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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 12, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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you searched my child without telling me. that's wrong. parents outraged... after a taser at school... leads to student searches.why some parents are more angry at the school.. than the child.. who brought in the weapon. marines... photographed.. urinnting on the deceased.the circumstances surrounding the shocking photo.. and the punishment they could face... if they're identified. i didn't even realize it was on my side of the road until it almost hit me. i almost had a heart attack." attack."and.. 9-1-1 calls flood in... after a woman drives the wrong way on the highway for 18 miles!how police finally got her to stop. 3 3 -inner harbor
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today is thursday, january 12th. 3 fiber map 3
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police search students at a southwest baltimore middle school after a student brings a taser to school. some parents say it was handled wrong.... and now they're speaking out. joel d. smith is live at the school now where some parents tell us they are still waiting for an official word from the school. good morning joel d. good morning megan, this is beechfield elementary and middle school the middle schoolers coming in here yesterday were met with metal wand detectors and police .. after a student brought a taser to school earlier this week. no one was hurt... but parents still say this was handled poorly.... because they were the last to know. the search wednesday morning was in response to an middle school student at beechfield elementary and middle school... brought a taser to sccool. school officials say they recovered the device.... and there was no disruption to the school day. but many parents are
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upset - saying they should've instead, in a statement - the school says the rincipal was notifying parents about the incident by phone ... and asking them how they can maintain a safe and productive learning environment. but one issues with the school before says, she's still waiting for her call. 2225 if a weapon was brought to school, a letter should have been sent home. i'm not going to point any fingers, just going to say if a weapon is brought to school, .. today a day aafter teh children were searched, wew still did not get a letter. 3 school officials say security searches are done periodically at all city schools. 3 as for the student who brrught the taser ... they say discplinary action against him is still being processed.... but will likely result in suspension. live in southwest baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3 police are on the hunt for a school vandal in carroll county.they say the man in this surveillance picture... defaced two weetminster
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schools on christmas day.they show him breaking into "william winchester elementary school" by throwing a brick through a window. deputies think the same man shattered two windows at west middle school next door.nothing was stolen.but the vandal caused about 12-hundred dollars in damage.anyone with information should call the carroll county sheriff's office. a frequent flyer from ghana is behind bars this morning.. after x-rays showed he was harboring drugs... áinsideá his body. body.the 61 year old suspect was caught at dulles airport. the man acted strangley after police took him to the hospital... where x-rays revealed 30-thousand dollars worth of high quality heroin wrapped in condoms in his bowels. speed cameras have snapped some people to the point of destruction.a viewer sent us this picture of a speed camera on fire.the picture was taken on howard street near the armory.police are looking for
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the vandals. 3 day one of the 20-12 general assembly is under lawmakers' belts...and already... tempers were flaring. flaring.governor o'malley wants to raise the state's sales tax from six to 7 percent... rather than increasing the gas tax.but state lawmakers increased the sales tax... by 20 percent ... five years ago. the senate's top republican calls áanotherá increase "insane." (pipkin) "what happen to the more than $1 billion tax increase that happened in 2007, all the fees, $225 million in tolls that were just raised you know, maryland families are struggling and the fact is they're angry and they're angry because they keep thinking the state demands more and more." more." the governor is also considering "tripling" the state's flush tax from 30 to 90 dollars. meanwhile... "watchdog" groups are speaking out against both plans to either raise the sales tax or the gas tax.they say both are regressive and will hurt struggling families.the gas
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tax proposal would cost 15 cents more per gallon.if that's approved get ready to pay more... at the pump. sad.">maryland drivers will already be paying more this year... because of major increases in tolls for some bridges and highways. now, if the gas tax increase can't be challenged because it's an appropriations bill.""mericans for prosperity" began a petition drive so marylanders can let their lawmakers know what they thiik of the proposed tax increase.find the petitioo at fox baltimore dot com ... look for "stop the gas tax" under " hot topics."
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a frederick county soldier will be laid to rest today. army specialist ron wildrick was killed in action in afghanistan. wildrick's remains were returned to his hometown of woodsboro on wednesday.patriot guard riders and police were out in full force, escorting the remains of the soldier back home. (patriot guard rider) "every bridge was covered with fire trucks and people with flags and saluting.." saluting.." hundreds of people lined the streets to show their respect for wildrick.his funeral service is set for today in woodsboro... and the burial will take place tomorrow at arlington national cemetery. closer to home... in northeast baltimore it was a hearty welcome home to troops returning from afghanistan. dozens of marines returned safely. families were reunited with the marines at their home base on hamlet avenue after a tour of duty that lasted more than a year.loved ones say the last hours of waiting were the longest. 3 "everyone said ........ no point when it was easy."
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easy.""we sat and waited for 25 was the longest 25 minutes of my life." life."one member of the platoon was injured in afghanistan but is reported to be recovering nicely. a video... making the rounds online... shows men who could be u-s marines, urinating on dead barbara starr explains.. marine corp officials are now trying to identify the four shown in the video.desecration of a body by u-s troops could be considered a potential war c. crime. the 39 second video began to appear on the internet on wednesday, showing 4 men dressed in marine combat gear apparently uuinating on three 3 dead bodies. now, the marines have launched a full investigation into what exactly is on this video, who may be involved and what it shows. sources are telling us right now there's no reason to
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believe it is a fake or photoshopped, but they don't know exactly when it was taken and who is in the video, that is what they're looking into. still, a senior marine corps official tells us when you look at the still phooo that we are able to show you, we have blurred out the faces involved. you can see there are 30 caliber sniper rifles being carried and some of the marines are wearing specialized sniper helmets, indications possibll that this is a marine corps sniper unit, perhaps -- perhaps, that served in afghanistan during 2011. ssill, no confirmation, but that is one of the assumptions that the marines are looking into. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. some broncos fans will have too wait a little longer... to get their hands on a tim tebow jersey.turns out the team store in denver... is undergoing a tebow jersey
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shortage.and it doesn't help that reebok... the maker of the jerseys... lost their relationship with the n-f-l... so the company has stopped making jerseys for all teams. in april... nike will become the official supplier of the national football league. a woman hits the washington state roadway going a hundred miles an hour...that's bad enough... but the kicker?she was going the áwrongá way! the 60 year old woman ... was heaaing north... in southbound lanes ... going 18 miles in the wrong direction... just before 2 o'clock in the morning on wednesday.officers fiially had to stop the woman by closing off the highway... and puncturing one of her tires... before she ran into anyone. caller: "and they're going full speed like over 60 miles per hour."dispatcher: "did you get any kind of vehicle description, or how many people...?"caller: "no i can't see it they were going really fast."caller: "he almost hit me head-on. scared the crap out of me. i didn't even realize it was on my side of the road until it almost hit me. i almost had a heart attack"
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attack."police believe the woman mixed alcohol and prescription drugs ... and she didn't even know she was on the freeway... and doesn't remember the whole ordeal. she has no prior convictions and is now out of jail. coming up on the early edition... metrobus crashes... caught on tape... tape...nats of a crash!! crash!!how many have happened...and whose examine the actual training... a bus driver goes through. through. 3
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 175 map
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3 still to come... ford announces a major recall of older model mini-vans.the ones affected... and the problems they're caasing. causing.nats of anotter crash. crash. but first... dangerous metrobus accidents... caught on tape. why drivers are under fire... and what could be distracting them from properly doing their job. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) man: my electric bill was breaking the bank.
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so to save some money, i trained this team of guinea pigs to row this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. washington's public transit
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system is in hot water following the release of dozens of shocking collisions and close calls... all caught on tape.brian todd examines the collisions... and the training behind the drivers of the buses. buses. --reporter pkg-as follows -- (nats)brace yourself.. on the right of your screen, you're about to see a pedestrian get hit by a bus.(nats/crash)"oh no! oh no!"the pedestrian, we're told, wasn't seriously injured. here a bus slams into an s-u-v stopped in a school zone.(nats/crash)"whoa- damn!" deja vu... another one hits an s-u-v at an intersection, with
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a child nearby. in clip after clip, collision or close- call... all involving metro-buses from washington d-c, sixth-largest city system in the u-s. cnn radio affiliate w-t-o-p got the clips rom the bus system through a public-records request. the station says it got 134 near-collision videos-- dozens showing actual collisions and violations, covering just a two-month period last summer. they're recorded on a device called 'drive-cam', activated by g- force. in some of them, the incidents clearly are not the fault of the bus drivers. but pn at least three of the clips, buses are shown running red lights. look at this near-miss..(nats/honking) (reporter: "i mean that's pretty egregious riiht?")"it is egregious. and it's clearly the inattention of the driver that's at issue here."we went through the clips with joan claybrook of the safety-watchdog group 'public citizen'."they clearly need to have more training if you have examples like this. and there are quitt a number of these in a short period of time..this- in a city with millions of
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pedestrian tourists on the street each year."in addition to her comments about the possible lack of adequate training, claybrook is concerned that a lot of these metro-bus drivers ssmply aren't aware enough of the sheer sizzree and deetructive capability of these vehicles." claybrook says distractions are a huge problem among city-bus drivers.. and says some make mistakes from the stress of trying to keep up wiih schedules. we approached some metrobus drivers on the street to ask about their training. they wouldn't comment.(nats)"are you riding the bus?"(reporter: "no.") (reporter: "can you talk to us about your training, anything like that?"))ut metro bus official jack requa sayssthe training is excellent, that their drivers have an exceptional safety record- especially considering what they're up against."we carry about 543,000 passengers on a given weekday, we've got the challenges of pedestrians, double-parking, events that are taking place, construction...but the numbers are getting better, and we think that the program works." -----end-----cnn.script----- straight ahead...
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big plans for amtrack.the company is adding several new trains to their fleet.but that's not all... find out what else they're improving. drivers listen up... a major recall could affect you.the models of vehicles being recalled... and causing.erous problems they're - ((break 3))
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3 ford is recalling almost a half-million older model vehicles.. and as shelby lin reports... there are big changes coming down the track for amtrak. amtrakk --reporter pkg-as follows -- concerns over europe's debt crisis held stocks in check wednesday.the dow -- lost 13 points to close at 12,449the nasdaq and s and p 500 were up slightly ford is recalling 450-thousand older model minivans and s-u-v's because of safety concerns. the 2004 and 2005 ford freestar and mercury monterey minivans could experience a sudden loss
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of power -- which increases the risk of a crash. and he 2001 and 2002 ford escape compact suv has a reservoir cylinder that can leak fluid and cause a fire. amtrak has big plans for 2012 aater record ridership in 2011.the company will add 70 new electric locomotives to its fleet -- increasing the speed along the carrier's northeast corridor and laying the groundwork for high speed rail. e-ticketing will be offered for all trains -- and improvements will be made to tracks and bridges.the maker of twinkies has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy -- but the popular sweet treat will sttll be available. hostess brands will continue to crank out twinkies and other iconic products like ho hos and ding dongs during its re-organization. company officials say there are no plans to lay off employees or close plants. the privately held company owes more than one billion dollars to creditors.for business brief, i'm sselby lin.-----end----- cnn.script----- coming up... first lady michelle obama fights back against allegations ... in a new book about her family.mrs. obama
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sets the record straight on claims.. she's hard to deal with... whether she's enjoying her time in the white . house. 3
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baltimore's plans to remember martin luther king


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