tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX December 14, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST
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fiber map 3 3 you weee caught sleepinn oo i theejob?one man is about to find ouu.he's paid to snap photos of speederr on the beltwwy.... uu yesterray morning the camerasswwre tuuned.megaa gilliland is live overlooking the bbltwwy with the story you saw first on fox. fox.good morning patrice,the picture was taken right here on the outer loop of the beltway at the charles street white s-u-v parked on the shoulder there... the one with
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the speed camera inside. insidd.well take a look at this...this piccure was taken &poffthht vehicle... just befor &pnine o'clock yesterday mornin. you caa see a man innthe back seat covered y a blanket took the picturr says he was - phere for about 15 minutes and the man never woke up. one critic of that speed camera is now reacting to the photo and the camera itself. (brochin) "somebody lloks like state hhs hired ii sleepiig on (brochin) "clearly, there pasn't been any construction on this site for three months administration is deffnding their use of speed ccmeras here at the chaalessstreet exit. they say it's an active work zone. on the job... a spokeewoman ep tells us, "we ttke these claims seriously and we will lutherville, meean gilliland,,fox45 morning
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33 a ssttlement is reached for pilled by a city police nd - officer. the family will get hundreds of thousands of dollars from baltimore today. buu not eeeryone is happy aaout it. it.edward hunt was shot twice in the back by pooicc in 2008. orrginalll sued on behalf of hunt's family for 10-million he says he diddnot their day in court instead. - 33:42 in all the work out 00million or more 3351 3351the city's spending board is set to approve the 375- thosuand dollar payout today. officer tommm sanderssshot hunt outside the doolar store attthe hamiiton park shopping center. in his &psanders told jurors he saw hunt hiding drugs and thought he had a gun but hunt had no drugs and was unarmedd still.. sanders was acquitted in that crrminal trial.
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afttr being kicked out of prrtesters set up shop at a e" place.they gathered innfront of city hall wwa a &pppotesters say hey don't hav plans to occupy another part morning, around 3 o lock... baltimore city police surrounded mmkeldin square and evicted the "occuppers".in the end, veryone left peaccfully, in. paryland attorney ggneral ... &pdoug gaasler gets a first han look at the ollution problem in our ssate. he boarded a for a tour of the inner hhrbor. it's his final stop on his 2011 enviornmental audit of the chesapeake and tributaries. he'ssworking witt enviornnental leadees to "youudon't want to stay n ann ivory tooer, you actually need to go on thh water to see what is out there, what are the power plaats that are out there, what are tte waste wwter treatment facilities, who are the polluters and to be able to put into contexx what is he pollltion that ii o"
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occring."informatioo gaahered will be used to hhlp the state design better enviornmental laws. 3&buying gifttcards... just got. send ouu gift ardd... with the ppsh f a button.when you're ready to give it to someone... youujust send them a text with the barcooe... and they an instantly start putting it to use. mcdonald says: "whether it's store...just to be able to pull it out ratherrthan carrying cash or anything else cause ittis very ecure. kind pf where the future's going." going." make surr to use caution... iffbuying an electronic gift card. it's ecommended that you review the terms and cooditions... make sure the ggft arddaccount is protected with a security code... and check to see that the business is reliable. move over cyber cafes.cybee libraries... are now áin.áand one local library is leading the way. kathleen cairns joons us from the new facility in ellicott citt ith enough teccnology to ake your head sp.
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3 3 thankk to alec balddin... "30 rock" could bb losing some ffns at 30-thousand feet.thh association of professional requeeting that american airlines remove he sitcom from its in-flight enterttanment.the mmve cooes pffer baldwin was kicked off a plight last week... for phone.the union says it will 3 retract the request if he actor apologizes. 3&yyu can now get your daill &pbread... with an image of vermont businessmaa created maker."he says the idea poppedd into his head a year ago...
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when he purchasedda toaster with a cartoon character on it. deeigns... including a peace sign, the sttr of david, and &pthe virgin runs for 3- dollars. 3&coming up on the early &pedition....saccificing pleep.... can take a huge toll oo your heallt. llck of sleep, it justtadds a - onto the stress... and it's not good." good." how americans bodiee and the consequences... they suffer as a result result 3 3 p, 3q
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when a sore throat strikes, the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol. ((trafficcreporter ad libb))
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give...people just don't have - the time for sleep." sleep."but doctors are arning you to make time orrsleep.uu next... the tolllsleep deprivation can ave on your he. healtt.and later in sports... foo the ravens, it's not playoofs...they want to play in front of the home crowd..... find out what it will take o get it! ((break 2))) 3
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33 do yyu get enoughhshut eye? don'tt... and that can have ouu brains.but what caa you do 3 about it?in this morning's finds ut how much sleep we - &páshouldá be getting ...and th things preventing us frrm being being"sound asleep" (nats of lullaby music - shot of bed, clock, moon, etc.) gettiig a good night's rest...
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is sound medical advice... different amounts of time - no sleep..but in today's ur - stressful society...with so many distractions...(nats of pleep enough.... (nats of s alarm clook)19:477"people have loog jobs... people just on't have the ttme for sleep."the 3 sleep experts at sinai hospital... saa a majooity of american adults doo't get tth recommended 7-8 hours a night. and up to a quarter of the population... may ssffer from sleepptroubles - such as you usually get to bed at do - night?"so here at the sleep clinic... technicians... try 33::5 "i usually feel around 3:00 i neee nap and then i have trouble sleeping and nighttime. so i'm tired all day..with lectrodee... and respiratory belts....26:08
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pi'm gonna make thessesnug, &pbut ot too tight."... they'r mooement... every breath.... and tell when ou're dreaming. 48:50 "i'll see aafrontalllobe readinggfrom here - a frontal lobe reading from here."it's a &pone-night stay... where patients are wired... 50:55 "i feell.. odd."56:12:15 "alright, dear, haae a good (nats of closing oor)patients lie down and start to relax.... relaxed, with your eyes closed."this type of study can help doctors determine if you have a condition llke sleep aanea..2:47 "i woulddaaways say,,i don't snore, but i walways woke up extremely tirrd and wonner why."maavin eaater was diagnosed a couple months ago. and says he from the sleep study.05::5 "i explained why i was always tired ... also explained hy i had no energy."doctors found hissapnea waa causing him to temporarily stop breathing about 7 imes an hour...each cycle... kept himmfrrom reaahing a deeper levvl of sleep.the solution???... a
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c-pat machine.22:45 "the mask itself is rrally just littlee pillows that go aaainst the nose."now - he getss ot ooly more --but also much better rest.09:43-09:52 "i haveea lot more energy, more focused... when you're sleepy, you're grumpy."but evee withhut deprivation is detrimental... affecting your body and braii. concentration, focus."the eeperts advice? first... make sure you're comfortable.and do your best to de-stress.(cover - maybe gg back to stressful montage edit from start of pkg) )01:04:36 "stress causes a lottof sleep trouble." 01:05:04 "they have trouble falling asleep and then it snowballs downhill ffom there." &1:13 "you don't want to sit in bed with your laptop, oing have a cool down period... do something relaxing aad then go again here)those who've music - learned how to sseep shut-eye... is no longer shut out.13:12 " when ou have a lack of sleep, it justtadds onto the stress... nd it's not good."melinda roeder...
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the ravens are gearing up for chargers.bbu one of them took the time to play santa to hundreds of chhldren in neee. need.--nats of ray at table &pwith kids--- kids---ray lewis... who is toys to more than 200 kids at the wal-mart in port covington. shop for themselves and their families..ewis holdssthe event
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every ear forrunder- priveleged youthhhe says it's a humbling experience. "you know cooing here is like, it always gets emotional for you, becauss you knnw, you try to come in, you trr to control hard, because you know some of the stories innhere." just one of several events hosted by the ravens on tuesday... to help spread holiday chher.players also met with patients at union memorial hospital... and ccristmas dinner baskets to bruce cunningham &phas fox 45 morning ports. sports. p ccming up in our 6 o'clock hour....
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