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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  December 9, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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help! someone help! shut up, you old bag. ---siren nats--- nats--- fieldinn says: "as soon as i saw his face, i started crying because obviously if you get shot in gonna be, it's not good. a campus shaken by virginia tech's campus.this morning... studenns coping with a terrible sense of deja vu. coke is on public disppay.but why you still.. can't see it. 3 today fridayy december 9th. 3
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3 maps-fiber-maps 3
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it was a violent night in baltimore.right now, homicide detectivessare investigating multiple shootings...
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people were shot.megan gilliilnd is live in charles north at ne of the crime cene. block of maryland avvnue.three people were shot right here around 1:15 this morning. this ppont... it's unclear what startee the gunfire... who these iitims are... or evee f a suspect is in custody.pollce are not the shooting right now.we do know... forttnately that no one has keep you upddted on this triple shooting as soon ass more information is released. &pthere was another shooting on north calvert street in charles village.this one happened arrund 11 o'clockk last night.police say aman there.stay with uu or continuing coverage of this very violent night in in charles north, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. for the second time in four
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years, gunshots ring out across virginia tech university.students arr now trying to get bbck to life as &pusual.but... as ninette sosa reports, that's noo easy. "let's go, hokies!"fourr pears... two shootings.that's what students at virginia tech are trying to bounce back from ....after a campus police officer was shot and killed yeeterday."in shock, this happened again. what else ccn you say?"a late night vigil waa held in honoo of 39-year-old officer deriek crousehh had been with the campus police department ffr routine trrfficcstop hen witnesses say a guuman walked right up to his car and shot him."thh police pulled up and they opened his car door and wwen they opened it he just fell out to the ground."--nats offpolice siren--the school was on lockkown foo four hours
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killer.that lockdown was liftte after a second body was found.police won't say for sure if it's the a video camera from inside crouse's police car shows a mmn matchiig the description of the one found 2007, a shooting rampage at the school left 33 dead, including the shooter.the schoollwas criticczed then for beinn sllw tt alert students.but not this time."i got aaout five text messages in an hour. the school took majjrrprecautioo and virginna tech takks a lot pf pride. and i'm juss glad i'm here. i'm glad i'mmin the hokie nation."reportinn. anooher vigil is planned at theeschool tonight t 6-300 in a statement... virginia offered condollnces too crouse's family and called on studeets to, quote, "turn to one another for solace."
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an anne arundel county teacche... accuued of having sex with three eenage girls.. remains locked up this morning. searr... at glen urnni high school ....faces several a two yearrspan... he's accused of having sex with three girls whh weree15 and 16 at the time.police say it happened off and oo campus...and even during pchool hours. (student)"i was &pit..(parent)23:23:36-- "im speechhess anybody who takes themselves upon children... in a power posiiion he had.. " (princcpal vickie plitt)""s a leader off len burnie hs ann leader of tudents.. this sickens me!" me!"searss bail was sst at 3 miilion dollars homicide detectives are investigating a suspicious pdath in north baltimore. happened on 29th street ... just bbfore 8 o'clock yesterday morning. poliie found an adult male inside...suffering from n apparent hhad traama.the victim has not been dentiffed p3 this time..- 3 the company that ran
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of thh tune of 2 million dollars.buu that'ss not all they ooe. owe.bbltimore racing deeelopment has a átotal debtá... of mooe than 12 milllon for thh grand prix. equipment and services.the mayor's giving the company reeay the city. (mayor) "the grand prix brought almost $50 million in economic impact to the ccty, that away, but we need to make sure that therrres a strong make ttis continue to happen." - happen."several lawsuits have peee filed by private keeppgovernment officials g - accountable...join our wassewatch.if you see governmeet our hotline 410-666-1456...or go to fox baltimore dot com. 3&republican candidate rick
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campaign ad... that's stirring up controversy conttoversyin it... he blames pressddnn bama and liberals for everything. the ad appears conservatives and evangelical's currently punning on t-v in iowa... but it's also beee posted to it's gotten more than 2- million views. "i'm not ashamed to admit that need to be in the pew everyy't - sunday to know that there is couutrr whhn gays can serve openly innthe military but our kids can't openly celebrate as presiddnt,,i will end obama's warron religion and i'll figgttagainss liberal attaaks on our religious herita" peritage."the youtube ad allows viewers to vote on it... by pressing the llke or dislike buuton. &p a locallbarber shop to the next level. e cantoo to show s how you can make sure you are covered rom
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head to toe in pprple. gooo morning joel d. &p3 3 3
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a popular light display i night one couple will never fort date... to look at ssme 150-thousand lights... quickly turned into much more.chad lester used a light display... to propose toohis girlfriend, pi did not know hattwas happening. i felt bad blocking
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never been more surppised in life." ttffann calls it a christmas wish come ttue. it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on anything you want.about your mind-- and your response could airrin ouu facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to faceeook dottcom slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the conversation. coming up o the early edition... the heat is on... betteen two g-o-p presidential . wife, he loves his children, hesitation in showing that affection peely." openly."the tactic mitt wwen it comee to taking down front runner newt gingrich. gingrich. p((beak 1)) ((bump n)) ((ad lib meteerologistt) [ mom ] hey guys.
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guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half.
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guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? &p3
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maps-fiber-back to maps- 95at175
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3 3 3 p, 3 getta jump start on your holiday shopping. giits every day through ay
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christmas's all a part of our couutdown to christmas. our lucky winnerr will get a chance to choose a gift from under thh stay tuned for your chance to wii! stilll o come... coke is putting t's besttkept seccet onnpublic display for ii's 115th bbrthday.find out the new home of the soft drink'' top eccrt recipe. the same woman forr25, soory i'm going to get in trruble, (lauggter)..."but ffrst... . could a mudfight be looming presidential candiiaaes?the poves romney'' camm is &pmaking... in commercialss ((bumm out)) ((break 2))
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3&prepubliccn preeidentiaa pooeful mitt romney is fading in the polls.with the iowa no time for a campaign eboot. aa jim acosta exppains... witt his new rival newt gingric. ggngrich. -reportee pkg-as follows -- "i've been married to the same woman for 25, sorry i'm going to get n trouble, for 42 operation get newt, a romney - this ad, running in iowa this week, that ends a nnt so subtle message to voterr: mitt omneyyis a family man. washington saw it as a shot acrrss the bow at newt
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giigrich, who's nowwon his callista, a forrerr having aa affair with bbck in the 90's. bbttteam romney says nooway."pundits are going to say what thhy will. i'llltell you this ad is aboot mitt romney, his values, what's which is a commitmentttoohis . - family, a commitment to his faith, and a commitment to this country.""i'm goong to stay roolem says 3 cnn.script----- -----end-----
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cnn.script----- straight ahead...
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household wealth takes a dive...the reeaon behind the shhrp ddop off in ...income... ...iicome...and coke's top secret rrcipe has a new home... ffnn ut where... next. ((break 3)) [ female announcer ] help i need a holiday party idea. mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha. pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy.
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in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy. household wealtt is down... and as edgar
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new home. home. stocks ended sharply lower thursdayyon newwconcerns that the eurooean summit will not produce the cooppehensive debt crisis there.the owwthe - tumblld 198 poonts.. ending near session lows.tte s-aad-p and the nasdaa each loss expected unemployment numbers -- were oveerhadowed by the focus joobees claims last week. that's a nine-month low, and down 23-thousand from the week
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before. annther country is poorerr- eeing the biggest hit to hoosehold wwalth in four years. the federal reserve says household net worthhdeclined an average pf 8-hundred dollars foo eveey u-s resident, mostly de to stockkmarket losses ver the ummer.coca-cola is putting tssbest kept-secret on public disppay.. asspart of iis 125th birthday carried theettp-secret recipe into its new home - a vault inside atlanta's orldd f coca cola. the vault wiil now be on public display... but you still won't be ableeto see the actual recipe for coke. "today we are actually celebrating your love of ourr atlanta bank had secured tte &pfor business brief, i'' edggr cnn.script----- cooing up... -3 a new twist... in the sexual state coach, jerry sandusky.nn
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the áotherá perron that could faceecharges... in the sex - pthe liberal establishment maintains that it is not current taxation which finances the government defiiit spending but debt. thus it ii not crowdinggout privatt spending. however, governmeet debt crowds out &pprivate borrowing and investment. libbral economists argue ttat government borrowing is not crowding out private investment becauue the baans havv plenty of money to leed to the private sectorr unfortunately, in an attempt to protect depositors and the
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gooernment guarantee of ssch deposits, the bank rrgulators have innreaseddthe credit underwriting standdrds on te not lending to struggling businesses that need working capital tt grow and create no longer an ption. over the past three years, the federal &preeerve has attempted to printing money and educing nearr0%. unfortunately, this monetary stimulus is settingg the stage for inflation. for more go to behind the us on facebook and twitter. i'm armssrong illiams. 3 3 3
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