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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  November 10, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST

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nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? heaath problems. the major health hazard of not getting áenoughá salt... on fox45 news t 5-3 3 3 &p fiver old court map 3
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ballimore city ffghts back against knives in school.this comee after a fox45 investigation revealed that hundreds of knives hhve been taken away rom students.we also found just how easy it is for kids to buy them.megan gilliland is live from hollins market whhre many knives were being sold illegaaly. illegally.good morning patrice, most people come to hollins market... for the food. and up until recentll....ttey came to this city market to buy somethinggillegal. illeeal.take a look at the dangerous knives we found being sold here .... some disguised as combs.others farr more obvious.... like a illegal switch blade.and, watch this.... our cameras reaching over ann stealing
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items rom the case. spotted and hased off. (ira) 9:34 theyyssouldn'tteven going in shcool right night w/ bullys.buut bite(ira) 9:42 knives are just goong to escclate everything.. that's really bad business. business.we have learned... the knives were being sold &pillegally without the city's knowledgee.. despite the fact that hollins market is a city owned property. as a and ordered the vendor to ved - remove the knives.we're told the city is now considering whether to terminate its lease with the vendor in question. and hollinas market could be prosecuted.megan gilliland, legal troubles for stttee senator ulysses currie may over.currie was found ánot guiltyy of all charges in his corruptiin trial ... including briberyyand extortion.but he will face annethics investiiation.currie was
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accuseddof using his political clout as a polltical consultant for a grocery tooe chain.he failed to disclose his employment to he state president mike miller says a joint committee on ethics will hold heariigs on curriees (millee) "does he hhve the same step that he had when he came tt the general assembly overr20 years go, no mistakes and the ethics , 3 committee is going to llok into this and makk recommendations to tte spaker and myself." myself."mike miller says the ethics committee will decide whether currie will face disciplinary action...which censure or even expulsioo from the senate. a hhward county man has died after developing legionnaire's disease.the disease is caused by a baccerra... that health officials believe he came in contact with at the nursing home where he lived. lived. the 87-yearold man was a resident of the "lighthouse senior living " facility in ellicott city. managers sent out nooices tuesday to other resident's families. they are working closely with health officials
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to identify the potential source of the bacteria. they're also disinfecting all the shower heads, faucets and drinking ffuutains. 3 < "it is not contagious from peeson to person. it's spread by... that have large water sys> last week, two residents at the eswick multi-care center in baltimore were also diagnosed with legionnairr's. both were treated nd have &precovered from the illness. veterans day is not just another ffnksburg. - as the school prepares for a special eremony today.... &pjoel d. smith is live in finksburg to show how students are influenced by vettrans every day. 3
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,3 &p3 it's being called one of the worst memory melttowns... in debates... by u-s-a today.l - ttday.governor rick perry had an awkward moment during debate.the g-o-p candidate failed to recall the third agency he planned to cut from &phis budget....if elected as president. and i will tell you.. it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone, commerce, education and the um, uh what's the 3 third one? let's need five.oh five uhhok so commerce, education and uh, the uh, pa yeah there you go.
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(laughing)-butt to-but you can't name the third one?the third agency of government i would do away withh education,uh, the uh, commerce ann let's see, i can't the third one i can't. ops! later while answering another the third agency wws in fact an overseas surprise by a big brooher... leavessone indiana seventh-grader in shock. shock.jjsse anderson was asked to give a speech about his afghanistan. during the n - speech.... the rest of tte anderson's listened quietly in a nearby locker oom. as jesse was wrapping up... hii brother cody was walking up behind hhm. jesse did a double-take before ealizing what was going on. "veterans day is a great day to remember the people who &pfought for this country and who are fighting right now. if he were here right now i'd
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us, thank you. (quick hug)" - hug)"cody says it was tough to puulloff this one-of-a-kind birthday present... but it wwll be sommthing he will never forget. cominggup on the early edition....your private innormation... there for the ta. taking. (26614) (dixon) "i have plenty of conspiracy theories in my heaa but none &pof thee are ssving me money.." moony...."the extraoodinary amount of private information some people give theirr insurance companies......for a deep discount discount 3q
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you disgust me. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. - queen anne's county schools 90 minutes late
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&p((2--hot toss to weather))
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meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libss) map fiber map 175 map 29 map old court map
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3 3 3 3 coming upp.. how much informationnwould you give up to get a ddscouut? tough time for a lot of people pnd evvry little bit helps." helps..the way some companiis are trackkng your every move...
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movee..and later...even the ravens resideet llgend can't escape the wrath of the commissioner...he's out sooe big bucks..the fine ray lewis has to pay... in sports. ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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h? 3 your driving record is clean...
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your mileage is low...but your insurance premiums are through insurance companies are giving drivers a break...."if".... thhy'll agree to have their but in our cover story, jefffabell examines why its big questions about big brothe. brothhr. (46:59) (auuio of traffic report) "i have an accident on northbound interstate 97....." on the baltimore beltway..... its rush hour.... (47::7) (audio) "also a couppe of other accidents to watch out for...." while some motorists find the need to speed.... some insurance companies are finding an eye to spp... (31:27) (eric dixon) "just go drive on the road and yyu'll understand hy insurance rates re through the roof...." eric diion is one of severall motorists whh are under watch...... not because he's a bad driver.... but becauue dixon is trying to drive home a discount. for a lot of people and every little bit helps." not long ago, he agreed tooallow his insurance company, progressive, toouse a tracking ddvice to monitor his his car's computer systee.
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and the better he drives.... tte ddeper his discount.... (23:38) "it said it 3 was already a the llwest i ii- was going to be without it so i thought why not try and get it lower..." for six monthh, progresssve'' snapshot prooram tracks 'when' he drives.... and how far he &pdrives..... how fast he' poing.... and how &psuddenly he's stopping. &p progressive says about a
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third of its customers are partiiipating in the program. the average discount is about 15 percent. coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... penn state is turned upside down by scandal... "we want joo! we want joee""we aae penn state! we are ppnn state!" find out what students did to a t-v crew's van.... in retalitation of joe paterno's f. firing.even legends feel the sting of the dreaded n-f-l ffne...why ray lewis is going to be lighter in the wallet.. next in sports. ((breek 3)) 3
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coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... turns out most jars of honey... are not mmeting quality staadards.what's it's missing... that's making it fall short. i love you
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i love you too. c'mon, let's do it then. all brain cells to battle stations. inner conflict. [voice 1] should we, shouldn't we, should we, shouldn't we? [heart] we love each other. why not? [voice 2] girl, we are only 15! [voice 3] we could get pregnant! [voice 4] half of teen pregnancies occur within six months of first sexual intercourse. [heart] but it feels right! [voice 5] one word: aids! [voice 6] not to mention syphilis, gonorrhea... [heart] we don't want to lose him! [voice 7] just tell the truth [voice 8] we love him. [voice 9] but we're not ready. [heart] ok, that makes sense. i want to wait. pillsbury crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels just unroll, add ingredients, roll and bake. and the crowd goes wild. crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. game day ideas made easy. grands! and gravy. man, it's butter all the way.g? uncle ray, gravy or butter? definitely butter. boom! or gravy. ham. turkey. or nothing. as long as it's grands!, i'm good. [ female announcer ] grands! holiday ideas made easy.


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