tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX October 28, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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over red lighh cameras.the te - question... is money coming before safety.meean gilliland is live downtown this morning are among those being queetione. questioned. good mornnng patrice, we're 83 and fayette streee... where this red light camera has been flashing all mooning.and now... one group is now speaking out about it.... sayinn the ay these cameeas are controlled puts profits before people. people.last year nearly 200,000 red light camera tiikets were hhnded out in baltimore city... generating 75 dollars per ticket.those profits are shared between the city and a ppivate business that actually installs and controls the tickets issued. but the issue at hand... is paid according to the number -
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of tickets issued... and that's what has maryland's public interest research group worried that thhs could become all about money. been known to increase safety - traffic camer company's are aginst that cauus hey want to issue as many citations as poss. possible.maryland pirg believes the solution is for the city and ooher municipallties to take back total control of the red liggt camerassin addition... all violations are upposed to be reviewed by a law enforcemmnt official before a ticket is issued ut with tens of thoussnds issued each yyar marylnd pirg is also questioning that. in case you're wondering if these cameras have made a difference at all... according to some estimaaes... over a according to some difference at all... have made a these cameras have ade a difference at all... according to some estimates... over a five year period heecamera's saved 159 livvs in baaitmore and 13 saved 159 lives in the cammra's five year period thee camera's saved 159 lives in balitmmre and 13 other downtown, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news.
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33&police are investigating a the alleged incident happened just before 10 o'clock last night... at the 5-hundred block of serenity court. there's no word yet on any suspects. the wife offsenator ulysses currie says she'sá to blame the senator's bribery trial. - currie's accused of taking money from shoppers food warehouse in exchange for political court thursday, reverend shirley currie teetified she handles the senator's disclosures &pforms and admits failing to report his paid consultant work.a miitake she regrets.the safeey is key for your trick or treaters.. that's why hhward county police are ccecking all 91 registered sex offenders for hhlloween. and all but one were found. found.47 year old james spivee is missing.police ssued a warrant for his arrest. arrest.a second offender, 31 yyar old tom gauthier was prrested after police found him living in a different address than the one registereed..ex offenders on
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probation re forbidden from find out if ssx offenders live in your neighborhood.we have a link to the state sex offender database at fox baltimore dot com.just go the "news features" ssction. 3 unionized social security workers are speaking out about proposed budget ccts to the agency.protesters marched on the streets at the social secuuity office on green street, downtown.ssme lawmakers in congress want to cut the operating budget by 5 percent.but ttat would lead to a 24 day furlough for workers ... which could mean longgr what'll happen ii the people - will keep coming in n thee days we're open and everything will get backed up our prrcessing times will increase cour acklog wwll get larger it will be more difficult for someone deal with the social administrationworkees say even deeper cuts would lead to 4- day work weeks. many famiiies are waking up
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with smiles on their faces this morning. mooning."cheering, waving flag" flag" &pnational guard soldiers from - maryllnd and virginia camee home, after being deployed to afghanistan for about a year. the soldiers aae from the 29th infantry division.they helped nato with the country's own pational security forces. "being back in your own bed is awesome, juut waking up and beeng in the same home with these two will be great" great" "i call it the victory mission.....ann we're glad to be back in the great state of m" maryland"all the soldiers aree looking forward to catching up with their loved ones indycar racing in baltimore? that is so getting ready for the latest - this morning. joel d. smith is live in northwest baatimore for the mta bus "roadeo". good morning joel d. 3
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3 3 help for those in need this holidayyseason. season.many gathered aa the 200 vollnteers packed more thhn 9 thousand boxes full of holiday meals.each box will distributed by the mmryland food bank to hundreds of soup kitchens and shelters across the state.organizers say this year... even more families are in need of help...because of
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the economy. "it's true that more and more people ho are either working at two or three jobs or people who were iddle class and losing their jobs and struggling to keep their homes are siiply falling behinn, they''e noo beinggable to feee their families." righh now, there are more than 400-thhusand hungry people in maryland .. but almoss half aren't eligble for federal food asistance programs. itts friday and that means it's your turn to souud off on our facebook page about anything you want. your mind-- and your response coull air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot coo slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the conveesationn coming up on the early edition... they were scammed out of their hard earned money... "i think aaything hat comes out of their mooth is self &pserving and lies. victims of bernie madoff, are speaking out.their suicide attempt...and why madoff himself.. says.. he's
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3 3 baltimore is buzzing... over jay-z and kanye weet coming to charm city next week. week.ssng naas nnts the "watch the throne" tour and weevv got your tickets.3 tickets.we've got one more pair of tickets to give away today... in our 7 o'clock hour. our 7 o'clock away today... in our 7 o'clock hour. so stay tuned for your chance to win. cominn up... she says... she and her husband .. just couldn't take it. it.we decided to kill ourselves because it was so
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is set to launch aarocket... it's on a mission to measure booh global and climate changes. bernne mmdoff's victiis are fuming ovvr the latest round of interviiws withhmadoff, his wife and dauuhter-in-law. as susan candiotti reporrs.. the victims say they feel the publiccis being conned every time one of the madoff's speaks. speaks. --reporter pkg-as ollows --" i think anything that comes out of their mooth is self serving and lies.richard and cynthia friedman lost their pprents. so when they heard ruth madoff talk about a failed suicide attempt in a nnw "60 minutes" interview... "we ddeided to kill ourselves because it was so horrendous what was happening. "we had pail just beyond anything and i saii iican't, i just can't go on anymore." s: do you believe it?i don't bblieve cannot truss anything they say susan to ilene: s :" assuuing she's tell ing the truth about badly?(she laughs...) i just can't assume it. i just think self serving...she said she's felt badly about the viitims, well, why reopen the wounds
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of her madoff rison interview for abc, in which he says he's happy in prison because he feels safe there. lived in fear that he was has going to be found out and now he's not in control of his life and so he isshappier outside.""i as very much against seeding him to a max securitt prison because i felt that would be revenge and not justice. but he's eaaly just snubbing his nose at the system. he's snubbing his nose pt us.then there's stephanie madoff whose husband mark committed suicide last year, depressed over his father's crime."if i saw bernie madoff right now, i would tell him
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