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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  November 4, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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(speaking gibberish) kardashiann. joins the club. the sevee questions diiorced celebs didn't ask beforr the .. that 3 01:21 "it's definitely worth a shot to put some extra money in your pocket." pocket." extra cash by selling hair... or breast milk. the people making money from theer &pbody.. and the one tting that coull bring in 6-thousand dollars. 3screaming screamingand.. women so shhckee by her sentence.. she collapses as it's read.what they were convicted of doing... and the jailtiie shee got for it. 33
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3 -3 today is friday, november 4th. 3
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3revision: maps-old court-back to maps
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3 homicideedetectives are investigating a body that was found inside a burned out garage in northwest baltimore. megan gilliland is live from the scene witt more on this developing story. story.good morring patrice, this is wwat's left 3
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another fire.. this one in harford ounty... sends one firefighter to the hospital.. and injuresspeople trapped happened in fallston around 8 o cllck last night. risked their lives by going in to get people trapped inssdd. firefighters got two people out of his home and one of them was in cardiac arrest.a firefighter was also injured. no word onnthe cause of that fire... orrtheir conditions this morning. an apparent murder suicide is underrinvestigation in parkvill. parkville. police say 21 year old brett hofffrberth shot and killed his grandmother... 66 year old evelyn hofferberrh... and thhn killed hiiself.their bodies were found tuesday in a home on sarah lane, where they shocked by the news.ents are - (ms. james/neighbor) "i can't even wrap my head around
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it.. you kkow.. i wouldn't pven do it.. god rest my grandmother. can't see anybody doiig that to their own family.. poor daughter ow has to face two deaths, going through all that . iican't ima" what might have triggered the today marks one month since "occcpy baltimore" protestors took p residence in mckeldin square at the inner harbor.and we wanna know.. do the occupiers represent you? you?thee"occupy wall street" movement has beenngainiig ccntroversy, especially here in baltimore.thee claim they're fighting big banks and corporate greed... and that they represent 99 percent of we went to the inner haabor to ask one hundred people if ttey believe the group represents them.
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else.">about half of thooe we asked said "no." a quarter said yes. and a quarter said they don't know because they can't figure out wwat "occupy" actually stands for.members herr have been illegally camping at a public parkkfor one month.. today. housands of nurses are the group marched in front of - the white ouse and treasury deparrment... saying they're fed up withhseeing their patients struggle to pay for psking the government to impose a tax on stock trades on wall street to help those in need. a texas judge ccught on ccmera beating his daughtee won't face criminal rrck vinceet eeplains... a district attorney in the state says too much time has passed for aay charges to be filed.we want to warn you... some of this video is diiturbing. 3 "bend over the bed.
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stop! stop! stop!" hillary until she was 23 to post it."i decided to release the tape snapped. it wasn't any carefully planned orchestration or nythinn like that, and i idn't really mean for anything huge to come of it." family court judge william adams addits that he was the one doinn the beating in the video."innmy mind i haven't done anything wrong other than discipline my child after she was caught stealing. and i did lose my temper but p've since apolooized. it there's a storr behind it. and it wwll come out in due time, ok.""" think he's in sseiius denial because i told him it hurt to walk the neet day, and his response was ooe word. he said, "gooo." adams haa temporariiy resigned from his &ppost and faces a judicial ponduct probe.and while he may not face any legal consequences for the beating,
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job. e's up for re-election in three years.i'm rick vincent, reporting. pplice say the video prrvides evidence of a crime called injury to a child ut there's a five-year statute of limitations on hat rime .. and it was filmed seven years a drrmatic reaction inside a &psouth carolina tw women are sentenced to life in . prison.screaming screammng &pyou can see the women collapse... as they're read their sentence.members of tte women's families immediatell begin screaming.tte women were convicced of whippiig a 3-year- old girl baak in 2009... after she went to the bathrooo on the floor.the girl later died from her injuries.both were both charged with homicide by phild abuse. you won't have much to be thankful for in the friendly skies this thanksgiving.fewer peopll will fly this hhliday... but they will be as
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23-point-- million travelers will take to the skies... betweee november 18th and 29th. that's 37- thousand fewer each day ttan last year.but that room... major carriers will be reducing the number of flights &pstill see plenny of full flights. jetblue says it will offer who were stuck on their plane &pfor áhoursá... during saturday's new england snow storm.fiie flights were connecticut irport... for almost 8 hours.the airline sayy it has sttrted the refund process... but it will take a while to payyback everyone.the stuck passengers will also be given a roundtrip voucher for a future trip. a new report finds students who graduated frrm college &plast year....walked away with more than just diploma.they also left with a record amount &pof student loan debt.colllge seniors who took out loans to education... owed an avvrage of 25-thousand-250-dollars. that's five-percent more than
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the class of 2009. 3 a ove of pit bulls and experience for folks at a fells poont gallery this weekend. but how much money wiil they raise? joel d. smithhis live now ith the item , and the artist behind "committ to a pit". p3 good morning joel d. - 33
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3 it's an escape vehicle
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unlike any alleged thiee in west virginia chose wheels for his getaway... that are slower than hissown wo feet!this surveillance video a sttrr... taking mooey... and shooing items in his pockets. he thenjumps into his getawaa vehicce... a stolen motorized wheelchair.policeelater caught away the wheelchair as evidence. it's riday and that means it's your turn to sound off on pur facebook page about anything you want. want.let us now what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to becomm a fn and join the ponversation. coming up onnthe early edition... an independent review board rellases he &presults of an investigation into the killing of a baltimore poliie fffcer. officerr there weree aseriis of
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mistakes and tragic cirrumstances that led to this.. this....the mistakes hat were william torbit... and the pmplemented. experts from a leading consumer publication recently tested stain treatments. they rated resolve laundry number one.
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beating shout. try resolve laundry for amazing stain removal. satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) revision: maps-fiber- oldcourt-back to maps pls
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(ccms are hot) 33 3
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3still to come... are ou noticing your "to do " llst at work is getting done! productivity is up...the good thhng experts say this could lead to. because we want to make sure i- that something like this doesn't happen again. again.and the results are in from an independent investigation into the shooting death of baltimore police officer william torbit. the mistakes the report reveals... the changee already being 3
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an independent panellrrleased it'' findings into the shooting death of baltimoree officer wwiliam happened during a night of chaos that endedd.. with theirrownn crime and justice reportee joy lepola investigation lacks one key piece of information. information. ((pkg)) 42 shots.... ired in 6 seconds!. a deadly decisioo that cost two men their lives... one... was baltimore city police officer.... william torbit. an officer in plainclothes... who's own actions that night ... have been partially blamed for whaa unfolded.
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&p(beallfeld) 30:30 there wwre series of mistakes and tragic ccrcumstances that led to hhred bb the mayor.(mayor) -- 19:32 the
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officer torbbt's family declined to comment on the results. an internal &pinvestiiation by the pplice deeartment, is still going oo.. 3 if you want to read the report, go to our website, fox baltimore dot com and click on our newslinks tab. as with all our content, it's completely free. straight ahead... up, up and away...the cost to fly s much more &pplane ticket. to pay for that ticket.and how much are you getting done at worr?the new report that ays... you're
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porking harder...and whht that can lead to... next. porking harder...and whht that can lead to... next. ((break 3)) bge's instant discounts got our homeowner toner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at employee morale and
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productivity ... steadily on the rise... and as dennii kneale reports...also the rise?the price to fly... fly... (on cam lead) greece is teeteringg-- and stocks just soaring.. the greekkprime minister planning to cancee that national vote on a proposed bailout. but he still may be faciin a no- friday. stocks now own o bbtting the e-u debt deal will &pgo through. and aheaddo tomorrow -- we're finding out &pthe service seccor is serving up more jobs last montt. thattcould bode well, since the service sector employs ninety percent of our work force. americans that are working -- getting more done. roductivity rising last quarter -- after
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of the year. higher producttvity could bring higher salaries down the road. but joo uts are commng to one high tech company chip maker, advanced micro devices sllshing fourteen hundred positions. the coopany hit by weak demaad or computers and manuffcturing delays. and it keeps costing you more to ly. u-s airways the latesttairline to raise fares. this time up to ten bucks for many round-trip tickets. that's business. 'm dennis kneale. coming up... shocking new details concerning the tragic eath of a germantown boy...whose body was found in some clarksburg authorities believe he was killed. killed. 3
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by now, america has seen enough of the bad behavior of the 'occupy' movement protesters. that aside, itts eaay to understtnd thhir frustrations when it comes to the excesses of all street. but the protesters' anger is misdirectee. the causes that led to the 2008 and nine dc. the ffderal government , passed measures ssch as the community reinvestment act, lowered the capitalization minimumm for fannii mae and freddie mmc, and insisted banks give mortgages to people just like soviee planners, pashington politicians thought they could rewrite he laws of economics. dodd-frank, the finance law enacted last year, continues the problems. contrary to the claims of its supporterss the law enshrines 'too big to fail.' and continues bank bailouts - forever. or until this law is repealed. and speaking of the law, federal regulators who don't even abide by it. at - - least five agencies that industry are payyng federal
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permits. these agencies are: the consumer financial protection bureau;; commoddty futures trading commission; office of the comptroller of the currency; treaaury; and the securities & exchange commission. nearly 200 emplooees are paid salaries of $225,000 or more. this is more thannallowed by laa. in washington, laws are what the people follow. and not the politicians and bureaucrats. ffr more on ttis story visit behind the headlines dot net. facebook.w us twitter and [ man ] '53 corvette. i loved that car. [ man ] it's my new malibu. [ woman ] '57 bel air -- still have it. [ both ] our camaro. [ man ] chevy silverado -- third one. [ male announcer ] people love their chevys. that's because for 100 years, chevy has offered the best value in america. come in now and help us celebrate our centennial open house, november 1st through the 7th. and fall in love with your next chevy. ♪


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