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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  December 15, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST

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happening and who's paaing -3 toonght on fox 45 news at p:30. 3 -3 3 3
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3the baltimore ciiy schooll &pboard heads to triaa today... faciig a lawsuit over bullyyngg.- a famill says heir children were pickee on over and over again... while thh system did nothing.meggn illiland is live aa hazelwood elementary schhol in northeast baatimore where the alleged abuse began. bbgan.good mornnng patricehe sullivans have two chhldren who used to go to school here. ttey claim the kids were bullied so badly... thhy had &pschhol.despite repooting the -3 charge hhre... didn't try to help. help.eddyyand shawna sulllvan... who you see here... say it startedd hhn
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they moved here in 2008.they who sufffrs ffom a brain injury was being picked on. ptheir daughter colleen triid to stand up for her little brother... buu it back fired. shh started gettinn bullied poo... and sean continueddto come home with cuus and bruises. 3 (52:03)a group of kids 3 kidding and kicking him and one of ccokeddhim till e passed out.....(57:52) he would come home ttere would be scratches on his face...busted ip he wws stabbed by one & student with a ssork in his leg. & the sullivans have tens of thhusands of dollars innmeddcal bills for ongoing counseeing and psychiatric inpatient care... proopting a lawsuit against the school district and the two 3 3 we skeddthe school about & it... they told us they couudn'' commeet on pending or active litiggtion.again, trial begins thii morning at 9:30.
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live in nnoth east baltimore, megan gilliland, foxx5 morring news. 3 police need your help solvinn cold.this morning... they are still searrhing for the gunmaa 3 lansdowne ssudent threeemonths ago. ago.. bruce ben as shot in the head in september. since then.. his fammly hhs been passinggout flyers.. asking neighbors tt help them finn the killer. & 3 "it hurt me a certtin extent. -3 he lookedduppto me he stayed & witt e 24-7 its ust wwong." wrong."police are still working the ase... looking aa surveillance video in the area. 3baltimore could see anothhr record low number f urders this yearrthere have beee 89 & murders in the city ss far. offfnders with illegal guns
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pthe street. 3 problems are piliig up for florida a-and-m university.the suspecceddhazing-related deathh 3 triggered a new case.and as ninette soos explains... this one could spell trouble for school emmloyees. 33 (nats of marrhinggband) authoriiies investiiating the 3 major have now uncovered financial irregularities involving the school's band. righttnoo, authoritiessdo not believe theeirregullrities re rrlated tt robert chaapioo.he died ast month following a suspected hazing incident."one & of the hingg that we havee found ith hazing is there is a veil of secrecy."oneestudent has decided to lift that veil. briaahunter says she knew champioo.sheesays juss a few weeks before his deathhshe was beaten by members of the famu baad membees froo georgia. "they wwnt around the oom andd they asked people did you want
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to be a pprt f this and ended p hospitalizzd with a cracked thigh bone.during an interview tto weekssago...when she was planning to return to was clear that her -3 mother was still afraid of what couud happee..he tolddme that..last --"un-unh-- yoo don't need to answer noneeof thoss questions.. "in terms of & to school. i'm not gging to be there." hunter has siice -3decided to withhraw from famu. and ttese three band membees face criminnl charges in the case.i'm ninette sosa, repprtiig. 3 both hunter and champion &attended southwest dekalb high has announced it's suspending all oo its high school marching band activities to look iitt ppssible hazinn iicidenns. 3 mayor stephanie rawlings-blake and swimable. 3 itts part of the healthy haabor initiative... aimed att future
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for baltimorr's neighbbrhooos, streams and 3 these... outline he plan to - help rrduce the citt's probbees. mong the harbor's biggest problems... are trash, sewage leaks and ssormwater runoff.the mayor says is up to you... to elp bbrng more vitality to the city. -3 3&p"everyonn can keep their yard, oo heir ront or their yard & clean, everrone cannmake a harbor" 3 the coalition hopes the citt's waterfront will eemore fishable and swimabll by the &pyear 2020. the healthy harbor - iiitiative is a partnerrhhi bbtween the mayor... -3 waterfront partnersshi board chaiiman michael haakin... and students from the living - classroom foundation. 3 a d-c woman is slapped with a fine... for not recyccing shredded newspaper.only in &pthis case... she was using thh newspaper to put in her cat's litter box.patricia white says
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-3 in some waas... she's already recyclingg 33 white: "i'm actually ttyinn to dd something really good for the environment by using tte shredded paperrand thee i get it." patriiia has een fined - 3 -- for 8 violationssalll orr plaaing the dirty, cat- soiled paper insideeher trash instead of the recycling binn when &ppatriiia sppke to the trash inspecttrrwho wrote her thh tickets...she says the inspeetor admitted to ddgging ttrough trash caan looking for violations.she's appealing the & fines....but hasn't been & successful so far. 3 decking the halls... may be hazardous to your health.a new survey finds the number of 3 up holiday decorations i n the rise.13- thousand peoppee &phave been treated in emerggncy rooms o far this yearrmost of the injuries come frommpeople falling off roofs and ladders. 3 pell, no ooe was injuued setting up the deccrations for
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our "countdown to christmms." day through the friday before ccristmas ve.our lucky -3winners will get a chance too choose a gift from undee the stay tunee for your chance tt win! - pcoming up on thh early edition... &p3&pare we really numbee one?the truthhbehind maryland's ranking as theebbst school system in the country. country. & 3 ((break 1)))- 33 ((bump in)) 3 ((22shot toss to weatter)) &p
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[ mom ] hey guys. guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. [ older brother ] hey, that's the last crescent. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? 3 ((ad lib meteorologiss)) 3 ((traffic repprter
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3 3 meeeorologist))((ad lib meteorologiit))
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3 ((traffic reporterrad libs)) -3 map 32 map 175 map
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3 fiber map 3 33 3 -3
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3 this holiday season... share &pyour good fortune with those in's ur warm holiday wishesswinter lothhnggdrive. you can give the ggft of warmth to the less fortunate. 19th....from 6 o 10 a-m.. we used winter cllthing right here at our fox45 studios.just sttp y with your donation at -3 2000 west 41st street in &pbaltimore. you an meet thh porninn crew.join uu and sharre your warm holiday wishes! 3 coming up... &pyour eyes aren't deceiving -3 you...ray ewis is back oonthe praatice fieed..he chancee hh'll acttally play sunday. sunnay.but next...marylann... - a toppranked chool system?we out why thissmay nnt addd p... in oor cover story...after the 3 ((bump out)) & ((break 2))
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3 year after year.. maryyand peadeeship boasts the sttte's eduuation system as the best in the country. ut our test ssores... barely meeeing grade leeel in math and - readinggin our cover story, jennifer gilbert has more on the ebate over whether marrland is really number one. & 3 3 --classroom nats--there's no award winning school systte.... education weee 3 years in a row. but while -3 schools
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were celebrating... critics were checking the numbers... and they saa.... &psometting doesn'' add up. 22:35553 - 22:36:03jeanne -3 allen: maryland does not raak & a small newspapers who's business it is to track actually how much mooey's spent and how well educated thh teaahers are.jeanne allee... president of the ccnter ffr eddcction reform in dc.... says the rankingssare based on factors entirely - unrelated to tudent outcomms. she ayy he truth is in the pest scooes.jeanne allee: 33:27 i think it's pathetic that anyone in thisscountry or in a state is aautally making 3 who cannttread, riie or do math any morr than 12-percent efficient 43 the ation's report card lasttmonth shoos are profiient in maah and reading--- hardly aa & aahievement.and juut last -3 week.... another round offtest scores put baltimoreecity third of urban areas nationwide. nntionwide.
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3 only eleven percent of balttmorr city fourth graders & re proficient or advanced in them are proficienn or school superinnendent sadusky: pes, we'd rather be ooe than p, 3, 55or 11///butt to// 22:15:22-22:15:34school supprintendent sadussy:butt & we're also very knowledge that our student ave, e think &paaonso: 16:00 if you look att how are african amerrcan poor & kids did against african americcn poor kids in new porkk boston and other places, we're in the top half aad ou -3 look at how our affican americannmales did, we go up even higher 16 but maryland & connistently falls short on closinn the accievemenn gap..- ggp. p,& 22:33:28 --2:34:35you knowwits great with advannaged kiis, 3 disadvantaged ids you have a real roblemeddcation
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advocates say charter schools can be another option... and a -3 healthy dose of competition o the tradittonal school system. but the tate's application for ccarter schhol funding was & recently rejected because its law isn'ttstrong enough. -3 enough. 22:40:22- 40:32jeanne allen: of charter schools clustered in baltimore that arent really pure charter schools in the sense of theeword- they're controled by unions, they're control by the school distriit. opening a charter... requires approoal from the school board... wwich has long denied 3 unlike other states, maryllnn law limits their operational regarding hiring, budgets or curriculum.that has mmny parents askkngg is this fair?3 superinteedent sadusky: sure! i mean those sudents belong to that chool district. & federal funds are compeeitivell awarded to states... a charter sshhol approved in maryland usually - receives fewer thann70 cents -3 on the dollarrffr each student
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it enrolls.but mmryland lawmakerr have locked any 22:17:577ome folks see charter -33 schools as a silvve bullet, and i onn think that'ssttue, because there are effective charter schools and thhn the -3 histtry of charter schools as proven that hey're also ineffectivewwile it mmy nottbe a silver bullet.... advocates - say they'll keep pushing for change.... because students are worrh taking a shot. 22:41:45- 22:41:557eanne 3 standards, performance pay, more school ootions, more autonomy and controo, plterrlly for individual schools- not mmre of thh saae. -3&p3 coming up next... - 3 as the ravens get breaay for phe chhrgers on sundaa, the terps werr in action down in coolege park....ruce cunningham has in sports. 3 ((break 3)) 3 3
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3q when a sore throat strikes the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol.
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3 coming up in ur 6 o'clock hhur... live television.. stops for no- one. one."erin, congrrtulations on your big hooters... uhh, -&phoosiers win. llughs" llughs"the story behind this cringe--worthy nterview. interview.ann the reason fewer people than ever beforeĆ”... aae your immune syune system has a big job to do. and even though you do what you can to take care of it sometimes you want to give your immune system some support. try new airborne chewable tablets. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way
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to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula and new super-convenient chewable tablets! hey guys what can i get for you? i would like a decaf 360 calories please. and for you? i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you want the 40 whipped calories on that? uh, you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light. with 33 flavors all around a hundred calories, a swap a day adds up to amazing. now you can add some crunch to your creamy. yoplait light with granola. try it today. >


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