tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX November 23, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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he refuued to see a judge. - lawrence rosenberg has been a prosecutor for 9 years and for the past 30 has defended courtroom today bc he refussd to go before judge alfred naace...who after a verbal disputee12 yrs ago had rosenberg handcuufed and thrown into a cell at mitchell courthouse. buu judde nance has seen his own controversy prosecutor accused him of t - massaging her during an inappropriateey when commenting on one jurors 3aaaka. "i still have marks on my wrist, it doesn't feel good, it's emmarssiig and huuiliting,it was not tte right remedy i think it was pnappropriaae in my opinnon" rosenberg has to go before judge nance monday forran attempted murder ccse. tonight the judge hhd noocomment. janice park, fox45 news late edition
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a bbltiimore mannsaas his civil rights were violated when paramedics efused to let his seeing-eye-dog go with him to the hospital. hospptal.curtis graham -- is a u-s marine veteran who lost his eyesight five yearr ago. pn veterans day, he was headed into town for the parrae, when he and his guide dog were hit by a car. as he was loaded into an ambulance, police and paramedics told him he hhd to tried explaining that state service - to anyone with a he guide dog. but they wouldn't listen. go.">luckily, an employee at his aaartmenn complex came to fetch the guide dog. but now, they''e very concerred about a pack of trainingg graham says him and acknnwledged the mistake. city olice.../ &pshoott.. and kill... a man...
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ááwhoáá... confronted them ...with.../ two knives...///. áájohnáá rydell reports... / áápoliceáá... are...trying... to figure out../ .what hhppe. happened... it was the tail enddof rush hour... when residents noticed a man walking... aaong edmmndson venue.he was caarying...two butcher knives. (wilson) "heehad two big oll knives and the officer was like 'sir, put it down, put it down' and he kept on ccarging, chargng after them and then a female cop came and he did he did the same, chhrged after her and i heardda pop nn he fell on he ground."it was the female officer who firedthe shht at point-blank range. "there was an armeddpersoo." (brown) "who was armee with two large knives, again the officer responddd, asked him to drop the knives, e refused, and she hot him."the transported to shock trauma...but he pronounced dead a short time later. around here say they don't some say they've seen him wandering along edmondson avenue and throughout edmonnson village."now they wonder whether he had adeath
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something or something was going on with him,,he wanted it to happen 'cause hhekept on charging fter them, charging after them."detectives say a citywide crime caamra mmy have captured the incident.but residents say whatever the circumsttnces, it's a tragic that man goo shot day efore - thanksgiving, i kkow his everything.""it's the way of thh world."in southwest baatimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. a convicted killer gets a life sentence in the murder of an elderly securityyguard. guard. michael hunner sat in court and showed no remorse as his victim's family members... are still sufferinggand greiving the loss of theirr loved one. the shoooing the yau brother's carryout. 72 year old charles bowman was shot to death... &p 5:05:28 justtan innocent victim on his way to work and &pthat.outcue: :30 mooe oo to next. hunter won't be eligible for
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parole for 15 years. p3 aryland's.../ cooptroller.../ is... demanding.../ the... operators .../ of... baltimore's.../ grand prix.../ áápayáá... nearly... 600--thousand dollars.../ in... unpaid . taxes........ this week,.../ áátheáá state ... filed a lien.... agaanst.../ the... development"... company .../ áápeteráá.../ franchot.../ says.... p if... his office... áfailsá.../ to... collect.... these... &pdelinquent taxes ..../ .ááhe'lláá ttempt collect them.../ from... áindividualá... boarrdmembers... &p3 (44:44) "its pretty have a relationship with a we group thats completely someoneewould say we'll paa you after next years race....this is money owed the " taxpayers!" private vendors ... have... also complained...// about... unpaid billl. here's... our... questionnof the dayy.../ ááshouldáá... the city... continne.../ to invest... in the grand prii? ááthere'sáá some very livell debate...// going on...// n our... faccbook page tonite...// áácheccáá it out...and join the disccssion// growing concerns over
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the possible closing of baltimmre city rec centers......lead ooe community to you tube..... tube..... teens at the ella bailey recreation center put together this ideo and posttd it n you tube......hoping to catch the attention of city to keep their center open.... the teen council wantee to create the vo to raise awarrness to the recreation center and the possibility of them closing.. closing.. under the ccty's purrent budget thee55 rec penters are fully funded througg dec 31....the budget pssumes that at least 25 of &pthe centers will be taken ove by ppivate groups... more than .../ maryland students .../ are... recovering.../ &p ááafteráá.../ crash...// in.../ saint mary's... couuty. the... bus... from... a... basketball game.../ last night.../ . up...// dannling.../ from...// an... innline.../ in.../ chap-- tico...////.áápoliceáá say.../ the... bus crashed.../ after... a... truck .../ ailed... to yield.../// &pat... an.../ intersection...////. áámooeáá... than... half.../ of... 28 students... on boord.../ suffered... mmnor injuries...// áátheáá
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truck driver.../ was... charged with.../ d--u--i. aawild day for travelers.. especially at b.w.i... b.w.i... an estimated 70 thousaad traaelers passed families are heading home for the holiday. ome families had a strategy for dealing with the crowds at &psecurity. (mom))tthse two sit together.. i sit with jacob.. my husband will sit will sala.. we had a drill at home taking the shoes off.. we have velcro shoos.. laugh"so its easier to get through security" security" since mother nature was cooperative through most of the nation today... bad ay...// forr.. a texas... juuge...// áátheáá... state... supreme court.../ suspended ... the man...// p ááwhoáá was seen .../ in... a... 2004 videe .../ beatinn daughter. 3 secs slap short!!! short!!! jjdge ... william adams.../// &pwas... suspended...// into.../ this video.../// ááadamsáá... agreed... to the suspension.../ áábutáá... admits ánoá.../ rongdoing...//.
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ááhillaryáá... adams,.../ uploaded... of... hee daa...// beatinn her... repeatedly.../ not a good day.../ for.../ a pilot... in new zealand.../// zealand.../// this... installing.../ a... 7--story christmas tree.../ on... auckland's.../ waterfront,...//. today...// ááthe áá chopper's blades... suddenly .../ ot caught cables.../. áátheáá back ...of the helicopter ...snapped.../ ááandáá... the airccaft... crashee .../ to the groonn....//.. áátheáá piiot escaped... without .../ a.../ "goo-like"... substtnce .../ causes.../ on... the pennsslvania.../ turnpikk..../ tuesday.../ ááitáá.... was... caused by ...driveway pealant..../// ááaaá &p trucc... leaked... aa.. 40-mile pan... / - áádisablingáá... more than ... ááloooáá...// how... thick anddmessy... this ssuff is../// ááworkers áá tried ... plowing it.../ áábutáá... when... áthatá... didn't work.../ they used sand. 3 from pea soup fog to goo on
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and i'm prepared to take the humane in enforcinn the law." newtttakes a big risk. why he's taking the side of illegal immigrants in the republiian ppimary. fired over sticker. why one man refused to wear a tiny symbol on his shirt. &p one turkey is singing hail to the chief tonight. why he wasn't the only one t get a preeidentiil pardon today.
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republican... presidential candidates.../ went... to the mat .../ pádebatingáá... their views .../ onn.. america's.../ place...// in... thh world..../// áájenniferáá &plook.../ at.../ how... one candidate.../ took.../ some.... ááajorá... chances.../ phat.../ could.../ cost him... in the long run. run. the nationnl security debate was newt gingrich's to lose, as iooa's latest fronnrunner. he may have alienated iowa voters with this pronouncement
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on immigration..ingrich says: ""idon't see how the -- the party that saas it's the party of the family is going to adopt an immigration policy which destroys families that century. and i'm repared to take the heat for saying, let's be humane in enforcing the law.. governor quote:"newt did himself eeted significant harm ttnight on immigration among caucus and primary voters..i> obradovich says: "i think t is something a lot of iowa caucus goers would seeeas a deallreaker." governor mitt romney called gingrich's plan "amnesty." romney says: ""o say that we''e going to come here illegally that ow you're all going to ggt to stay or some large number are going to get to staa and become permanent residdnts of only encourage mmre people to do the same thing." on the issue of tsa airport patdowns, rick santorum proposed ethhic and religious profiling.santorum says: " the fflks who are most llkely to be coomitting these crimes. if you look at -- i meaa, obviousll, it was -- would be someone you'd look -- - at, absolutely. those are hhe
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folks who are -- the radical &pmmslims are the people that are committinggthese crimes," bbt not aal agreed.paull says: "what if they look ike fireworks erupted when the candidates were asked about withdrawing from afghanistann romney says: aae you suggessing,,governor, hat we just take all our troops out your proposal?huntsman says: "did you hear whaa i just said? i aid we should draw down from 100,000. we don't need 100,000 troops. we don't need 110,000 troops." relying on special operations forces and drones to deal wiih &pafghanistan, which f course seems to be the direction the white house is moving. griffiin, fox news. 3 3 the president has taken action without congressional approval. approval.. today at the white house, the firrt daughtersswere on hand as the daughterhis year two tuukeys we actually pardoned although only one came to the ceremony. the turkey's name is libbrty fruitful life free from stuffing, maahed potatoes and cranberry sauce. and thh balloons are
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taking flight. the crews are inflating the floats for tomorrow's macy's day paraaee it's a clear sign hat the holiday seasoo has arrived. &p3 wwll wwat's our weather going to bee ike for he holidaayand into black friiay? friday? hopefully... no morr rain or fog. let's go to meteorologist eeily graceyywith your skywatch forecast. forecast.
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get the motorola xoom 4g lte for $199.99, the revolution by lg for $49.99, and the special edition red droid incredible 2, free. our best deal of the year. the smartphones are ready, the tablets are wrapped. with special deals this thursday and friday only, get the technology they love, on the network they deserve. verizon. p3
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news.../ you... need to know....//. ááenergyáá drinks.../ are... putting... more americans.../ ááaáá nee... .////. - government report.../ shoos .../// ááenergyáá drinn.../ hospitalizations.../// áájumpedáá.../ 10--fold.../ over.... a... 4--year ppriod.../ áátoáá.../ 13... thhusann people .../ &pa... year...////. áánnarlláá... half... thee caaes.../ came... from mixing.../ energy
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allohol. common senseesays police officerr shouudn't act like law.the president of the &pbaltimore ccunty police union has been suspended with pay ppwers. sergeant ccle weston e- pleaded guiltt to assaulting a sedan driver in his parkville neighborhood.thh drivvr was &pcustomer to pay a fare.... when he claims.... weston pointed a gun at him and hit hhm in the faae.weston pleaded guiltyyto an assault charge in march and received probation &pbefore judgment. a georgia factory worrer claims he was fired for refusing toowear a sticker with the number "6-6-6" on it. pilly hyatt is a devout christian.he wookee at a georgia plastics factory, where the workers wear dayssthey been accident free. hyaat says he was fired after on day 666.6-6-6 is the mark of tte beast in the biblees description of thh apocolypse. he says he boss told hii he was being ridiculous.that will be up the courts to decide.
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you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ now you can choose to save $35 a month for fios tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month, plus get a $300 verizon visa prepaid card with a 2 year agreement. but hurry, offer ends soon only at contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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only at at the same company for mooe than four decades, a man finally retires. 40--years of work.../// is.../ ááothingá.../ compared.../ tt... his... 102 years.... offlive. live. this.../ is.../ max.../ favian...//. ááheáá... worred this illinois company .../ for over 40 years, .../ áátodayáá... he retired...///. áátheáá company... threw him.../ a... huge arty...////. ááthisáá... was... max's... second career, .../ áábeforeááá.. this.../ ááheeá... served... in... the militaay...// andd.. as.../ a... chicago police officer....//// áádon'táá... mess... with...max...// in...his.../ retirment...//. p3 no more rain to deel with but weekend? let's... go to he wee? emily.../ for a final look at your skywatch forecast. forecast. 3
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a? [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ now you can choose to save $35 a month for fios tv, internet and phone for just $79.99 a month, plus get a $300 verizon visa prepaid card with a 2 year agreement. but hurry, offer ends soon only at
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contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. only at eddtion.../ but ...kickoff... is just over... &p20 hours away. away. bruce kicks off ppegame report, right now. 3ow. 3 it's a good thing the ravens had short memories.. now.... the ravens enttr week 12 wiih saa francisco just four days after beating cincinnati on sunday to retake cincinnaheelead in the a-f-c no. morgan adsit has more from
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continues to grow as aa professionaa.....the second round pick out of aryland had another big day last sunday it, he's been nammd afc d for - offensive plaaer of the week... week... he caaght 6 passes for 165 yards and this spectacular 38 yard touchdown in the th record for recieving yards by a rookie...given a chance in
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the absence of the injred lee evans, smith has taken ffll fact,leads in entire nfl in yards per reception..20.. yards per catch...mooe importantly, e's become a favorite of joe deep ball...and that shows in &ptheestatistics aa well...he's averaggng 39. 4 yareds per touchdown catch... earlier this year, jack harbaagh, the father of the night, said he wouldn't be attending the game...but that has changed...harbaugh and his wife jackie will be on tte pield prrgame to get a picture with tte two ssns...and then office to watch the actual game... 3 &pit's now time to announce the it's now time to announcc thee canniiates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsity sports network dot com...yoo
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like to see highlights of by going to fox-baltimoreeddt com and clicking on hhgh school game of the weekk.. here's this slate f games... games... pll sttte football semifinals...aberdeen at river hill in the 3a semis.... caaoossille viiits old mill in 4a...and dunbar agaiist overlea at ccbc-essex for a prip to the 1a championship... weell announcc the inner that'll do it for this edition of sports nlimitedd..and be sure to ttne in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnightt and
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[unlocking door] hey. (dennis) hi, babe. dennis, what are you doing? i'm gonna unt a tv on your wall. i just can't find a stud. so you made nine holes in my wall? no, those are for the shelves, dummy. the tv is gonna go right here. it's gonna be awesome. it's gonna be-- it's gonna be like a hospital. oh, dennis, i don't want a hospital . i don't want a shelf-- [dog whimpers] whose horse is that? at's my cousin teddy's great dane. i told him i'd watch him for a couple weeks. 'cause teddy broke his ankle running from some black guys that pulled a gun on him. now, why is it important to tell me that the muggers were black? they weren't muggers. they were co. so why don't you just say he was running from some cops? i don't know, i mean, you're a racist for assuming that they weren't cops. uhh!
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