tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX January 3, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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& 3 04:52:22 "we're not suue if & we're ever gonna see the money." money."grand rixxvendors... bitterroverrgetttng burned.tte leggl action they're taking -3 against baltimore racing development..- 3 changing the & calendar. he overhaul that could change tte way we cellbrate holidays.. forever. 3 myygrandma was in the kitccen cooking me breakfast and she passed out. out.and... a little girl savess herrgrandmother's life... y calling she knew somethhng was rong... before her grandma got sick. 3 & 3 3 -inner hhrbor p3 today is tuesday, january 3rd. -3 33
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3 3 problems continue to grow for tte organizers of balttmore's grrnd ppix... after another vendor files a complaint in court... forrootstanding bills. development is at least 12 million dollaas innthe rrd..- vendors like "sunrise - safety"... spent onths working to help witt traffic maaagement and signage.. the owner says she's owed more than 200-grand frrm the grand prix and she doubts she will evee get paii. she ssys... a & the organiiers offered herr ttccets and hotel roomss... in lieu of a partial paymenttshee accepped... buttthee faileddto keee up their end of the pargain. p"so we actually wanted the vii ttckets... they never came throuuh."> throuuh."> 3 the ayor says she hopes o
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find a ew team of innestors -3 veedors say t's nnt orth he should bothee trying to host even attract a main sponsoo the lasstttme around. 33 a woman is recovering....afterr being hit by a caa n -3 baltimore happened along this section of ork road in timonium... near "bess buy."several police officers were at the scene.... investigating what happened.. & the ictim was ushed to shook connition thii mornnng. 3 a 15 year old is arrrstedd.. &pin connectioonwith a rash of ttre slashings and burglarres 3& neiggborhood in est baltimore. baltimooe.the lassess attack inccuued cars and hooes tagggd & with a symboo fr a 3 have security cameras up, alerts...we are very, very angry" 01:25 01:2501:00:00 "victimized byy ponstantly moving through ouu neighhorhooo." 00:05 00::5some residenns criticizedd
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& district 8 councilwoman helee & holten for ánotá reeponding to thiir complaints.but she says... she's working with he police. 3 a maryland maa wwo was stranded n a back hhmm safe this morning... thanks to the glow of his cell ppooe. phone. chriitopher tkacik as & hiking with his dog, booo.. year's day.... when hee &pgot lost eeppinto the forestt whicc ddspatthed a marylaad statt police helicopter. it paa almost dark... aad rescuersstold hhmmto shine a -3 light to help guide thee.... p all tkacik had, was the tiiy light on his i-phone.. (tkacikk "i helddtte phone up.. she said, hold it uu in the ir. so, i held it up ann the helicopter came in with his ssotlight.. he kept loooing, looking aad lit me up,,like dyttme." daytimee" troopers 3& tte ground. they wwlkkd for he and his wiff to attend 3 - 3 a finnl puss from the
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republican a final push rom 3 3 a final push from the -3 repuulican presiddntial candidates beforeethe iooa caucus. and with only two & pays tt go... a nee poll ssggests mitt romney and ron ppuu will attle it out for -3 tte top sppt.barbbra hall repoots on where candidatess are stumping today. 3 3 a political fight to the finish line eeore the firss - presidenttal racc.the latest des moines register polll - shoos...mitt rommey nd ron -3& paul...neckkand neck..aul says 3 just be a little bit patient, - pou knoo. on tuesday we're going toofind out lot more -3about the future of ttis -3&election. rivaa mitt romney pis narrowly leading among & picked uu another endorsement from iowaanewspaper "the quad city tiies." ormer seentor &prrck sannorum of peensylvania roundeddout the toppthree in &pphe surge is oing to
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ccoe onnjjnuary rd affer the &ppeople of ioow do what they do, hich is actually analyye where their positions are, 33 leadee, who's ggttwhat it takks to deffat barack obama & and ooleaddthii country. -3iowa'' governor seems tt agree. my goal ii s governor, unite the reeublican party,,attracc tte indeppndents, and defeat obama. we launchhd him -- we want to sink him. also oo thee pampaiin trail sunday...newt -3& gingrich, riik pprry and -& ichele baacmann stuuping in iowa.while jonnhuntsman focuses on new 3&pafter the ioow caucus..'m barbaraahall, reporting..- 3&pthis morning... president obamaareturns to d-c... after spending chrissmas vaatation in hawaii. for the next several months... heell e ttrninn some oo his attentton tt campaigning for the next prrsidential election.later tonight... he's expectee to -address supporttrr n iowa via skype... a the g-o-p ccucus - rrsults come in.
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3 pretta ranklinnnats &natsthe "queen of ssul"... is getting married.legendary engaged to longtimeefriind, & considdrrnn gettinggmarried in mmami beach... ith a reception aboard a luxuryy yachttthe 69--eer old singer - says the wedding could come as -3 parly as june or july. 3pxtra fat... coull increase yourrrrsk of deeloping 3& nnw repoot... innthe "archiive & that a cerrain typeeof fat hoomone... wwich produce loss in the brain.rrsearch showw that lder women who had -3 3p houston, deever, or pittsburgh??- ravens play next... fans are
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clamoring tt get their haads - on those game ticketssfor january 155h.wwth the in over the eegals... they eaaned aa and the ivisso itle for tte -3& fiist time in fraachise histooy. 3 ravvns say they have a llmited number of tickets avvilable forrthe january 15th game... theyygo on sale átodayy at 10. they annbe purchased through &&pticket master dot com... or 440-547-seat...or ann "tickkt master" ootlet. it's a term hht means playyffs and brings back memooies of theesuperrbowl. "festivuss is bbckkfor the ravens, and so are tte -33&pt-shirtss joel dd smith -& is liveeii collmmia, where the first shirrs will be printed later on ttis orningg.. on the same day those playoff tickets go on sale. & pood mmrning joee d. - 3&p(ad lib) tickkts or the ravens ivisional game against but bb readd to pay a lot forr & thhm. tte pricee range from $89.00 to morr than $400.00 depeeding on where you want to sit. ii's the first time n 3 havvehosted a playoff game. - season tiiket holders willl reeeive thhir tickets in the mail. houston, denvvr or
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3 3 in south florria... a crook -3 sttels from annaccounttng pffice...ann leaves his -3 calllng's all caught on tape... s ee.. steers one guyyoot oo the waiting oom & and takes the dooatioo jar full of money... the suspect was getting help with his &ptaxxs....and they had all of -3 his perrsnallinformmtiin.... -3 driiers liiense, social security nummer... and amily cootaats.the donntionnjaa was meant for a new plaaggound.... and justtto nntt... heewas set to ggt two randdback.. in tax refund. 3 cooing up on te early ediiion... baltimooe wrapped 3 yyar low. &pintercept ttese guns beffrr thhy get in the handd of crimmnals and bbcome fuel to
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&pthh violence inn alttmooe. &pbaltimmre.the plan baltimore's pplice commissiooer is squashingg.. tookeep baltimmre safe for 20122.. anddyearssto ((break 1)) [ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. take a moment to ponder tender cuts of pastrami, piled sky high atop your favorite freshly baked bread with spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious
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3&&pmappfiber map 175 map 3 3 3 & 3 & psill to comm... 3&pchanggs are iin ffect ...when buying planeetickets.find out &pwhy hiiden airfare feesswill - sson bee athing of the past. peeple have studied and anaylyzed thereegun traffickiiggneewwoks -3 networksand aasaaer the baltimoree&&ppooicc coomissioner ii ggtting guns the ssteets forr& 3((bbmm ouu))
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-baltimmre wrappeddup 2001 - wiih homicides at a 0 year - low. nddnow therr's a new plan to keep violent crime pown.criie nd jjstice -3reporter,,joy lepooa says thh police commissioner stuuiid is determinee to cut it off. off. 3 -3&p3 a home invasion... the laat homicide on 3 pounn frommscene of ccyinnááá
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majjoiiy o murders in the pnvolvee a gun. stttissics & howw.. out of thh city's 16 troubllng ttend pollce areetaking aim at in 2002. &p16:27:23 ew people hhve ptudieddand anaylyzed theree - gun traffickinggnetworkss and, it'' really hh neex plateau pity. statiiticcsfrrm a study conducted in 20099. shhw -33 fewwr thhn half of the guns in marrlannd commisssoner 3&pmaaority are being funnnleedii &frrm north croliia. 11:25:41 they're driviig hem -3& uuphere and so there areeways ffr us to leverage our federall partterships our tate theseeguns before thhy get in - the hands of ccrimnals nd &pbecooe fuel tootte iollnce n -&pbaltimoree at the beginning offhis tenuue....the -3pommisssoner targeted ad guys - after the citt'ssworst
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ccrminals. now...the - pommissionnr plans to ursue -thee riminal neework haa suppliee thosseweeaons.... all &pa safee place toolive. joy lepola fox 45 news at ten. -3p & 3 before 2011, the lasstttme baattmore saawfewer than 220 murders was in 977. 3 straighh ahhad.... p33 no mmre hidden fees...the nnw federal llw.. n ffeet when ittcomes to buuyng plane ttckets... years....a taxxcreeii expiress.- the industry ffectedd. next. ♪ when life gets busy... there are days where you want to give your immune system some support. try airborne. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs including zinc, echinacea, ginger and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system.
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try airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula and new super-convenient chewable tablets! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. a÷
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p33- 3& ---eeooter pkg--s follows ---3 tte transportationn epprtmentt issushering ii he new year --3 with new rulls on airliies price of thh ickkt 0-percent - pr morr innadddtionallcharrgs. the new rule will requiie aailinesstooinnllde ll -33 pandaaoryyttxes aad feessin - ootionnl aggage fees andd -3& carggs or food ann on-boord 3& twwnty-sixth.flipperss- the 3 houses n theecheep aad profit got a reak ffom the federal housiin addinistrrtton. -thh mortagg insurer hopps pxteeding wwiver oo its --3& anti-flipping rrgulationss staailzz hhusinn prrces nd - wwivvr suspenns rrgulattons thht prohibbttthe -h-- rom -3 insuring morrgaggssused to and
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soll in less ttan 90 days. a tax credit for ethanno expired over theewwekeed.... after more than 30-years oo - puussdiesstotalling more than break aaloccttd to refiners - - costtthe governmmnt neerry pii-billion-dollars in 20011. for bussness brief, i'm edgarr treeiuts.-----endd------333 commng up... &p3 3 comiin up... - 3& oliceearr ssaachiig or an aatemptee murder sussect in - ttxas...but iits theenickname & controversy...find out what -3& eople are callinnghim. & phmm.-&p [ snoring ] [ thunder crashes ] [ snoring ]
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