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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 18, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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italian yelling ábleepá ábleepáthe coast guard.. frantically tells the captain of a doomed italian ship... to get back on board.what else these chilling tapes reveal about the moments afttr the costa concordia sank. dozens of dead animals discovered in a howard county home. the clue that something was wrong... and the tip that led investigators to the house. and.. that's one big bill.the reason one baltimore grrndmother thinks she got this 16-thousand dollar water bill. 3 p3 -today is wednesday, jannary 18th.
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3 an arson investigation southeast baltimore. baltimore.flames broke out at a vacant home on east baltimore street tuesday afternoon... and spread to two other homes.neighbors think.. drug usees broke into that empty house and started the fire.
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"they in there trying keep warm.... who the landlord is." is."no official word on the cause of the fire...and there were no reported injuries. in owings mills... a home is destroyed after a fire rips through it. happened just before midnight tuesday on bridgeton court. this is a look at where the home used to can see the charred debris scattered on the ground. one person was inside at the time, but was able to escape without getting hurt.the fire department initially haa trouble locating the home. no word on what sparked the fire. friends and colleagues of the late radio talk show host ron smith...remember him in a touching memorial.. 3((music)) ((muuic))the memorial service was held at goucher college. smith spent 26-years at w-b-a-l raddo... where he described himself as conserrative... but not necessarily a republican.
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those attending... included many public officials... past and present. (ehrlich) "anyone that he suspected spoke from the heart operated from the heart, was not politically up front, he would give a break to." to."ron smith died last month ofpancreative cancer.he was 70 years old. the wrongful death rial... of a man who died after being tasered by police... continues . old jarrel gray are ssing ar frederick county police for 145 million dollars.the trial began tuesday, here in ffderal court in 2007... gray was taseree twice in the chest after he got iito a fight near a sheriff's deputy. investigators say he refused to comply with orders to show his hands. gray died two hours after he was tased. the case has raised many questions about the use of stun guns by
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they did not exist."> exist.">the attorney reeresenting the sheriffs deputy claims he properly followed his training... and did not know gray was unarmed at the time. hopefully, you've already gotten in your wikipedia searches.if not, you're going to have to wait unttl tomorrrw. as tommy andres reports... the website and several others have gone black to protest two anti-piracy bills. bills. --reporter pkg-as follows -- for the rest of the day, wikipedia will look like this. the online encyclopedia went black to protest anti-piracy legislation that is up for debate in congress.two bills known as sopa and pipa target overseas sites -- like the pirate bay -- that allow users to share illegal downloads of movies, music and other digital content."these rogue sites are hurting american jobss stealing american jobs. they're harming american consumers and they have no
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business being on the internet."the bills try to cut off access to the overseas requiring u-s search eegines and other providers to withhold their services."in the worst versions of the bill, wikipedia would be defined as a search engine and we would not be able to even link to something like the pirate bay even in our encyclopedic description of what piratebay is. i think that's a real problem. that raises really serious first mendment issues."other websites are joining wikipedia in protest, including blog boing boing. google put a black bar over its logo in solidarity with the cause."if you think of facebook, if you think of twitter, if you think of google and ebay, etc -- people put things, users on to company sites and companies can't control that, well they could, by censorship and the white house admits online piracy is a problem but has come out firmly against the biils -- saying they limit freedom of expression.i'm tommy andres reporting. the websites who are
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participating in the blackout protest will only be down for today. obesity levels in the u-s haven't gotten any worse... or better.according to new research... it's leveled off.the numbers show about one in every three adults in the u-s and almost one in every five children and &pteens are obese. african-americans and mexican- americans had higher rates of obesity than white americans. forget the drive-thru... get fast food right to your door. burger king is testing home delivery at a fee ressaurants in the washington d-c area. if it goes well... they might expand the idea.the company has ven developed new packaginggto keep your burgers and fries will cost an extra 2 dollars... and you have to live within 10 minutes of the restaurant. 3 3 most ravens fans are putting the finishing touches on their party plans by now
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for the big game this sunday.... but a few lucky folks are going to be at the game in new england. do you want to be one of them? joel d. smith is live today.... .somewhere in ravens-nation to show you how to win a free trip to the game! good morning joel d. 3
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3 it's time to do some trash talking.our sister station
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w-g-m-e in portland, maine... has the audacity to think the patriots will beat the ravens. so you want to get back at them... here what you do.go to facebook dot com... sllsh w- g-m-e 13... to let those mainers know... what's coming on sunday. coming up on the early edition... new recordings are released concerning that ill-fated iialian cruise that ran aground... killing several people.the decision the captain made... leaving his passengers in harm's way. way. ((break 1))
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((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 &p 3
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) fiber map 175 map 29 map
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3 3 3 3 some couples take a year or more to plan their wedding.but we're doing it in just one week.'s our wedding in a week contest.. and you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding... on us. enter.. tell us in a hundred words or less why you should win. win.seed your entry to "wedding in a week".. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore dot com to enter... you can also read the official rules.remember to include a photo with your
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entry! and it's all brought to you by the baltimore bridal show at the baltimore convention center february 4th and 5th. still to come... kraft is cutting thousands of jobs.the reason behind the company slashing it's payroll. payroll.and the first recordings are released aboard phe italian ship... that ran into a reef ... leaving several missing... and others dead.find out how the captain back-tracked on his original story... and why some say.. he failed at his job. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) [ male announcer ] for some reason those five food groups sound a whole lot better when you put them in a taco shell instead of a pyramid. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. fantastic! pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. new audio recordings from the
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captain of that ill-fated italian cruise ship wiil likely become a cornerstone of the investigation into the accident. the vessel crashed into rocks off the coast of italy friday night. at least 11 people were killed, 23 others are still missing. sandra endo reports on how the captain abandoned ship... while underestimating how many of his passengers were in danger. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- new tapes released by italian officials shed new light on captain francesco schettino's actions the night his cruise ship carrying roughly four thousand passengers hit rocks off the western coast of italy and began sinking. at one point, schettino admitted he was not on-board the ship to help with rescue efforts soon after the crash. italian coast guard officials ordered
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him to get back on. port authority: you go on board. it is an order! you cannot make any other evaluations. you havv declared abandoning ship. now i'm in charge. you get on board! it is clear?the recordings show schettino initially told italian officials the ship suffered a technical glitch. when asked how many passengers were still on-board the cruise liner, he grossly underestimated the count and couldn't give a precise answer. port authority: there are already bodies, schettino.capt. francesco schettino: how many dead bodies are there?port authority: i don't know! i know of one. i've heard of one. you are the one to tell me how many there are. christ! maritime experts say the captain failed at his job by abandoning ship.complete dereliction of duty. it was his job to stay aboard. hee was to be on that boat until the last surviving person was on that vessel. the captain is unddr arrest and could face manslaughter charges in washington, i'm sandra endo. -----end-----cnn.script-----
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straight ahead... notice less newer model cars on the road?your eyes aren't deceiving you.the reason behind the older model take-ove. takk-over.and many of you are away... for now.when experts predict... you'll be pulling them back out. ((break 3))
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3 a senior itizen in northeast baltimore got a 16 thousand dollar water bill in the mail. and as kathleen cairns reports...this grandmother says the bill... isn't her &pfault. 3 (evelyn foster)"its their fault!"her '85' birthday was yesterday.... but evelyn foster says she can't celebrate since nothing is 'sweet' about the '16' thousand dollar water and sewer bill she got in the mail. (evelyn foster)"16 thousand dollars is for the water that is running
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downstairs.. not downstairs but down unner the ground and thats what they are charging me for" evelyn says she has paperwork to prove the city did work on pipes under her front sidewalk in the spring of 2009, and that's when the trouble began.(evelyn)"if the pipe is burst they did it when they was under the ground. ive never had anybody on my ground to work on no water.. never." after showing us this bill.. evelyn takes us outside. (evelyn)"they said up from here up is my problem" theres a gaping hole...filled with water.. with dirt caving in on all sides. (voice only)"thats what evidently whats broke and water is running from it" (cairns standup)"-add standup-" ow, evelyn wonders if she will lose the home she has lived in half of her life.. for a busted pipe she says... is not northeast balt kc fox 45 nnws at 10
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e made several phone calls to the baltimore city department of public works. they say they are looking into the case. americans are getting aggressive at chopping credit card debt and kraft is cutting hundreds of shelby lin explains. why there are so mmny older cars on the road. road. --reporter pkg--s follows -- stocks posted modest gains despite a disappointing earnings report from citigroup, which hhrt other financial stocks as well. the dow gained 60 points to close at 12,482.the nasdaq and s and p 500 also finished higher. kraft foods is slashing about 16-hundred jobs in north america over the next year -- mostly from the sales, corporate and business units. kraft says the cuts are tied to its plan to separate into two companies -- one focused on grocery items and the other on snack foods.americans seem to be getting better with credit cards.last year, consumers knocked down their card debt by 11 percent. financial education company,
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"credit karma," says the average debt load dropped in all states.however, it thinks credit card debt will rise as the economy gets you feel like you're seeing a lot of older cars on the road?you are.according to automotive marketing company, polk, the average vehicle is nearly 11 years old.experts say we're keeping cars longer because quality has improved but also because of budget constraints. dealership service departments have the biggest challenge to keep business, because older vehicles aren't under warranty. but, independent repair shops and aftermarket parts suppliers are getting more customers.for business brief, i'm shelby lin.-----end----- cnn.script----- coming up... this boot isn't made for walking... it's made for driving!what it's celebrating... as it travels across the country. country. taking several
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prescriptions at once. the hidden health risk and surprising side effects of mixing medications... tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30


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