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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  December 13, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EST

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3 3 he faces his accusers for the first time in court toddy.what the prosecutors of jerry -3 sanduskk need to rove during --3 today's preliminary hearing. superstar.the maryland politician who's inviting ladyy gaga to dinner... anddthe political reason behind it. p3 today is tuesday, ddcember & p3th. &p
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33 3 we are ffllowing breaainn news this morning... city police raid occupy baltimooe.officers moved into mckeldin squaae at 3 morning... slowly moving thh prooesters is still haapeneing right now.
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now.megan gilllland is live on the scene ith the latest on 3 affect youu morning commute.
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3 &p3 3 discussionn to orggnize the pccupy altimore movement & began septtmber 17th.... - kaatleen cairnssjoins us now.. with more on the ackground of this movemmnt... p3 pacording to the occupy baltimore movemeets website... they formed their group as a wall street. in fact, in early october.. their missiin passclearly stated on their webbite: website: where they ouulined how they want to bbing attention to politicalland economic injustices. tteir initial ooganized meeting was held october 2nd, ith more then 100 people. but the tent city hassbeen arred by its members were invooved with drug use.. or otter illegal pactivities. in laae october:
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fox 45 news was the first to 3groups illegal use of electricity.. so november -3 2nd... oneemonth after thh &movement began... the power was shut off. ssill...the members of the group vowed to stay in place... dispite the loss of electric. &p3 occupy baltimore has spent the - past tenn eeks camping political aaalystt say the & movemenn realll started o crumble in mid october when the allegations of theft.. drugs.. and sexxal assualts... were being rrported bb its oon members. kc ox 45 early edition. kathleen cairns foxx5 arly edition. 3 this morning... 699 is back & open for your morning -& ommute... fterrbeing shut down... by hundredssof rocks that came crashing down on -moving cars. cars.take a look at this... windshields dented and happened on thh inner loop oo right at the c-s-x bridge. maryland state police esttmate 15 cars wereedamaged last
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piiht just bbfore 7 o' were a little shaken. 3 "all of a suden i heard bang, & lass came in aa my face and my oat.""boom, that's exactly what haapeneddit was loud." "scared me a matttr of trying to find a safe place to stop." 3 investigating what caused the rrcks to fall.while 6-95 is ptiil inspeccing the overpass...and they have stoopeddtrain traffic there unttl that inspection is - complett. 3 in caaonsville... aattuck caarying construction - equipment hits happenee on the outer loop at 95 south ... ust after 1:30 pesterday afternoon. a catwalk were hit and damaged. traffic waa snarled for rush hour only one lane waa mooing..ortunately though, no injuries were -3 reported.
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33 the pareets of tyler clementi... the 18-year-old rrtgerssstudent who killedd himself after being bulliee... are speaking out.police say clementi's roommate used aaweb cam to stream video of him in a exual enccunter with &another man.soon after... clementi jumped from a riige. waiting foo justice... and hopinggfor someone to say phey'rr sorry. 3 a::i haveegone over it many , many times in my head...i really ccn not come up with... i guess because theee is no gooddreason for whaa tyler dii...thereeis noogood reason. and e truly on't know why...we don't know what the why is. is.the roommate... haaun ravi... rejected a plea eal ttat would haveekepp him out & of jail.instead... he'll go to trral in febbuary, charged with 15 counts including haae crimes. 3 3 for the first tiie... former
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jerry sandusky will face his allegeddsex abuse victims in court. -3 court.a preliminaryyhearing will be held this morning... in pennsylvania.state prosecctors will have to prove if they have enough evidence sandussy faces 40 charges of rape and moleetation in a ccild sex abuse candal... that involved eighttalleged pictims.those alleged victims are expectee to testify at the hearing. 3 phe new year coull mean a cut in your takk home pay.that's 3 if conggess can't agree to extend a payroll tax greg black eeplaiis... reepblicans in he house of - representatives areeexpectedd the tax holiday . up for a vote today. today. 3 --nats of gavel baag-- congress ii ssheduled to wrap &pup business for thh year this friday..but there's no agreement yet on extending the payroll tax cut.demmcrats and republicans both support holidays without ppssingga ppyroll tax cut for the middle-class.""i do believe it's going to paas with bipartisan support.""..but
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disagree n how to pay for it. "that'sswhere the problem lies. the democrrtssare 3 tax on millionaires and you & wiih thh teaaparty,"annther issuee a measure tt fast-track plans for a controversial oil pipeline frommcanada to texas. in their plan, house republicaas have tied thh approval of the keyytoneex-l project."the american people wanttjobs. this issas close to a shovel ready project that - yoo're ever going toosee."thh won't make aadecision on the keystone project until 013 to &plook inttoenvvronmentall -3 concerns.if the bill does pass the house, senate democrats sayythey'll nix the keystone proviiion.and president obama hhs vowed to reject any bill that includes ii.i'm greg black, reporting. 3& theehouse republiccn plan & calls forrthe ayroll tax cuu to be extended for a would also cct bacc the length current 99 weeks to 59. &p3 a new study finds sociall factors... not genetics... are
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the reason why boys tenn to be better at math ttan's peen long eporttd that males perforr better than femalee. differenne is culturrl... and -3 that the gender gap doees't even eeist in sooe countrres..- published by the ameriian 3 girls perform better at math &pin placee wherr ttere is morr gender equality. 3& a famiiy is countinn ts - blessings today... after a trucc crashes intootheir home... barely missing a sseeping child. child.the incident happened in oklahoma.the truck came within inches of the little girl... who amazingly... wasn't wooen -3 by the noise.the girl's mother... s still a bit shaken up. 3 "itthave gotten journey's bed, her old bed set against there out. it would have hurt her." &pher." the family had recently rearranged the girl's bedroom....and placed hhr bed in a different spot. there's no word yet on what caused the accident. police are now
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investiiating. 3& coming up on the earll edition... a baltimore paramediccis arrested... while & oo the job... 3 we've lost all that time while payinggthem :21 :21the crime she committed... and why she's working and getting paid. paid. 3 ((break 1))
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qwráa÷a÷3 ((buup in)) 3 3 ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorolooist))
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3 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) libs))
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3& paps-95at1755fiier-back to maps please note: cams are hot 3 3
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[ female announcer ] help i need a holiday party idea. mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha. pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. [ female announcer ] you call that bread? in 15 minutes, you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy.
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& 3 -3 3 he faceeshis accuserssfor the firsttttme in court today.what & the prosecutors of jjrry sandusky need to prove duuing
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today's a÷a÷
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3 anotherr ump in the road for at&t's acquisition of 3 treiguts explains.. holiday onnine ssoppinn is in full swing. swing. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- stocks kiiked off the week with a tumble.investors are growing increaaingly uncertain - pbout the likelihood ttat resolved.the dow dropped 162 points.the nasdaq lost 34, and & the s&p 500 fell 18 points.the are utting thh telecom giann's bid to buy t-mobile on -3 pold until mid-januaray. a-t-&-t has beennscrambllng to - save the 39-biilion dollaar deal, which would make it america's largest wireless ccrrier. but the proposed acquisiiion hhs come under may revise the deall or drop it all frenzy.comscore reporrs u-s - oonine
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seasonal spending is ppproaching 25-billion dollarr. that's p 11-percent over last year and there are still about two weeks of cyber shopping to go.since the holiday shopping season kicked off last month, singleeday online sales tallies have surpaased the one- times!and shoppprs are not just buyyng gifts...they're shipping them too.fed ex says monday will be its busiesttday ever.the company expects tt ppocess 17-million shipmentt. that's double its average daily keep up with i'm edgar treiiuts. -----end-----cnn.script----- 3 cooing up... on some star powwr to heep in stop bullying inn aryland.find out the pop star hh tweetedd and innited to dinner. dinner.
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3 deppessed.. feeling tired? the one thing to cut from your diet to cure the symptoms.. on fox44 news at 5- thirty..
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3 3 3 3 maps-fiebr-maps


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