tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX January 3, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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fighting back innsoutheast balt. baltimore. áápoliceáá... are... on the lookout.../ for.../ thieves.../ ááafteráá... a... string of.../ home.../ break-ins.../ in... the.../ patterson park ...area...// keith daniels live on one block hit hard keith. jeff...... we're live at patterson park.... the street from baltimore and north luzerne avenue.... it's a clean block with attractive homes.... and they looked pretty good to thieves too. so tonight... it's a neighborhood that's fighting back. neighborsssay there'vee been at least 15 break-ins in the patterson park area in the past 30 days.. 4 in the last two weeks on the same block on north luzerne avenue near east baltimore street..... ooe victim says she was asleep upstairs.. while thieves broke in her home. she woke up the next day and found a playstation 3, two cameras.. and about $300 dollars in her purse..stolen (ms. grim) "it's not a good feeling.. i get up every morning looking down the steps seeing if they broke in again."
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investigators say they believe the suspects might be juveniles. .....since the inciients, they've issued nearly 1000citations for curfew violations and they've inicreased up patrols. live in southeast baltimore, keith daniels, fox 45 news late edition. fight back.../ using... spot crime...//. ááexploreáá crime trends... in your neighborhood....// ááspot-crimeáá also... sends... e-mails.../ to... notify people... about crime... in their community..../ áágoáá to... foxbaltimore dot com... / áálookáá in... the hot topics section.../ at... the top... of the screen 3 out oo northwest baltimore... baltimooe... hommcide detectives are on the scene of a shooting on avenue.a man was found shot about 9-45 tonight.he was rushed to the hospital... no word on his condition at this time. a convicted killer is on trial once again... this time facing the death penalty for the murder of a correctional office.
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officer. 32-year-old lee stephens is charged with fatally stabbing officer david mcguinn at the in 2006.had it not been for dna eviience linking stephens to the killing...... legal experts say he would not have be eligible to receive he death penalty considering changes made to maryland psatute in 2009. 3 13:31:49 under these circumstances the new statute you have to take it an extra step to get the death penalty. that is you have to establish through dna, a recorded confession or video of the event thattthe defendant commited irst degree murder 136 13:23:06 247 potential jurors were called today.... the majority females which the defense objected to. at the end of jury selection... a panee of 12 will be seated with 5 alternates. 3 3 gas prices.../ are... goinn up..../ ááwayáá up.....// ááaccordingáá... to... some experts,.../// ááweáá... may... soon pay.../ as... much as .../ 5 dollars.../
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a... gallon..../ ááwhyáá the... hefty hike? áámelindaáá roeder.../ live... in.../ north answers.e.,. / with answ- melinna: fuel costs are around 3 dollars and óóóócentss right now. buu a few months from now, that might seem like a bargain. some analaysts say we could soon end up paying -- get this -- 55bucks a gallon!! ---- vo ----why the huge hike? well... a couple reasons. first... the cost of crude oil could be affected by policitcal unrest in countries like iran and iraq. in fact, experts say just speculation of an impact to oil supplies could drive up ppices... if investors gee worried.but back here in maryland -- there's a good chance we'll alss see an increase in the state gas tax. lawmakers will be asked to consider an increase of 15 cents a gallonn.. over the next couple years.the governor say it may be necessary to fund road repairs and construction. but some critics blame government for guzzling transportation funds... that were rerouted to other areas... to help balancee budget shortfalls in the past. ---sots from 10 pm pkg--- (o'malley 11:48:25 ) "the way
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we traditionally... flat tax on a gallon of gas."(loffer 02:43:31) "annapolis is disfunctional... it's disingenuous."melinda: a spokesperson from triple a tellssme therees really no way to tell exactly how much we'll wind up paying at thh pumps. but she says - it is liiely - that prices will continue to rise.let's hope the guys predicing 5 buck fuel... are flat out north baltimore - melinda roeder - fox 45 news, late edition if.../ the... gas tax.../ increase...// passes.. / ááitáá ácan'tá... be challenged.../ áábecauseáá... it's... an.../ appropriations bill...//. ááthat'sáá why.../ "americans... for prosperity".../ started... a petition drive.../ ánowá.../ áásoáá marylanders .../ can... let lawmakers.../ know...// whatt.. they think.../ of... tte.../ proposed ...gas tax..///. ááasáá they... prepare for .../ the... new... legislative session...//. áásee áá the petition... at.../ foxbaltimore dot com..../// áálookáá for.../ "stop the gas" under hot topics. here's... our qqestion of the day. áádoáá you support.../
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a.../ 66- percent... increase .../ to... the state.../ gas tax? tax? áájoináá... the... debate...//3 on our... facebook page... right now..// a bad day for a little girl in massachusettss....with some overdue library books. books.shannon benoit often reads to daughter hailey... &psometimes with books they borrow from the charlton public library... until a knock at their door last week. it was a polite charlton police sergeant....letting her knoo that her daughter had two books several months overdue... i closed my door, i looked at my daughter and she startee crying and i said "what's the mmtter" and she said is that police man going o arrest me? i was scared. &p3 they found and returned the books... but hailey's mom
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argues that sendinn a cop to their house was......overkill. even the cop says he didn't think it was a great idea.but the library contacted the chief....pooo sergeant dowd got the assignment.crime must be pretty much under control in charlton, massachusetts. 3 bad news for the man who built this deck on the back of his tennessee home.he and his wife moved o florida about a yeaa ago...and when they were finally able to rent the vacant home ... this was what was left of the deck. industrious thief had taken it apart and akee it all away. a good day foo a golden retriever in colorado.thanks to a good samaritan and some brave plunged into a frooen lake....a woman who him trapped... called for help. the fire department put a ladder out on the ice and firefighters were able to pull the dog to safety after about thirty minutes. after... 60 degree... weather .../ last...
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week...///áámarylandáá... gets.../ its ...first... winter blast.../ of... the year...// year...// this.../ the scene...// near... frostburg...// alleghany countt...////. ááyouáá can... see.../ very... few drivers... on the road..../ ááasáá traffic cameras.../ captured ...the road .../ covvred in white.../ on... ---68.../// at.../ savage mountain road. 3 3and many of you ran into this on the way home tonigh. traffic.../ backed up.../ áábecauseáá... of... sudden .../ blinding snow.... at... the.../ worst ...possible time../ . áárusháá hourit paralyzed some roads ii baltimore county... catching drivers by surprise (31:32)its always funny to me we go through the same thing every year everybody kinda has amnesia what the weather is &plike so they forget how to drive in it how to prepare for . it... police earlier tonight.... who told us there were about 12 accidents around the city and county during rush hour today. 3 it...// is... very cold out there right now...// now...// what can we expect overnight? lets check in with meterologist emily gracey for aalook at the skywatch forecast today's frigid temperatures didnt keep die-
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...coated ...federal hill.../ and... city hall.../ purple... and the... latest push... to celebrate .../ our... hometown team.../ ááasáá they heed... to the ...playofss.../ 3 iowa voters casting the first votes in the republican race for president.. president.. this is live look at the ron paul campaign headquartees... were he's speaking at ttis moment he's still in a tight battle with two other candidates..we'll return live to iowa aftee the break. 3 3 ----car horn/ fire nats--- nats--- we're learning more about the man accused in a string of hollywood arsons.why police now say the suspeets mother may have played a role in the attacks. its still a very tight three way race in the
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murdered on the grounds of queen elizabeths estate. estate. the body was discovered.../ new year's day.../ at the... estate... where the royal holiday...///.a villager came across the remains while walking his dog -- . police are being tighttlipped about the caae.../, but have launched a murder investigation. fry says: "i think the circumstances indicate that she is probably the victim of murder. and obviously we will be ootinuing our inquiries over the next days and weeks to establish a who she is and b how she came to be here and who is responsible for her being here." here." police are awaiting autopsy results..../ meanwhile, queen elizabeth remains at the estate.../// 3 the man accused of setting a string of fires in los angeles may have been upset over his mother's immigration problems. probllms. ---fire nats--- nats--- 24-year-old harry burkhart is accused of setting more than 50 fires since friday, ostly in parked cars.he was linked
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to the crimes through surveillabce photos.police now angry over his mother's arrest case are ealed, but she couud be deported. burkhart is believed to be a foreign national from germany. he's being held without bail tonight. a bitter cold night... and temperatures continue to drop. 3 let's check back with see what can we expect tomorrow... 3 3 starbucks hitting customers with a price hike...
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♪ [ woman ] i was ready for my trip, but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment for a transformation that's hard to believe. ♪ wow, that's you? [ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips.
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and try 3d white toothpaste and rinse. from crest. life opens up when you do. an[ male announcer ]thpaste get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. dive into piled-high pastrami, spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. treat your taste buds to a fresh toasted subway big hot pastrami melt. subway. eat fresh. soon be paying more for starbucks. 3 the chain is hiking prices at
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stores across the northeast and sunbelt regions.starting today, a number of drinks will cost yoo 10 cents more, including a tall cup of coffee. beverages that are "grande," the next size up, won't chaage. the company blames the price hike on the rising cost of ingredientt.. 3 3 columbia... university... is oofering.../ a... new course .../ on... "occupy wall street"... next... semester -/ áásendingáá upper-classmen.../ ann... grad students.../ into... the field.../ for... full.../ credit../ credit...// áátheáá class... inspired.../ by.../ the... national movement.... / is.../ taught by .../ dr.... hannah appel,.../ ááwhoáá boasts camped out new york's...// zuccotti.../ park..../// ááasáá many as ...30 students.../ will... be.../ expected .../ to... get involved ...//// ááamongáá... some... things...// they'll...learn...// ááholdingáá... up... drivers.../ going... to work...// áácampingáá/... ááandáá.../ defecating.../ on ...public property...//. an.../ anti-war ...activist.../ makes.../ a... public confession.../// that... lacks.../ common sense...//. ááspeakingáá.../ at.../ "occupy rose bowl" ....
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cindy sheehan .../ announced.../ she... hasn't paid.../ her... income taxes .../ since... her son,.../ army specialist... casey sheehan,.../ was... killed in iraq.../ in 2004..../ ááhere'sáá... how... she justified.../ her... tax evasion. i just told my credit card company, you got my, you got tax money, you got money that should be going to my children and grand children. i'm not paying your bill anymore. i havent paid my income tax sinne my son was killed, i refuse to be a funder for their crimes against humanity. the.../ i-r-s... doesn't care.../ áwhatá... her... reasons are,...// ááthey'lláá... likely... be knocking... on.. her door. 3 3 very, very scared, i thought i was going to die, all i could see was gray, gray, gray. 3 an incredible story of survival.... coming up... how a little girl
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kangaroo.she was visiting a park with her family... when the animal pinned her to the ground... kicking and scratching. her stepdad ran to help... 3 as i jumped over the top of mackayla to get rid of the roo all i could see was her lying face down on the ground aad her shirt was all ripped, her back was cut, i thought the worst. very, very scared, i thought i was going to die, all i could see was gray, gray, gray gray mackayla's stepdad was able to fight off the kangaroo, and rush her to the hospital.the family reported the incident to the park, which agreed to put up warning signs 3 3 ray rice is honored for a standout
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thanks for joining us, i'm jeff barnd. barndd and i'm jennifer gilbert... up next s bruce cunningham.. sports unlimited starts right now. 3 3 november, maryland;s n - basketball terrapins have righted themselves nicely... they have won their last 6 in a row and had an unbeaten december...and tonight, mark turgeon's terps were l,ooking to keep things rolling against . cornell... and roll they did...the terps jumped out 15-nothing...berend
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...and then, watch this...peshon howard inside to 7 foot 1 alex len for the alley oop...that gave the terps a 21 point lead... ...cornell coach bill courtney knew his guys were in for a log night, but this was downright discouraging.... ...espepcially here.,..ball loose under the cornell terrell stoglin get it and push it upcourt to howard for the layup...terps by 23 at this point......but maryland goes ice cold in the secnd half.....freshman shonn miller with the three pointer as the big red cuts the lead to just one........but the terps were able to hang on... stoglin with the drive as the terps take a tuff one over cornell....70-62 the final..maryland now 10-3 back here in baltimore...since it's a playoff bye week, the ravens have adjusted their schedule...thee practicee wednesday and thursday, and will then enjoy a 3 day weekend befooe getting ready for their playoff opener january 15th... 15th... and when they do hit the field tomorrow, they'll do it with the afc offensive player of the week...ray rice was so honored tuesday for his
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spectacular performance against the bangals last sunday...rice rushed for 191 yards, including touchdowns of 70 and 49 yards...that gave him 15 oin the season, and that's a ravens's the second win for all, 8 ravens have been named a player of the week this season. meanwhile....he ravens have released this guy, kicker shayne graham...they brought him in deeember 21st, when regular kicker billy cundiff was sidelined with a calf problem. cundiff is back now, and is looking healthy enough that the ravens today made the move...graham kicked in one game, december 24th against the browns, and was 2 for 2 in field goals, hitting from 48 and 43 yards out.... it's another tueeday night, and around here that means another edition of our prep player of the week in it's 21st season, it has honored the area;s finest high school athletes since was back in 1991...this week, we're in the wrestling room...
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and clicking on high school game of the week... here's this week's slate of games... games... for this friday january 6th...dunbar visits digital harbor in girls hoops...edgewood travels to aberdeen in boys basketball... mcdonogh and john carroll meet in boys hoops...and spalding takes on palloti in girls bbaal...we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that's all for this edition of sports unlimited...and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news omorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 3
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