towarrs me. the speccal response ttam hhd to shoot it."-----end----- cnn..cript straight ahead... ghadafi's death could have an effect on the gas prices.find out if experts believe theyyre going down... or up. up.and the i-phone 4--... is a success... but not for just appll.the other company profittinn from the record breaking phone... next ((break 3)) 3
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the death f a dictator at the pumps? and aa ief - adam shapiro reportss.. mooe bad news for today'sshousing ma. market... a dictatoo in the middleeeast going down -- could have gas pricessheading down. libyan strong-man celeerations throughhut hat oil-rich country. qaddafi's death also setting flow from libya -- and turn into more relief at the pump riggt here. since violencc erupted ii libya back in february ---gas prices are up over ten perceet. mmantime the housing mmrket still feeling low ---even with llw mortgage rates. homes down in september. last year's nnmbers -- the - worrt in thirteen years. keep an eye on microsoft. after the bell on thursday the software iant repprting
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profits in line witt estimates. revenues coming in betterrthaa expected. ssftware leading the gains. and it's ot just apple winninggwith thoseeoff-the- a-t-and-- activating e.- service for one million of the four-s phones. that's already more than one thirr f it's total i-phone activations...from all of last quarter.. that's business. i'm adam shapiro. coming up... shocking video out of australia.. where a car crashes into a store...hitting a child in a strooler.the child's condition... ann what caused the car to ram into the store in the first place. place. &pthe obama dministration has doled out billions of dollars to companies owned by obama fundraisers,,political family. now bankrupt. or mpany 3 for news, i vvsited solar decathlon 2011. recently held in waahington, dc. the homes run by solar power. universities of ohio state. ann others belgium. there wereeall sttles of solar-powered homes there were alllstyles belgiumm from canada, china and ohio state. and others maryland, illlnois and the universities solar power. there to build podel homes run energy invited colleges the department of recently held in news, i visited solar ositive environmental n the ssarch for teeteringgon insolvency.bankrupt. or thee're these comppnies are pelosi's family. now belonging to nancy even a company
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political advisers and obama fundraisers, companies owned by out billions of dollars to administration has doleddthe obama first place. the obama administration has doled out billions of dollars to companies owned by obama pundraisers, political advisers ann even a comppny belonging to nancy pelosi's family. now these companies are bankrupt. or they're teetering n insolvency. in the search for positive enviionmental news, i visited pecently held in washington, dc energy invited colleges to build model homes ruunby solaa power. there were sscools such as the universities of maryland, illinois and ohho state. and others rom ccnada, china and belggum. there were all styles of solar-powered homes includingg throw pillow. yet, all of these solar-powered homes ad electricity running to them. there were electrical boxes eveeywhere. and there were gas powered-generators. everywhere. big and small. to rrn lights, water a& entire trailers. even the ig &pwellome sign didn't have a solar panel. it ran off of a bicycle rack was virtuallyy empty during lunch time. at leest they hhd bins to recycce botttes, cans and staff emptied them into the - and chucked hem into a single trash truck. maybe they''l rip the bags open laterrand separateethe
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recyclablls from the trash. maybe. government ii just as bad picking environmental winners and losers as it with everything plse. costinn ttxpayers billions. for more on this story isit behindtheheadlines dot net. and follow us twitter and facebook. i'm mark hyman.
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convicted in the murder of a johns hopkins researcher. the 45 news at 5:303cing.... on fox
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