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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  December 13, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 3 we are following breaking news this morning... right noww occupy baltimore protesttrs are being pushed out of mckeldin square at the inner morning.megan gillillnd is live on the scene witt the lattst on how the prrtestors are responding and how this pould affect our morning. morning.
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3 3 3 occupyy baatimore set up shop ... was followiig in the footsteps of occupy wall street.. at least in theory... &p kathleen cairns has more on the local movement's hissory: 3 p3 3 talk of a moveeent in paltimore began in late septemmer...octobee second was move n day for the & protestors. heer
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3 pore tthe 100 people. butt & since that time:the tent city pas een marred by allegations....that some of its members were involved witt drug use.. or other illegal activities. n late october: -3 fox 5 nees was the first to bring atteetion to the to the groups illegaa use of electricity.. so november 2nd... one montt after the movement bbgan... the pooer was shut off. still...the membees of the grouppvowed o stay in place.... dispite the loss of ellcttic. 33 occupy baltimore's hiitory as &pa teet city in charm city... lasted abouttten weekk. although.. its liigerrng &pmembers cllim.. it's still not over. c fox 45 morniig news.. 3 kathleen cairns ox45 arly - edition. ssill no word on the identiy -3 of the ffmale pedestrian that was ssruck anddkilled by a light raal train in baltimore happpned around 7730 monday morning... in stopped or awhile. &p3 bbllimore pollce need your
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& help ffnding this an.pplice say he stabbed people during a robbery on north charles ptreet... near north avenue, sunday morring.annone witt informmtion should call police. 3 missionnaccomplished. governor o'malley says 3 businees deals were signed during his recent trade -3 mission to india. t a news resulted in newwy formed -3 partnerships with t least - two indian companies, whoo lan - po iivvsttin maryland. during the -day trip, eight maryland businesses were &palso able to ink deals with indiannpartners...and the -3 delegration promises... mooe & plans are in the works. &p3 omalley says: 21:34:25 ""ne of them we announced is a 3- million dollar...and t has since grown since we &pretunred.. 34:33 34:33"we need jobs....ssart producing them jobs." jobs." 3 not everyone was celebrating the governor'sstrip. state &pcritical of the trade mission.
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last month he said the gooernor should have stayed home and focused on jobs in mmryland. 3 meanwhile... governor martin 3can help stop bullying in 3aad nvited the pop tar to 3 bullying innmaryllnddo'malley and hisswife ... katie... laanched an "anti-bullyinn" campaign months word if ladd gaga will accept the &pinvitation. & 3 staa with fox45 morning news for continuiig coveraae on this tory.we'll talk with a political analyst... about how and f ladyygaga can help &pthe bullying sstuationnin - our 6 o clock hour. 3 threee university marching band are -3&punder arrest... charged with student.police say it isn'tá relatee to 26-year robert chammion... who died llst month..hey'rr charged in a separrtt case... involving a frrshman band membbr... who told police that two of her &&pfellow studentt beat hee...
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causing ccacked bones and bruising.the school's president was reprimanded last placed on leave. 3 viieo keeps pouring in... from -3 an ugly brawl over the weekend... bbtween two collegg bbrwl nats - 3 this was the scene saturday... & when xavier ook on incinnati. it's newly-released video of 3with just econds left on the clock.ssveral players from both eams were suspended.oo monday... pllyyrs and coaches apologized to fans. 3 one ciicinnati player....broke down in ttars. senior yancy gates puncheddan with lood streammng doon from 3&panddthanked tte school for giving him a seconn ohio prosecutor is now looking into possibll criminal chargee.
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joe fllcco has more to be excited about... than last weekks win against the coltss turnn out... e's on his way to being a ew dad! flacco's wife... ana... is pregnant wwth the couppe's first child. flacco sweetheart in new jersey... last june.the two say they're excited... and wann the bbby'ss 33 coming up on the early edition... green nergyy.. turned intt crony capitalism capitalismthe connections to maryllnd politicians... politicians...right now police are victing occupy protesters from the inner harbor. i'll -3&pshhw hhw it could affect youu &pcommutt coming up in my traffic edge reportt you're -3 watch fox45 early edition. 3 ((breaa 1))
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3 ((bump in)) 3
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3 ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meeeorologist))
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,3 3 &p 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) maps-95at175-fiber-back
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3 to maps please note: cams are -3 hot 3 3 3 3 coming p... green energy pompaaies... fueled by áyourá green! green!(pipkin) this has 3& capittlissfind out if green
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-3 ccmpanies rely too much on - your tax dollars... and t's -3 ties to maryllnd politiciins. politicians.and latee in sports... the ravens didn't leave unday'ssgame unscathed...find oot lardarius webb's injury. 3 3 ((bump out))-3 3 ((break 2)) 3q sore throat pain can be dreadful. cepacol gives powerful lasting relief because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol.
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3 3the federal government dumped half a illion ddllars intt sooyndra...but .... even though some energy companies are suucessful ... the solyndra scandal raises questions about whether - private energy ompanies ely too much on your tax dollars. in our cover story, john rydell examines the "price of green power"... here in maryland. maryllnd. 3 (gooernor) he is an unabasheddsupporter of green eneegy.and next month...governor o'malley is expected to ressbmit aa comprehensive ppan toobuild a wind farm off the coast f ocean city.eight companies are currently bidddng for the &plucrattve contractt (mathias) "i think our citizens, our taxpayers, our ratepayers, i -3 think that to know that they'll have a bbtter cleaner paryland is hat they want in thh long term."but earlier -3 thhi year...a similar bill was - pejected by ssate lawmakers admid coocerns oveerhow much
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ratepaaers would be to subsidize the project.the biggest question is not if utility customersswill pay more each month but how much more and for how maayyyears. the taet f maryland is already subsidizing countless - other private ventures to expand cleaa energy.(pipkin) "you kkowwthe marketplace hasn't developed for these &pyet. aan this idea that he government5 has to keep puuh 3 prrgrams, it'' provee time and time again to be a waste of p.j. pipkin ii also voicing concern over ffderal grants too help beowulf energy construct the state's largeet solar he's governor 'malley's former chief of staff.and at least two comppnies bidding to laad that offshoreewind contract have donated tens of thousands of dollars to the democcatic ggvernor'' association. it'sschairmmn iss gooernor o'malley.(pipkin) "this has turned into crooy papitaliss when we see who's involved, what companies aar invovled, what their -3 pontributions are,it raisss a
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farms in western 3 constellation energy ..have plso received taa credits of $2.5 million dollars and & countless other energy pompanies havv also received tenssof thousands in federal grantss state subsidies or tax credits.(woolf) "with any new &pindustry, whether it was the or telecom, tteee's always kind of a governmenntpush too get it to scale.malcom woolf is director of the maryland energg administration.(woolf) "when jfk was president, we were still using largely the same power plants as we are diversify our eeergy mix, we're going to need an extra federal government awarded 15-billion dollars in various energy ggants nd subsidies to green energy companies.but one of its biggest grrntssbecame a national scandal. more than a half billion dollars n loans weee awaaded to solyndra, a 3 when the firm went bankrupp, taxpayers were left holdingg
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3 solyndra like situation n ttat's because maryland only oofers loans to businesses and & non-profitt by requiring collateral. (woolf) "if you want to get a 2 1/2 percent loan, we'll be happy toogiiv it to youufor investments that will payyfor tself many times over, but they're secured llaas."woolf says those subsidies will help jump-start projectssthat wwll not only crrate hundreds of & construction jobs but many permannnt jjbs. incentivee he -3says wwil help marylann meet its own mandate that 3 20-percent of local electriiity be geeerated from -3 renewable energy sourccs ii 3say the inccease ii government pubsidies has aatually lowered -3 the riss for private -3 entrepeuners. and that's why some state awmakers want tte -3 entire process better monitorrd.(klasmeier) "there's a lot of mmnee anddi don't wanttanything lipping through the crackssand then we wake up the next morning say wow we lost a lot of money theee." & ssfeeuards to ensure that taxpayer investmentt are
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newssat ten. 3 if a wind farm is eventuallyy approved off ocean's expected to generate 2- ttousand construction jobs and almost 400 permanent jobs. 3 coming uppin our 6 o'clock hoor... 3 we're continuing our breaking news coveringgof tte occupy baltimore eviction.this issa & live look f mckeldin 3 told thheprotestors and police are clearing out..egan gilliland has the latess on how the eviction started... - and the response from theemayor. mayor.but firss... how serious is lardarrus webb's innury? finn out hat an optimistic john arbaugh has to in sports... 3 ((break 3))
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3 3 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... 3actor charlie sheen s phone was rriging off the ook!find out how hissfans got his personal cell phone number... and sheen's reaction to the mistake! mistake!
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> >p
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çia÷ 3 - we are ffllowing breaking


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