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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  January 4, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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make an arrest. arrest. tonight, we'll show you the shocking video of the assault. and explain why police say they're going to make the suspect famous. 3 hello.../ im jeff bar. barnd... and im jennifer gilbert... a baltimore city police officer attacked in front of a crowd... a bold streee assault.. and it's caught on camera. camera. keith daniels.../, live.../// in... east baltimore.../ where .../ it happened.. / ááwitháá... the... disturbing.../ video.../ keith. keith. jeff..... we're live on monument ptreet..... where just about anybody you ask in this neighborhood will tell you.. they've heard about that video.. and many of them have seen it. it's gone viral on youtube...... youtube...... look at it. a bystander captured the images with his cell phone. you handcuff a man on the ground.. when suddenly another man comes ouu of nowhere and punches the officer in the down... allowing the other suspect to get away. there's a struggle.. then officers in the area respond.. one of them even kicks the man...... it happened
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saturday afternoon.. and ponight.. police call the attack outraaeous..and tte suspect..a coward. 3 "and i think it's time to make this man famous. i think the people of baltimore should know that this is the individual responsible for trying to keep you ssfe." 3 police have arrested anddcharged manuel imel with assault. he's locked up tonight on a $100-thousand dollar bond. live in east baltimore.. keith daniels, fox 45 news late edition. 3 3 we have breaking news out of southeast baltimore. baltimore. police are on the scene of an attack that happened just over 30 minutes ago. an ambulance ttok one man to the hospital. witnesses say the victim is a homeless man. detectives ate interviewing other people who know the victim to find out what happened. police haven't said if a weapon was used or if they are searching for an attacker.
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investigators are trying to determine if an arson at an anne arundel county home - is also a hate crime. it happened about 4-o-clock new year's morning at a home on church street in brooklyn parr. after firefighters put the fire out - they noticed racial and gay slurs spraypainted on both sides of the house. two elderly women and a male caretaker all live at the home - but were not there at the time. the crime has many neighbors on edge. 18:55 it's incredible that that, i mean we're in the 2012 to be going through this. and i myself i am a latino and it's concerning 06 authorities are asking for the public's help to determine a motive for the arson and who's responsible. so far, they have no suspects or leads. robbers...// have.../ worn...many disguises.../ over... the.../ centuries...// ááskiáá... masks...wigs.../ make--up...// áátoniteáá... maryland...police...// are...looking.../ or... a robber...// who...// fits... the descriition...// of...// áramsesá... the...second...//
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3 this is video of custommrs going in and out of the cvs pharmacy in montgomery village on christmas eve.the bandage bandit walks righh in--at 8:45 pm---looking very mummy like--on a mission to rob the place. innocenti: "cvs employeesoc: obtained drugs." police don't know ii the man was really hurt.. oo if this is a disguise. the bandage bandit three, 200 pounds.and the time of the crime he was wearing blue jeans and a blue sweatshirt. innocenti: we're releasingoc: identify this gentleman." customers at the pharmacy today, have their theories about why it's being targettd. targeted. porter: "being that it'soc: in this area." gibbens: "i stop heeroc: very
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investigators say they don't have any local reports of other bandaged criminals commiting crimes . theyywant to unravel this one, before he strikes again. there have been several other robberies at the drug store ... but police do not think they are linked.... linked....if.../ you have.../ any... &pinformation.../ about... the.../ bandage bandit, .../ ááyou'reáá... asked... to... call police.../ another big rush-hour back-up . toniggt. this time it happened along thh north bound lanes of the j-f-x near the cold spring exit. police brought traffic to a standstill to deal with a minor accident. they say they didn't want to take any chances after an officer was seriously injured when she was knocked off the j-f-x last year. the.../ sheriff's office.../ took... the... first step.../ toward seizing.../ 20-vehicles.../ belonging the city.../ of... baltimore. baltimore. this...// to.../ pay../ a... 2---and-a- half.../ million dollar judgment.../ awarded 2...//
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lead paint... victims...///. ááaáá jury .../ deliveeed... the award .../ 15-months... ago.../ áábutáá because ...the it..../ áátheáá plaintiffs... are targeting.../ its assets. 3 (5:30:12) "we're going to seize every computer, pen and pencil til our judgment for these children is satisfied." satisfied." the... city... housing authority.../ insists .../ it... doesn't have the money... to pay the judgment. 3 a parkville community is upset....thee are protesting craftsman nc.....a developer planning to buiid dozens of single family homes in their ne. neighborhood.... but their protest was disrupttd after signs were destroyed, deface or stolen......baltimore county police are now investigating the repoots of vandalism. 3 the signs that are being defaced have the name craftsman on it im not pointing the fingerrbut they surely have an invested interest i this proposed development we havv no other crime in thhs neighborhood... neighborhood... dennis gilligan owner of
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craftman released this statement today..." we have been in business foo four decades and maintain an impeccable reputation and the last thing we would do is to &pfurther incite or aggrevate the community". gilligan also tells us his company is still in the process of getting approval for his development... but expects to break ground in just a few months... it's.../ the... &pclosest vote.../ in... iowa's...// history...//// ááandáá... the.../ first.../ step.../ towards ...the white house...// for.../ republicans.... republicans....áámittáá... romney.../// came... out.../ on top - //// áájustáá.. beating out.../ rick santorum.../ by..../ 8---votes. it.../ has... already been.../ a... roller-coaster.../ nomination.../ race...//// ááwitháá... 6... different frontrunners.../ since...//// heavy campaigning.../// started... in.../ iowa....//// ááoneáá,... front-runner...// was... minnesota... congresswoman.. michellee.. bachmann...// áábuttá... last...night...// áábachmannáá.../ came... in... ádeadá... last...///. p ááandáá... is... bowing... out.../ of... the... race.... "last night he people of iowa spoke with a very clear voice. and so i have decided to stand e
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asidei believe that we must rally aaound the person that our country and our party and our people select to be that st" sttndard-bearer." bachmann's.... finish ...// lastt night.../ áácomesáá./.. just... months.../ after... she was named.../ iowa.../ straw poll.../ winner/ ááforáá romney.../// ááit'sáá... on.../ o.../ new hampshire. here's... our... question of the you think... mitt romney .../ can beat.../ president obama .../ in... the... presidential election? áágoáá... to... our faccbbok page .../ and... make your case .../ for... áwhoá...// should win.../ the.../ 2012.... election. 3 3 speaking...// of... the...// caucuses...// áábadáá.../ day...// for... a... ron paul.../ supporter...// who...// has... ádefinitelyá.../ earned ...the right.../ to.../ speak... his mind. mind.20 if there's any man out there and i'm sure you all no that, we don't need to be pickee fights overseas. 36 that's... army corporal... jesse thornnsen../ introducing...// ron paul...// at... paul's... iowa headquarttrs.../ last night.../// ááddessed áá... in... his...
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military uniform,.../// ááthorn-senáá... supports... the republican.../ presidential candidate...////. áábutáá... military guidelines... áforbidá... uniformed.../ ...making... political speeches.../// ááthey'reáá... allowed... to... attend not... in... uniform.á - bad day.../// ffr... actor.../ alec ba. baldwin... his... recent... antics.../ aboard american airlines.../ flight...// áágotáá him grounded spokesman .../ for... supermarket chain...////. ááwegmansáá pulled... t--v.../ ads .../ featuring baldwin.../// ááthisáá... after... some customers.../ complained.../ about... his behavior.../ that... resulted.../ in... his.../ boot.../ from... the... dec. 6-th... flight...// at... l-a-x...// in...// oklahoma...// áásaraháá mckinley.../// a... widoww..//// ááwitháá... her... 3--month old baby.../ in... her aams....//// ááhadáá... 2--intruders... suddenly...// break-in...// to... her home...// ááwhenáá... she... grabbed...// 2--guns...// ááandáá... called...// 9-1-1...// 9-1-1...// "i've got two guns in my hand is it ok to shoot him if he comes in this door?""well you have to do whatever you an to do to protect yourself. i can't tell you that you can dd that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby.""i
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knew she was scared because she was whispering, so i knew she didn't waat him to know that she was on the phone wiih " me." sarah... killed...// one... of the... thieves...// áápoliceáá... man.../ who... broke- in...// áalssá... called 9-1-1.../ áásayingáá... his friend... had been.../ shot.../// ááthief... number.../ 2...// was... arrested...//. a... marriage proposal..../ turns...// bad... really quickly...// ((:47 will you marry me? ///white flash//no? ohhhh! 1:10) 1:10)) you... can hear.../ the roars ...from the crowds .../ at... the... u-c- l-a.../ basketball game.../ ááasáá the woman declines.../ and... walks aaay...//ááitáá happened ... around christmas... / áábutáá surfaced... on youtube .../ this week....// 3 her heart was much colder than the air in baltimore today.
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today. a... chilly day.../ in this... young year. meteorologist emily gracey has a look at what's happening now. and it looks like we have some snow onight. &ptonight. this is video fro east baltmore---- 3 3 3
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"it's about the unprecedented power given to this - really just is another czar - but really, this is on steroids." did the president just break the law? why republicans say he just tore up the constitutiin for political gain. a malfunction saves a life. how a rare problem kept this cleek alive. common sense says even lawmakers need to wear seatbelts. why that wasnt even the dumbest thing he was doing at the time.
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key.../ republicans .../ prepare.../ to... fight... president obama.../ ááoveráá...// severall.. appointments.../ áátheyáá... say...// trashes... the constitution...////. áátheáá president... used...// an... old trick.../ designed... for times.../ when... lawmakers .../ pouldn't... always ágetá.,..// ááedáá heery .../ explains../// . why...// bama's... move.../ may...// end.../// in... a supreme coort .../ showdown. 3 it's the most in-your-face move of president obama's "we can't wait" campaign, sparking a conssitutional and legal showdown ... by heading to the politiial battleground of ohio to use his executive power to defy republicans -- and install the state's former attorney general as his new consumer watchdog.obama says: "financial firms have armies of lobbyists in washington looking out for their interests. it's time you had someone lloking out for you and fighting for your iiterests and that's richard cordray."republicans have little quibble wiih cordray -- their beef is with the consumer financial protection bureau ... created by the dodd-frank wall stteet reform
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... cornyn says: "it's about the unprecedented power given to this - really just is another czar - but really, this is on steroids." republicans are furious about the president muscling through not just cordray -- but also three people toothe national labor relations board today while the senate was in pro- forma seesion.the u.s. chamber of commerce may launch a legal challenge -- and senate republicans charge the moves are unconstituttonal because a president can't make recess appointments when the senate is not actually in fact, democratic leader harry reid previously used pro-forma sessions to block such appointments by then-president bush.neverrheless, a served in the bush adminstration said mister obamm has the power.elwood says: "they're not appointments i'd like see made. but on the law, i think, its a tough - its a difficult question, but i think he's got the better side of the argument on this one." this is a flash point because it involves the central narrative the president is pushing in the 2012 campaign -- he's
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fighting for tte middle class while republicans protect wall street.obama says: "the only reason republicans in the senate have blocked richard is because they don't agree with the law that set up a consumer watchdog in the first place." republicans insist they have legitimate concerns the $500 pillion dollar agency will over-regulate businesses -- so they want to reform the reform cornyn says: "there's too much at stake beeween now and november to just put aal of that on hold in favor of a campaign for his reelection." all of these recess appointeee will serve through the end of 2013, republicans particularly upset about the nlrb. congressman darrell isso ccarges the president is helping unions because his board is making decisions that hurt corporate america. although a white house aide notes one of the picks is a republican. at the white house, ed henry, fox news. it took until january, but that bitter cold air is finally here. here. and i don't know about you, but i can't
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wait until it goes away. away. let's go to meteorologist emily gracey with your skywatch forecast. 33
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he's one of the staae's top lawmakers, and he's breaking the law in so many ways. why flying ddwn the road at over 100 without a seatbelt was the least of one lietenant governor's problems. 3 3 inches stand between life and death. theeamazing problem that kept this robbery victim breathing. 3
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common sense says... you shouldn't speed.especially when you're the lt. governor driving a state issued vehicle at 100 miles an hour. the lieutenant governor of massachusetts is apologizing for crashing his state-issued vehicle.tim murray was going more than 100-miles-per-hour before he ran off the road back in november. 3 i can ttll you, i was not on the phone, i was not emailing, that. i can tell you that. it's not something i ordinarily do in the car while driving...and you're going to have to take my word for it."
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murray now says he now believes he fell addition to going 108 miles an hour....he was also not wearing his seatbelt.he says he took a breathalyzer test after the crash and no alcohol was detected. 3 41 open the safe only manaage 43 43a store clerk had a guardian angel with him.../ when he was being robbed.../// smith aad wesson was apparently...on the fritz...// we'll explain./.. next two robbers two robbers point their
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guns at a clerk's head and pull the trigger. trigger. the... violent crime.../ is... caught on tape,...// ááyouáá... can hear... the click.../// of...a.../ trigger...//. &pit open it now i can't open i9 19 amazingly, .../ the gun ...jammed...//. áátheáá malfunction... was the only thing.../ between... life and death.../ for... the clerk.../// áátheáá robbers... didn't understand.../ how... the... "timelock safe"...// couldn't... be open...// for... this... very reason..../// ááafteráá... trying kill the man, .../ áátheyáá pistol whip... him.../ as... he huddles .../ on... the floor..../// 41 open the safe only manaage 43 2 it takes two keys and 30 minutes oepn it now , i said open x2 59108 in: i'm going to say it one more timeone two three---- oc: i can't open it. 108 -- 116 127 i cant open itx2 it's not possible to open it 132 132 police... are still...
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looking.../ for thee gunmen...//. áábotháá face charges ...of... attempted murder.../// how long is this cold air going to hang around? around? let's check emily's extended forecast. 3 a major honor for terrell suggs...bruce cunningham has in sports unlimmted. that's all.../ that's all.../
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for... the late edition,.../ áábutáá bruce is here.../ ááwhicháá means's time.../ for... sports .../. .../. he kicks it off
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with a look at the ravens as they get ready for playoff football. even though they earned a first round bye in the playoffs, the ravens are not exactly taking things easy this fact, they're back on the practice field in owings mills...and that's where our morgan adsit spent the day... day... 3 3 3 3 33 3
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elsewhere...terrell suggs has had a remarkable month...since december 4th, he has foor sacks and five forced fumbles...and for that he's been named afc defensive player of the month...suggs, who is in the conversation for defensive player of the year, had sacks in 3 of the ravens 5 games played during that period.he had a career high 14 sacks in the regular season, and his 7 forced fumbles set a
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franchise record. the nighmare continues for the towson tigers...after going winless in the year 2011, they tonight tied the ncaa record for consecutive losses, losing to drexel for their 34th pefeat in a roww..and that's not even the worst of it...they managed only 27 points, shooting just 21.6 per cent from the floor...ttwson falls to 0-15 on the season... better news for coppin...they open meac play with an 83-77 win at howard..akeem ellis led the eagles with 28 if you can't wait until the ravens playoff game to see some hard hits... you caa get your fix this saturday night. more than 30 wrestlerr will compete at the du burns arena. "ring of honor" wrestling is making its baltimore debut.... and the athletes promise a great show. hey, it's gonna be the biggest thing to hit b'more since ray leeis, jonathan ogden that's right. i said it, since johnny u. baby! baby! the show starts this saturday night att seven... at the du burns arena. for tickets go to r-o-h wwestling dot com. com. and you
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have two chances to watch ring of honor wrestling on t-v. it airs saturdays at one p-m oo fox45... and then again at 10pm saturdays on the c-w baltimore. that's all for this edition of sports unlimited.....and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight.
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