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tv   U.S. Farm Report  FOX  December 18, 2011 4:00am-5:00am EST

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>> announcer: the following program is a paid advertisement for magicjack plus. >> hi, i'm abby wambach and i used my head a lot to score in this year's world cup. i'm here to tell you how you can score the hottest money-saving device since the invention of the telephone. it's called the magicjack plus. i love magicjack plus and you will too. >> announcer: from beautiful tampa bay, florida, it's the savings shopping network. imagine eliminating your monthly phone bill forever. how much could you save? >> between 5- and $600. >> 50 to $80 a month. >> $69 a month. >> well over $200 a month. >> announcer: and now, here to tell you how to save as much as a thousand dollars a year is the
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host of the savings shopping network, mel arthur. >> hi, i'm mel arthur, and welcome to the savings shopping network. and we have the biggest bargain in the history of the savings shopping network coming up. now, i know you heard that once before from me when we introduced the magicjack. today, this is the worldwide, interplanetary, galactic introduction of the magicjack plus. it's gonna replace your home or business telephone service at the incredible low price in the second year of under $19.95 a year. that's absolutely amazing. so you'll never have a monthly phone bill again. so we're talking huge savings here. watch-- we're talking a hundred, 200, 300, 400-- i'm not done yet-- 500, 600, 700-- hold me back-- 800, 900, maybe a thousand dollars a year in savings. now, we've offered that before and we have sold millions and millions of magicjacks.
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we set a record, single-day record-- over 35,000 magicjacks sold in one single day on television. absolutely unbelievable-- never been seen before! in fact, it's an explosion all around the world. this is the company that invented the technology of using the telephone over the internet. now, hundreds of millions of people worldwide are using this technology. millions and millions and millions of people in the united states. in fact, those people are saving billions of dollars! now, somehow, if you haven't heard of magicjack before, this is the first time you've ever seen our show, let me just briefly explain to you what they've done with magicjack. they've taken the jack out of the wall, they've moved it over so you can plug that jack into your computer. now what does that do? by plugging the magicjack into your computer and then plugging in any telephone, you are now
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hooked up to the most powerful digital telephone network in the world, the internet. and when your phone calls are going out over the internet, just like e-mail, all your calls are free. so we like to say, "it's as easy as one, two, three..." and let me show you right here. one, you plug the magicjack into the u.s.b. port of any computer. two, plug in any telephone, a corded telephone, a cordless telephone, doesn't matter. that's your choice. and three, start making calls for free. a lot of people have said to us, "love the magicjack, but i really can't keep my computer on 24/7. like to replace my home phone. like to fire my phone company. i'd like to have the freedom of paying a phone bill that was $19.95 a year-- that's less than $1.66 a month-- but i can't keep my computer on all the time." that's where we came up with the magicjack plus. we literally have taken the
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motherboard of a computer, a processor, and shrunk it down and miniaturized it into the magicjack plus so it has all those capabilities. now, one, plug the magicjack into the supplied a.c. adapter. two, plug in any ethernet cord and your telephone line-- and we give you that ethernet cord, that internet cable comes with it-- you plug that into your router, which everybody has at home with their high-speed internet and three, just pick up that phone and start calling for free. the other thing that users have asked us for-- "love the magicjack, love to have a magicjack, but i've had my phone number for five years, for 10 years, for 15 years. i can't give up my phone number. i'd love to be able to port over my phone number." well, guess what? with the new magicjack plus-- and i know this is gonna make the phones ring off the hook right now-- with the new magicjack plus, you are gonna have the option to move your phone number over to your
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magicjack plus. for the first time ever. this is the most exciting news that magicjack has ever, ever released. that is now your phone number for life. that phone number will move with you anywhere you go in the world. so everybody at home is probably saying, "mel, how much is it? what's it gonna cost with this new amazing technology right now?" you're gonna love the price of this-- this is our savings value of the day. we believe we're gonna break the record that we broke last time: 35,000 units in one single day. millions and millions and millions sold. billions of dollars saved across the united states every year with the magicjack. it is unheard-of. hundreds of millions of people around the world using this technology and you're gonna pick it up today for under $200. in fact, under $100. not $99 or $89.
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at $79, everybody in america is scrambling for the phones right now to get in on these before they are sold out, and believe me, they will sell out today. but we're not even close. we're gonna go below $79 today. if you can get in on the magicjack plus today, with all these incredible features, with the ability now to keep your own phone number and the ability to use this even without a computer... dial in right now... under $70 today-- $69.95-- that's right, $69.95. you're gonna have features like call waiting, you're gonna have features like three-way calling, you're gonna have features like caller i.d.... we're even gonna give free directory assistance... that's a package that's worth probably $200 a year on its own... and you'll never have a monthly phone bill again. we're also including, at no additional charge, the a.c. adapter, the ethernet cable and
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the u.s.b. extender... that's a $20 value absolutely free. you are gonna get in your second year, third year, fourth year, you're gonna get telephone service for as low as $19.95 a year. that's unheard-of! that's under $1.66 a month, but it gets even better than that. you know why? you can't pay for it today. that's right, you can't pay for it today. we're gonna send the magicjack plus out to you absolutely free to try for 30 days. now a lot of people are probably shocked about that because they probably thought, well, o.k., we could see you guys did that with magicjack and that was a great deal and millions of people bought it because they'd never heard of magicjack, but people hear about it all the time. they hear it from their friends, they hear it from their neighbors, they hear how good the call quality is, how good the customer service is, how incredible the savings are-- but guess what? if you call in today, you will get the magicjack plus sent out to you absolutely free to try
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for 30 days. make all the calls you want. call everyone you know. stay on the phone all day, all night, i don't care how long you call. and if for any reason at all, you are not totally satisfied, send it back at the end of the 30 days and you owe zippo. nothing, nada, zero, 'cause we never charged you a penny in the first place. if this is not the best deal that you have ever seen on the planet, i don't know what is. the phone lines are going absolutely crazy. i want you to hear from some people that are already trusting magicjack for their telephone service in their home and business. listen to this. >> magicjack we've been able to trust 100% with our business and being an integral part of what our day-to-day practice is. our phone system is a critical lifeline really to our patients and so we need something that is reliable 100% of the time, and we've had not a single glitch in over a year with the system. there are other physician
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friends that are using it and there's not a single complaint with the magicjack. >> magicjack is one of those products that really, really delivers on the promise. it's one of those things that everybody should get, everybody needs, and it serves such a great purpose. i trust magicjack. i use it myself and i think everybody else can trust magicjack too. >> one of the great important things about magicjack is the trust level. i do not wonder whether it will work or not. it's like your refrigerator. you open your fridge, you expect it to be cold. you pick up the phone with magicjack, you get a dial tone. it's beautiful. there's no second thought about it. >> people will come up to me constantly and say, "mel, this magicjack thing, unbelievable! $19.95 a year-- it sounds too good to be true. how can i possibly trust that it's true?" well, here's some of the reasons: magicjack invented internet telephony in 1994. that's right, i said
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invented it. they started the industry, just like motorola started the cell phone industry, just like alexander graham bell started the telephone industry. they invented the technology of utilizing the internet for telephone calls. now this has become huge. they literally have changed the way the world makes telephone calls. now, hundreds of millions of people worldwide are using this technology. we're talking about universities, hospitals, government agencies, police departments, law offices-- you name it. any business, any type of residential home anywhere in the world, they're using the magicjack technology of internet telephony all over the world, hundreds of millions of people. so that's why you can trust them. they're the founder. no one knows this industry better than they do. and why is that important? it's important because they built the network, the backbone for them to connect to the internet. they own their own network.
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and the magicjack network is the largest telephone network certified in all 50 states. also, they own the chip company that manufactures the chips that go inside the magicjack, the computer chips that go inside here, that powers it, the intelligence behind it. they own the software company that develops this software. and they have the use of over 30 different patents, plus the magicjack is f.c.c.-approved. and with the magnitude of scale, with millions of users using the magicjack, they have kept the price as low as $19.95 a year. customer service that is unparalleled. i mean, literally, you can go online and get a customer service rep in under 10 seconds. that's unheard-of. let's listen to some more people who trust and love their magicjack. >> it really helps in savings on our bills. not with just one agent-- you have to remember, we have more than just one line.
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so if we take that line... service-- which is normally about $100, $125 just for the line service-- and then you add up all the long-distance calls that you're gonna make, and i'm also the manager of the office, so now we have four or five agents with those different phone lines, i know that we are saving close to $5,000 a year. i've been using magicjack for over three years, so you can trust the quality, the reliability, the service. i love my magicjack. >> magicjack plus: use it with a computer, use it without a computer. for the first time ever, you have the option to keep your own telephone number. everybody's talking about it. everybody's talking on it. just listen to what they're saying about magicjack. the associated press says "who's the fastest growing telephone company in the united states? it's magicjack." cnbc: "you're gonna hear a lot about it." the #1 consumer magazine in the
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united states says that "magicjack is a great deal." the wall street journal: "magicjack really works." the bbc: "the magicjack, which comes with its own telephone number, offers the flexibility of making and receiving calls for free wherever the device is plugged in around the world." pc magazine editors' choice: "magicjack's call quality is amazing, almost too good to be true... everybody should try it." let's hear from former cnn anchor bob losure. >> in my 11 years on national network news, i've reported on emerging technologies. however, i've never seen anything like the magicjack. i believe it has the potential to save every family and business in north america hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars a year. >> so as you can see, everybody's talking about it, everybody's talking on it. i want you to hear from some industry heavyweights right now. i want you to hear from a gentleman who is a member-- and
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in fact they call him an honorable member-- of bell laboratories: david isenberg. he goes back to when internet telephony was first invented. listen to what david has to say about the magicjack. >> the great thing about magicjack is it puts it all in this little box that changes internet telephony from something that only geeks and computer whizzes do to something that anybody can do. my mother-in-law can't even plug in a computer, but i'm gonna send her a magicjack and it's my bet she'll be able to use it right out of the box. >> you are hearing from industry heavyweights, people that really, really, really know, and now i'm gonna introduce you to someone right now that's gonna absolutely blow you away. this is a man that was the original president of vonage. listen to what he has to say about magicjack. >> there isn't anyone close to magicjack today whatsoever. they actually develop their own technology, they build the chip sets, they put 'em in the devices, they've built their own
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network, and through that process you control quality. it's been around since the very inception, it's created the patents from which the industry works on, it's created the standard for which people try to aspire to. because today anybody can develop technology, but being able to support it to millions of customers such as magicjack-- over eight million units sold-- i mean, it's impressive what they've done, it's unparalleled, and there's no one else doing what they can do today. >> mel: are you tired of getting poor reception on your cell phone? are you tired of dropped calls, lost calls, no bars at home? well, most people are. magicjack not only saves you money but it gives you crystal-clear reception in your home 24 hours a day, seven days a week. >> how does your cell phone work being in the city here? >> well, there being a lot of tall buildings and that kind of thing, it can be intermittent. it can go in and out. doesn't work well in this building at all. >> luckily, with magicjack you got a clear signal all the time, free long-distance, free local, unlimited calling, no weekends, no after-8:00 specials... >> wow. >> call anytime. >> wow.
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>> what does it say now? >> it's already installed. >> let's go ahead and connect the phone line now. it plugs into the magicjack. [beep, dial tone sounds] >> i have a dial tone. [both laugh] >> all right. now let's call a friend and see if it works. >> o.k. ...hello, christine? i'm fine, how are you? i'm talking to you on this thing called the magicjack. it sounds fine on your end? [laughs] it's amazing. all right, i gotta go. all right, bye. that was pretty cool. >> i'm not going to replace my cell phone, i still need that, but if i can reduce the amount of minutes, that's a big savings for me. >> my aunt was here over the holidays and she came down and she pulled out a magicjack out of her purse, and i said, "where did you get that?" she didn't even know i had one. she says, "oh, i've been using it for years." i said, "well, i've got one too. let me show you mine." and so it's a family affair with us-- we all have a magicjack. >> when magicjack first came out, it seemed almost too good to be true that they could deliver all of this for a reasonable amount of money. [laughs]
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i mean, come on, the monthly charge is one cup of coffee. with magicjack, you have to wonder-- this really gonna be what they say it is?" yes! that's why there's millions of magicjacks out there and why you should get one. of the factors is that you can trust them that they are going to deliver what they advertise. they advertise a clear, super telephone call that you can plug into your computer-- or now with the latest version, you can just plug it into your ethernet cable-- and that it's gonna work like any telephone that you have ever had-- any landline phone with the giant telephone, telecom companies-- and that it will work and you'll have a crystal-clear call... and this is all true. >> the telephone lines are going absolutely crazy, and it's understandable because we're talking about huge savings: a hundred, 200, 300, 400, $500. 600, 700, 800, 900... maybe a thousand dollars a year. that's huge savings, and the savings can get even bigger than that, because remember, there are some special features in the magicjack plus.
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you can use it with a computer, you can use it without your computer, and the magicjack is pocket size. not this one right here... but this one right here. this is the magicjack that will take you on the go wherever you go in the world. that's right: magicjack will work anywhere in the world. so that means if you're in brazil, if you're in china, if you're in france... speaking of france, i was there with my family this past year. my daughter's boyfriend was back in the states. she was on the phone for hours and hours and hours every night. we saved thousands of dollars by using the magicjack from our hotel room, just plugged into our laptop. it was absolutely amazing. let's say you have relatives in another country or loved ones stationed overseas. simply send them a magicjack. now you'll be able to call their magicjack for free, they'll be able to call your magicjack for
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free, and they'll also be able to call anybody else in the u.s. and canada for free as well. >> there is no phone bill... none! i'm talking 90 minutes at a time and it's free. it's awesome. >> my husband was in the military for 11 years. during that time, we made friends all over the world. we have sent our friends magicjacks as a gift and then we have one in our house. now we can chat freely and not have to worry about time constraints or money. it's, it's great. it's all thanks to magicjack. >> now we're talking incredible savings. i mean, when you're using the magicjack overseas, these people are talking about amazing sa... yeah, brian? >> [whispers] >> [laughs] folks, he just... brian just told me the phone lines are going absolutely nuts right now. people are calling in from everywhere because, i mean, this is incredible. never before have you ever had this technology where you can use the magicjack plus with your computer or without your computer, where you have the option of actually taking your phone number with you and using it with the magicjack plus,
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and that means it's gonna travel with you anywhere in the world; that phone number is with you for life. that's what is amazing. we're talking about these incredible savings: a hundred, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, maybe a thousand dollars a year-- bigger savings if you're traveling overseas. let's hear from some more folks that have already gotten their +agicjack and love it as well.
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the fact that you are getting phone service-- free local calling and long distance anywhere in the u.s. and canada-- for $19.95 a year... that's less than $1.66 a month... i mean, this is absolutely off the charts, it's amazing. now, think about this. think about this investment of $1.66 a month. i really want you to think about what can you get for $1.66 a month? well, first of all, take a look at this. here's a small latte. i'm not talking about a big latte, not a grande, not a gargantuan... a small latte. your phone service is now gonna be less than the cost of a small latte at $1.66 a month. how about pizza? you like pizza? not a whole slice of pizza-- a half a slice of pizza. that's about what you get
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for $1.66 a month. so which would you rather have, a half a slice of pizza or one month of free local and long distance calling for 30 full days? you have caller i.d., you have call waiting, you have three-way calling, all for under $1.66 a month. and this one is really ridiculous: how about a directory assistance phone call? you'll pay more, in most cases, for a directory assistance phone call on your cell phone than you will for a whole month of service on the magicjack plus, and magicjack plus comes with free directory assistance. so if you're not convinced yet, if this is not the greatest deal in the world, i'm gonna give you one other way to prove it to yourself. i want you to try magicjack plus in your home for 30 days absolutely free. i want you to see why it's the most amazing phone service in america, i want you to see why the call quality is amazing, i want you to see why you're gonna fall in love with the magicjack, i want you
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to see the savings that you're gonna get, and if for any reason at all you are not absolutely. totally convinced it's not the greatest phone service in the world, send it back and you owe nothing. let's listen to some more folks that have tried the magicjack in their home and have fallen in love with magicjack. >> well, my home phone bill was $69 a month plus long distance, and by changing to magicjack, you pay once a year and never have a bill again. when i first saw the infomercial, i was actually a little skeptical, so i tried it, i plugged it in, i plugged the phone in, i made phone calls... no one ever called me for any money. no one ever sent me another bill. with magicjack i pay once and i have no more fees, no bills, i pay once a year and i'm done. >> mel: here's your phone bill before magicjack. here's your phone bill after magicjack. there is no phone bill! we like to say magicjack plus is so easy a child could install
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it, so we invited a child into the studio-- that's right. michael, great to have you here. michael lough-- and michael, how old are you? >> i'm 10. >> you're really 10. o.k., good. all right, michael, i want you to go ahead and install the magicjack plus-- let's see you. first of all i want you to plug it right into the a.c. adapter which we give you-- o.k. then i want you to go ahead and plug in the internet cable, plug in the telephone cord, o.k.? plug that right into the wall and... look at that, he has done the job just like that. magicjack plus right there, michael installed it, a 10-year-old. now let's go ahead and make a phone call, o.k.? all right, now go ahead and just turn this phone on-- we've got a number preprogrammed in there for you to redial. hit that number and right now that phone call is going out over the magicjack plus into the internet, around the world and coming all the way back here to this phone right here in... [phone rings] three, two... whoop, it's there already and let's go ahead and answer that. over phone: hey, michael. >> hey. >> how you doing? >> good. >> give me five, buddy. so easy, a child could do it.
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>> all i had to do was just sort of slip it in-- it went right in the little slot-- and after that, then i just put in the little jack in the little jack place and, you know, i'm not a techie at all, but it just worked perfectly. in two seconds, i heard my daughter and then i asked for my grandchildren and there they were, but the thing is, it was all free! >> we put magicjack to the ultimate test-- a holiday bowl game... a domed stadium, a laptop, and a public wi-fi connection. let's see how magicjack performed. >> dad! how are ya? i'm calling you from the st. pete's bowl on magicjack. you sound great. you healthy and happy today? me too. your... your dogs got a haircut. well, that's good. [laughter] see you later. bye-bye. >> all right, how cool was that? >> oh, it's so great! >> [laughs]
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>> if i had magicjack, i would save 48 bucks a month. 48 bucks times 12... i'm not a math major... >> it's way over 500 bucks. >> it's way over 500 bucks. i'd be smiling. >> i'm calling you for free, and guess how i'm calling you. on the computer. you want to know what i'm calling you with? have you seen those magicjack commercials, ma? you know, about those little things, and the dude says you can plug it into your computer and can call all over the united states and canada? that's how i'm calling you. i'm at the bowl game right now, and i'm calling you with the magicjack, laptop on my lap. man, it's amazing. like 100% for real. >> the quality seemed just as good as calling from my landline or from a cell phone. >> that was fantastic. >> it's amazing, isn't it? >> yeah, it is. >> how much could, do you think you're gonna save by doing that? >> about $940. >> that's a lot of money. >> yep. especially when you
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need it... this time, the economy the way it is. >> this has been our biggest show yet here at the savings shopping network, the counter is absolutely flying, people are calling in from all over. we have a limited, limited-- did i say limited?-- i mean limited quantity again here of the magicjack plus. when you call in right now, if the phone line's busy, call back. if you get through and you're on hold, wait. if we're sold out, get a reservation. don't miss out on the opportunity to never have a monthly phone bill again. once you get the magicjack plus at $69.95, for the first year, that's less than six dollars a month, and then after that, it's as low as under a $1.66 a month. you absolutely can't beat the deal. simple to use, easy to install-- you saw a 10-year-old child install it. you've heard from industry leaders, you've heard from the former president of vonage, from olympic gold medal winners, from magicjack customers from all
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over who are saving hundreds, even thousand of dollars. hundreds of millions of people worldwide using this technology. let's talk about trust. the founders of the industry. the value is sensational, but you have to dial in right now. if you want to never have a monthly phone bill again, if you want to have home telephone service as low as $19.95 a year and try it in your home absolutely free for 30 days, no risk-- if you don't like it, send it back, you don't owe a penny-- pick up the phone, dial right now, fire your phone company. we'll see you next time. >> fire your phone company. >> fire your phone company. >> fire your phone company. >> fire your phone company. >> announcer: the preceding program was a paid advertisement for magicjack plus.
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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for kevin trudeau's free money. tonight, investigating with misha dibono... >> are you tired of living in debt, always worried about money, stressed out about paying your bills? is the burden of just covering your expenses becoming too much to handle? many say it's because the government's taxing us in more ways than ever before. and multinational corporations are making some of the biggest profits in history off the backs of ordinary people. well now, a controversial new book entitled free money "they" don't want you to know about is alleging there's billions of dollars in free cash just waiting to be claimed by tens of millions of american
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citizens. but is this all just one big scam? i'm misha dibono, and on today's show we are investigating free money. >> they don't want me selling this book. >> announcer: tonight we investigate the best-selling book making the unbelievable promise: free cash. >> they're trying to ban this book... because i'm exposing these programs. >> [altered voice]: i made a total of $2 million. >> announcer: why these people should be afraid to come forward. >> [altered voice]: $29,000 in free money. >> [altered voice]: $17,000 every year. >> announcer: and the book's author, kevin trudeau, has been banned from tv. >> i am blowing the whistle on the corruption in washington. >> announcer: we investigate his claims that the government's keeping cash that belongs to you. >> now he says he can show you how to get your share of the tens of billions of dollars of free money... >> announcer: and why he says "they" don't want you to know about it. >> the people who get the money are the friends and relatives of the politicians in office. >> announcer: plus... >> we go inside the shipping center and uncover a copy of trudeau's latest best-seller. what outrageous claim is he making this time? >> how to put $10,000 cash in
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the bank in 24 hours, right out of the book. >> announcer: and we confront some of the people trudeau claims made free money independently and are featured in his book. >> so how much free money were you actually able to get? >> over $2 million. >> they gave me a $20,000 check. >> announcer: to see if they really did make a fortune... >> over a million dollars. >> announcer: but are they telling the truth? >> do you have any documentation? >> um... >> announcer: also... >> $2500. >> $1,024. >> $600? >> announcer: instant free money today, using a laptop? >> are you serious? >> oh... [beep] >> plus, inside the call center where trudeau's books are sold. what the people who take the calls are saying about trudeau today. >> i'm still shocked. >> announcer: and... >> we have found free money for you... that has remained unclaimed for over 30 years. >> announcer: is trudeau raising hopes and preying on the poor? >> oh, my gosh, it's like i won the lotto or something. >> announcer: we blow the lid on what may be his biggest cash scam ever. >> is this a joke or is this for real? >> announcer: that's all tonight
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on investigating free money. >> thanks for joining us again and welcome to investigating free money. my name's misha dibono and over the next half-hour we'll seek to uncover the truth about a controversial new book, free money "they" don't want you to know about. it's written by new york times best-selling author kevin trudeau. we tried to get him on the show, but we were prevented from doing so by united states federal court order. however, our lawyers have advised us we are permitted to show clips from previously recorded television interviews, and we'll talk more about why later. but now we begin our investigation today with a look at the mysterious man at the center of the scandal. >> the federal government gives away billions and billions and billions of dollars. >> misha: he claims his books reveal secrets... >> the people who get the money are the friends and relatives of the politicians in office. >> misha: "they" don't want you to know about. >> they're trying to ban this book because i'm exposing these programs. >> misha: and now, in his most controversial book yet,
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free money 2012... >> i am blowing the whistle on the corruption in washington. >> misha: he's making even more unbelievable claims and accusations about little-known government programs that he says were never meant to be discovered. >> they don't want you to know about the free money that every american citizen has access to. >> misha: so who is kevin trudeau? well, this is a vast colorado call center where millions of people call in to buy trudeau's books. quite a contrast from his humble beginnings in the small town of lynn, massachusetts, but it seems at an early age he was destined for notoriety. he was voted most likely to succeed by his high school classmates, and succeed he certainly has. >> new york times best-selling author... >> new york times best-selling author, kevin trudeau. [♪...] >> misha: he is now one of the most successful authors this planet has ever seen. ...over 30 million of kevin's books have been sent around the world from shipping centers like this one... books that he claims uncover secrets hidden from everyday americans. >> the united states government
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give away tens of billions of dollars a year that you never have to pay back. >> misha: billions of dollars that he claims are available, but the government is covering up. >> these are paybacks, so they make sure that the lobbyists and the corporate donors get the free money from the government. >> mis >> i'm a former insider who's come out and shared information that the government and various corporations don't want people to know about. >> misha: in fact, the him from appearing on tv, and he fears his book may be next. trudeau's claims on the surface appear outrageous. we figured we'd find out pretty quickly if this is a scam or not by putting them to the test. ...he is claiming there's some $33 billion out there that the government is holding. would you believe me if i told you that there's billions of dollars out there? >> i would think no... that, that sounds nuts. >> i think i'd know if i'm missing money. >> misha: but even more surprising, how simple trudeau says it is to claim your cash.
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>> there's a simple program, you do it on the internet. it took me 20 seconds. >> with all that's going on in the world, i doubt that there's just money sitting around. >> misha: with a computer hooked up to the internet, we began the search. ...type in your last name. >> i'm a little nervous. >> [chuckles] ready? >> uh-huh. >> oh... [beep] >> read that to me. >> $1,024.24. >> do you know what that is? >> i think it's like an old 401k, like, 10, 15 years ago. >> misha: and he wasn't the only one who went from being skeptical to celebrating. >> woman: $600? oh, my god! >> wait... are you kidding me? >> no [beep]. >> [chuckles] ...but not everyone was happy that the government was holding on to their cash. >> i didn't know i had money out there. why hasn't anybody let me know? >> at least notify me that the money's there. >> when you owe money they have no problem letting you know. >> are they earning interest on it? what are they doing? >> are you shocked? >> [chuckles] all that-- wait a minute-- how is there, like, hidden money?
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>> here's how kevin claims the database works. let's say you have a change of address... stocks, bonds, dividends, uncashed checks or utility deposits can get lost in the shuffle, and that can really add up. >> oh, my gosh. >> so what are you going to do with that $3,000? >> well, i guess i'm going to collect that money. >> misha: turns out, not everyone found cash for themselves... ...o.k., so it doesn't look like you have any unclaimed cash. ...but they still found cash for others. >> how about my parents? >> is that one of them? >> that's their address. [gasps, chuckles] >> o.k., read that for me. >> 146 and 13 cents. [no voices, ♪...] >> i'm gobsmacked, as they say over in england. >> you made my month, that is awesome, thank you so much. >> well, congratulations. >> thank you. >> misha: inside this secluded shipping center we got our hands on an advance copy of kevin's new book, free money 2012. inside the book trudeau quotes supposedly real people who claimed to have independently earned more than $500 using the methods he writes about in his book. but do these people actually exist and do they have some of the free money checks to prove it?
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[♪...] the first person we investigated, lisette kremer. inside the book trudeau claims lisette made over a million dollars. we were able to track lisette down. she lives in this secluded area in the hills outside of los angeles. the question is, will she have some of the documents to prove kevin's found money claim? [knocking, dog barking] lisette about to be exposed on national tv? [♪...] hi, there! are you lisette kremer? >> ah, yeah. >> i'm misha dibono with the show investigating free money. would you mind talking to us? ...she seemed a little nervous and reticent about going on camera. were we finally about to uncover trudeau's free money scam?'re quoted in kevin's book. how much real cash did you make? >> over a million dollars. >> misha: in his book, trudeau claims to reveal the exact methods lisette used to make her fortune. ...that's astounding. >> more than a million. >> misha: she seemed convincing, but would she have proof? you have any documentation that you can show?
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>> um... >> misha: this was the moment of truth. as our cameras followed her into the house, would we finally catch her in a lie and expose trudeau's scam, as she searched through her files? >> this is my bank account. this is my name, here. >> misha: according to lisette, this is the very same bank where she deposited some of the money she'd made using the techniques trudeau writes about in his book. >> lisette: here's what i deposited, it was 747,000... >> misha: and after depositing that kind of cash, it's no wonder lisette had this message for kevin. ...if kevin were here right now, what would you say to him? >> i'm just really grateful that he's been able to put this in words and put this out there for people that really need help. i think it's a great thing that he's done. >> these programs give away billions and billions of dollars to people that apply and ask for them. >> misha: and one person who may have needed that money more than anyone else, this former homeless man, tyrone clark. >> it's their money. all they have to do is apply. >> misha: inside his book trudeau claims tyrone qualified
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for, quote, "$85,000 in free money to go to college." we found out that tyrone lives here in kind of a rough neighborhood in downtown los angeles. ...i wanted to confront tyrone to see if trudeau's claims were true... [knocking, ♪...] so i showed up on his doorstep. ...i'm looking for tyrone clark. we're looking into the claims that kevin trudeau made, that you made $85,000 towards going to college. >> oh, that's why you're here. >> is that true? >> yeah, that is true. >> misha: again, he seemed convincing, but would tyrone back up trudeau's other outrageous claim? >> when the money is given to you by the government you never have to pay it back. >> you never have to pay it back. >> mm-hmm. >> it's not a loan. >> oh, no, no loans. i can't do loans. >> misha: but could we still catch him in a lie? there was only one way to know for sure. ...we want to make sure these claims are actually true. >> well... >> misha: we followed tyrone into his apartment and watched as he started searching through his files. me some of these checks.
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>> this is the highest, right here, 14,000. >> misha: and there it was, in black and white. ...when you started getting these checks what was your reaction? >> i thought i won the lotto. >> misha: but did he win the other prizes trudeau claims are for the taking? >> you can get free electronic equipment from the government. >> i was able to get this computer... tv over there... all the ikea houseware. >> and you can use this money on anything you want? there's no strings attached. >> no strings. [chuckles] >> that's incredible. >> yeah. >> don't go anywhere. our investigation is just beginning. >> announcer: still ahead on investigating free money... >> we have found free money for you... that has remained unclaimed for over 30 years. >> announcer: is trudeau raising hopes and preying on the poor? >> oh, my gosh, it's like i won the lotto or something. >> announcer: we blow the lid on what may be his biggest cash scam ever. >> is this a joke or is this for real? >> announcer: that's all still ahead when investigating free money continues. >> my name is debbie anne and i'm 45 years old.
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i was watching the free money show, uh, a couple of weeks back, and what interests me was that they were talking about how the government holds on to money or has money that might be owed to you and i wanted to see if there was free money out there for me, and the best way to do that was basically to have the most updated information. >> the government is not going to call you, not going to tell you about it, and they're not going to send you the money. >> i thought about it and i was like, you know, i should just go ahead and give it a try. i went ahead and called the number... ...hi, i wanted to order... ...a week or so later the book came. it's a very easy read, surprisingly. it actually was written with a sense of humor, which was nice. it shows you what web sites to go to to see if the money's there, what phone number to call, who to write a letter to. it's all just a-b-c. you don't have to have any kind of a degree to follow the steps to take. there's a lot of information about the government and tricks that they use and the corporations and how they sort of hide the money or keep the money, or don't let you know where the money is.
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>> it's your money. they're holding money for you. it's up to you to claim it. >> i used the first technique in the book. shockingly i was able to find $8,000. it literally took me about 30 seconds. it was pretty amazing. so the book paid for itself hundreds of times over. when i first opened up the package, my husband was a little mad that i bought it. >> what have you done bought? >> he was actually ready for me to send it back right away. once i was able to show him the $500 guarantee, then he was a little bit more willing to read the book. >> what else do we have? >> well, the other thing that came in the package is this book called debt cures. this is actually the book that sounded interesting too because it tells you how to cut your credit card debt in half. >> oh, thank you. >> yeah, which we need. >> yeah. >> under that was the newsletter with the 25 ways to make $10,000. it also came with a free stuff! cd and then of course the money-back guarantee. >> so all of this... >> right. >> is extra, for free. >> right. >> and if we would decide to
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return it... >> right. >> we can keep all this. >> yeah, exactly. for $29.95, which was the cost of the book, i was really getting about $70 worth of items, most of which i was going to keep if i wasn't able to make $500 in the first 30 days. basically this book is the cost of a couple of cups of coffee over the course of a week, and you can't make money on cups of coffee, but you could possibly make money on the book, and that sounded like a deal to me. >> if you don't see $500 cash coming in, send it back for a full refund. >> misha: that's the astounding claim made by trudeau on show after show. >> unconditionally guaranteed. ...guaranteed. ...guaranteed. i guarantee... >> misha: without a hint of irony, he says if you spend $29.95 for his book, you'll make at least $500 or you can send it back. >> kevin: so get on the phone and get the book. [♪...] >> misha: kevin's new book is only available by dialing call centers like this one. but is it a call that'll actually pay off? we tracked down some of the people who made money independently and are featured
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in trudeau's book and asked them to break their silence. >> [altered voice]: i made a total of $2 million... using the methods in kevin's book. >> misha: their faces have been covered and voices obscured to protect their identity. >> [altered voice]: i made $29,000 in free money. >> [altered voice]: now i'm getting $17,000 every year, free money, for my family. [♪...] >> are there really billions of dollars of free money available to over 100 million americans? i hit the road to confront another person trudeau claims used these methods to make millions. the next person we investigated was nora baladerian. ...we discovered that nora works here at this los angeles office. his book, trudeau claims nora made over $2 million, but is it true? [knocking, ♪...] she seemed a little nervous when i confronted her about trudeau's claims. ...he talks about the money that you have earned through grants. >> there are free money programs
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called grants. >> misha: in his controversial tv appearances, trudeau makes this outlandish claim. >> you apply for the money and the money is given to you by the government. >> misha: and in his new book trudeau says nora was a recipient of a number of those very grants. how much free money were you actually able to get? >> just over $2 million. >> misha: and according to trudeau... >> you never have to pay it back. >> you never have to pay it back. >> correct. >> misha: but would nora back this up? >> of course you don't give it back-- a grant is a grant. >> that you never pay back. >> you never pay back. >> the sooner people file, the faster they'll receive their money. >> misha: that's what he says, but would nora agree? after you're approved for this free money, it literally then is direct deposited into your account. >> within the next 24 hours they just send you a check. >> now we investigate trudeau's claims that his methods can help those hardest hit by the financial crisis. can his book really rescue a family crippled by debt and on the brink of foreclosure? [♪...] ...zoila perusette was living the american dream: three adorable kids, the perfect marriage...
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all living in a beautiful home. then, the unthinkable happed. >> i'm a strong woman... [chuckles] but i do cry. >> misha: her beloved husband was diagnosed with untreatable cancer. >> the fear is horrible because you don't know what's going to happen. >> zoila's once perfect life was beginning to unravel. >> i get very emotional. >> with three kids to support and her bills mounting fast and no real source of income, zoila started to slip behind on her mortgage and was now facing foreclosure. >> the stress is horrible. you wake up in the middle of the night thinking, how am i going to cover a payment? >> a person can get their whole mortgage dramatically changed. >> misha: like millions of others, zoila had seen trudeau's outrageous infomercial claims while she lay awake at night, worrying about how she'd get out of debt. >> in some cases you can cut that mortgage payment in half. >> misha: zoila was skeptical that anything could work for her. zoila read kevin's book and she claims she used one of the very same methods trudeau described
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to reduce her mortgage. >> because of kevin's book, we would be saving about $24,000 a year. having those savings, i can keep my house. >> misha: and amazingly, the free money didn't stop there. >> i realize that i was able to get $26,000 a year for the children. >> misha: and this is the document that proved it. zoila says she also found a way to get free money checks monthly for each of her kids-- a simple technique kevin describes in his book. >> thanks to the money i'm able to survive. >> imagine there's a massive fortune belonging to you and you never even knew it existed. controversial new york times best-selling author kevin trudeau says, if the money's out there, his book could show you how to claim it. but is trudeau about to dash the hopes of those most in need? [♪...] this was the target: an unsuspecting 60-year-old teacher who lived in seattle. pamela ashe had no idea that
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today she was going to be promised a massive fortune, potentially one of the biggest free money scams ever caught on camera. >> she has no idea we're about ready to give her the good news. >> misha: and these were the two people who were going to give pamela that check. >> our goal today is to change her life. [♪...] >> misha: john hilbert and shar mansukhani are an enterprising young couple who realized that they could actually make a business out of finding free money for others. >> people in this country have a stake in an asset, and they have money coming to them-- free money-- that they never know about. >> misha: they had found free money for themselves and figured they could also find free money for some of the millions of other americans who didn't know that their cash was being held by the government. >> it would take you years to dig up the information that's in one book. >> misha: but are they preying on unsuspecting people? >> shar: i think we're close. >> misha: and are they taking advantage of americans who don't really have cash coming to them? >> you found out she was a schoolteacher, right? so she could really use this money. >> misha: well, we asked them if we could come along and watch
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what they do. >> this is always where i get the butterflies. >> misha: and after persisting, they let us follow them... >> check, one, two. >> misha: as they approach their newest potential client. >> shar: she's going to be so excited. >> misha: as they walked to the door, tension was running high. >> this kind of money changes their lives in ways that they can't even dream of. [♪...] >> misha: now, the moment of truth. pam's suspicious husband answered the door. >> hello. >> misha: they had no idea if pam would be home. >> i'm here to see a pamela ashe. >> she's my wife, she's here. just a second, i'll go get her. >> misha: as john and shar patiently waited, they had no idea how pam would react. >> shar: hi. >> hi. >> ms. ashe? >> yes? >> hi, i'm john hilbert. would you believe us if we told you that we have found free money for you? >> o.k. >> misha: to make this potential scam even worse, john and shar were promising pam, a teacher, a free money check that would be more than her yearly salary. >> how much does a teacher with 40 years of experience making these days? >> a little over 40,000.
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>> misha: john and shar asked pam to guess how much free money they'd found for her. >> a thousand bucks? [chuckles] i don't know. >> we've traveled a long way, and we don't travel to bring somebody a thousand dollars. >> ahh, i don't know, 10,000. >> i'm not gonna make you stand here all day. you, today, are getting, in free money... >> both: over $91,000. >> [gasps] oh, my goodness. >> [chuckles] that's a big deal. >> oh, my god. [chuckles] that's incredible, i don't believe it. it's like i won the lotto or something. i was shocked, i could hardly speak. >> misha: and here's why. pam's husband of 40 years just lost his job. >> he kind of was forced to retire early, so this will definitely come in very handy. >> misha: pam had every reason to hug john and shar... >> pam: thank you. it's just... a real surprise. >> misha: and this was the surprise. john and shar showed us the documents that reveal that the government had been holding a $91,000 inheritance from pam's aunt for-- get this--
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over 25 years. >> you've made my day. you've made both our days. [chuckles] that's pretty amazing. >> announcer: still ahead on investigating free money... >> make $10,000 in 24 hours. >> misha: but do trudeau's techniques stand up to scrutiny? >> [scoffs] i can't even tell you how much debt we were in. >> misha: that's all still ahead when investigating free money continues. >> announcer: are you tired of living in debt? are you always worrying about money and stressed about paying your bills? is the burden of just covering your expenses becoming too much to handle and putting a strain on your health and relationships? do you wish you could quit your job and afford the life you always dreamed of? a beautiful home, free money to pay your mortgage, a brand-new car, and free education? well, help is finally at hand. read about the techniques that could bring you financial freedom today by ordering an advance copy of kevin trudeau's international best-seller, free money "they" don't want you to know about 2012 edition.
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learn kevin's new secrets to getting your share of the billions of dollars of free money that the government and corporations are already holding for tens of millions of americans... free money that's just sitting in government accounts just waiting to be claimed... free money that may already belong to you but no one is telling you about... free money that you may never have to pay back. discover the methods in kevin's book that these real people used to make a fortune, before the government possibly bans the book and freezes the latest free money program. >> i made almost $2 million, cash money, doing the same things that are in the book. >> now i'm getting $17,000 every year, free money, for my family. >> i made over a million dollars. >> announcer: free money "they" don't want you to know about 2012 edition has been totally rewritten. it's a must-buy for old and new readers alike. because many of the government's free money programs quickly become obsolete, we've included the very latest up-to-date free
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money secrets for 2012. free money "they" don't want you to know about 2012 edition has sold for $39.95. but if you call right now it can be yours for only $29.95. plus, if you order today, you'll even receive a free copy of kevin's other current best-seller, debt cures "they" really don't want you to know about, and you'll also receive a free copy of kevin's new guide to the 25 easiest ways to instantly make $10,000 in cash right now during the recession. and there's more. place an order in the next eight minutes and you'll receive kevin's audio cd, free stuff! that shows you how to get $5- to $10,000 worth of free stuff every year absolutely free. remember, you'll get all three bonus gifts-- debt cures, 25 easy ways to instantly make $10,000, and kevin's new audio cd, free stuff!-- a combined $70 value for free when you order today. just pay shipping and processing. this limited-time offer is only
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available through this special television promotion. >> if you don't see $500 cash coming in by using these techniques in the first 30 days, send it back for a full refund, no questions asked. >> announcer: check out the techniques, and if you don't collect $500 in cash in the first 30 days, or if you're not completely thrilled with free money for any reason, simply return it, no questions asked. keep debt cures, 25 easy ways to instantly make $10,000 and kevin's free stuff! cd as our free gifts just for trying the book. >> that's how confident i am with these techniques. >> announcer: free money "they" don't want you to know about 2012 edition is not available anywhere else and this offer will not last. don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to cure your debt and get free money you never have to pay back. this may be the most important call you'll ever make. don't wait-- pick up the phone and call right now. this offer is absolutely not
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available in stores. [♪...] >> welcome back to investigating free money. i'm misha dibono. as if making free money wasn't incredible enough, in a soon-to-be-released update of his best-selling book, kevin trudeau goes one step further. he claims he could show you how to make $10,000 in a day while you are waiting for your free money to arrive. but does it work? [♪...] >> like most people, we live paycheck to paycheck. [♪...] >> misha: tammy allen, like many americans, was struggling to survive in a tough economy. >> [scoffs] i can't even tell you how much debt we were in. >> misha: we wondered if trudeau's outrageous claim was possible. >> how to raise $10,000 cash in 24 hours without ever leaving your home. >> misha: could tammy really make this kind of money independently? turns out, tammy's techniques are in fact prominently featured in kevin's book, and they may help anyone who has stuff just piling up around the house. >> one man's trash is another man's treasure. [♪...] >> misha: the countdown was on. was tammy really able to take the chaos and clutter
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overwhelming her life and do what trudeau claimed: turn it into $10,000 in cold, hard cash in just one day? >> in a 24 hour period i was able to make $12,000. >> misha: even more unbelievable, tammy says the stuff that she once considered worthless could now make her wealthy. >> i was able to take things that i didn't even know were worth anything around my house and actually turn them into big bucks. >> well, that's it for today's show. we'll leave you with some of the remarkable success stories we uncovered. we'll see you next time. >> i'm just really grateful that he's been able to put this in words and put this out there for people that really need help. >> how much free money did i get? i got $60,000, and for me, the reaction, it was the best day of my life. >> i would just say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you a million times, i think. i think it's a public service. >> you're a genius, kevin. you wrote a very simple and practical book that almost anyone can profit from.
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>> announcer: free money "they" don't want you to know about 2012 edition has sold for $39.95. but if you call right now it can be yours for only $29.95. check out the techniques, and if you don't collect $500 in cash in the first 30 days, or if you're not completely thrilled with free money for any reason, simply return it, no questions asked. keep debt cures, 25 easy ways to instantly make $10,000, and kevin's free stuff! cd as our free gifts, worth over $70, just for trying the book. just pay shipping and processing. this may be the most important call you'll ever make. don't wait-- pick up the phone and call right now. this offer is absolutely not available in stores. the preceding was a paid presentation for kevin trudeau's free money.
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