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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 17, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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stroke risk. the mineral to add to your diet... the on fox 45 news at 5:303 3 p, 3
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occupy protestors say they'll be back in east baltimore again today.this comes... &pafter they were kicked off state property yesterday.megan gillilann is here withhmore on
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how many arrests were made and why they say they're not &pbacking down. good morniig patrice,three hours into this occpuy baltimore protest... and you can see city police... maryland state police... and a wall of police in rrot gear surrounded east monummnt street. street. state police say they had annopen dialouge ith occupiers when they started this protest yesterday afternoon... it's at the site of a proposed state juvenile detention center.protestors believe the money should be spent on sshools and not jails. but after a few hours... police say they had to maintain the the process... six people were arrested. "the city came and tore down our tent and they had the iot cops to make sure we didd't fight baak" back"poliie say the problem is... it's state property...and aaainst the law. protesters had orginally planned to sleep out there for
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5 days.anddalthough police and makeshift school... protestors say they'll be back again today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. see more of the protest and arrests online ...go to fox baltimore dot com slash... raw news. the attorney for the soldier military informatiin to wikileeks... wants to question secretary of statt... hillary clinton.david coombs... bradley manning's attorney... failed in his attempt to call clinton as witness in manning's preliminary hearing last month.the army is still deciding whether the 24 year old should stann trial. you see it all the time... people listening to music... as they're walkiig down a busy street... or crossing a congested intersection... buu those two things... can be dang. dangerous.researchers at the university of maryland... say there's been a big increase in pedestrians gettinggstruck
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they were wearing heaaphones. in fact, those caaes have tripled in he last sixxyears. music causes a noisy distraction.. making it more difficult to hear potential dangers. &pa bbltimore man continues to recover this morning ... pfttr undergoing a surgery... that was the first f its kind. chris lyles is at home after aasuccessful trachea transplant operation in stockholm, sweden.lyles has a synthetic trachea seeddd by his own stem cells.he's the first man in the world to undergo the surrery.while he says ii was nerve-wrecking... it waa necessary. "i was a little nervous, but had faith in my doctors and ffith in god and it was something i needed to do to save my life" life"lyles is now cancer free and hoping his case will be tte catalyst that kick starts the procedure in the u-s. 3 p3 and you think you're according to ravens? -
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nfl-dot-com, joe lacco earns pn extra 200 thousand dollars for each playoff victory. yet, he's far from the only one profiting from this post-season run. joel d. smith is live in parkville where one local bakery is trying to capitalize on the purple craze.. good morning joel d. 3 good morning patrice.
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a special honor for a local bakery ii baltimore."southern living" magazine says, "viccaro's" pignoli and almond sliceecookies are among the five bess treats in the southern u-s.employees say... the honor ... came as a surprise. zoppo says: 11:09:55 "we were shocked because nobodyyknew that it was coming and then we got the all and all the &pnewspeople started coming we were very surprised and exciting at the same time." 10:4 10:04the restaurann is located... in little italy. ever heard of a crook.. with a conscience?apparennlyya bank robber in ohio... thought twice about his law-breaaing de. decison.he robbed this cincinnati bank friday, got in a cab, then called 9-1-1 to turn himself in. take a listen for yourself. suspect: umm. i was the one that robbed the us bank and i need to report it tooturn myself in. ddspatcher: ok hold pust a mooent. where are you
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in the tower place mall? suspeet: i'm right by humler and nolan''. dollars in cash from tte bank. he was arrested, shortly coming up on the early . - the baltimore grand prixsts of - prix14:03:01"you start to question why they are doing thi, this,wheee we found ttousands of dollars worth of expenses linked to the big race... that áyouá paid forr for. ((break 1)) ((b
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[ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 3 3 3 &
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the holidays are over... summer is ssill months away.. wouldn't it be nice to sneak away for a quick vacation? vacation? we say "go vacation"! we are giving away a trip for two to anywhere southweet airlines flies.. courtesy of watch fox45 morning news for each day's codeword. enter the correct codeword onnour facebook page. each day... we'll draw a name. that person gets a "go vacation" game for the wii.. and will be entered for the stay tuned for today's code worr. coming up... the finnncial fallout frrm the baltimore grand prixwhy the price tag ffr the race was bigger than the city reported and where some of those costs were buried. buried.and later in sports... it's not just pllyers that john harbaugh says is a big reason for their success... ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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3 what was first ttuted as a tremendous success... noww failure. the baltimooe grand dollaas in taxes and fees to the city... and more than 100 million to private dollars in hidden costs.... 3 jeff barnd explains...
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in this morniig's wastewatch cover story. story. 14:03:01"you start to question why they are doing this, that there is something deeper that we are not aware of"it's been a long time since the baltimore grand prix wowed the ciiy with sleek sounds of high speed formula one cars racinn through the inner harborrince debts incurree by promoters of remain unppid...taxes still owed, and ccsts that just keep piling up.((ack young - 17:38::5) "i didn't have a crystal ball, but i'm smart from our mistakes."it's aan fiscal mess that prompted the city to sever ties with the grand prix's original proooter balttiore acing development group.(((bite with jay davidson from 9/3/11 pkg))) we've raised more than 3 millionn.. for an event i don't think anybody anticipates ill e profitable to the investr group for at least the first two years."but as questions linger about the
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not ppnned out as promisied, we've uncovered even more spendingthat paints an even bleaker picture..documents obtainnd by fox 45 that show hundred of thousandsof dollars in grand prix costs were paid byytaxpayers . ...including contracts that have little to do with improving downtown infrastructure as promsiedd &pmoney spent for staging of the race, hidden from siggt. llke $47,000 foo a philadelphia p-r ffrm to design a race web site and brochurecosts actuaaly attributed in these invoices to proooting theeproposed lgiht rail red line. it's a descrepancy city officiall cannot explain.... when questioned. then there's $13,000 for a single day of paving...emergency work the city told the board of estimates was neeeed for a business that is opening really ... for pricey paving was needed to smooth out he street for racing. and remember all the ciiy employees who worked feverishly to set-up and
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remove fences and grand stands? well ou paid for it. $17,000 worth of employee wages eaten by citt taxpayers you even paid for trees to be cut down before race...a move that proooked a lawsuit. ... the total bill for taxpayers? 23-thousand bucks it's spending towson univeristy economics professor tom rhoads says is the result offpoor planniig and panic.14:01:07"if you think there is $30 millionm worth of expenses ut there will be $70 million worht of benefits, you pull the tirgger you will go for it. when it turnn ouu not to be true you're in the hole. decisions made when mayoo 3 stepanie rawlings-blake was taking flak during the rolley from 9/3/11 pkg) "the mayor's grand prix is more likely to cost taxpayers money than make money for baltimore." wws it all spent -- to savv ffce?14:05:44"when yoo have losses like this you going to start to see the ugly side of things.meanwhile, mayor stephanie rawlings-blake...
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continues to stand by the grand prix.... insisting it's &pa good bet for baltimore... (mayor bite from pkg 20:40:38) "it's an important parttof baltimore's plans o move forward."officals from the department of transportation defend the race too.... they peleased these documents to us defended the spendingg claiming...."the project waa million under budget, rrpaving nine lane miles on major downtown streets used by days aayear. "but it's also part of a growing tab.... and vendors who provided prrvate services are still waiting for their payday too ----insert bite from file pkg 01/02/12) "it was a big lesson learnewd for us... they weren't."while some city leaders say they'll pursue new investors... are push to bring the race back next year... citicc say... it's time to give up on the grand prix.
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(jack young) 17:36:13 "and i donnt think that right now we should be focusing oo a gran prix race at this time."if it is toocome back.... he mayor will have to hurry.... the clock is ticking... and as these records show... an event llke this.... (nats of indy cars).....takes time and money. melinda roeder.... fox 45 news attten. &pcoming up in our 6 o'clock hour... actress lindsay lohan... is back in court today.find out the reason... why she's in front of ajudge... again againfour straight trips to the playoffs...ffur straight opening game why does joe still take flack?ray lewis... defends is in sports ((break 3)) 3
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coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... a big brother is hailed a hero after he saves his three year old sister's he jumped into acton... after her
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