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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  December 23, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EST

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places between an inch and inch and a half of rainfall. overall what we'll be looking at are improving conditions, but also deteriorating at the same time. the sky will try to break up the clouds, give us some sun, but the winds will really crank up behind that storm. we're expecting a high of 53. that's cooler than the 60s we've done the last couple of days. but plan for those winds up to 35 miles per hour. that could bounce around some of those cars, especially if you're trying to get out of town. late see what's happening if you're trying to go around town. reporter: good morning, everyone. as you get ready to head out, friday morning, slippery conditions and a couple of incidents to get around. if you're traveling on route 27, that's manchester road up in westminster at 482, you'll see police still on the scene there trying to clear a crash. also we're looking at slippery conditions but no heavy volume for those of you making the drive on route 29 as well as route 95, i-95 traveling through howard county at maryland 175, your northbound and southbound lanes are clear, moving with very light conditions. and on the beltway, here's 695 at baltimore national pike as
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you make your way around 695 be alert for spray and other wet driving conditions. your drive times looking pretty good. we're at normal pace right now with no delays. over to you. despite recent reports of financial hardships, ind y car plans to come to baltimore next year. the indy car series released their 2012 schedule thursday with the baltimore grand prix scheduled for the labor day weekend. the american lemans series also has the race on their schedule. organizers have stated that the weekend racing was returning but baltimore cities now threatening to cancel the five- year contract and the state comptroller has put a lien on the baltimore racing development group due to unpaid taxes and other fees. now to an update on that baby formula recall we told you about yesterday. health officials are awaiting result from a batch of formula recalled by wal-mart after a newborn in missouri died. now we're learning another baby has possibly been affected with the same rare bacteria which has promptly called for that recall. abc 2 news health reporter linda stow is here with the
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latest. reporter: charley, we're learning this morning another infant got sick late last month after consuming several different types of powdered baby formula. that baby recovered but health officials are investigating whether the two cases are connected. they're also waiting for test results to come back from that batch of powdered baby formula that wal-mart voluntarily recalled after a newborn in missouri died. little avery corn et died from a rare bacterial infection. the source of the bacteria hasn't been determined yet, but it can creep up in dried milk and powdered formula. that's why wal-mart pulled the enfamil newborn formula from shelves as a precaution. the formula has not been officially recalled and the manager says the batch in question tested negative for the bacteria before it was shipped. now here's the information on the formula in question, it's the 12.5-ounce cans of enfamil newborn powder with the lot number zp1k7g on the bottom of the can. wal-mart says if you bought the
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formula, you can return it for a return or a refund or an exchange. linda stow, abc 2 news. on the topic of your children, odds are you're buying a variety of products for the holiday season, but when you go to put those gifts together, look carefully for the product registration post card in the paperwork. it's easy to make sure the items haven't been recalled. a new federal law now requires companies make a durable infant and toddler product, make sure they include prestamped post cards. >> the law that put this product registration program in place makes it illegal for companies to use that information for any other purpose. >> parents just fill in their contact information, mail in that card. they go online to register. if there's ever a recall, the company can then notify them directly. doctors are encouraging people to make the most of their family gatherings this holiday season by sharing health information and also the health history. experts say there are specific things you should look for when sharing your health history,
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ages, diagnosis and other things, be specific, treatment and prevention plans can now be personally tailerred to lower disease risk and also save lives. diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease are often passed from generation to generation. >> genetics is knowledge and knowledge is power and the family history is the easiest way to get it, it's the best- kept secret to keep healthy. >> this doctor says if you suspect a genetic condition climbing your family tree, talk to your doctor or see a genetic counselor. one woman is now using the holidays to help her in the long run. a georgia job seeker is using her knack for the holiday decorating to light up her chances of landing a new gig. adam murphy has that story. >> we've lived here 23 years and we're known for our holiday lights. reporter: they're not the griswold families but the hickocks in alpharetta are just as creative at displaying the light the. >> it was to show my fun and
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creative side to problem solving. reporter: she's in search of a new job and her resume is lit up on the side of her home. >> it says my wish, h.r. job, liz hickock linked in. reporter: needless to say, her christmas wish list has people taking notice on southlake drive. >> i've had people stop when i'm out and telling me about positions they know with their company or some other company. i've had a lot of linkedin messages and a lot of linkedin views. reporter: hickoc says she's heard from people as far away as italy. she's looking for the perfect job in atlanta. she's just hoping her homeowner's association will support her bright idea. >> if it weren't for this holiday time and i'm incorporating it into my christmas lights, i definitely would be getting a citation from the governance committee. >> and that was adam murphy reporting. news around the nation this morning, some upset parents after a drug investigation
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uncovers a meth lab in an indiana high school. police say the school employee found the setup in an area of the building that is blocked off to students. authorities believe the person behind the lab was not a student and they don't think the drugs were being made during school hour. however, parents who are upset, they weren't notified that something was going on sooner. meanwhile, in california, 6,000 nurses did not work thursday. they called it a one-day strike, saying they're furious about the higher healthcare costs, their own salaries and benefits, working conditions and most of all patient safety. they say they're responsible for too many patients resulting in patients being put at risk. hospitals say they've hired temporary nurses to help bridge that gap. here's something you don't hear very often, a mother and her daughter giving birth on the same day in the same place. jessica ryder and her 17-year- old daughter had their sons just six hours apart in a chicago-area hospital. they were even delivered by the same doctor. the doctor says this is the first time he's seen anything like this in his 20 years of
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delivering babies. it's a story about the true meaning of the holidays, what an 11-year-old south carolina boy did to help a family in need for the christmas season. and she's the queen of the columbus zoo, so what do you get a 55-year-old gorilla when she already has everything. we'll take a look when we -- after we get back from new york and this morning's tech bytes. reporter: in today's tech bytes, google really, really wants to remain the default search engine in firefox. the search giant is reportedly paying the company just under $300 million for each of the next three years. microsoft bing search service also bid for the privilege. amazon has sent out an update for its kindle fire to fix the tablet's sluggish operation. if you haven't received it yet, you can download it manually. scientists at the university of missouri are claiming a major breakthrough in dental health. it's a plasma toothbrush that disinfects and cleans out cavities in just 30 seconds, but it's for dentists, not personal use at home. once again our aerospace
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defense system will be watching for unidentified flying reindeer. norad will track santa and his sleigh on christmas eve. you can get updates by phone, e- mail, social media sites and for the first time this year smart phone apps. those are your tech bytes, i'm sunni hoffman.
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i heard about the house being burnt down and i decided to give them my $300 in my bank account. >> that's fisher cook, a third grader who decided he wanted to help a fellow schoolmate who no longer had a place to live. fisher's mom says last week a trailer near summerville, south carolina caught fire. she said the single mom of three boys lived there along with the woman's mother and a handicapped brother.
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since fisher's donations, other community members have stepped in to match his christmas donation. time now for the forecast. here's justin. >> charley, taking a look at temperatures, 38 in baltimore, dulles, east end, we're bringing in some slightly cool air. the real cold stuff is back into the mountains. you can see the lineup in one of those ridges in garrett county getting into the 30s, but it does hop up from frostburg off towards hagerstown. still 57 in ocean city. still watching 60s in southeast virginia, really sharp contrast helping to feed that storm as low pressure tries to pass on through the area, taking most of the rain with it. off the coast still residual clouds this afternoon, that will gradually break up. we will see an improvement in the sky conditions but the actual air will start really howling. and behind that storm system which is like a giant vacuum in the atmosphere, pulls wind in from all directions and it will actually do that today. the winds will pick up and we're expecting temperatures to 53, but 30 mile per hour wind gusts. we settle things down tonight. we'll have an outlook for the ravens game and, of course, an outlook for christmas with still maybe the hope of some
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flakes around in just a moment. here's angela with the traffic. reporter: on the roadways right now we'll start in glen burnie where police are still on the scene at knapps creek road. that's just off of sully road. we got a pole down blocking the roadway there. and, of course, slow traffic as you try to get through the region. of course, police still on the scene. they'll try to get you around that. in the meantime you'll find all lanes open on i-95 as well as u.s. 29 and maryland 108, no problems making the drive through the colombia region, just a bit slippery out there. also a live look at i-95 and maryland 43. southbound traffic on i-95 moving quite well from bel aire, making the drive all the way to the beltway. over to you. we had to mention this for you, a birthday cake fit for a queen, the queen at the columbus zoo. 55-year-old gorilla, her name is colo. she is the oldest gorilla in a u.s. zoo. i guess we want to wish her a happy birthday too. baltimore lost him for quarter of the season and now another star sidelined.
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we'll have an update on bolden. he's out for two weeks but expected to be back in time for the playoffs. we'll tell you why. reporter: he was charged with a massive paving scam and faces new charges this morning. we'll tell you what they are coming up.
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. it's 5:44. new information this morning into a story abc 2 news first brought you on covering the paving scandal that's been used by a scammer who's taken thousands of dollars from people across the state. this morning tom clack is facing new charges and abc 2 news' corine redman is standing by. reporter: well, charley, tom clack is an annapolis-based paver who has been charged with operating without a license and banned from business in two other states. abc 2 news first uncovered this multi-state, multi-county paving scam last month where clack was reportedly overcharging customers by tens of thousands of dollars. some bills were as much as $19,000. big tabs like that have been reported by more than a dozen people who have complained to the maryland home commission about the scam. clack already faced charges in montgomery and anne arundel counties. now baltimore county becomes the third to charge him for acting as a contractor without
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a license. clack was hit with a cease and desist order by the attorney general'this month. that called for clack to stop contracting until he got the correct license. police in anne arundel county have now cited two men after one of them jumped from a maryland public television tower. robert morgan of virginia was injured wednesday when his parachute failed to fully open before he hit the ground. shawn bullington from utah is also witness to that jump. he was arrested at the scene and cited for trespassing and giving a false statement to police. campaign 2012 news this morning, republican presidential candidate mitt romney is getting a boost from his personal hero. former president george h.w. bush first told the hometown newspaper that romney is the best choice because of his stability, experience and principles. that's a direct quote from our 41st president. mr. push says he likes rick perry but seems that the governor of texas has lost some momentum. romney thanks bush and says his backing meant a lot to him
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personally. you can now get your news quicker and easier through the new ipad app at it's a great way to stay connect inside your hometown and around the world 24 hours a day. if you don't have an ipad, no need to worry. we have apps for your smart phone and other smart devices. ravens fans, the last two weeks of the season just got a little bit tougher. why bolden will miss the last two games of the season after undergoing knee surgery. coach harbaugh stated bolden will miss the games after slightly tearing cart lidge in one of his knees. the surgery is being done by one of the top doctors in the u.s. bolden has three touchdown catches so far this season is expected to be ready come playoff time. speaking of the last few games to make your holiday celebration complete, the ravens will play saturday. they'll be taking on the cleveland browns christmas eve afternoon at 1:00. the birds lost to the chargers 14-34. we usually do it the other way,
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don't we, tom? they lost 34-14. that was last week. it is the peak of the holiday season, almost 92 million americans will be traveling. this year thanks to the sluggish economy, more people are driving than they are flying. road crews are out in force to keep things moving but slow in denver, well, that's not mother nature. that's just hardcore. california is having troubles of their own. some santa ana winds causing some problems. some of those big rigs have been blown off the roadways. take a look at some of this video here, justin. people are going to have to make adjustments for the travel plan because it's the domino effect. we have problems in denver, we have problems in new york and it just teeters its way down. >> you like how mother nature works that in for the holidays, santa ana winds in california. >> justin burk, everyone. >> thank you very much. let's head outside and talk about the national picture. two guys on the desk at 5:48 in the morning. what else do you expect? >> santa. >> santa ana winds. it's all in the delivery, i think. let's deliver this, how about
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some colder air? storm outta here. an inch to inch and a half on average for most of us. some pretty heavy rainfall come in overnight. some people believe it may have been rumbles of thunder. now this system is sliding through. still heavy rain new england and northern new england still getting some snow. there'll be some beneficial inches on the ski resorts to the northern sections of new england. frontal boundary, florida itself still having some nice weather. we have to watch this thing in the northern plains. this disturbance, it's almost clipper like, but it's going to pass to our north. that's number one. it does have some snow for them. nothing for us. that would be a big deal at this stage of the game. there's another little hint behind it and influence in the upper levels of the atmosphere that i think will play out similar to what we had last weekend. weather likes to repeat itself, at least in patterns and i believe that pattern will set the stage for still the chance of getting a few flakes on christmas. besides me there may actually be some flying out of the clouds, not necessarily going to coat the ground for everybody, but there may be some snow showers out there to
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be had. this system gets out of here. there's snow in northern new england and while we have some leftover strong winds, we do ease things up. we'll have a variably cloudy sky. i think the winds settle down a bit as we head on in for the overnight. we are showing you this perspective on the map, even though that baltimore on the bottom of the screen highlighting maybe some early clouds, mostly a dry day. 1:00 game time baltimore, we're expecting dry weather. i know a very distinct difference from what we had said earlier in the week. but since wednesday we pretty much locked in that we would have a dry game. whole pattern doesn't get together as we're looking at the storm just off the screen to the south. that does mix with the punch of cold air coming out of the north. we'll tap into the cold air, probably the coldest arriving on christmas day. that next disturbance in the morning, the strong winds will propogate in our direction. sorry, a big word for this time of the morning. but by the evening and overnight, i think we have a really good chance of at least getting some lake-enhanced snow showers or flurries. here's the deal today, the wind picks up, a partly to mostly
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sunny sky in the afternoon, 53 on the thermometer. but the wind gauge could be pushing 35 miles per hour. near 30 overnight, 44 tomorrow. the game time at 1:00 probably 42 when we boost another -- and we boost another notch or two during the game. on christmas day unfortunately for kids and fellow snow hounds, probably going to start off dry. we'll build in the clouds and at night our better chance of getting some snow showers through early morning monday. and then there's a little split with the computer models, some indicating we could have another storm at us early next week of the rain variety before we get another tap of cold air, but that would be mostly on tuesday and tuesday afternoon. at 5:51, let's see what's happening back on the roads. reporter: all right, justin, as you mentioned, we had overnight rain, so slippery conditions out there, and as a result we're monitoring quite a few accidents. we're still on the scene in westminster, route 27, that's manchester road at 482. police will direct you around the accident, but some slowing in that area. in the meantime, no accidents to report on i-95. here's a live look at 95 and maryland 175, traffic patterns
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moving well there. and here's 695 at hartford road, again, wet conditions. that's the only thing that should slow you down on the north side of the beltway. charley, back to you. some help on the way for truck drivers, at least here in maryland. what the state is now doing to help truckers during severe winter weather. also move over, king, there's a new number two in the fast food world. red hair and pigtails to boot. i think i'll head over there to celebrate today. you're watching "good morning maryland." a live look this morning at the nation's capital. we're back in a minute.
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five minutes welfare the hour and five things you need to know. as a remainders the christmas holiday falling on a weekend and the baltimore city and imoft offices will observe that holiday on monday and as a result will be closed. in addition there will be no trash pickup on monday. parking meters, however, will be in effect. truckers are getting a little help for the severe winter storms. try to stay safe. maryland transportation officials announced a pilot program for emergency truck parking during storms. with more than six inches of snow. the plan calls for 45 truck parking lots during the storm across the state to be opened
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and accessible to those drivers. the labor department says the number of americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits dropped to their lowest level since april of 2008. the government agency says 364,000 people filed for initial jobless claims last week. that's down 4,000 from the week before rnl and former new york representative anthony weiner makes news once again. this time he's a dad. the disgraced congressmen who resign inside june amongst a sex scandal welcomed his son into the world wednesday. his wife was an aide to secretary of state kellye lynn. move over burger king. there's a new wendy's sales are expected to be more than $53 million higher than burger king, even though burger king has hundreds of more restaurants. a holiday warning for parents today. what traditional holiday keepsake you need to keep an eye on when you're around your little ones. we'll fill you in with the details. also a texas man someone
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else is missing this morning and the best of 2011 courtesy of youtube. we'll take a look at the year that was in amateur video. you're watching "good morning maryland." the 6:00 hour begins in just a few minutes. traditions are not for keeping. they're for keeping us together. ♪ [ boy ] to dad, love sam. [ mom ] say "merry christmas."
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[ boy ] merry christmas. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. [ boy ] charlie brown spotted a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪
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looks like you'll get to keep that $40 in your paycheck. i'm linda stow. when the vote is expected on the payroll tax cut extension. reporter: a warning for parents this morning after a 3- year-old boy is struck by a bb gun. the full story coming up. and are we there yet? the holiday headaches that come with travel. we're going to take a look at what could befall you on this holiday weekend. good morning, maryland. i'm charley krauss and it is friday, december 23rd. let's get a check of that forecast as it could be affecting your travel plans. say hello once again to meteorologist justin burk. >> good morning, charley. we got the wakeup window at the bottom


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