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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  December 5, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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a susppcteddaamed man.. sends police swarming... into a baltimooe apartment complexx wherr it hhppened.. and the latest on the siiuution this anothhr week... another win! the plays that put the ravens on top... and baltimore's predictions.. for the rest of the season. singing nats nats and.. the materiaa girl gets a big gig.the venue she'll be playing.. for theefirst time ever. 3 -innee haabor 3
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today s monday, deceeber 5th. 3 p, fiber map
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a baltimorr fire stttion is named the busiest in america. magazine... steadman fiie station responded to 14 other ssation... anywhere iin
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tte u-s last year.megan gillilaad is here ith more on why the downtown station is so busy. 3&good morninngpatrice,weere thouuand runs aayeer...that's how busy these firefighters &pand paramedics are at steadma 3nats-siren nats-siren there's a steady sound of sirenssthere.with an average of 60 runs a day... firefighters and paramedics them, it's o surprrse that this is the busiest firehouse in the countryy it's partly due to it's central doontown they say cutbackss.. are also tt blameefor the busy pace. 09:27 "basically anything unusual that hhppees in the city, a unii from this station is going. and there's a fair pmount of unusual thhngs thaa happen in this city."01:10 lot less. that's the bottom lin" &pline."the city closed several stations ooer the last decade.
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increesing thh workload for those still operating. while ourr rews werr filming at sseadman station a call came in for a kitchen fire. &pwith a call like hat, it's hard to know what to expect. they've ggt to prepare or the worst each and every time.and with the numbers of calll that phey ggt a day... it's no doubt a difficult job.megaa a possible armed man causes a big scare at a north baltimore aaartment complex. on the scenefor several hours. - police senttin a swat team after gettiig a call for an apartments the entire area was shut down for hours.medics were called.. but no word on any injuries this morning. a sscond man has died after a craah in the parking lot of a hhme depot in hyattsville.. jose cristino saachez-rosa, off falls church, virginia ... died from his injuries. six peoole were hit by a car as lot thanksgiving ddy .
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41-year-old fredys castillo-ggron of hyattsville old driver is not facing protesters have been occupyynn mckeldin square for two months now...with no sign of he city out.baltimore city formally denied their second request to says they will only be bor... 3 allowed to stay on the ite until 11 at night and public city hasn't set a deadline for the group to vacate.poliie say theyy'e waating on directions from the mayor to removv the protesteess you've heard offtaking shelter from the cold.well... occupyy protesters are ryinggto bring the shelter to them.but as riik vinccnt explains... it's an idee police aree't warming uu to. to. "we are the 99%"the temperattre's dropping.but many occupy prottsters say they aren't leaving.ii washington d-c they faced off with police for hourss
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yesterday over this wooden structure builttii the middle peeple to stay."but pooice say the ssructureewas a safety conccrn.protesterssperched on top of it to prevent crews ended up being forced off by officers on cherry picker. "protect and defend!"ii all, at east 31 people were arrested throughoutttheeday.... and in the end... the structure was torn down.(nats structure falling)that kind of confrontaaion haan't been a oocupy protessers there put up supporter."this is somebody - who felt stronglyyabout the mooement, nd wanted to make sure that peeple stay warm." the snow is already fallinn in denverr.and thhugh there are fewer protesters than usual, some sayythey're ii it for the long haull"we're doing the lements ere. you know, we have a lot of ouu 24/7 prrtesttrs here getting crraaive and they've actuaaly coloradd hot pockee."but as the weather gett colder, fewwr protesters may be willing to rrsk rrstbite to keep the movement going.i'm riik vincent, reporting. the occupy movement hat begann
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in new york in september hen recent weeks... cities ave staating clearing occupy ccmps, citinn economic, health and public safety concerns. p big endorsement could come today....from former g-o-p candiddte herman cain.cain... who suspended his ampaign saturdaa... is exppcted to announcee he's endorsing former speaker of the house, newt gingrich.ooer the weekend... cain suspendeddhis campaign... afttrrallegations offa 13-year affair... which (last sot in pkg) "as of today with a lot of prayer and soul searching, i am suspending my presidential camp" campaign..meanwhhle... republican candiiates re gearing up for the next chapter in thher campaigns... and iihting or cain's supporters.cain's endorsement announcement could come this afternoonn
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tte ravens breakkthe streakk.. and blow past the cleveland browns.all three of thher losses thhs season .. came on the road ... after bbg ins ... tt teams thee should have beat. but sunday, the ravens were finally abbe to shaae the victory. llttle raa ice was - the biggest man in the sttdium he ccps a drive with this 66 yard toochdown..and the ravens had the early ead.rice had a career daa... watch him breakk loose and run throughh the pleveland deeenseefor a 67 yarr gain...he had 204 onnthe day... ricky williams picks it up froo thhre ... giving the ravens a 17-3 lead. and then later, one more spectacular lardariusswebb take the punt and go 68 yards... and that put the cap oona 24-10 viccory...lifting thh ravens to 9-3 rrcord so with the ravens
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controlling an inferiir eam this time.... do fans think the team has worked out all smith is live at panera in - towson to ffnd out. (ad lib) 3 (ad lib) as for ray rice, once again, what great game stats: with four games to go, the players one game t a time... but ray rice can't ignore the obvious.. 2342 we've always played good dec. football, ww're a good dec/jannteam. but if youuwant to put it outtthere, it wwuld game in bmorr. weeknow what oor fann bring, nd we just need to win fb games from here oo out. 3
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playing on the field at the super bowl this year... but we madonna will be this year's palfftime headliner.the will &pbe the irst time the materii girl has ever performed at a super bowl half-time ssow.this february 5th in indianapolis. -3 coming up on the early edition... he'' still ttying to clear his name. name.if i say, "no i'm ot attracted o boys" that's nott thh truth because i'm attracted to young people -- boys, girls former penn state aasistant football coach jjrry sandusky takes to the airwaves... defend himmeef against exual abuse charges. keys weee áreallyá taken happened between himmanddcoach joe paterno... who wassfired over tte scandal. scandal. 3
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((break 1)) we need a new sofa. something i can stretch out on. oh! that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps.
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or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! for a limited time buy select seating and get 15% back. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. ((traffic reporttr ad libs))
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pap harbor cam ap 3iber map
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3 33
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3 hooiday shopping.t onnyyur - shopping.we're giving awayy chrrstmas's all a part of our countdown to christmas. our lucky winners will get a phance to choose a gift from for your chance to win!y tuned - still to come... gas prices are on the much álessá... you're paying at the pump, now.i mean my 2 favvritee proops are the eldeely aad tte " poung."but fiist...jeery sandusky... speaks out for the second time about allegations he sexually abused several he says he's viewed by the boys participatinggin his "second mile""ffundationn agaii...ii he attracted to d
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young boys. ((break 2t)) çia÷ ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ3
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33 former penn state cooch jerry sanduskk, accused of sexually assaulting a series of boyy, isstrying to deffnd imself on camera and in print.susan candiotti reviews his lengthy interview with the new ork tim. times. --reporter pkg-as follows --in new york times, sandusky ot only repeats his denials oo
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wrongdoing, he tells theepaper program quote: "might say i was a father figure."a father figure who stands accused of 40 counts f raping and intriguing exchaage, sandusky tries to explain the way he answered nbc's bob costas a ffw weeks ago, when asked whether he's sexually attracced to oung boys. am i sexuallyyattracted (bob::yes) attracted, yoo know, no,,i enjoy young people.hh tells tte new york times at first, - the cameer, you'll hear the voice of sandusky'' lawwer prompting not attraated to boys" that'ss not the truth because 'm attracted to young people - poys, girls - (yeah but nnt sexually, you're atttacted ecause you enjoy spendiig ime) (he answered that) right - i enjoy, that''
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phat i was trying to say, i &penjoy spending time with youn people, enjoy spenning time withhpeople, i mean y 2 favorite groups are the elderlyyand the youug."an attorney who represents vvctim report-- he boy whose mothhr came forward in 1998 saying sandusky had showered with er soo and hugged him naked from coach's latest explanations to speakkare backfiring n him the more that he's willlng to come out and talk, let's have it. ww'll take all hees got to say about it. sandusky admits that after he was banned from ttking yoong people onto penn state's main campus following a 2002 allegaaion that he rappd a oy in a locker room, he still had access.sandusky told the paper then athletic director tim cuuley never took away his keys, quote, "iistill have my keys," sandusky said. "and i still went in there and pwrked out."any argument ttat these men now are making any offthis up is really weak. and
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if thht is all that he has in terms of his defense, he'ss going to haae reallyyrough aacording to the nnw yyrk times ssory, sanddsky tressed football coach joe paterno - &pnever discussed the alllgatiins oo sexual misconduct.sandusky faces a &pcouple of weeks.among thee expected witnesses, at leastt one of his accusers. straight ahead... tiger woods swings his way to victorr...the competition he won overrthe eekend..his first... since 2009. 2009.and ttis isn't aa ornament oo this tree..t's a snake!wherr his hhppened... and who discovvred the surprrse decoration! ((break 3)) surprrse decoration! ((break 3)) we need a sofa. something i can stretch out on! ooh... that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh?
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you got it! how about a nice home for our tv? how about doors to hide that drive-in theater? how about a cowhide rug? yee-haw! and the snacks? get their own place. let the marathon begin! for a limited time buy select seating and get 15% back, at ikea, the life improvement store. lawmakers on capitol hill
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continue to battle ooerrsmall business and government
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regulation. peter barnes tells us thh main reaaon why entrrpreneurs say ... it's hard for them to ttrn profit. a recent wells fargo/gaallp small business index survey ffund 22-percent of smmll business ownnrs said cooplying with governmentt regulation is the most imporrant problem facinn them today. the issue ranked &pahead of ccnsumer confidence at 15% and lack offcredit survey wws released as republican bill to limit govvrnment reguuationn.. which house reppblicans say is holddng up job cceation by set up a major partisan baatle says: ... according to the an small busiiess admmnistration regulations cost the american econnmy 1.77 trillion dollars annually. the ooama adminiitration has issued 200 such regulations that are expected to cost our economy at least 100 million dollars
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would suggest that agencies that are trying to promote pmall businesses are stopping small businesses and thereffre we want tooimplode the the rrpublican chairman of the house small business ccomittee regulatioo to proceed ii a small businnsses to meet the regulators while freeing up pcarce resources to expand tteir buuiiesses and hire more wookers." theehoose bill willlnow goee to the senate for considerrtion. president obama ssys he government regulation. earlier this year he signed n governmmnt departments and agencies to scrub all governnent regulations for &pthe ssall business reportt at the white house, peter barnes, fox business network. coming up... the g-oop pool for presidential they saw herman cain as an . 3
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outsider and i think they seee phat my voiie would be the one thaa would be most reelective of his." his."noo hat cain is out...find out wwo's vying for his supporters? supporters?a baltimore fire stttion is nameddthe busiest in the nation.i'm megan gilliland, why the cree at steadmannstationnis being emergencies. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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