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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  November 22, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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illegal butt implants.. on he block. the unsterile conditions... the women paying for the procedures.. and... the extreme consequences n another similar case. "theres a great work still to be done." done." a raven's battle with lou gherig's disease. o-j brigance's figgt.... and the message he's trying to share with his teammates. "buffalo? oh my god...oh my god!" god!"and... a soldier surprise.. that one father almost missed. & 3
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today is tuesday,,november 22nd. 3
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a woman is facing chargessthis morning... for illegally injjcting silicone inno clients who wanted to enhance theer back woman says it made her seriously ill. megan illiland is live from the block in bbltimore where the victim worked and the investigation started. started.good morning patriie, the exotic dancer told police she heard about this woman who gave silicone injections into their buts... from other &pdancers... here on the block. block.she told pplice she pnside a downtownnhotel room. but after her fourth &ptreatment... she began having trouble breathing. dootors aatually found silicone on the that prompted a six month ngs. federal instigation that pinally led to kimbeely smedley's arrest.the f-d-a says smedley... who lives in georgia... frequently traveled around the country... and was widely known among sttip club
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danacers... for her butt &pinjections.she is not a licensed doctor or nurse. "iive actually witnessed used ssliccne injections have disfigured themselves.""the silicone can bubble to the surface and can cause chronic infections which are difficult to treat." treat."authoritiis caught up with smedley at a marriott &photel in washington d-c... where they say she was planning to inject more women. authorities believe these illegal injections took place over a perioo of time... states. and it's unclear women have been gilliland, fox45 morning news. in another case in miami.. you can see just how disfiguring this procedure can be when done by the wrong person.a fake doctor injected cement woman's bbttom o give her a fuller figure.police say o'neal ron morris is a transgendee person who
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performed the same procedure her victim reported serious pains after the took threeehospitals to figure oot what happened. and take a look at this...ttis video shows about 50 people spring...grabbing all the snacks they can.the mob took off, but poliie were able ot stop 6 f them...they need help identifying thh others. others.if you want to see more fox baltimore dot com lash - raw news. another goodwill store is robbed in baltimore county.the &platest haapened on west forced customers and workers iito an ffice...then stole money from the cash registers and safe.thii is the second store hit.the first one happened on east joppa road. that store was robbed twice. anyonn with informmtion ... call policc. the trial for two brothers accused of setting a pitbull on fire is post-poned ffr now nowit's on hold because
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witnesses weren't available. travers and trrmayne johnson are charged with setting "phoenix".... the pitbull, on fire two years ago.the first case ended in a mistrril. baltimore county. a pitbull n puppy wws neglected... she was mmlnourished and lost almost alllher fur.but pleas from facebook helped save the animal. &pnoelle came from baltimore county animaa control.the humane society doesn't knnw how she got there.they says she was extremely neglected. there are no plans to punish the owner. 3 be euthanized with another to dog, but we tooo them in both...they had aavery happy ending, they were set to be euthanized at 3 nd we got them at 4- a llttle after 4" 4"vets are already nursing noelle back to she can be adopted soon. think your family's thanksgiving dinners are rowdy? watch what happens
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tommy andres explains... the contenders are scheduled to debate in the nation's capital amid the fallout from a failed deficit reductton deal. deal. the stage has been set for the eleventh major republican showdown.the candidates will focus on national security. could be undermined by the failure of a congressional super committee to agree on a deal to cut the u-s deficit. that failure is scheduled to trigger automattc ccts to to the defense budget and elsewhere... starting in 2013. "i found it extraordinary that there would be a committee with such an important mission as finding a way to provide fiscal sanity in american ann with the penalty if that fisccl sanity is not found of a 600 billion dollar cut to also be a foreign policy test for herman cain.he'' caught flak recently for suggesting the taliban wwll be part of a new government in libya."there
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taliban as you know are in afghanistan and pakistan."this will also be the first debate where former house speaker newt gingrich can claim front punnnr status -- at least according to recent surveys. they show him deadlocked with mitt romney for the top spot -- with herman cain close behind.i'm tommy andres reportinn. 3p tonight's debate will be th last one to focus on foreign policy before the iowa caucus in january. the debate will air on c-n-n at 8 p-m eastern. c-n-n, the heritage foundaaion and the american enterprise institute are hosting. the nation is facing automatic bipartisan congressional suppr committee failed to reach an agreement monnay.tte group of 6 republicans and 66ddmocrats were trying to agree on a debt reduction package... of at least 1-point-2 trillion automatic cuts don't kick in - obaaa says he willlveto any - measure to work around them. students at the university of
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california davis are demanding action... about police officers pepper-sprayed a group of students last week. week.this is video from last friday.students were taaing part in a sit-in protest over high tuition costs... when officers came up tt them and &ppepper-sprayed them directly in the ace. on monday... students rallied on campus.chancellor linda katehi issued an apollgy to the crowd. "i feel horrible for what happened on friday. if ou think you don't want to be ptudents inna uniierritt like we had on friiay i'm just &tell university we had on ffiday. (crowd yells)" 3--police pepper spray, ,3screa- screammng---
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pauniversity of aliforria student speaks out after being students were siiting on the ground when ttey were pepper sprayed by police friday. sophia kamran was among thh students prrtesting higher tuition costs. pafter they sprayed us it elt like we were being ssowered in the liquid. it got all over our bodies,,our hands, all of our clothes was soaked and we were juss burning..even hoors remove our clothes and shower it was like the first burn all over again." two police officers and the &pcampus police chieffare n administrative leave following the incident. eleven people ere treated for the effects of pepper spray. is on the defense today... h after calling one oo is recipient." marcus williams - junior says students in a photographh class asked him to pose for a picture in he sccool's hallway... when basketball coach derek howard walked by. he said hey. take the picture and at the bottom label it
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future welfare reeipient. and i was juut likk kinda hurt and they were just laughing and i was trying to play it off, laughing with them." marcus sayssthis wasnnt the first time the coach had called him that.but thii time... he pulled out his smartphone and asked the coach to repeat wood et if &pdisciplinary action.y watch out foo &pchristmaa lights sold on the black markett they cculd be dangerous. even deadly. foox45 news obtained phooos of some goods homeland security seized - counterfeit batteries... extension cords and holiday lights. these goods don't meet safety standards. (fire marshal)"those cost cutting measurrs.. they could could easily become a wire.. overheated.. and catch on fire." fire." feeeral and state &autho consumers look for "safety sure products are ánotá from
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tte black market. a soldier from new jersey gives his parrnts thh surrrise of their life... bbt it takes a few moments for theefather to figure out whht's actually pappeeing... "buffalo? oh my god...oh my goo!" (father finally notices and says "oh my gosh!") ggsh!")captain gregory backer showed up to serve his parents dinner monday night... only they had no idea he would be their server!!e's been erving a tour innafghanistan since may.with the help of the local to pull off a great surprise. captain backer will be home for the ext two weeks before returning to afghanistan. coming up on the early edition... nursing assistants in maryland... without training. were issued that shouldn't
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have bben issued how long state officials... ignored ádecadesá of warnings. warnings. ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 3 3 3 3 ad libs))((traffic rrporter &p3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 175 ma
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3 3 still to come... facebook lovers...get ready for more chhnges to your newsfeed.the new thing you'll see on there. there. it's simple math and someone should beechecking phat gets done. but certified.find how many fraudulent nursing assistant certificates were issued statewide. ((bump out)) (((reak 2))
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3 nursing assistants ii maryland... without training. an investigation uncovered a &pstate worker... selllng licenses... to juss about anyone who wanted one. crime and juutice reporter joy lepola shows us how state officials... ignored ádeeadesá oo warnings. warnings. ((pkg)) almost 160 nursing illegally licensed and at say the warning signs were there... but no one with the depaatment of healtt and mental department of no one with the were there... but warning signs auditoos say illegally licensed statewide.... assistants statewide.... illegally licensed and at taxpayers warning signs were there... but no one with the department
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of health and mentaa hygiine was willing to listen. 13:57:32 many certificates have been ssued as far bacc as 1987....bruce myers nurssng that someehing like - this could happen. 13:54:40 if shoull have that money and it should get in the bank. it's simple mmth and it should get in the shoold have that money issuing a license you should have that money and it shouud math and someone should be checking that gets done. it'sssuspected... the state worker pocketed thousands in the scheme... selling and distributing nursing certificatee toopeople who weren't properry educated or trained. we talked ith the nancy adams with the board of nursing over the phone.25:32 we don't have any evvdence that there was any patient safety or issue compromised as evenn.tte state has revoked the licenses of nursing assistants involved and in hopes of keeping something - like this frrm happening again.
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joy lepola fox 45 news at ten. the state worker involved has been fired and there could be criminal charges. general motors is many jobs, they're looking to f. fill.and braceeyourself for you'll see on yourrnewsfeed... other than your friends pictures. p(break 3)) 3q over 200,000 people are hospitalized every year with flu complications, including young children.
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so to kill the germs that may make your family sick, we recommend using lysol disinfectant spray every day. lysol is approved to kill over 50 germs. this includes the cold and flu viruses that can live on surfaces for up to two days. it works on hard and soft surfaces to help prevent the spread of bacteria and keep your home healthy. lysol is the #1 pediatrician recommended brand. visit p3
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generrl motors is maaing good on a promise..and as stan cass 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- stocks ended sharply lower 3 monday as investoos remainn weary ovvr the global economy. the dow tumbled 248 poinns.the finished lowwr.october saw a rise in existing home sales. according to the national association of realtors-- salls of previously owned
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homes increased by one-point pfur percent last month.over the past year, sales are up pore than 13%... even though home prices are down nearly 5 pprcent. generallmotors is makingggood on a deal to bring jobs back.the automaker announced it il to add nearly 700 jobs to build the chhvrolet equinox at its spring hill, tennesse assemmly plant next year.the company plans to add another 12- hundred jobs at theeplant to begin making aanew mid-sized vehicle foo the 20-15 model year.the investment totall nearly 255-million dollars and is part of an agreement between g-m and the united automobile workers union. facebook will start displaying spokesman for the sooial networkinn site confirree the changes and said it's part of a plan to "help surface more engaging content."users can expect o see add or sponsored stories alongside whattthe company calls "organic content.""or business brief, i'' staa ase.-----end----- cnn.script----- coming up...
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a confrontation between a prominent olitical figure... and an internet blogger escalates...why frank conaway family in the altercatton. altercation. [ man ] did we get anything good? sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet.
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fiber makes me sad. oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of fiber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber when you are eating a candybar. you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. drowsy in the afternoon?
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the healthy snack that gives an energy boost... on fox45 news at 5-thirty. 3 3 3 p,


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