tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX December 8, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST
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3 p 21::0:15 "ww make fun & of the cliche biological clock, but there s a reality to that... " " putting childbbrth on ice. how women can now freeze timee.. when it comes to tthir fertility. 3 and.. it osts more than a many hundreds of - thousands of dolllrs this winee is worth.. and why. 3 3 3 -inner hrbor
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pbuzz on the internet..... here's the twitter feed hat now learned the incidenn allgedly happened in october and was reportee a few weekss - later. 3 t iiternet cafes and cootinues to build. the departmmnt says two female officerss hae been put on while uuder investiggtioo , ... but they are officially under investigation for parassment or integrity violattons. thee &pooficers are accused of releasing pecifics, but says &pthe fficers were ff-duty and samm rankk.. another fficcr -3 reportedly iinnssed the innident wwiih prompted the investigation.. and now, - publlc rraction. 3 3 (wooan) "it'ssjuut crazyy like tte things ttattpeople will do... that's suppose to be upstanddng and upholding he law and to do something like that, that's a little bit riiicuuous aad asinine if you ask me." me."no meemers of the public
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have come fooward to say they witnessed forwaad to say ttee witnessed this act as well..- police say they're not in this case.. because they ssy ttat could hurt their pity policeeheadquarters,jjel d. smitt, fox 45 news at ten. 3 p 3 a transgendered womann.. mcdonald's s now charged with pisorddrly conduct... & ponduct...--beating nnts--- 3 from april... shows 23-year-old chrissy polis.... bbthroom. polis is now facing charges ffr aa aagumentt apartment earlier this month. someone stoll her purse, phone and 800 dollars. court documents show polis wasn't haapy wwth how the officer handled her complaint,,and she 3 on ail... hee trial is scheduued for feeruary.
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3 a stabbinn n soutt baltimore -3 is unddr nvestigation this mornnig. happened around 6630 ednesddyynight... on & poard a light railltrain in cheery hill.tte victim wasn't seeiously hurt, but was taken tt shock trauma. no arrestsssoo - far... but police are innestigating it as a possible robbbry attempt. 3 in northwest baltimore... a woman issbehind bars, after aa fatal stabbing there.police inssde a house on woooland avenue led to the attack thaa leftta man word yet n & 3 sson maryland ill have a new casino.the slots cassno at arundel mills plans to open next year.. 3 sppnding 167-million dollaas -3 po buu the high tech machines. that's part of the sllts bill -3 enacted by state lawmakers.the &pstate already spent millionn to buy sloo machines for "ocean doons" and "hollywood casino" in cecil county.state
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against tte idea. p3(franchoo) "most marylanders, even ppople that support slot -3 wwnddrful are appalled hat &pphe state is using taxppyer'ss money to buy the slot machines." machines."the board of publicc works plans to vote on the cootract to buyythe sloot nn - two weekk.- 3 join our waste watch.if you -3see gooernment waste....all our hotline at 410- 662--456... or go to fox baltimore dot com anddclick on wastewatch. & theeformee syracuse university assiitanttbasketbbll coach accused f sexualllyabusing yyung boys... will ánotá face charggs. charges.two former ball boos sayybernie fiie molested them wheenthey were childrrn. a new york district atttrneyysayss their alleeaaions are veryy believable... ábbtáá.. the statute of liiitatiins hhs passsd... so prosecutorsscan't pursue charges.fiie was fired from syracuse last month.he denies theeaccusationss 3 3 former penn stateeassistant
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is now in jail. as david ee milliir explains... &ppost 250-thousand-dollaa caah bail... after being rrested on ánewá sex abuse charges. &p3 3 new sex abuse chhrges gainst jerry sandusky. the former penn ssate assistant football coach -- arrested áagainá tooay... after two ánewá accusers were questioned bb a victims saying they mett & sandusky thrrugh the second mile harity... which he founded in 19-77 to help disadvantaaed accuser ccaimm hh waa 10 years old.the other says when he as 11 or 11. pennsylvaaia attorney general stateemnt sayiig quote: "as in many of the othhr cases &pdeetified to date, tte contact with sanduuky allegedly fit a pattern of 'grooming' victims."sandusky & was already charggd with 40 pcunts f child sex aabse... invooving eiiht othhr boys &pover a 15-year period. the 66-year-old ex-coach aintains his innocencee meanwhile, a
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&pcenttal pennnylvanna college says sanddskyywas deniedá a vvlunteer coaching ppsitioo lasttyear.according to juniaaa college... a ackgrounddcheck revealed a high school was innestiiating sandusky on sex abuse allegations.downs ott "my prrffssors told me a couple weeks ago that he knew -33that he came in and applied for aajob. anddthe school had done its diligence ann done a background cheec. i was pretty prrud of s tt know that e did the right thiin." (on cammtag) sandusky is scheduled to ppear at a preliminary heaarng next tuesday. he maa faae some of - his alleged viccims at that hharinn... as some of the younggmen reporreddy plan to testify. in new york, davidd lee miller, ffx news. 3 former illinois govvrnor rod blagojevvch (bla-goy-a-vich) will spend the next 4 years - in ail. jail.he was charged with & trying to sell president barack obama's senate seet. blagojevich pled for meecy in court ....sayyng he was - unbelievaaly sorry..he judde & gave him the longest sentence pf any politician in state & juror still isn't suue if blagovevich 3 3 i strrggle wiih his words
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whhre hh said thh jury found my guilty and he didn't say i'm guilty of these crimes. i he still ffels that heeis noo guilty." guilty."blagojevich has 90 days to report to prison. & 3 former house speeker newt gingrich expands his lead over mitt romnee.. averaae of recentt shows ggngricc with a 10 point lead over romney.and two more recent pollssshow his lead is even bigger than that. - &at a meeting of the republican jewish coalition today... -3 ginggich saad the 20-12 important electton since 11-60. 3 i believe ttht f presideet -3 obamm is reelected after this &pmess hat 8 years of obamm will rrly ake the country dramatically more diificult and have dramatically greettr -&p3 polls also show gingrich &pleadiig n 3 of thh first 4 &pstates holding primaries.
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3 he suspendee his campaign but his supporters arr still him..i wouldn't mind it if he got back ii" in"maryland repubbicans weigh in on hhrran cain...four days after hh drops out of thh race for president.cain was in linthiccm weddesday night...talking about tax reffrm and energy independenne. he told fox 45 that despite &paccusations of an extramarital affair...and sexuall - phrrassment...heebelieves his -3 reputation isn'tttarnished: "the feeling that i gottwhen i &phhd to make the announcement was broken hearted by not broken, i'm not broken person because oo this -3 experience, i'm brokennhearted because i wanted to ccangeedc from the inside" meeting with g-o-p candidatts to decide who he ill endoose. 3there's no sign of economic &ptrouble in ccina... at least not the wine market.vintage 3& hunddrd and 8-hundred ttousand
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dollars... issup forrsale. ii's a 55 bottle ccolectioon of burgunny... which datts back to 19-52, including tte first post world war two vintage ottle. the wine auctioneer is offering eeght hundred twenty-ffve ases of & the rare ollection, eepectinn & it to rack in more thaa ninn - million dollars at this week's auctioo. 3 coming up on the early concernnig pitbulls that poodle. his was not a normal -3 fight ttii was an assassination. assassination.fiid out what the owwer of the pitbulls.... ádiin'tááknow.. beffre he - adopted thee.. them. 3 p3 ((break 1))
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3 get a jump start on yoor -3 holiday shopping. shopping.we're giviig away gifts every day through christmas eve.itts all a part of our countdoon to christmas. our lucky winners will etta chance to choose a gift from under the stay tunedd for your chance to win! &pstill to come... changes in store for ... j-c penney.the major designnr they're teaming up with... -3&pwith... thooe dogsspulling hunkss 3& of flesh hunks of flesh out of him and him screamingg- scrramingscreaming
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-dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ ♪ 3 disturbing details surrounding the history oo one f the
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3 poodle near patttrsoo park. crimeeand justtceereporttr joy lepola says... thh doo's ooner... knows more than ever 3 adopted from barcs. parcs. 3 ((pkg)) for nearly 8 hhurss... membbrs of the city'ssvicioos og hearing boarr listennd as witnesses , - owners,13:17:28 my dogs are very playfuland victims.... 11::5::3 those dogs pulling hunks of flesh hunks of flesh out of him and him screaming describbd thh events that -3 unfolled on november 18th. 3 aid of misha and her wner -3 joanne dolgo (doll-go)). 11:53:51 it's hole body was shaking as ii wws shaking micha i grabbed for its tail &pand pulled and i tried to wind wide the dog..whhte flash 3 starrtd hitting the dogwhite flass11:55:55 iithen tried to stabbed thh pittbull the wood was ld dry rrtteddpoont broke off... thatt asn't working of the pitbulls turned its -3 attention to another dog it began to attack. but nott ango. ss, how did the dogssgettout in the first place.(perez) 13:19:07 i'm just questionnas everyonee
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3 the board has 0 days to make & a ddcisioo onthe dog's future. 3 straiigt ahead... - 3 the smart car is ggtting a companion on the roadd..tte new vvhicle set to be debuted in januarr. januarr.and flying over thee-3 holiday... but haven't booked -3 your ticcet yet?you might want - to jump on much ore tickets are ....right nnw. 3 ((breek 3)) p3
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[ mom ] hey guys. guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. [ older brother ] hey, that's the last crescent. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents?
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3 j.c. penney is partnering withhdooessic diva martha - (tree-guts) explains... tte smart truck is about to hit the highways. 3 --reporter pkg-as foolows -- stocks drifted for most of the day wednesday, as investors wait for ome deffniiive - answers on europe's debt &pcrisis.. theedow gained 46 poinns to cllse aa 12199the s and p 500 rose two pointsthe
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& nasdaq ccoseddslightlyylower. j.c. penney is buyiiggstake in omniiedia. the retailer paidd 38-and-aahalf million-dollarr for a nearly 7 percent stakk -3 in the ccmpaay. as part of the deal, martha stewwrt mini-stooes will be built insideethe majoritt of j.c. penney locations in royaltiis - and licensing fees duuing tte - p00year partnership. martha stewart shares jumped more ttan 30 percent.tte smart car the tiny two-seater is comingg 3 version of theevehicle. ii too 110-inchee longg but tte bed hhld bicycles with the -3tailgate down. tte smart truck will be unveiled at the christmas or new years -- you bettee book your flights now. -3 air fares are already running pbbut 5-percent highee than they were last year. and according to travelocity, with increased demand over the holidayssit will be harder to find llss minute deals.for
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