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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 20, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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have a delicious rrvvns tailgate.we teel you what you need o do to wii a papa 3ohn's 3 (kaleb)"these people always hate me i dont know why whya young boy... tormented on his home from school.the surprising thing that injured him the most... while getting bullied at the bus stop. praise the lord, i said thank the lord! how fox 45 helped a senior citiien get out from under a 16-thousand dollar water bill. obama singing nats nnts was... when he belted out this little diddy. 3 3
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today is friday, january 20th. 3 3 3 &p 3
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3 a man who died years ago... somehow gets a speeding ticket in baltimore... leaving his family questioning... how? how?megan gilliland is live in northeast baltimore with the city's response this morning to the outrageous ticket. ticket.good morning patrice, we're live on patrice,good morning patrice,we're live on sinclair lane at shannon drive. right behind me... is the speeddcamera that recently snapped the picture... and ticketed a man who's been dead for three years now. now.this is josephine keith... she received her son's citation in the mail... a 40-dollar ticket for speeding... issued in
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ticket, michael keith was driving a pickup truck on sinclair lane when a speed camera captured him going 43-miles-an-hour in a 30-mile an hour zone.well, keith had already passed away at that time... and neither the truck nor the tag belonged to him. still, a ticket was snapped and sent.his mother called police. "we really were concerned about identity theft. we thought maybe someone was using his name and it was an identity theft issue. once the police officcrs ran the tag, they said it's not even a valid tag." tag."but somehoww there's a ticket... ddmanding to be paid.we called the city's department of transportation.a spokesperson says it seems a key-stroke error is the blame. they assured us the family will not have to pay that ticket.but as you can imagine, it was a pretty uncomfortable situation for keith family. live in northeast baltimore, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. also firrt on fox... a special needs student is attacked at a bus stop... it's all caught on
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tape...the video is tough for any parent to watch... but it has already gone viral. viral. (show kid yelling on video "come on") on")it happened in cecil county, tuesday afternoon. 11 year old kaleb kula.. who has autism... got off the schooll bus and that's when he was punched... pushed.. and punched again.another student shot this video.but kalee says the pain from the punch was not as hurtful as the fact the video was then posted online. (kaleb) "i think that the part that was on line was the worst part cause everyone saw it and its name was sissy fight.. which was very embarrassing. i just think it was called..sissy fight because i didn't fight ba" back" elkttn police have reviewed the videotape and say assault charres are pending. meanwhile school officials are also investigating the case. the video was taken off youtube last night. 3 3
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get ready to pay higher taxes... courtesy of governor' o'malley's 35 billion dollar bu. budget.they incllde a hike in the cigar tax... and income tax deductions are being reduced or phased out.for higher income taxpaaers... the governor also wants to double the 30-dollar "flush tax".some these plans. (vitale) "if you add what happened in session last year to whattthey're proposing this year, the average family is going to see between $1,600 and hiarly budget adddd to what is already coming out of their poc" pocket."meanwhile, the governor's transportation package ... likely includes an increaae in the gasoline tax... 15 cents a gallon. if the gas tax hike can't be challenged because it's an appropriations bill. americans for prosperity began a petition drive , so marylanders can let their lawmakers knows what they can find the petition at fox baltimore dot com...and look for "stop the gas tax" under "hot topics."
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3 3 race for the republican the - nomination. first... one candddaae drops out. thursday.the texas governor entered theerace with a lot of support from conservatives but just two days before the south carolina primary... said he saw no viable path orward. sot - perry says: "... today, i am suspending my campaign and endorsing newt ggngrich for president of the united sta. states.gingrich reacted to the news on twitter... saying he is quote áhonoredá to have perry's suppoot. hours later perry's endorsement of gingrich was overshadowed ... after gingrich's second wife went on t-v tooclaim... he asked for an open ninette sosa reports... the candidate even talked about the incident during last night's presidential debate. debate. instead of riding the wave of his surge in the latest south carolina polls.......newt gingrich lashed out at the
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media... defending himself during a cnn-sponsored debate.. against charges from his second wife."to ttke an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaigg is as close to despicable as anything i can imagine." gingrich was resppnding to a question about n interview his ex-wife marianne gingrich claims the republican presidential hopeful gave her a choice between a divorce or an open marriage -- so that he could continue an affair with his current wife, callista.marianne gingrich: i found ouu through during our conversation, that it was occurring in my bedroom in our apartment in washington. he always would call me at night. he always ended with i love you. well, she was there next to him?marianne gingrich: in my home.gingrich's ex-wife says he asked for a divorce months after she was diagnosed
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with mmltiple scleroris in 19-99.reporter: did he know you had m.s.?marianne gingrich: yes.rrporter: when he asked you for the divorce? marianne gingrich: yes. and he also was advised by the doctor while i was sitting there that he knew." gingrich flat-out story is false. every personal friend i have who knew us in that period says the story was false. we offered several of them to abc to prove it was false. they weren't interested because they would like to attack any republican." gingrich's daughters from is first maariage did appear on a-b-c to refute the claims. they say his second marriage was a troubled one...and that their father is a ddfferent man noo than he was then.i'm ninette sosa, reporting. right now we don't know how the allegations will effect gingrich's campaign... four polls overrthe last few days have shown gingrich catching
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up to romney's long-held lead in south carolina. and then to know that rrverend al green was here (singing... i... i'm so in love with pou...) cheers cheers that's the president... showing off his pipes... at a re-election fundraiser last night ii new york.the event back fond memories... for the .3 president. 3 3 3 what time is it? game time!!! or close enough for ravens fans starting the playoff weekend a little early today. joel d. smith is live at alonno's in north baltimore for the ravens caravan and playoff party. good morning joel d. good morning
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patrice. 3
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nothing says playoffs.. like pi. pizza.we're giving away a papa
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john's ravens playoff pizza includes six pizzas delivered to your home for free.. just in times for the big playoff game this sunday. stay tuned to fox45 good day baltimore for your chance to win. coming up on the early edition... knowledge... is keyy key.there are a number f surprises if not outright shocks contained in the fine legal print printthe hidden rules.... you're agreeing to... when signing on the dotted line.. for a cruise. cruise. ((break 1)) ((bump in)) ♪
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beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. ((traffic reporter ad libs))
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map fbier map 175 map 29 map
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3 3 3 3 still to come... going to work... with a smile! the company... that's been voted..."the best place to work' work.' it is a long and difficult legal process processand...before you buy that cruise ticket...know what you're agreeing to.the hidden rules... that protects the cruise line... not you. ((bump out)) [ male announcer ] it sizzles, ready for anything.
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its smooth taste spreads across your bread's delicate surface. while melting into those creamy mashed potatoes... bringing a rich, warm tenderness to your peas. ohhh! it's i can't believe it's not butter! fresh butter taste with 70% less saturated fat than butter go ahead. cheat on butter. you naughty thing.
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go ahead. cheat on butter. italian authorities are considering when to call off the search for survivors liner costa concordiaat least 11 people died in the disaster, and 21 are still lisa sylvester explains... despite the clear tragedy that took pllce on the high seas, survivors and families of those who died may find themselves in an uphill battle when it comes to recovering damages. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- the 1920 death on the high seas act is a us law that allows survivors' family members to sue a cruise line. but damages in the case of death are limmteddtoolost wages and funeral expenses. bereavement. for americans on
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the costa concordia who suffered injury or mental trauma their claims are also limited. when you sign a cruise ticket- that's actually a binding legal contract, walker:there are a number of surprises if not outright shocks contained in the fine legal print, the legal mummo jumbo. the cruise lines have spent literally decades and they've had their defense lawyers draft every conceivable protection of the cruise line to limit the ability of injured passengerss to pursue their remedies. read the fine print and you'll find: passengers are not able to file a class action lawsuit. each claim against the costa cruise line must be brought individually. lost baggage claim is limited to no more than 500-dollars per passenger- unless the traveler pre- purchased insurance.
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death and personal injury claims are limiied to 70- thousand dollars under maritime law assspelled out in the athens convention oo 1976. the statute of limitations is only a year after the incident. and passengers or their survivvrs have only 6 months to notify the cruise line of their intent to file a lawsuit. and when it comes to jurisdiction lawsuits against the costa cruises have not been heard in the unites states.. but in genoa, italy the standard form contracts that passengers sign are incredibly slanted in favor of the cruise companies because they count on the fact that nobody reads them. in fact, if these cases actually go to contracts can be overcome but it is a long and difficult legal process. but companies engaged in crisis management often do above and beyond what is legally required,,if parnival in a statement said it is commmtted to providing full support to those impacted. the compann ceo
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mikki arison saying quote i give y personal assurance that we will take care of each and every one of our guests, crew and their families affected by this tragic event. our company was founded on this priiciple and it will remain our focus. the captain of the costa concordia is currently under house arrest. the chief prosecutor in the case says toxicology tests are being done on samples of his hair to see if he might have been under the influence at the time of the accident. lawyers may tty to apply wrongful death suits under other u-s or italian statutes, paaticularly if it can be proven that the captain acted with intentional recklessness. carnival may be eager to resolve any claims out of court as we learn more details about this case. lisa sylvester, cnn, washington. -----end-----cnn.script----- bocce courts...a bowling alley...and 25 cafes! cafes!no this isn't a country club!the "employer" that offers all these perks to it's workers....and thh honor it's recieved. ((break 3)) 3
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88p --reporter pkg-as follows --
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strong economic reports boosted stocks thursday.the dow rose 45 points to close at 12,623.its third straight gain. the nasdaq and the s and p 500 also closed higher.the job market is showing some encouraging signs.the labor department reports 352- thousand americans filed for unemployment benefits for the first time last week. that's a sharp drop from the previous week, and it's the lowest reading in nearly four years. any figure below 400-thousand continues to gain ground, and its employees will reap the benefits.for the first time since 2008, the automaker is giving salaried workers both merit raises and bonuses.the two-point-seven-percent base salary increases will take effect april 11t. ford is not
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commenting on the size of the knows how to keep its employees happy.the web giant has climbed back to the top of fortune's list of the 100 best companies to work's employees mission, culture, and of course, the famous perks, including bocce courts, a bowling alley and 25 cafes companywide offering free food. google was also number one in 2007 and 2008, before slipping aabit in recent years.for business brief, i'm elizabeth corridan.-----end----- cnn.script----- coming up... desperate for a computer...and no money!!what one mother offered to a pawn shop worker... instead! to truly thhive in this new world economy, we must create products, services, and goods that can e spread across the globe. if it's not a nee engineering marvel, then soobe it. but it needs to be something the world will want. to think otherwise and so small is to limit yourself to the four walls that have defined our economic growtt for the past 50 years. if &phistory has taught us anything, it's that consumer spending and even leading indicators such as "new home healthiest and most reliable harbingers of the recovery we all want and long for. are
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policymakers trying to jump-start the wrong engines of future, 21st ceetury growth? are better roads and bridges to the grocery or laundromat really the beginning of a humming


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