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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 13, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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(youtube) (snorting ca) caffeine)do you drink your morning coffee so fast you practically inhale it?now-- there's a way to do that literally.howwmuch caffeine this inhaler delivers per dose.. and the health concerns surrounding it. think twice about drinking that orange juice.the chemical that was found in several different brands.. and why they're not being recalled. (7:10:33) "i need two " riders...."and... would you hop into a car with a cooplete stranger to get to work this morning? the people opening their doors to people they don't know... and the risk.f they say is worth thh - 3
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3 today is friday, january 13th.
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3 the first homicide victim of 2012 is laid to police continue their search for his killer. killer. on january 3rd police found bruce royster... slumped in his car... shot several times. he later died at the police plastered
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the neighborhood where he was shot with flyers....royster's family mourned his death at his funeral on thursday... and remembered him as a person who spent his life helping others. "the entire situation is horrible, whether he's the first or the fifth, the fact he went in that way at all is devastating, because he did not deserve it, he did not deserve to go like that" that" neighbors say brucee royster's death is very shocking because he didn't have any enemies. anyone with information should call crimestoppers. there's a two thousand dollar reward. a handi-capped man... is recovering this morning... at home... after getting stuck under a oving city subway trai. happened on wednesday. m-t-a offcials say cameras show... albert jagd waiting in his wheelchair on the platform at the lexington market subway station... falling asllep ... then losing control of his chair... and falling off the platform... right as a train rolled by.
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rescue crews pulled jagd out from under the train. family members call him a lucky man... and say he's been hit by a train's what putthim in his wheelchair. 3 "and he just told me how he he slipped off, chopped his leg off and then they gave him a little fake leg..." leg..." iivestigators say he managed to fall in the perfect place...he left just enough clearance between himself and the bottom of the train. this video... which appears to show u-s marines urinating on dead bodies... is now drawing strong condemnation from the u-s and afghanistan.military officials say they have no &pindication the video isn't real.defense secretary leon panetta is now ordering a full-on investigation into the 39-second clip... which was posted to youtube.afghan president hamid karzai's spokesman called what the marines did... is simply's a thought that's shared by officials in washington... and top commanders in afghanistan.
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"any acts which treat the dead - enemy or friendly - with disrespect are utterly unacceptable." the identities of people in the video haven't been formally released. but officials do believe they are part of the 3rd battalion, 2nd marine regiment, based at camp lejeune, north carolina... which returned from deployment in september r october of last year. more than 100- thousand marines remain in afghanistan... and a former general says these imaggs could damage our credibility as a country. 3 a nationwide manhunt may be launched to find four convicted murderers pardoned in one seems to know where they are.but as ninette sosa reports... state officials are making it their mission to find out. 3 these four men --all onvicted murderers given life sentences -- are roaming free thanks to a pardon from former mississippi governor haley barbour.the state's attorney general has since gotten a temporary injunction that requires the men to check in
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daily with prison officials. problem is, they don't have to do that until they're found and officially served with court documents."there's going to be a national search for some of them. we'll catch them. it's just a matter of time.""do you know where they are?""uh, no."barbour cleared the records of more than 200 convicted criminals before leaving office this week.a judge yesterday blocked the state from releasing any more of the newly pardoned criminals.but it's the ones who were already set free that have the families of the victims on edge."how is the state of mississiipi better off? how is the country better off? because all of these guys aren't staying in mississippi. they're gonna be all over the united states."barbour says 90 percent the pardons were recommended by the parole board -- and many of those pardoned were already free.but the state's attorney general says the former governor acted above the law."it appears the vast majority of these so- called pardons that he attempted to grant, there was no proper publication. and
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we're going to have to go back and try to set aside, probably the vast majority of these 175 attempts to pardon people."i'm ninette sosa, reporting. could there soon be another bush in the white house? former first lady laura bush is calling on her brother-in-law... to run for president.on thursday... she spoke about jeb bush... during a speech in florida.she pointed to his work on education... as proof he would make a good president.the former florida governor has not ruled out a run for the white house in the future. 3 3 purple pride... in full ef. effect.(grandma)"this is for my grandson" grandson" baltimore sportssand novelties on reisterstown road in owings mills... has merchandise piled from the floor to the ceiling. customers have been crammmng through the doors to buy the lltest ravens apparel both big... and small. the shops owner says business is booming. and they're sure... this weekend... there'll be a mad dash to collect any and everything purple.
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(owner)"there will be a surge" (owner)"i can guarantee there will be a line out the door" (lady customer)"this is my second or third time this looking for anything &pi can use to root the ravens on.. we are should sell wigs actually" actually" but while you're on the hunt for that perfect purple sweatshirt, t-shirt or jersey. beware of bogus merchandise. merchandise.the better business bureau has gotten complaints from customers who ordered items online... and received poorly-made counterfeit products... and knock off jerseys...many thought they were buying from a legitimate sellee... but were fooled by look-alike websites based in china. "the logos look authentic, we've found our own bbb logo pirated to try to ive additional authenticity to these sites- i mean it looks like you're the real deal." deal."the better business bureau says customers should buy their gear directly from the n-f-l website orrlocal retailers you can trust.
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friday is finally here... which means the purple pride is reaching a fever pitch. joel d. smith is live at alonso's, where a ravens caravan is kicking off this morning... and it won't stop until 9::0 tonight. good morning joel d. how many locations are they going to today? 3 3 3
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3 3 coming up on the early edition... two teens facing murder charges... but neither wiil face the harshest punishment possible. possible.they felt as if it was cruel and unusual punishment punishmentfind out why the death penalty is off the table for these suspects... suspects... ((break 1)) 3
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 175 map 3 map fiber map 175 map 3 3 3 3 3
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nothing says playoffs.. like pi. pizza.we're giving away a papa john's ravens playoff pizza includes six pizzas delivered to your home for free.. just in times for the big playoff game this sunday. stay tuned to fox45 good day baltimore for your chance to win. still to come... looking for a job?the company that's hiring thousands of workers... for their springtime rush. rush.i haven't seen that the death penalty has deterred the number of murders and crimes
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going on but first....two teens charged with murder... won't see the inside of a death chamber.the restrictions that make the death penalty... an impossible punishment. ((bump out)) this week police arrested a
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16 year old for the shooting death of his father in bel air and another harford county
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teen was arrested for murder last yeaa. both face the possibility of serious punishments... but one sentence... is already off the table crime and justice reporter joy lepola tells us why both suspects will avoid the death penalty. penalty. two suspected teen killers...both from harford county... and both staring down serious sentences if convicted. 17 year old donnell graham is accused of fatally stabbing a blind mmn back in august 2011. the most recent killing happened just this week. (monica) 12:46:32 the young man drove the body from the home to the pond. robert richardson is accused of murdering his own father inside their bel air home. while police say the teen did give a taped confession... he will avoid paying for the crime with his own life. stand -up 6:53:47 in the state of maryland you have to be 18 years of age to be eligible for the death penalty. in richardson's case he's 16.
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a supreme court ruling made 18 the cut-off for execution eligibiluty .6:47:38 and they felt as if it was cruel and that should have really left up to the individual states to decide that :47 harford county state's attorney joe cassilly who supports the death penalty says... jurors might be the best suited to make that decision.6:48:14 you know somebody ho was 17 if they felt their crime was so horrendous that the death penalty was callled for then... for many lawmakers however.... the death penalty should not even be an option 3 regardless of age. 6:28:32 i haven't seen that the death penalty has deterred the number of murders and crimes going on 28:38 while 18 is the youngest a personncould be executed.... at the age of 14 in maryland.... not only can you be charged as adult in cases of first degree murder.... they be given life without parole. joy lepola fox 45 news at ten. straight ahead... 3before you pour your next glass of orange juice... find out what the government is doing to make sure it's safe. safe.and thousands of jobs are up for grabs ...the company
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looking to add to it's payroll. ((break 3)) 3
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even though december marked the height of the holiday shopping frenzy, retail sales were weaker than expected.but as elizabeth corridan explains... that was not the only disappointing news investors got thursday. thursday. --reporter pkg-as follows -- despite those worse-than- expected reports on retail sales and unemployment, stocks ended slightly higher thursday. the dow picked up 21 points to close at 12,471the asdaq and the s&p 500 also ticked slightly higher.399,000 people filed for first-time jobless from the week before.analysts are quick to point out that unemployment numbers can be tricky to calculate around the holidays, partly because of all of the temporary workers that come and go. if you're looking for a job?head to home
5:26 am anticipation of the busy spring season, the retailer plans to hire 70,000 seasonal hired about the same number last year.coca-cola gets the credit for sounding the alarm in the ongoing orange juice scare.the company - which makes the minute maid and simply orange brands - notified u-s regulators when it detected low levels of a fungicide in its own and competitors' products.use of the fungicide is legal in brazil but not in the u-s.11% of the orange juice sold in the u-s comes from this point, the food and drug administration is not ordering a recall but is testing products on retail shelves.there is also a hold on imports of all orange juice and orange concentrate until they pass inspection. for business brief, i'm elizabeth corridan.-----end----- cnn.scriit----- coming up... the italian government is struggling ... and severly in the "red."but you'll never believe who they could turn to... for help. congress passes about
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300 laws in a typical year. but federal bureaucrats enact more than 3,000 regulations annually. hundreds of regulations have the often don't receive before they're put intt effect. and they can sometimes be very deadly. consider the food and drug administration and similar agencies the number of prescription drug shortages hit an all-timeehigh last year. such as those used in surgery, chemotherapy infection had shortages. some hospitals were forced to buy drugs on the black market. at least 15 patient deaths in 2010 were blamed on drug shortages have recent years. there short supply in 2004. government production quotas and price controls are the shortages. the fda limits drug production outputs. can take months or even pharmaceutical company to get approval to government price controls including rates can make drrg drug companies to limit or even stop production. the situation will only bureaucrats write new regulations as obamacare goes into for more on this story visit behind the follow us twitter and facebbok. 3 3 3 3 3
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the ravens. where purple


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