tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX November 9, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST
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this...just nder 38-thousaad people voted for the mayor...a very low number f votes. megan gglliland is live from city hall this morning with reaction from theemayor after hee huge win. win. 3megan gilliland is livv from reaction from tte mayor herself. herself.good morning patrice, mmyor stephanie rawlings blake will return to work this morning, knowing that she will be baltimore's leader for years to come... and kkowing that she has a lot of ork to d. do...while maay predicted this... the mayor was officially declared the winner &plast night.her supporters cheered aa the she eerned her through her speech, she promised beeter days ahead.thanking all of you... "most importantly iiwaat to thank everyone in this room... we believe baltimore can be strong
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creative society." society."while rawlings blake becomes our 49th mayor... only a small fraction of the you helped mmke thii decision. around ten percent of eligiile voters went to thh pools yesterday.that means 37 thousand people picked the mayor... for more than 600 thousand people. the outcome offthe race probably wouldn't have changed as ooly ten are republicans. 3 mayor's race, city council - race and the two allot questions innthe city.. check the ticker at the bottom of your screenn and you can also go to the baltimore votes section of our website... t fox baltimore-dot-com. and remember that all of the content our website is absolutely free. in northwest baltimore...a
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say she died at the hands of her grandson. grandson.67 yyar old, shirley tyllr's body was founddin her paak heights home on spaulding avenue, saturday morning. 36 year old demond tyler is now charged with first degree murder. authoriiies say he choked his grandmother to death. famiiy members say the charges are hard to believe.... raised by his grandmother and that he loved her. &p3 "she was a good woman, such a " loss.....""he's like my brother, that's hy i reallyy don't know what happenee.. i reserve judgement.. it's point.." this is oi" the second time in a week that something like this has happened. baltimore county police say a 21-year-old parkville man killed his ggandmothhr befooe killlng himself last tuesday. a baltimore police officer is on tte end this mornnng, after he dragged by a pick up truck for two happened around 9 o clock tuesday morning at nortt monroeestreee and penrose avenue n west baltimore. police were conducting a drug investigation when the officer
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approached a ford pick up.the officer on lexington street. he as taken to shock trauam pecause of injuries to his arm.authorities are still looking for the suspect's vehicle. senator ulysses currre is free man this morring morninghe was found not guilty on áallá charres for his role ps a consultant to shoppers food warehouse..currie was charged with bribery and extortion after he received 245-thousand dollars from the grocery chain.currre never reported his employment to the state as mandated by law... &pbut his attorneys say it was only an eehicaa lapse. 3 this has been a tough four yeaas, almmst four years for my wiie, my family and i aad also for my constttuents. this is the grratest momeet of my life, this is by faa the greatest moment of my ifee" life."two former executives of shoppers were also aquitted of similar chargee. drivers be on the lookout.. time of yearr bucks and does s begin darting across state highways and busy's
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estimated one point five milliin crashes in the u-ss each year involle deer. in 2007, in maryland alone, there were two deaths, 458 injuries and almost two thousand vehicles crashes.and deers versus car crashes aren'tt cheap....repairs run anywhere from 25-hundred ddllars to &pmore than 15-thhusand. 3 ive seen some terrrble damage on vehicles and actually &ppeople ive seen cars where people havv been killed because of a deer... deerr..experts say whilee drivvng... if you see one deer.. there's usually others around. you can bet thisswas the easiest "a" for students in a peorge washington univeristy class.the professor is accused of giving everyonee a's... even though she nevee showed up to teacc. teach.the director of the program.... has resigned.ant" - venetia orcutt wws supposed to peach a required masters-llvel class... ddring the 2009 - 2010 school yeaa.but the
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uniivrsity recently received letters froo three graduates who claim orcutt never ssowed up to class... or ppovided ttem wiih course mattrials. friday is vettran's day, but pome ravens were on hand to salute veteranss nd their famil. families."terrible singing from ravens players...the day the music died" died"bblly cundiff and morgan cox traded the foottall or a ccmmunity and living and rehab center.playyrs, cheerleaders, and the raven maacot signed autographs.they thanked the veterans for their service to our country. some trick or treaters candy on halloween... nstead they were handed fetuu dolls. dolls. herees the doll john ramsey's three-year-old grandson picked up. joshh edmonds of "project gnitee... a so-called chriitian organization... gave the dolls outt ramsey... and many other parents were not amused.
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"when they handed that to him was-- and so the gentlemaa there old him it was a 12- week-old fetus and this is what you looked like in your mother's belly.""almost everyone i've spoken to was appalled by what transpired." transpired." edmonds apologized to those that took offfnse. coming up on the early edition... the growing problem is áknivesá in baltimore city s. schools...11:27:41"it's sad &pthat they feel like they have to rotect themselves in school" school"find out how easyyit that's coming up in minutes...- minutes.
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hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. ((break 11)
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&pcity school has raised fears about safety for students.but jeff barnd tells us ... fox45 uncovered the problem of knives n schooo extends far putting baltiiore in a new " cutting class." class." 2:39" i panicked in a sense and hank you jesus that he wwsn't there whhn it happened" distraught parents outsiie
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civitas high school in fearful for the safety of theer children after a 14 year male student stabbed a classmate during a fight.the being bullied..11:27:41"it's sad that they feel like they have to protect themselves in school"but the terrfyingg incident could not haae occurred without the elp of a dangerous tool..a knife. these aren't just pocket knives we are talkiig about.. deadly weapons like these that fox 45 has learned are smugglld into city schools. 10:07:07 "they're just as dangeeoussas a gun"10:07:09documents obtained through a freedom of 282 kniies confiscated from students in the past two yeaas alone .11:28:41"children ave access to them and it's sad" and that's not all.schools officals admitted there were eight separate incidents during the same time period asssult or threaten thhir classmates.crimes ttat all
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lead t crimmial alleggttons, like the 1sttdegree murder charges against devon thomas, the ccvitaa student who stabbed his classmate. school officials declined to speak to us on camera bout the numbers. the number of knives brought into school they find troubling 11:27:51"as parents we send ouu children to school we hope that they safe, but nowwwe find out that thye're &pnoot even safe in schools" 11:27:57they're also convinced that the city is awasshin knives. easy to find and cheap po buy 11:28:08"it's easier to get a knife then it is to get a llbrary car"11:28:08we investigated, and found knives selling for as little as ten dollars inside thissnorthwest baltimore gas station.and even more troubling in the city owned hollins market, where we found dozen f knives on disguised to look like a comb. 11:28:22"you can get a knife anywhere, you can ggttaaknife maybe at the gas station that we're standing in front of or any corner store any liquor 11:28:44in fact, we were able
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po purchase this springloaded knife for justt$12. a knife that a former ballimore city homicide investigator stephen tabeling says may be illegal. enforcement officerr perspective i would say that's a switch blade knife"10:06:01 the knife has spring action similar to a swtcihblade, a "ii makes it moreedangerous :16 becuase it's instantaneous, if swishh and out pops the blade" 10:05:2504:08:15"there is no logical use for that knife, especially in this urban environment"04:08:20formerrfbi agent dr. tyrone powers says culture of fear insiie schools have fueled voilent encounters between students. 04:06:25 "many oo these fights occuring in schools are multiple individuals jumping on nee individual and they are students who have never been
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voilent at all felling they must uue something to defend problem, powers says tte city needs to cut offfthe supply first.04:07:44"either thee mayor or tte city ouncil willl have to sya to eveyr business you are part of the olsution for draaitically reducing 16:25:00"i just basically teach my son to keeppto himsell and be carrful who he associates with"16:254:5 but for now parennssof ccty students can only offer words of caution, sound advice they hope will keep their childden safe. nexttii sports. sports.theeravens are putting suuday's big win over the steelers behind them... for now.but find out what coach harbaugh says thhs win could mean for them in the future. ((bbeak 3)) 3 bruce 3
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