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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 27, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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bobby: 'sup. "he was standing right here." here." the words of a kkller.whaa the man convicted of pulling the trrgger in a murder for hire plot... says happened next. 3 song nats natsand... kanye and jay z... team up.when you could win concert... for free! 3 3
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today is thursday, october 27th. 3
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175 map it's sentencing ddy for the man found guilty of pulling the trigger in a baltimore county murder for hire plot. phe jury will be eciding if walter bishop shoold get the is live rom the courthouseed - now, with moreeon bishop's stunning videotaped confession. patrice, it took just four walter bishop guilty of ffrst degree murder. murder.guilty of shoooing and the gas station he owned back in march of 2010.porter's wife &pkarla is accussd of masterminding the plot. bishop's attorneys tried to argue that he thought he was helping a woman who was beeng abused by her husband.but, the key evidence ii the case was bishop's own confession... listen in....- "he was standing here on his
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crutches looking at karla he turned his head &pand i ust went ike this." this."four others have already been found guilty in the plot. karla porter is the only person accused who still faces trial. as for bishop... he will learn his fate today.agian jurors will reeurn this mornnng to decide betweee the death parole.liveein ballimore - county, megan gilliland, fox45 morniig news. two men are shot at a baltimore county gas station.. and police are on the lookout for the shooters this morning. &ppt happened around 8 o ccock lass night at the gulf station along leeds avenue in arbutus. one of the men was able to drive himself to the hospital. the other was taken by
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ambullnce to shock ttauma. right now ttere are no arrests or suspeets. a 15 year old takes a loaded gun to school in hampstead.the eighth grader at north carroll middle school carried the weapon in his lunchbag, and told the assistant principal, he was struggling with &pcalled the police.. who took charged s a juvenile with gun possession. citiess.. take action.... fed up with protesterssthat occupy parks and won't move... this is what happened in oakland, california. protestors clashiig with the prrtestors to move. t arrested. here in baltimore thh city wantssto make changes to the occupy protest at the inner harbor.and city hall is getting some support.we found one person... furious.... that the protestors are still pamping out downtownn ...alllthii pack up our pbeep> tentswe don't wann you hereweel then go get a want one> one>people cannot even come in here and use the grass they
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with the kid in the grass ll - because you have tents here herei'm tired of driving to work every day and seeing all that out here hereehat whole confrontation lasted aaout 10 mmnutes. ttreets of arrests in baltimore too, as occcpiers were tolddto leave by midnight. so did thhy? jjel d. smith is llve at mckeldin plaza with the very latest. good morning 3 3
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early voting for the citt's general election begins tomorrow...and there are plenty of candidates vying for your atteenion.baltimore's general election is november pth.on the ballot aaee11 ccndidates facing the winners froo september's democratic primary.most are republicans... two are write-in candidates... and áaalá of them want your vote. (12:05556) (sneed) "you
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literally have to work harder, you have to knock on doors and people say, you're the only one to knock on my door." door." 3 (15:02:35) (betzel) "i and my other republiccnn counter paats are struggling to get thh message out....yes there's till an election." election." again, the &pcity's early voting locations open friday.a low turnout is predicted. it's still early for the presidential race... but as greg black explainn... new polls shhw things are looking good for one high-profile republican presidential hopeful. hopeful. salvvtore...hhs is mitt romney really ii a confiddnt-looking mitt romney had some fun at republican phone bank on wednesday.the time seems appropriate for the former massachusetts governor and smill.romney is leaaing new aa - cnn - time - orc international polls from the first four staaes to vote in next yearrs primaries and iowa...with it's january third caacuses...22 percent of
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rrgistered republicans polled say romney is theirrguy...with businessmmn herman caan second with 21 percent.tten in new hampshire...expected to vote a week ater...romney's up big...40 percent to cain's 13 percent.the next two states to vote -- south carolina and florida -- also put romney aheaddbut only a third of those surveyed in any of the states say they've made upp their minds.texas governor romney's main threat...but his pampaign has ffoundered. perry's been knncked for uneven debate performances. may skip somm of the remaining debates...sayiig his time could be better spent elsewhere.when you've got &peight or nine candidatts aad takes valuableetime to away from campaigning in iowa, as phoseeelections ahead...i think the greatest - president obama and i'm ld be - planning on beatingghim soon. i'm greg blacc reporting. the man whh became known as
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"joe the plumber" has &pcongress.he's the man who mad national headlines back ii 20088.. for chhllenning barack obama on his smmll-business tax plan.samuel wurzelbacherr says the country puts duut taae on its problemm and he's quote "not the kind of plumber that uses duct tape." wurzelbacher is challenging a lindssy lohan's dad is wakiigg up a free man... after being released from jail last ight. michael lohan was arreeted at week... on suspicion of this taken into custody... he eing compllined of chest pains and was briefly hospitalized.... before heading tt jail.he later posted baill.. set at 5- thousand dollars. she couldn't find her mother... so she went looking her...r....- "my mom's car backed ouu on &paccident and i need the polic to pull my mom's carrback in." that'' thh 9--1-1 call from a
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5-year-old ittle girl..... after she got behind the heel of her mother's s-u-v....the alooe... in the dark... for more than three hours.when she couldn't find her mom.... she ggabbed her om's keys....the the driveway... into a out of - neeghbor's yard.the girl llft the car running.. and called for help. 3 "did mom park her carracross the stteet or did yyu get in street?""um, somebody moved it across the street. the car is staying on running now. you gotta get hhre quick."you could tell she just followee exactly probably whht her mom does when she gets into the car..i mean she put the keys in the ignitioo, pulled it into headlights on like she was ready to drive just like a grownup." 3it turns out the mom was rushed to the hospital....and the dad didn't know he was supposed to pick hii daughter edition... sacriiicing for
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higher education... "it's quite a burden i've taken out extensive loans loansa college education's price tag is soarg..find out &pthe lan president obama is offeringg... to help those drowing in student loan debt. debt. 3q
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you disgust me. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. map old court map fiber bs)))- map
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3 3 3 3 when it comes to halloween... most f us would be appy with a couple pieces but here at fox45.. we dream a little bigger. bigger. it's our happy x-box halloween contest... sponsored &pgames". we'rr giiing away a brand new x-box to one lucky viewer. it's all to kick off the release of the new gamm "lord of the rings.. war
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for the xbox and ps-3 on 3 november first.this mornng ... you can win the game... and get qualified to win annx-box. stayytunnd... later this morning. still to come... student loan debit is higher than much more it costs á a yeará ... to attend a public college. college."we an't wait for congress to do its job. so where they won't act, i will." poping to curb that debt.the new plan he's pushing when it comes to student loans....and why reeublicans say... he's just trying to save his job. ((bump out)) ((break ))
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what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. the cost of college is
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soaaing. a new report shows the average yearly price tag public university jumped to pore than 21-thousand dollars translates iito bigger loansa at a timeewhen it's hard to find a dan lothianneeplains... president obama is pushingg ppan that he says could help moreethan a miilion and a half people. people. 3 --reporter pkg-as the seasonnfell across the denver campus of he ran into riia whittington, aa - seems to have already eerned a deggee in student loaan."it's
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quite burden i've taken out extensive loans. first i educated my children, three of them i sent to i &phave parent loans and now i have student loanss so this is extremely costlyyfor me."the ostly burden f a college he education is weigging n studentssacross the country. where earning a diploma is followed by this reality: an thousandddollaass"truthfully pt's the silent killer because you actually never see the money it's usually financial aid and things likk that or know kinda never having it - tangibly in your hands makes it more a very difficult o conceptualize how much the debt iss" attempttng to lessen the shock and lighten the load, president obama went to denver to tout his plan that sidesteps congress."we can't wait for ccngress to do its job. o where they won't act, i will."the resident aims to speed up a plan that was already in the works....
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for eeample beginning neet federal loan will be limited a to 10% of discretionary income. and after 20 years, five years sooner than current rules, all debts will be addition, thh ppogram ill make it easier tt consolidate student loanssbut in a statement, ennessee republican senator lamar alexander offered another solution..."the real way to reduce the burden of student loaa debt is to slow down the suggested that could be done by reducing "health care costs and mandates that are soaking up tate dollars" that could be used for education.back in snowy denverr whittington is shhulder a urden that while n painful is neeessary."i think us to put ourselves in a better place ffr the future." "the president admittee that &pthese small steps are no substitute from congressional action, but they will make a difference.meantime republicans are criticizing the president for what they
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&pvvew as campaigging and trrin to save his own job, instead of getting the ailing economy back on track. dan lothian cnn denver."-----end-----cnn.script straight ahead... annther wall street big wig... could eed up behind bars!the crimes he's acccsed of.. and what he's pleading in court., good news on the homebuilding ffont... after months of declinn.the boost that helped sales in septemmer... next. ((break 3)) 3
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stocks seeing green heree..on a possible greee light for a markets leaping as european leaders step closer to approving a new financial reecue.meanttme another big fish on wall street...getting fried.rajat gupta... a former director at goldman sachh... charged with insider trading as part of the ase that broughh down hedge fund giant raj rajaratnam.gupta pleading not guilty...and is free on
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bail right now. looks like slashing prices may fiially be paying off for hhme builders. september after fourth straight monthly declines.the median sale price hitting its lowest level in nearly a year...helping to get those buyers out.and the cost for higher education...keeps moving higher.tuition at a four year public university rising over eight percent this year... now ruuning 82-hundred pnnually.neerly 80 percent of american undergrads attend business. i'm dennis kneale. coming up... the effectiveness of thh fll shot is called iito question. who experts say it doesn't work for... ann how your weight could be a factor , as w. pell.
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