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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 24, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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"i definitely feel more optimistic aaout the timeline" pimeline"a baltimore family awaits the arrival... of a freelance journalist who witnessed the emise of moammar gadhafi.when his mother expects him to arrive &phome. 3&and what happened to baby lis? 11 month old disappeaaed.what new surveillance footage shows... and the newwtool authorities are using to help find the missing child. and it's supppsed to help curb druuk driving...inntead... it's causing problems.the wrong message some resiients believe this billboard sends. 3- - inner harbor 3-3
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many libyans living
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abroad say ttey are goong back &pto their home country to be part of the process to establish new overnment there. and for one maryland journalist, it means he could be coming home now, &pafter months n prison in libya, and on the front lines. joel d. smith is here with more on the future oo llbya, and matthew vandyke. gooo morning joel d. 3 patrice, we've been following this for months... by forces loyal to gaddafi, h - spent 6 months in prison, and then was released in august. his family says he then stayed there anyway to fight &pon thh front lines. now, after the ebel victory, they say he is coming back. back. 3& matthew vandyke went to libyy to visit friends and got caught up in the rebee fighting.... then jjiled. worked very hard with the americcn worked very hard with the american government to secure is freedom, and after it happened, they wanted him home. but he stayed, and decided to fighh alongside the rebels in heir quest for freedom. matthew's
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supporters knew that aawin by tte rebels was the quickest "i definitely feel more opttmistic about the timeline" "i wanted ghadafi gonn because thatts thh fastest, best way to bring him home." pome." while vandyke is coming back, many libyans who have been in exile for years, are going there, to witness history and help eetablish a new government. &pthe national transitional council chair says, libyans o show "patience, honesty and tolerance" as libya begins tte process of pstablishing a new &pcoostitution and government. 33 certainly, patience is sooething the family of matthew vandyke can identify with. but once again, they are very hopeful, he'll be home next month. homicide deteccives are investigating an overnight shooting in west happened on linden avenue.they found a man shot several tiies. paramedics ttok him to the
5:05 am word on his condition. a patient in a mental hospital is facing first degree muuder charges... aater another patient in howard county...and this isn't he first thaa patient has killedd killed.24-year ld vitaly davydov is accused of killing his roommate... 22-yyar old david rico-noyola ... on fridayyat clifton t-perkins mental hospital in jessup. officees found rico-noyola on the floor... bleeding... with trauua to his body and head. davydov's oww father called pollce ... after he spotted noticed he was acting strangely. and this isn't the first time... bacc in 2006... he dmmtted killing hiss psychiatrist with hii bare hands. from levin pkg ""wnderfuu father... frienddand psychiatrist.. and we're gonna miss him" davydov is charged with first- and-second degree murder foo thh latest crime. frienns, family, and neighbors gathhred to reeemberra man... struck and killed on thh street outside his home.. neighboos saayccarlie
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valentine was a loving pusband, father and friend. on friday night, aroundd 8:30... valentine as standing on the side f bero road in lansdowne... talking to a ffiend, when suddenly a hit him.the victim's wife was pearby... and heard the commotion.she says the drivvr to get away, but neighbors ed - wouldn't let hht haapen.they stood in fronttof the vehicle until police arrived. 01:27 "so when i heard screaaing.... charlie got hit, charlie got hit."01:42 "the tractor trailer ggy was trying to leave.... had toostann in to leave."02:47 "i have a ying little girl... ll i want is pustice foo myyhusband."05:53 &p"this was murder. not an acc" taken to shock trauma... whhre he died. all is fiie now, but over the weekend, it as a scary scene on the b-w-i. that's where a southwest fuel truck saturday night.the
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after landing at the airport from floridd.the plane was the search for missing ile the 3 11-month oll... lisa irwin... conttnues in missouri.this morning.... there's newly releasee surveillance video that shows someooe walkiig y home the morning the child more on thh investigation that thii video, taken from a gas s station near the home where baby lisa was last seen, ssows an unidentified perssn walking alonn the road around 2:15 a-m missing just hhurs later."the gas station owner says it's very unusual to see somebody that hour. now fbi has that video in their possession and they're oong to take a look pt it. so far officials have not coomented on this new video."nats "just takeeher somewhereesafe. please let her come home to her family where she belongs."friends and
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ffmily gathered sunday for an emotionaa prayer vigil for the misssnn child. "and this is the first time e're seeing baby lisa's parents, jeremy irwin and deborah braddey, attend ttis type of prayer vigil. they've been having here in the neighborhood forr some days now."billboards around the kannas city metro area are being used in the search for lisa.last week, authorities executed a search irwin home.but the family attorney says police waited too long to do the search."all the time that they spent in this backyard, and again, they've got to do ttht. aad they've got to be thorough about ii, but 17 days later? my fear is that we've missed thii criticcl time to find announced a suspeet in the - disappearance.i'm melisa raney reporting. lisa's mother says she wss drunk the night her daughter ... because police told her - she faiied a lie detector test.
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rescce crews in turkey are sifting through theerubble today... in searrh of survivors frrm sunday's powerfuu earthquake.the 7-ppint-2 magnitude quake left at least 9-hundred people dead... affer dozens of buildings collapsed... trapping residents in the rubbleesince then... there have been at least 7 aftershocks.officials are calling it the most powerful eaathquakkethe country has seen in more than a decade. the hunt is on... for a ten-foot great white shark that killed an americanndiver in australia over the weekend. officials there have closed off beaches... wherr 32-year-old george wrainwright of texas... became the third from a shark attack.experts believe the attacks were &prandom encounters... and that "it's a risk you take and t -3 the wrong ime.""he would certainly never stop something like that frrm doing something was a person, with a family that cared a lot about him."
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the australian government is allowed to kill sharks that threaten humans deepite their protected status. congresswoman gabrielle giffordssis in nortt carolina today... toobeein two weeks of intensive therapy.ii's part of her recovery... after getting shot in the head in a mass shooting inn ucson in january. giffords has made whattdoctors call a miraculoussrecovery since the supermaaket shooting... which left six people dead and 12 others wounded.the man charged in the shootings... jared loughner... is undergoing mental health treatment.he'll be re- evaluated early next year to deteemine his competency to stand rial. 3& the ravens are gearing uu to take on the jacksonville jaguars tonight. tonight.tonight'ssmatchup between the ravens and jacksonville renews a rather between thh two teaas...they division... he a-f-cc that... in 1993... ore - jacksonville got the final expannionn tam that many thought should have gone to ravens finally took the en tte 3
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field... they had a four season stretch nd eight &pstrright losses... before they beat jacksonville for the first timeein 2000.not many on the team remember those days, but ray lewis sure does. &p3 tte ravens akeeon the pagg... in florida ... tonight at 8-300 brooks robinson is forever immortaliied in brrnze!the third baseman... sees a statue camden yards. he gave a heart- ovvrwhelmed by the gesture and theelove from his ans. brooks says: "i've nevvr considered you fans. i've always considereddyou my
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friends. (crowd: we love you brooks). more than anything the way you've treated me over - phess years. thank you very mucc." &phis statue stands at 9-feet-tall on the corner f washington boulevard and russell's entirely made of bronze... except his gold glove.fitting since he won 16 gold glove awarrs n his 23-year career as an priole. this isn't your typical halloween yard display... but for some demmcrats... the sighttof it might be shows the major republican presidential candidates... in a debate.this photo was captured in a chicago-area neighborhood.the person who put up the display... jokes his house will be the site of the first caucus and primary in the nation... on october 31st. comiig up on the early edition... a man sneaks his way into a washington d-c college dorm... and assaults a . screamed very loudly, and he e
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told her he woull kill her if she didd't shut up." up."hear from the concerned students... and what george washington university officialssare telling studdnts to do... to prrvent another case from happening. happening. ,3 ((break 1))
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the best place for a vacation is mississippi. you mean louisiana. florida's where folk's want to be. alabama's got you all beat. no matter which state you choose, everyone agrees the gulf is vacation at it's best. mississippi outdoors, louisiana seafood, florida beaches, alabama shoreline. so come on down to mississippi, louisiana, florida, alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. ((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad ib meteorologist)) 3 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 175 map old
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3ourt mapp- 3 3 3 ptill to come... &pssall business is picking up steam, after years of a sluup. the new businesses entrepreneurs are starting.. that's helping the economm. econnmy.feeey says: "i get chills just thinking about it."
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it."but first... a george after a man sneaks into a dorm.3 the way authorities believe the ssspect goo in,,and the officials are telling ty students... to keep them safe. ((bump out)) ((brrak 2)) ó?oñíí
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bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at a george washington
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university student is assaulted in her dorm .... in wwthout using a securityy swipp card. audrey barnes has more abbut campus security and the concerned students. students. &p at geerge washington university, students have o into the dorms. but a lot of times -- people justt foolow omeone into the buildinggwithout one..illiams &psays: "i think t's really hard to conttol who's going in and out of tte building." it's callee "piggy backing" -- and that's how police say thirty-four year old mergen battulga got into the west end a female student's room n the - fifth floor.kirkpatrick says: "she screammd very loodly, and if she didn't shut up." the students in the room scuffled with the suspect -- and alled nine-one-oneewhen he fled into the hallway. definitely freaked out, and i know she'll never eave her us everrthought sometting ike thii would happen. it's definitely scary." campus police were on the -
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scene. commander michael reese resisted arrest, and &ptaken into custody-- and is "burglary, simple assault, assault on a police officer." this story has a happy before anyone was seriouuly mmny are wonddring what will happen the piggybacks "i get chills just thinking s: about it." susan feely drove in from her daughter home for a weekend visit.about security.feely says: "before i i'm going to campus they let into the building -- and individual rooms. a message this student took to to get in the door before it cllsed. despite the incident -- some necessarill pant guards at the door. pattlano says: "i don't feel that concerned, i think it's still feel reelly safe here." - 3 really safe here."incident and i still feel really safe here."
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straight ahead... small businesses are on the upswing... helping to boost economy.we got there, i think,, faster thaa anyone thought we wouldd the unexpected amounn of time it took for the bbunce back... thriving... ext.s that are ((break 3))
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small usiness lending is getting stronner setting the stageefor more economic growth and more startups according to a new report from paynet, a financial information research october, paynet's small business lending index hit 100, not aa high as its all time peak in 2007. but well above iis bottom of 66 just 18 months ago.phelan says: "we got theee, i thiik, faster than anyone thought we would. it took about 18 monthss but, we're back o 100 and that juss shows that there's underlying expansion going on with these millions of small companies." paynet ssys entrepreneurs are
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entertainment, agriculture and wwll as reaa estate service firms thattare dealing with the wave of foreclosures including appraisals. but insurance agencies and retail food stores. phelaa ssys: "you have startups occurring.. coming back online. but you also have less business &pfailures and that combination is going to resslt n what we're estiiating to be about 200,000 net-net new business forrations... positive in 2011 anddanother whole set in 2012." paynet also says that according to its database of lease and loan payment datt loanndefaults by smaal companies continue to decline... which are making &psmall firms more "fiscally &pfit." that's it for this edition of the small business report. i'm peter barnes, fox business nntwork. "got drunk?"thht's what a it's supposed help save lives... but find out why
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residents.say.. that's ot the messagg it's ending. starting my progresso soup for lunch plan, huh. nope, just having some tender chicken and some tasty noodles. let's see...south western vegetables...60 calories. ya' know those jeans look nice. they do? yup. so you were checking me yup. out? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. those five food groups


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