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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  November 2, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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camp ground..... which of course.. it's not. livee in downtown altimore, keith daniels, fox 5 news latee edition. at... groond zeroo .../ forr.. the... "oocupy wall street"... movement,.../ ááhundredsáá of... iraq.../ and... afghanistan vets.../ have ájoinedá... the movemeet. movement. " "veterans areecoming home and finding that we don't access to proper medical care, we don't have access to jobs. we're having difficult time getting the educational benefits we were promised and we served for so, i'm worried about how 'm going to feed my &pdaughterrand how i'm going to put her through college.. many of the veterans ...are working.../ as... a buffer... between police and the protesters.../ to keep them ...from getting gassed.../ or arrested. the searrh.../ is n ...for the man.../ whoo.. shot.../ someone the face .../ ii... west baltimore.../// baltimore.../// it... happeeed ... at.../ franklintown road .../ and... edmonson avenue ...// ááthereáá... was... a second perssn shot .../ in the leg...//// áábotháá... piitims... are ssill they know.../ thee - person... they believe.../
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ii responsible. developing story... in - áápoliceáá...// investigate... a murder../ in park-ville ville police.../ were... called to.../ near... cub hill... roadd..// around 4-30- pm...//. áápoliceáá... found.../ a... woman's.../ body ...inside...///. áánoáá... word...on... a cause of death there .../ have been... four murders.../ during robberies... at the same .../ waverly... since 2009.../. monday.,../ áátheáá killers... were... caught on amera...///. áá522á year old... freddie jones.../ is... in the lobby.../ &p of... yau brotherr...// ááwhenáá another customer ...and... 3 masked men.../ enter ...the store..../ áápoliceáá say... jones.... esisted the robbery .../ aad... was... &p faaally shot.../.. áájonesáá killed.../ at... this store.. / since 2009... (wife) "he was my best friend, myyfriend.. he was just...and they took aagood man away for 13 dollars " (family) "i believe it need to be shut down because too much is happened in this ooe particular spoo.. and its ot likk its arouud the store its happening in the store." store."
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know...anything about...// the...3--gunmen.../ baltimore....police... a... jury... convicts.../ a... woman .../ of... murdering.../ her co- worker.../ at... a... bethesda.../ yoga shop .../// ...///jurors... deliberated.../ before.../ returning... the verdict.../ against brittany.../ norwood....// killed.../ jay-na... murray.../ in.../ lulu--lemon.../ shop...// in march....//// ááprosecutorsáá... say.../ she... used... at least.../ 6---weapons...// ááthenáá... told police.../ they... a... -- ponvicted killer.../ says.../// he....doesn'' peservee.. to die in prison....// ááandáá jurors agreed....// agrred...../ instead.../ of... giving... walter bbshoo... the death sentence.../ for... &pmurder... / áájurorsáá gave him... life.../ of parole..../ áátheáá... judge.../ then... handed down ...his sentence .... for... conspiracy.../ and... pandgun charges.../ áábishopáá faces... 2--life sentences .../ plus... 20 years.../ ááloved-onesáá... of.... ray porter.../// the... victim...// had... llttle toosay.../// 10:08:11 it's been obviously difficult. we are just thankful for all the support thatts been done. but it's not
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over nn we have another trial to go to and maybe we'll have mooe to say :26 only defendant... has... yet áátteáá... suspected - mastermind.../ kar-la porter...//. accused of... killing his.../ estranggd wife.../ is... coming.../ to maryland .../ to... face charges. 45-year-old ... ccrtis lopez... left../ charlotte .../ áááhargedáá &pwith... first-degree murder .../ of... jane mcquain, .../ ááandáá suspected... in the death.../ &p of... her.../ 11-year-old son... william...//. áámcquaináá... , was... stabbed to ddath.../ in... her... germantown home....// ááwilliam'sáá... boddy.. was found.../ in... clarksburg. a... baltimore man.../ is... 30 years.../ for... fatally...stabbing.../ his ex-wife.... ááthisáá the scene... when ...pplice say... 36- year-old.../ damon white.../ stabbed... thelmaawynn.../ more thann.. 100 times.../ ááthenáá set fire... to her columbia .../
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p apartment..../ ááwhiteáá... was convictedd.. of.../ and arson.../// a... ffderal jury.../ will soon... deliberate.... the fate... oo... state senator.../ ulyssess... curr. currie...//.who's... accused... of bribery... and extortion.../ for... his ole.../ as... a... consultant.../ to... "shoppers food"... warehouse....///ááproseeutors áá say... currie ... used his influunce.../ as... senator ...// to... benefit... from...// thee.. food chhin...//.áábutáá... nevee reported.../ it... to the sttte...// áácurrie'sáá... ttam...ssys...// shoddd.... paperwork...// p 22... alleged... members... of.... the... dead man... incorporated" .../ gang... are indicted. áátheyáá... weree arrested ...on.../ murrer,.../ attempted murder.../ drug trafficking.. and extortion..../ áápoliceááá.. say...// p they ...operated... out of... state... & the group... smuggled drugs,.../ tobacco, ...cell phones.../ and... other contraband .../ into... lock-ups...///. "this case has made the public safer...addressing the leadership of a gaag like thhs does so much for the commu" coomunity" 11-members.../ were... previously in custody .../ ann... police.../ are... still on the look out.../ for.../ 4---others. a... baltimore
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doctor .../ is back.../ after... studying.../ traumaa edicine... in the most dangerous place.../ on... the planet. ppanet. dr. thomas scalea.../ is.../ shock trauma's... "physiciann in chief"...//. ááheáá just returned ...from afghanistan.../ after... doing military bases.../ ááheáá treattd pattents.../ experience.../ with... trrating injuries... to american ssldiers.../ froo...// home-made 3 i think the lessons we've learned with the abillty to rapidly transport the kiis from very far forward surgical through launch and back to the united states, iffyoo think about vieenam, the last sort of big war that would take two two or three days dr. scalea... created.../ "c-stars"...// a... joint military...// training program..//. áááilitaryáá... doctors train... at shock traumaa.../ in baltimore.../ and... work ...on the types of gunshot wounds .../ phey'... see in combat. bad ay... for... lindsay
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lohan...// ááshe'sáá... heading back... to jail! &pjail! you are to serve 33 days in he county jail now. &pyou are to surrender within one week i understaad that you are to surrender by november 9th a... callfornna judge.../ sentenced... the actrees to 30 days behiid bars.../ for... violating... probation..../ áátheáá 25-year-old... ailed to commmnity service assignment .../ at... aa.. wwmen's shelter.../. ááthisáá is... the áfifthh jail sentence.../ ffr... &plohan... since... being arrested twice... for drunk driving.../ in... 2007...// áásheáá last served... 35 days... on house arrest.../ on... a....four month ...jail sentence.á magician... mario wong... of hong kong...// ááheáá... best santa in china...// &pp áá8--contestentsáá lined up...for the otential glided on sleds .../ - delivered gifts ../ . and... even ttmed... plastic
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this -- to prove.../ in town....// ssnta... - ááafteráá... five rounds ...of competition ..////. wong...won...// ááináá... 2--weeks...// the... newest... mister claus.../ will... go... to sweden .../ for the ...20-11...// "santa claus "... p wintee games, bad day for justinn bieber.../// new rrmors... are surffcing.../ justin bieber.../ has a "baby, baby, baby ..."/ p oo/...// áárepsáá... for... the singer say.../ they'll... vvgorously &pfight... these allegations...///. áá"staaáá magazine" --/ says...// a... 20--year-old woman.../ from california.../ ponsumated... things backstage... with bieber...// last yeer ...////. áásheáá... filed... a paternity suit.../ against bieber...////. 3 a cleer, fall night.../ but it going... to stay that way? chief meteorologist vytas reid forecast.your skywatch forecast. 3
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"as i have said,,if something else cooes up - and it will - they are going to make it up." more exual harassment charges leveled against the gop front-runner. why herman cain says rick perry's people are behind the aatack. a home-grown terrooist plot. how four georgia killllawmakers. 3 mercilessly beating hissdaughter. why this man could lose his job &pover a llaked youtube video. &p herman cain.../// on the
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defensive.../// over allegations... of sexual.../ harassment.../// áátonightáá... , he... blames... 2-peeple... áá whoááá now... work for .../ the... rick perry campaign...////. ááperry's áá... people deny... they leaked thh story,.../ áábuttá caii's... demanddng an apology...////. áácarláá cameron ...has the latest...//// on... he scandal.../ that... has &procked.../ the... preeiiential...// campai. campaign. 3 this morning in virginia trying to ddscuss health are interested in little else. &pcain says: "i'm here to speak to these doctors so dont bother to ask all thess ooher &pquestions you might be curiou about don't even bother, excuse me excuse me."but appearing at a hitech conferenne in va the frrnt- running gop presidential hopeeul himself brought up the issue. cain says: "there are factions
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that aae trying to destroy e personally aa well as this pampaign." cain has been denying in advance any other womens alleggtions. cain says: "as i have said, if somethiig else comes up --and it willl--they are going to make it up." he georgia businesssan has said he haa o evidence but believes racism ps behind the reemergence of of the alleged victims is reportedly reluctant to speak out but her lawyer tooay &pcontacted the national rest may formallyyask the trade group to aive its which was part of $33 thoosand settlement in exchange for her silence. cain's blitz of t-v interviews denyinggthe allegations have included some other news...for instance critics have suggested this statement indicates ignorance ttat china is a nuclear power. cain says: "yes they are a military threat they haveeindicated develop nuclear capability nd
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ttey want tt develop- morr aircraft arriers like we have so yes they are a military threat." cain aides insist he knows china as nuclear its quest for nuclear ppwered carrrers and subs..should caii'sscandidaay take a hit, polls suggest many of his supporters favor ewt gingrich as their 2nd choice..on the trail in iowa michele bachmaan offered a warning to gop prospect of more allegations our candidate."bachmann ides were quick to point out that thaa staaement could easily be applied to aaquote drunk speech, referringgto speculation about rick perry performance in nh last wk, or any new flip-flop, an obvious shot at mitt romney. 3
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the fbi says ... four... georgia men... weee ...plotting... o blow up... awmakees.../ and... poison otherr. others. &pthis.../ ii... thee say.../ the men... developed... their plot...///. áátheyáá weree ...goinggto use bombs.../ and... the.../ poison... "ricin"...// &pto... take out.../ many government... officials...///. áátheáá fbi... won't say...// who... the men.../ were... targeting...///. tonight, our very own vyyas reid was asked to help mold the minds oo young people startiig on life's journey. journey. these arr the 2011 graduates of the tesst college of technology. the fall class towson and vytas shared one of his academic ssories wherr some quick thinking arned im 3igh arks. - went p there and did this o i 3 bester walked up and he said
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most amazing thing i had ever hearr, and you know what i got on that grade a+ hold for applause 3- 3 a slight chance of rain... what... are
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the odds... it will hit us? us? 3 3 3
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on trial in the court judge could got to jail ovvr a youtube vvddo posted by his
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own daughter. this takes a carwash to a whole new level. how this car ended up floattng on a jet of water. 3 3 3 [ female announcer ], you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle.
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because there's never been a better time no... common sense.../ in...this story...//. ááaáá.../ family court ...judge.../ in... texas.../ áisáá.... the focus.../ of... an investigation../ ááafteráá... hhs daughttr... posts a video.../ online...//. ááaáá... warning.../// áátheáá video... is gr. graphic.áone slap and one screaá screamá a... person ...identifying herself.../ adams.../ - ááshotáá in 2004.../ when adams ...wass16...// &p áásheáá says... she was punishee.../ for... illegally downloading... music.../////.ááadamsááá father... / jjdge... william addmss../ told... a &ptexas.../ t--v.. station...// ááheáá... said.../ it... wasn't as bad.../ ááhillaayáá says... she posted the video.../ after... being harrassed.../ by... her father.....///.
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p common sense says.../ take care... of your pets .../ ááespeccallyáá... ones ...that could eat.. chillren.../ áásomebodyáá reeeased ...thiss.. burmese to... 16 feet lonn, .../ áábiggá... enough... to eet... this fully grown,.../ áá huntersáá... went ...after thh snake.../ fearing.,..// t... could take more livestock.../ or... even a child...///. 3 it's no trick. how this car ended up suspended on top of a geyser for more than an hour. 3
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for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever.
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and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while. bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at a.../ jet of water .../
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holds.../ a... carr suspended... in the air.../ for... over an hour. hour. it happened.../ in... san diego.../ around ...2 am... this morning..../// ááaáá... couple.../ stole... this car.../ and... slammed.../ into... a fire hydrant...//. áátheáá force...of the... water.../ lifted... the back... of the car.../ off... he ground..../// áátheáá &p man and woman... jumped out.../ of... he car.../ while... it was... flying...// áátheáá car,... sat there,.../ perfectly suspended.../ until... the water.../ was.../ shut off....///. áápoliceáá aree.. searching....for the.../ 3 another... sunny day charm city. whhtts... the rest of the week look like? like? let's go to vytas
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for your extended skywatch 3 theelaaest from the ravenss..and two orroles are awarred gold gloves...bruce cunningham has those stories.., on sports unlimited....
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woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. late eddtton,... but
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...there's still... a lot... offsports unlimited...//. ááit'sáá steeler week.../ and... bruce cunningham.../ is... tracking it all.../ as... sunday niggt approaches. approaches. 3 3 steelers coach mmke tomlin might have said it best:when
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the steelers and ravens play, field goals decides it.aad this time, storylines biggest, the ravens going ffr a two game sweep while they steelrs seek revenge for thatt week one beatdown...morgan adsit takes it from here... here... 3 they don't havv a general manaaer yet, but the
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prioles are already working on the 2012, they signed righthanded reeiver season with the rrngers...a four year veteran, the 29 year old o'day has a 2.89 career
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earned run aaerage... avvrage... meanwhile...for the first time in 13 years, the orioles have mulliple gold glove winners...catcher matt wieters gets his first...he threw out and allowed just one passed ball all season...manager buck ssason quote from start to finish, the best catching job i've ever seen"...the 25 year old wieters had some company, too... glove as right fielder nick - marrakis...long overduee too... the 27 year old markkkis was beenficiary of a new rule that awards gold gloves to layers from each position, as opppsed to the old method in which three outfielders were awarded regardless of position.. markakis did not commit a single error all season,,,1577 assists...d also had 14 3 it's now time o announce the candidates in our high school game oo the week contest... brought to you by varsity sports network dot like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of the week... maybe you'll see your school... here's this slate of games... games... .it's all football his
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week...aberdeen at fallston... hereford...and reginald lewis we'lllannounce the winner on thursday night... that'll do it for this ediiiin of sports unlimited... and be sure tootune in to fox45 mooning news tomorrow -- staating at 5-am.ggodnight. goodnight. 33 &p [ female announcer ] , you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle.
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because there's never been a better time i have an announcement to make. as you may have heard, carol and i broke up last week. - hang on. why do you have a cat... and a fanny pack? and your ponytail, it's being held up by a chip clip. - because i'm giving up, jenna. i did the math. how many times does a woman meet mr. right? i've had three chances-- floyd, then carol, and i was once in an elevator with tom brokaw, and i blew all three... opportunities! so i am making my graceful transition into spinsterhood. i have adopted this cat, named her emily dickinson... - oh, come on! - named her emily dickinson. - lemon, a word. hang on. recent breakup, fanny pack, cat? quick. who is the lead character on ncis? - special agent jethro gibbs. - in your office, now. - what's the point, jack? i'm done. i took the money i was saving for my honeymoon, and i bought a cemetery plot. i also joined a book club


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