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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  December 29, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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problems, she's going to help me right through it, and that's what she does." the little puu lives a very room...and has an impressive wardrobe...with more than 33 tailored suits. p-ambulance nats--- you know they were out just trying to have little bit of fun ddring theeholidays and stuff, but unfortanntley it turred into a tragic situation. situation. three teens burned at a backyard bonfiie. bonfire. the poor decision that sparked an explosion ... and phe quick-thinking that saved them from further danger. 3 hello,... i'm jeff barnd. barnd.and i'm jennifer gilbert. gilbert. a... teenage... get-together.../ turns tragic.../ when... a... bonfire.../ gets... out of contro/ control..../ myranda ssephens is live in rosedale with more on the one mistake - that landed three of them in the hospital. 3
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the iicident happened around 9- o-clock last night at a home behind me on shady springs avenue. 3 3 firefighters say a group of teenagers started a bonfire putside the home - using a parbecue grill and some twigs. but when the fire wasn't going strong enough - one of the teens poured gasoline on top oo it - causing n expllsion. two 17-year-old girls and a 16-year-old boy were burned...with one of the girls being engulfed in flames. she's now in critical, but stable condition. officials say er injuries may have been even more severe - had it not been for the quick actiin by the other girl's dad. captain 125 once he saw what was happening, he was able to tell the girl wwo had some pretty significant fire around her, to stop, drop and roll which is what e teach everrone. and he was able to at least provide care until our fire and ems units got there so i give that individual a lot of credit 40 &p the 16-year-old boy is in fair condition - after being burnnd on his arms and hands. the other girl was burned on her arm - and now back at home. authorities say this is
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a tragic reminder for parents to monitor your kids - even teenagers - around fires. live in rosedale, ms, fox45 news late edition. 3 four teens are facing arson charges tonight in connection with a string of garage fires in urbana. this is a look at the damage from one of the fires. the teens shoplifted marine flares from a walmart pn frederick to set the fire. the teenagers have been their parents.the fires caused more than 130-thousand dollars in damage. police... stepping up... patrols... in north baltimore... / after a... man... is shot... in the face.../ during... a home invasion.../ this.../ the scene ...on... garrison avenue near pimllco road.../ around ...10... last night...//.áátheáá victii's family... distraught .../ after... learning ...their loved one... / was... shot to death...///. áápoliceáá... say... two... masked men... approached the victim.../, ááforcingáá... him... inside the houss... /// ááthenáá gunfire...//. áá police áá... are... concerned.../ about... revenge. 3 11:09:19 were asking anyone with information to come forrard. we saw thaa that was
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instrumental n the yau brothers killing and were hoping as more and more people become involved and comm forward to clear these cases that that trenn ill continue: 2 32 the mayor's... ring in 2012.../ &p with fewer thann.. 200 murders on the books. a quick look at the smart board... board... puts the city' s murder rate in perspective. perspective. with two days left in the year...196 people baltimore in city.that compares with 222 at this time last year. yeer.and you have to go way to this year.that would be 19- in the city. 3 first on fox..../// &pfox.....//a.../ harford county... public.../. school teacher.../ is... under investigation.../// ááaccusedáá of... faking ancer.../ ááandáá taking ... thousand of dollars... in donations.../ raised... by herr../ co-workers....// ááinvestigatorsáá say... the money ..was used .../ to... rent,.../ groceries,.../ and... ravel expenses. "the victim alllged that she
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didn't appear ill...and was pushing the subject didn't appear ll" ill"the... teacher is not being identified yet becausseno charges have beenn filed so far. a bull causes havoc in morning.... he animal was in- being delivered to the mount airy lockee company to be processed.....when the bulll managed to get away....and traveled nearly 4 miles.....passing a day carr center.... then to a nearby field..... after several attempts by carroll county police and fredeeick county animal control to confine the bull....shots were firedd..killing the animal... outcue: advantage of it. it. 3 no one was injured in this incident. maryland's.../
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gas... tax.../// hasn't... beennraissd...// inn../ 20-years...//.ááthatáá could change.../ next year. &pyear. governor.... o'malley ... supports.... raising... the tax.../ to... pay for... building hiihways.../ and....repairrng bridges...////. ááaáá lue-ribbon... panel.../ recommends... increasing.../// the... tax.../ over ...the next.../ 3--years. (governor) "but you get what you pay for and there's no way to build a hundred million dollar brrdge for ten million dollars. there's no innovation in the arsenal that allows that to happen." the.../ governor also...// calling... for increasing.../ the... so-called... "flush tax"...// ááto áá pay for .../ upgrading... sewagg plants. tell lawmakers... what you think.../ of.../ raising... the gas tax...///. ááthere'sáá a... link... to the.../ "stop the gas ttx... peeition".../ at...// foxbaltimore dottcom....// áálookáá... "stop... the gas tax".../ under .../ hot topics. we... asked.../// should ...state lawmakers.../ iicreases... to balance the budget? áámostáá... of... you... can't stand...// áájoináá.../ the debate... on... our facebook... page...// 3 the governor also faced questions about campaign money he received from a ig
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contributor who's been evasion. richard stewart resigned from appointments to the stadium authority after his cooviction this month. lieutennnt governor anthony brown says he's returning the monee he received from stewart. and congressman elijah cummings says he will donate the money he receeved from stewart to's what the governor had to say. 3 thing.....ause........ - pause.......wwat do you want us to do." do." thh governor later commented that the money may have already been spent. the.../ rrat recession.../ and... bad... holiday ales.../ have taken.../ a... heavy toll... on... sears. sears. 3&this location.../ in... ellicoot city.../ is... one... of the stores... on the ...chopping block...//. ááit'lláá close.../ along with ...78... other sears... locations.../ across ...the country....// ááanáá additional... 41... kmarts and sears locations.../ could be
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.../ shut downn..//. áánoáá... word... on when...// the maryland... locction.../ will... close.... 3 bad day for a retail giant... becoming the target of baa publicity. are you going to nurse me ommy mommywomen joined forces... for a "nurse in" protest... at target sttres around thh mooher says she was insulted a - for breast feeding her 5 mooth old at a target ii exas.she claims employees told her to move out of the clothing area...and into a fitting room... even though she was covered bb a blanket. it'ssabout women everywhere is having an ffect upon on a daily's not about my convenience it's about his health and his comfort comforttarget says... they're a family friendly store... and they have no problem witt breastfeeding in thier store. incident. gized for the - bad day for may soon be hit with criminal charges for the ulf oil spill last april.according to the wall street journal...prosecutors
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are considering charging several b-p employees for providing false information to reguuators about drilling risks.felony charges could be announced nexx year.the oil spill is considered the worst in u-s history.eleven workees diedd good day for tim tebow... apparently hees not just a good football player... he's also a good neighbor. that company "zillow"... tim tebow is the most desirable celebrity neighbor for 2012. quarterback... who doesn't shy away from talking about his angelina jolie and brad wed by - pitt... jennifer aniston and justin theroux. a chilly day today... even some a chilly day a chilly day today... even
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some snow flurries... will we see anything stick? let's check in with meteorrlogist 3 a warm welcome 3at b-w-i for hundreds of
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military men and women who arrived home tonight. tonighh. 3--clapping--- --clapping--- thanks to operation come home....eople lined the terminal... to greet more than 200 soldiers returning from service.from thee've been deployed across the world... some serving in iiaq. 3 "ww get your commericals overseas...and i know years ago it wasn'' like this so it's very awessme" awesome""great to know peeple do care back home" home""all theseepeople heee...means a lot o us, sspporting the troops...real good feeling almost tears...almost ..." the soldiers were also greeted by t-mobile reps ... offering information on employment opportunities. 3 3 tensions escalate in the bbttle over oil... oil... tonight... the u-s rrtchets up
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the pressure on iran... announcing a major militarr deal with their bitter rival. 3 3 --brawl fighting nats-- a clash bbtween clergymen ... what started this violent brawl in bethlehem... what are you guys shooting at this time? time? givvng guns to kids ... the cootroversial camp teaching children how to shoot... and the reason their parents approve.
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growing.../ - between ..the u.s.... and iran.../ over.../ a... major...oil channel... in the .../ gulf region.../// áá nowáá saudia... arabia.../ is... in the mix...//.áádougáá mckelway... inn washington.../ áááitháá war of words..../ ovvr... the strait...// of... hormuz... 33 3 iran conductinn wargames in the ssrait of hormuz.... as tension continues to proo over tehrrn's threat to block the key channel, if the u.s, eu aad key arab states impose an embargo on oil purchases from iran. about 20 percent of the world's oii passes through the
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strait of hormuz. sayyari says: "closing the strait of hormuz is uch an easy job for the islamic republic of iran's armed forces, army's naval guards navy." the pentagon releasing a statement saying any attempt to block the strait would not be tolerated.... tehran firing back saying the u.s is in no position to give iran orders when it comes to the strait of hormuz. the state department keeping issue... deferring to navy officials... bbt saying we have seen quite a bit of irrational bbhavior from iran recently.nuland says: "one can only guees thaa the international sanctions are and that the racheting up of pressure -- particularly on their oil sector -- is a way that is causiig them to lash out." the ggowing tension comes aa the u.s. announcee a deal worth billions to sell dozens arabia.... a u-s ally n rival.shapiro says: "this sale will send a strong meesage to countries in the region that the united states is committed to tability in the gulf and
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broader middle east. it will enhance saudi arabia's ability to deter and defend against external threatssto its sovereignty."(on cam tag) mckelway says: "state &pdepartmenttofficials insist connected to the latest tensiin between the u.s. aad iran over the strait of hormuz, saying the deal has been in thh works for a number of years. in washington, doug mckelway, fox news." it may be the birthplace of jesus... but christmas spirit &pwas apparently lacking this year.. at the church of the nativity in bethlehem. 3 --- fighting nats--- nats--- 3it was an all out brawl between priestssand monks from the rival greek orthodox and armenian apostolic churches. about 100 clergymmn came to blows while cleaaing the basillca... wielding their brooms and mops as weapons. the palestinian police eventually stormed the church in riot gear... and restored order.the clerics have a history of strained relations... often squabbling
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over the boundaries of their jurisdictions inside the church. controversy .... over.../ a... camp for kids.../ in texas... --gunshot nats--- naas--- gunssand kids.../ generally... aren't a good mix..../ range owner .../ gun is... changing that.///. áámattáá flemming... peaches .../ an... educational camp... on firearms....// ááunderáá his... supervision,.../ áákiddáá as... yyung as 8.../ learn everyyhing.../ about... rifles...////. ááparents the curiousity.../ out of guns... at... an... early age. 3 matt fleming says: we have because parents realize we have more firearms in our society, parents what their kids to be introduced to guns in the right settingg31:39 31:39 fleming says.../ his students ...alsoo.. do... beeter in school... / áábecaaseáá complete,.../ ../ concentration. we got a dose of winter weather ttday... but a bit of aawarm-up on the way. way. let's check back with meteorologist emily gracey for a look at the forecast
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so there was some thought that quite frankly that it would pop up oo facebook," 3 a woman says "yes"...//
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to... a marriage propooal.../// ááwhileáá... her...suitor...// has the right to remmin silent...// ááwhyáá facebook... got him in trouble...// 3 sports bars can get pretty intense. to stay cool... you need a little coaching...
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that's where i come in. it's about frost brewed time johnsen! coach uses lots of techniques to keep us refreshed... i can't believe you missed the extra pint! ♪ it's not just cold, it's super cold! he yells at us. why's this empty lover boy? [ male announcer ] when it comes to big refreshment, we could all use a little coaching. frost-brewed coors light. the game's most refreshing beer. ditka up, ditka down.
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ú if you pay your verizon wwreless bill online or over the phone, be prepared for a
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new fee. 3 starting january 15th, customers will be charged a 2-dollar "convenience fee" for each one-time payment. the charge will not apply to electronic checks or auto pay accounns. 3 a... vermont mann.../ ssole... a... woman's heart...//// ááwitháá a... stolen... engagement ing..../// ring..../// 3 áá25áá -year-old... ryan jarvis.../ was... in court.../ wednesday..../// áápoliceáá say... he stole.../ a... white goldd.. solitaire ring.../ from... zales.../// ááhisáá girlfriend.../ announced ... her engagement.../ on &pfacebook.../// áápostingá a ...picture...// &pof... the.../ 3000--dollar...// ring onliie...//// ááthat'sáá when... the cops .../ came knocking...// &phe was in there for approximately an hour and there was some inkling from the employees that ii was kind of a legitimate interest that he had in getting this diamood ring. so there was some thought that quite frankly ttat it wouud pop uppon facebook," 3 3 police... don't think...// the girl...
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knew ...her riig.../ was... hot./..// here's...// some... common...// &psense.../// ááanáá oregon... father.../// drove drunk...// with... his... three kids.../ in... the car....// áápoliceáá found him,.... passed out... behind the.../ wheel....//// áádanáá charggd...// with... drunk driving,...// reckless driving,.../ and... reckless.../ endangerment...//// ááoneáá... of... the kids... in the car.../ átextedá... their grandmother.../ saying/// p áádaddy'sáá drunk áágrandmaáá called god... danny... had enough sense...// to... have children...// much smarter...// than... him...// 3 3 we could kind of see him just going crazy. 3 a hockiig case... of road rage... 3 what happened to the driver...the cars destroyed...and the mess eft to clean upp 3
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a.../ major... sscurity breach.../ caught on camera... at the .../ los angeles zoo.... 3 get thii.... a visitor hopped the fence to gee better look at the elephants. she got close enough to pet them whhle orriiied onlookers yelled at the womannto get away from the animals.witnesses say she was in the elephhnt sanctuary for at least five minutes before leaving. police took thh woman into custody. 3 a...// motorist...// áácaughtáá on... camera. yyu.../ can plowinn ...into cars .../
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in... this... colorado nnighborhood...///. watched... in horror .../ as... the man... hit.../ car... after car,.../ ááheáá... was also...// aiming... at... people...//. áátheyáá say... the driver... waa riding.../ on... several ...ffat tires...//. áábyáá say... he.../ hit... at least... 5--cars. the driver.../ is... now... under arrest.../ and... facing... several &pcharges. 3 3 a great moment at ravens practice today...three fanss receive game balls...the emotional thank you from a life long ravens in sports unlimited...
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, that'll do it for the
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late edition,.../ thanks for joininn us, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gillert... up next is bbuce cunningham.. sports unlimited starts right now. 3 3 with the seasonnfinale set for sunday, theeravens are less than 100% healthy heading into the game with ythe bengals..marshall yanda, dannell ellerbe and annuann boldin all missed practtce... they wereoined by safety pernard pollard, who was said to be ill...all offthem except boldin are expected to play tho. thhugg.... everyone remembers the first meeting between these two..the ravens taking a close one back on november 20...but that was without standout rookie reciever aj green, who wassout with a shoulder injury..but he's back now, after a rookie season in which he has 63 catches for over a thousand
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yards...and you can believe hh's a hot topic this week in the ravens ;ockerrroom... "i call im the leading rebounder in the national football leaaue right now. he goes up and gets a lot of balls. so, they're oing to throw it up toohim, and not just him - [jerome] simpssn and [jermaine] ggesham. those guys all are playmakers. e's a verticaa threat; he can go chase a ball down. so, you've got to get pressure on tte quarterback.""i heard some new randy moss. he's like the randy was when randy first got into the league. he is still capable of going back thhre and making a play. he is definiteey a problem that we're going to have to deal has all come down to the football gaae. we're going meanwhile...jor flacco played very well in tte first half last sunday againstt cleveland...his passer rating was an astronomical 133 at halftime...but after that, things kinda calmed down...the ravens got very conservative, and were content to run out the clock...joe flacco feels that's in response to media coverage, and this week he's asking for the media's help.
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and after the ravens left the practice field, this was a very big day for a group of their fans...after sunday's victory over the cleveland browns, john harbaugh presented a game ball to the, he followed up that.......- three ravens fans were chosen by computer to watch ractice today, and then receive a specially made game ball...this for the fans' part on the ravens going a perfect 8-0 at home this season....a very nice gesture...and one that was appreciated verr much...
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that'll do it for this edition bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.go. goodnight.
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