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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  November 15, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST

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daily habit that could cut your riik by 24-percent.... on fox45 news at 5-thirty. 3 police moved in to new york's zuccotti park early this 3 morning, surprising many protesters who have camped there for almost two months. the new york police departmentt pould nnt comment on what prompted he evictiin. but mayor miccael bloomberg's offiie said the moveeis temporary. 3 3
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fiber map a warning for all you parents as your children head off to school this morning.right now,, police are looking for the man who tried to grab a high school girl right off the happened yesterday
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morning in anne arundel countly... as she wasswwlkiigg to school.megan gilliland is morning where the man is still on the loose. &plooseegood morning patrice,th 15-year old girl was simply part this part of white oak - road near cedar road here in severna park. was just before 10 in the morning... whennsse sayss someone pulled up next to her in a pickup truck......and triee to grab her through the window.the teen broke free of his grasp and ran to school to rrport the incident. "always reminddparents to have an action plan remind them... i" immediately." the suspect is described as a white or hispanic man in his complexion....the trrck is a dark green, older 2 door pickup with tinted windows.
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this is the first attempted abduction to be reported recently.anyone with information is aaked to call could be eligable for a cash in severna park, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. caught on tapp...former prince george's ccunty executive jack johnson and his wife, leslie... are heard conspiring about how to get rid of evidence of his alleged corruption scheme. listen in. in.leslie: "i don't know who they are and they're banging on the door."leslie: "where's the check? where's the check?" leslie: "is it the box with -t under the box and you'll see a check in there."leslie: "yes, therees a check in there." leslie: "what o you want me toodo with the check? you hear 'em banging?"jaak: "tear up the check, and um, um, um, um.. tear it up"leslie:: "they're saying ffi jack." leslie: "you want me to flush it?"jack: "yeah flush that." that."aathoriiies released the recording on was coople was arrested last the tape.. you can hhar the johnsons are
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frantic... trying to find a hundred thousand dollar check, writtennas a bribe.lattr, the two discuss how to ddspose of almost 80 thousand dollars in cash. jack: "you got theecash?" leslie: "umm humm"leslie: "what do you want me to do with thii money? they aae banging? what dooyou want me to do?"jack: "put it in yyur &phouse."leslie: ""o. but i mea all this cass jack. i got the it in your pannies, leslie." leslie: "oh my god, ok."jack: "yea stuff it in your panties." panties."leslie johnson has pleaded guilty to witness aad evidence tampering for her role in trying to hide the money. jack joonson hhs pleaded guilty to two counts... of eetortion and both witness and evidence tamperinn.he also faces a possible 20-year sentence for quarter-million dollars in fines.they re set to be seetenced next month. to hhar more of the wiretapped conversation between leslie and jack johnson...juss go to our website foxbaltimore dot com.....ssash raw ews. p man shot aad killed by cops during a staad off in howarr
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wanted it to happen! happen!howard county police shot 19 year old jeffrey nichols 8 times after he refused to drop his gun, while facing police at this elkridge parking lot..e was arrested in september and october for similar situations.both times telling police "just do it" and " make it quick."aa pnvestigation contiiues into what could have been his motive. the mayor makes it official... she wants a 150-percent increass to the city's bottle's part of a comprehensive plln to raise millions of dollars for schools. pchools.mayor stephanie rawlings-blake...wants to more than doubbe funding...for school construction.she also pity revenue from a future slotscasino... for sshools. pnd sse wants to secure... extra state fundssby for city teachers. 33 (mayor) "i think thissis an important and bold first step that putt money in play tt get us going in a direction that shows the students and community that ww'reeseriius about school construction."
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construction." (santooi) "you cannot go against us and increase the beverage tax, we should not havv had one in tte first place because all it does is work against us, drive sales down, we hire less people" people."iffapproved by the city council...the increase would not take effecttntil july of 20-13. "wegmans" is coming to owings mills. on monday... the company signed a lease to take &pover the old solo cup propert. the new ssore is expecteddto employ 6000people.while it will be physically smaller than their location in hunt say it will offer just as many items. if you're trying to sell your home... things are about to financial nalytics company... 3 ann a half percenn to fall before they bottom out next of about 35 percent below the housing market's peek in 2006. 3 so in this buyer's market... how do you make suue your home
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sells beforeeyour neighbor's.. or at all? joel d. smith is live in northeast baltimore with the tricks of the trade, to make your home sell faster. good morning joel d.
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3 she was shot in the hhad 10 months ago... oday arizona congresswoman gabby giffords has a new book out... describing her incredible recovery. it'sscalled "gabby:
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a story of courage and hope." it chronicles the relationshhp between giffordd and her husband... former astronaut her political career and the shooting in tucson... that killed six people and wounddd 13 others. coming up on the early edition... kids... working out with ed reed... reed... 09:04:33--34 jumping jack nats natsthh obesity pidemic they're trying to fight... fight... the summer of george! meteorologist))
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((traffic reporter ad libs))
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3 map 29 mapmap fiber map old court ad libs))map fiber map old court ad libs))((traffic rrporter 3 meteorologistt)((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporterrad libs)) map fiber map old court map 29 map ffber map old court maa 29 map
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3 3 3 3 we're elping keep your identity of the main way theives can steal your identity.. is by oing thrrugh your we're having a fox45 shred-a-thon. thon.incred-a-shred will be at our studios at 2000 est 41st street on thursday morning from 6 to 10 a-m.they will be shredding all your personal and sensitive documents.. for free!so brrng everrthing you need shredded to our coming up... weating off the p. what you got? got?the epidemic ravens player ed reeddis trying to save our kids from.
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it's an epidemic affecting children.childhood obesitt has become a maaor publii health conceen and today ... experts will converge here in &pbaltiiore.. for a two-day summit on the ourr cover story we look attthe people fighting back..... savinggchildren from "a heavy threat. " " 3 ((nats)) 09:04:32- 34 jumping jack natsit's a lesson in fitness at booker t. washington middle school... rice: lets go! what you got, y
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what you got?and today... with the ravens. ((nats)) - 09:13:16- 09:13:20"ohh michaee ore!"it may look like recess.... but the tragic reality... is too many students ren't making the cut. 08:53:11- 08:53:24reed: health ii a part of life, everrbody talks about it, but we kinda forget about our kids, especially being here in baltimore, you know, understanding the problems the city has with the school cuts.... doing away with physical education.... depriving tudents of exercise. doctor maureen black sees it every day in her clinic at the universiiy of maryland medical black: he health consequences of obesity are absolutlee astounding and they affect every system in your body. childhood obesity is growing at a frightening rate.... . 13:27:46- 13:27:51blacc: this ii the first generation that will not outlive their parents. /// butt to///11:28:26- 13:28:28it certainly is quite
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plarmingwith 1 out of 3 kids now considered verweight or obese... many are assing how we got here?experts say when mothers started working more slack ... and super sized it. 13:26:43- 13:26:47 black: our manual labor has been replaced y flipping burgers.sccooo lunches aren't helping either ...there'ss evidence high calorie school lunches are making children so fat ... they can't meet the military's physical fitness standards.13:20:58 - 12:21:13 black: but unfortanatley there's been a long time where we paad no attention tt it, so if you looked at thh quality of food we were giving our ccildren for breakfast or lunch, it was high fat and it was very poor quality.and baltimore offers its oww set of challenges....about 18 percent of city residents live in a food deeert--- a low income area without access to large families are often living in
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unsafe areaa.... where parents keep their kids indoors to black: and so what are they left with- they're left with many hours in front of the pelvision.//butt to//// 13:19:13 -13:19:17while they're sedintary, what are they watchingg they're watching advertisements for junkkfood.14:54:20- 14:54:28 perman: theres no question but that childhood obeeity, i think argubaly issour nummer one public health problem.dr. jay perman --- the presiient of the unverrsty of maryland--- will host this week's summit with a oal of combining forces.14:55:09- 14:56:17perman: inntead of all of our approachhs all welll meant, often effective, but all separate- what can we do obesity.... is more than a threet to our children.... it's a heavy burden on our health care system ... 15::2:13-15:02:23perman: when we think about what's filling hospptal beds, so much of it is the result of oesity. that's why experts agree... the only chance for caachiig kids early on.... 09:27:36- 40its
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good to be out hhre being active, cause we dont wwnt to be just sittiig in the house doing nothing all ayand forming healthy habits... so those who ddn't become pro athletes... still have a shot at a long and healthy life. reed: 08:53:52--00:55:00they dont haae to say anything, to see a smile on theirrface man, them just encouraged, thats good enough for me. coming up coming up 3 me. joe flacco turns innanother the ravens had to be perfect to beat in sports. ((break 3)) &pp bruce cunningham has fox 45 morniig sports. sports.
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3&p coming up in our 6 o'ccock hour... he's in town for one night only. only.all summer long nats natt your chance to win tickets tt see kid rock in concert... is
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minutes away.


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